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#43: Even more beautiful now, inside and out!


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  1. 1. What should be our next thread title?

    • God we have it so bad...yet it feels so good!
    • That man just doesn't have quit in him.
    • Lordy, this guy makes me smile so hard. I love him
    • What boyfriend wants he gets!
    • We think we'll keep him!
    • Resistance is futile and once I heard that voice all was right with the world.
    • He's back. We're back. We're home again.
    • Yes, Clay, we still think you are sex on a stick! Southern Fried Sex on a Stick!
    • God we have it so bad...yet it feels so good!

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Awww, thanks for the early morning wishes, ladies. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I am going to be away all day today (a rarity - and it would figure it's on my birthday) - I am sure this anomaly will result in a blog at the very least. *fingers crossed* maybe they were wrong about being wrong about Clay at Wicked.

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Good Morning Everyone,

Happy Birthday Cindilu!

34 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! :yahoo:

69 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!


91 Days until Golfing For Inclusion!


Everyone have a great day!


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As for Scarlett's intermission report---woefully lacking in detail. For example:

The girl serving drinks reached under his tabard between his legs

I'm sorry, but that's just not acceptable. Exactly what was she reaching between his legs FOR?


Perhaps she was checking if he had a hole in his tights

A whole what? :dancing3:

Strange way to serve a drink............and I've never heard it called a "tabbard" before.......

Oh, honey....'it'---when referring to Clay's 'it'---has been called a plethora of things...a cornucopia of good things---a bounty of delicious things...

sigh and :hubbahubba:

and a verrra, verrra HAPPY BIRTHDAY! to you, cindilu2!

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Hope you have a GREAT day, cindilu2!


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Sounds like Clay was on fire last night! :) From CH:

From CB:

From ClayPhan:

I don't even think that "absolutely incredible" begins to cover it!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! It was like he was never injured at all. He did a little dance thing in the "NDY" scene when he says, "So, it's not just dressing up and dancing?" In "KOTRT" the LOTL threw her armor towards him. He missed it and the knight standing above him grabbed it then held it over Clay's head and kept teasing him with it. He poked one of the girl's butt's too. Then, in the same number when the waitress comes out, she went to go grab him....I'm thinking his stomach....but, she almost grabbed something else, and instead grabbed further down his leg. He totally aced "YWSOB"!!!! When the "naughty girl in nasty tights" came back out, he gave her rear a little slap. For the final number, Clay started the dance with Patsy and Bedevere, but then threw his hands up and did his own thing. He was sooooooooooooo animated tonight!!!!!!!!! No sd, but I'm just overly happy that he was even there!!!!

From Jax:

Ok guys. Seriously...i don't think you guys understand how absolutely incredible tonight. Hands down the best performance this run and definitely one of the best we've ever seen him do. Ever. We are seriously freaking out on the way home right now. He sounded amazing, looks amazing...he was so funny and animated and i really cannot even get over it. jess wants me to let you guys know that she's scheduing herself an intervention cause she's totally in love with Clay and she doesn't even know what to do.

From Invisible926:

Back from my trip to NYC. I saw Spamalot Saturday night and Clay was awesome! His energy level was sky high and he looked so damn happy to be on stage performing. I noticed lots of new little nuances that he's added since Spam 1.

I enjoyed the new king and LOTL. Merle is no Hannah but I think she does a great job!

I missed Tom a lot but thought the guy replacing Rick was pretty good.

Clay became fascinated with the ribbons and played with them and smelled them before Lancelot "kills" him. I'm glad the ribbons are back in the show. I also love the way his ears poke out from his headgear. So cute! I love the sung Amen. He totally killed on YWSOB. I held my breath through the entire number. He performed it perfectly! I also liked the barf face he made during the slo mo horse part. That was very funny!

I had a great weekend! I'm so glad Clay was feeling well enough to do a couple of shows this weekend. The fans who had traveled to NYC were very grateful.


From ClayPhan:

One more thing from tonight.....it was Lee A. Wilkin's last show. He's one of the understudies for the ensamble. Tonight, he filled in for Matthew Crowle. In "KOTRT", he played the nun. When he got spun around on the floor, he stopped facing towards the back of the stage. So he sat up, turned around and did a seductive little pose.

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:bday2: :bday2:

Cindilu2 Have a wonderful day!

I love hearing when Clay has an extra good performance. :clap::clap: Ya' think he hears the applause from here on the left coast???? :cryingwlaughter:

muski... there is only one thing she could have been reaching for under that tabbard... the naughtly wench!!! :naughtywag:

Isn't that your exclusive territory???? :whistling-1:

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muski... there is only one thing she could have been reaching for under that tabbard... the naughtly wench!!! :naughtywag:

Isn't that your exclusive territory???? :whistling-1:

Damned straight it is, liney!

Oh...wait....I said "straight"

heh... :sleezy:

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Oh my word... just got back from a meeting about inventory movement, which in itself doesn't sound very interesting, and usually wouldn't be. But, for some reason the guy talking decided to use coconuts as his example. He kept talking about coconuts moving from one place to another. It was all I could do not to burst out laughing. I kept wanting to ask if they were migrating and whether or not there were swallows involved in their movement! :hysterical:

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Oh my word... just got back from a meeting about inventory movement, which in itself doesn't sound very interesting, and usually wouldn't be. But, for some reason the guy talking decided to use coconuts as his example. He kept talking about coconuts moving from one place to another. It was all I could do not to burst out laughing. I kept wanting to ask if they were migrating and whether or not there were swallows involved in their movement! :hysterical:


happy birthday Cindilu!

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Oh my word... just got back from a meeting about inventory movement, which in itself doesn't sound very interesting, and usually wouldn't be. But, for some reason the guy talking decided to use coconuts as his example. He kept talking about coconuts moving from one place to another. It was all I could do not to burst out laughing. I kept wanting to ask if they were migrating and whether or not there were swallows involved in their movement! :hysterical:

BWAH!!!!! I swear, ain't it the truth? There are so many times when something in 'real' life makes me think of my Clay life....always brings a smile to my face, too. :wub: or :hubbahubba:

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I received an email from a friend this morning with some 'inspirational' thoughts. One statement in particular caught my attention and made me think of Clay - - -

"It doesn't matter what someone else calls you, it matters what you answer to."


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Note to self: When you decide to bake cookies...turn the oven ON...they tend to bake a lot faster that way! Slaps self upside the head

Annabear Great quote!


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Hee aikim! I'm so sorry about your cookies...hopefully, they've baked by now? I've done silly things like that before; I remember doing it one time with the crock pot. Put everything in the pot, plugged it in and left for work...totally forgetting that I also needed to flip the "on" switch! I think I saved it by putting the whole meal in the over for an hour or so.

Is the moon full tonight? Because it's just really weird all around me today. Strange situations left and right -- portions of a student's document went missing; a faculty member came in and said "I mistakenly returned my friend's book, and it wasn't this library's book either." Things like that.

I want to go home.

Can someone post a pretty picture or two just to cheer me up?

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Cookies are all done...just need to frost them now...I made pumpkins in honor of Halloween!

Loved the video on the Broadway site!


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