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#44: We think we'll keep him!!!!


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • I'll connect with this man in any way at any time.
    • He could sing me the Invisionfree terms of service agreement and I'd love it, so any new songs are obviously going to be coolness squared.
    • He owns us.
    • Just sing to me, pretty boy!

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I already saw ET, Clay's 15 minutes into the show...gosh, I just want to hug him!


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No photos, Clay is not supposed to do the stage door until after 12/7. I will be in NYC that day because I will be at Broadway cares Gypsy of the Year. I will try and carry the signs with me to the stage door and get pictures then. If not, I try and have him sign them, but it might be one at a time and may not all get done. Now I will sit back and watch you guys fight it out to see who's sign I should present first. Remember no closed fists are to be used and no hair pulling.

Playbiller, you definitely ARE a trouper!! Holy cow! Talk about above and beyond! Why don't you do your own little straw-draw for it, and whoever gets first dibs, gets first dibs....no need to tell us who it is as far as I'm concerned. And thanks once again for the attempt!

I already saw ET, Clay's 15 minutes into the show...gosh, I just want to hug him!

Oh gosh, me too! Wish she hadn't cut him off when he was telling about his reaction to realizing his very own, first-born son was in the hospital about to have surgery though...:( I love whatever Parker tidbits he wants to share, and I particularly love "he owns us". He does. And I'm not talking about Parker, needless to say.

Well it WAS a good night....you won't be-LIEVE what I just did!! You know those unbaked, ready-to-bake pizzas you can get from the grocery store? Well, I was putting one in the pre-heated 400 degree oven....loaded with extra cheese, olives, and hot peppers on TOP of the already all-dressed super-duper....and instead of sliding it onto the rack...yes, indeed, I DID dump it upside down onto the burner in the oven :cry4: OMG!! WHAT a mess! Thank God I had presence of mind enough to turn the burner off immediately~but there's still half-melted cheese and "stuff" EVERYWHERE...and the oven's still too hot to get it off before it cements itself there. :cry4:

So much for supper tonight.

So much for supper for the rest of the week, unless it's in the microwave. I'm leaving town Saturday AM, trying to pack AND get Christmas gifts done for my family out West...and I have no time to be cleaning ovens! :cry4:

Anyone got any super-duper solutions?? :( And no, of COURSE it's not a self-cleaning oven!! :(

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Here's another nice reprise of the Talkback, from winkatme at CV, with permission: and yes, I AM procrastinating....

Here are just a few thoughts on my wonderful evening at Clay’s Chat...

I made my way down early so as not to be late. I was hoping to get on line as early as possible. So I sat at the counter at Junior’s for a snack and kept my eye on the window every few minutes. Since I recall that we were to line up in Shubert Alley, I thought I had a handle on things. But as is often the case with me, I hadn’t considered that things might change. Apparently they set up a table close to the main entrance and the line ran along the street. YIKES. By the time I got my wristband and stopped to take in a few hugs with friends, I ended up at the end of the line….but with great company….IBG & CF!!! I got a close up look at her peasant award and saw the adorable picture with the cast. What a great peasant she was!

The line began moving and it went quickly. By the time I got in most of the center area was filled. But several of us moved quickly to the far left aisle and found some nice seats there…I ended up in Row A but to the far left. I think all of us had a good view and felt close to Clay being the way it was set up.

I know you have read so many recaps already about the questions so I won’t go through all of them but will just add a few of my own thoughts as it felt to me.

When he came out onto the stage, there was a bit of a ‘WHOHOO’….and we were all at his command. A good thing too because he had RULES…who figured. And he also added a few along the way. He knows us and the kind of things we would ask….like “Clay did you get that cute teddy bear I sent you for Parker?” Or, how we felt about him or about his birthday. He said let’s get over with and we all, in unison, wished him “Happy Birthday” and he thanked us.

I loved his answer to the question about what News programs he likes. His answer was that he wants his news to be the facts of the story, without the newscaster’s version or opinions. Just give him the facts of the story. A man after my own heart, indeed.

I was a bit sad to hear Clay say that he could admit that fame has made him a bit jaded. His exuberance in the early years was so endearing and I am sorry that may have changed a bit…but then I guess being 30 can do it to without the stardom.

I got a chuckle out of his reply to the question about learning to play the guitar. He said that he can’t even get the little thing on the piano from Spam right. He said I press the wr4ong ‘button’… To me, it is clear that his not learning an instrument at this point is not of interest. It takes practice and IMHO, he is to active-minded to sit over and over again trying to learn something over and over. Besides, IMHO, his voice is all the music he needs. I don’t take his comment to imply laziness AT ALL.

He liked scratching his chest a lot…like the clump of chest hairs were making him itchy.

Then there is the chair. As you have read, he thought it was quite uncomfortable and now knew why no one backstage ever sat on it. It was one of those stools, ergonomically crafted in the seat to fit your bottom, but it was a shiny aluminum. Clay was wearing slippery nylon track pants and from my angle, I think he was worried he’d fall off.

Loved how quickly he answered the question about what he would like to ask his fans. “What the hell is wrong with you guys? Why do you keep coming around?” I think he is still amazed at his fans love for him.

As time went on, I realized that the middle and right side of the audience had lots of questions. Being on the far left, it wasn’t that often that he looked directly our way. I hadn’t planned on asking anything at all but wanted him to look our way so I raised my hand the next time and I could have fallen over when he chose me. I asked him “Besides your personal life and charity work, what do you look back on these past 5 and a half years that you are so happy to have