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#43: Even more beautiful now, inside and out!


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  1. 1. What should be our next thread title?

    • God we have it so bad...yet it feels so good!
    • That man just doesn't have quit in him.
    • Lordy, this guy makes me smile so hard. I love him
    • What boyfriend wants he gets!
    • We think we'll keep him!
    • Resistance is futile and once I heard that voice all was right with the world.
    • He's back. We're back. We're home again.
    • Yes, Clay, we still think you are sex on a stick! Southern Fried Sex on a Stick!
    • God we have it so bad...yet it feels so good!

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I love that interview, especially because you could tell that the interviewer saw the same person we see. Sometimes after reading an interview you wonder who they were actually talking to. I'm also glad to see that Ruben is there tonight and that Kelly and David were there the other night. Really nice to know that Clay has so many people in his corner. He deserves it.

And even though Obama is only a few months younger than me, his running actually makes me feel younger because he seems so vibrant. So instead of thinking, God I'm getting old, I feel inspired. Plus, since Clay's come into my life, I've actually been feeling younger than I felt when I was actually 12. Sucky childhood.

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I can't stop staring at the banner. That is one sexy gorgeous man up there. It will be a lifelong regret of mine that I did not see that show!

The last pic on the right...well he just looks happy!

OK the eHP will be meeting Lotus for dinner on the 5th of November....that's Guy Fawkes Day! Some people have to you know like vote on the 4th!!!

Place to be determined but near Willowbrook.

Back from having BBQ at the Salt Lick, am now trying to figure out which authors to see tomorrow..dang there are so many and half the ones I want to see are on at the same time.

Just let me know when and where on Wednesday night and under whose name is the reservation. :woohoo:

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We had quite a few kids trick or treating tonight, but we ran out of candy a little while ago, and turned off all of the lights at the front of the house. So it's been quiet for awhile!

A few more Clayloween pics:



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It's your FCA Anniversary!



How sweet! I never would've noticed. Figures I'd join FCA on Halloween since I was running from the Pod People. :hysterical: I love the graphic.

Cotton! We're neighbors. Who knew? I live on Youcanneverhavetoomuchchocolate Lane too!!

Couchie, put that candy down!

Muski, do you know where you're staying tomorrow night yet?

So, since it was Halloween on the boards all day, and Halloween downtown tonight, that probably means that the Halloween party I was invited to, that was on Halloween, was tonight and not tomorrow night, doesn't it? oops :cryingwlaughter:

Ldyj, I love that Spamalot interview. Love. :flirtysmile3:


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jmh....I'm waiting now for a response to my absurdly lowball bid on a Priceline hotel! :cryingwlaughter:

Heh...didn't have anything to lose, so I figured why not? I just selected three areas that Raleigh folks have said are pretty safe bets and then typed in a stupid rate and...

I'll let ya' know. ;)

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jmh....I'm waiting now for a response to my absurdly lowball bid on a Priceline hotel! :cryingwlaughter:

Heh...didn't have anything to lose, so I figured why not? I just selected three areas that Raleigh folks have said are pretty safe bets and then typed in a stupid rate and...

I'll let ya' know. ;)

Fingers crossed!

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ETA: Claytonic had to edit out that URL you had posted..topic said it was background info on Jennifer Hudson but when I clicked on it it went straight to someone in my family's email account. Very weird. And when I had someone else check it to make sure I wasn't seeing things it went to a yahoo email sign in screen. Don't know how that happened but I had to delete.

Could the admin who posted the above to me in


... please test the link I have replaced. Very odd, must be the Halloween gremlins at work/play...

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Hee, I woke up still chuckling to myself about a young Southern Baptist boy watching Nuns on the Run. I still have it on VHS. Seriously, if you haven't seen it, check it out. Robbie Coltrane & Eric Idle, what more could you ask for? Masquerading as nuns in a convent. :cryingwlaughter:

So I guess now that Clay has used the word "kid" in reference to his son, we can call off the firing squad? :hysterical:

I bet you're glad I'm going to watch some more figure skating now........

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I had about 100-125 trick-or-treaters at my door last night. My house is a "destination" - for 15 years I have bedecked the area in front of the door with all kinds of motion and sound sensitive things that shriek and jiggle and flash (sounds like I am reporting on the Clay bus line or the front rows at a Clay concert, heeeee!!!!!) - and it is fun to watch the real little ones just stare in amazement. Very few kids get scared, usually the littlest ones have to be dragged away!

This year my son and grandson did the decorating, it is a nice tradition to have passed down. Some of the jiggly shriekers are older than my 13 YO grandson!

No, I am NOT talking about fans!

Luckiest, - Bwah!!!! Sometimes it is perceived tone based on history that grates and not just a word standing all by itself. Anyways, I believe the quite unrepentant "firing squad" had its say and moved on. Just a shrug thing now!

I am disturbingly fond of the vampire Clay pic. Also the Edwards Scissorhands pic. Something about the pale skin and bone structure.

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Good Morning Everyone,

5 Days until Clay is "coming clean" on ET!


29 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! :yahoo:

64 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!


88 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! :yahoo:

Everyone have a great day!


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Cotton... below is the Salamander's link. They have done Halloween Clay things in 2005 - 2007 and they are soooo creative.



2006 is the one with Edward Scissorhands. These are absolutely awesome.

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Luckiest, - Bwah!!!! Sometimes it is perceived tone based on history that grates and not just a word standing all by itself. Anyways, I believe the quite unrepentant "firing squad" had its say and moved on. Just a shrug thing now!

Oh yeah, onwards and upwards, no repenting required. :cocktail: Just CMSU to hear him use it. :cryingwlaughter:

Heading out in a while to attend an ACAC watching party. I can't say it's an annual thing, because even though we swear we'll do it every year, it never seems to happen. Hmmmmm....how to get in the Christmas spirit quickly, when it's 70 degrees and sunny out? Figures all the snow would fall early and then melt....not that I'm complaining, mind you! :whistling-1:


Ok, that feels more like it!

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I am having a big computer problem.

Yesterday, while tying to copy a photobucket picture to my album, some Trojan thing attached itself to my computer and won't let go!!

Has anyone ever had any experience with Virus Remover 2008 and all of its components?

Just now (5 minutes ago) it gave me a series of pop-ups that I couldn't get out of. The more X's and Cancel buttons I'd hit, the more would pop up.

Here's what it looked like. I had to reboot, so I'm typing fast cause I think I have about 5-10 minutes before it starts up again!!



OH! I just noticed! Now it says 2009 - yesterday it said 2008!!

eta: here's a little something I've just found on the latest computer viruses. There is one being spread on Facebook!

BEWARE!!! http://www.switched.com/2008/10/28/sneakie...ecurity-hole-2/

PS - I love the Salamanders!!!

PPS - I think I scared a little girl at our door yesterday! It wasn't even dark, but I put on a long silver cape and some black clothes and a silver tiara and put some black shadow around my eyes and wore black lipstick. When I opened the door, I said "What do you want!!??" and she kind of jumped back... then when I said "Do you want some candy?" she snapped out of it. We only had 2 groups of kids, a total of about 7 and there were 4 adults with the larger group. They were laughing! :)

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Cotton... below is the Salamander's link. They have done Halloween Clay things in 2005 - 2007 and they are soooo creative.



2006 is the one with Edward Scissorhands. These are absolutely awesome.

Oh, yeah, I had seen the Salamander's stuff, but not recently.

I thought it was something that had been posted here and I couldn't find it!

Is it just me or does Clay seem entirely fascinated by the sword in this one??!!!



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Hubby and I made an impromptu jaunt to an antique store today and I got an early Christmas gift...a Secretary/Desk...it needs a little work, scratches and a few nicks..but it was the right price and fits the space I had it mind for it perfectly!

Whoever had it previously, must have owned it for a while because when I pulled down the secretary to check out all the little cubbies...there are imprints of the items they had it there...in one little cubby is a perfect imprint of a key!

Can't wait to start filling it up!


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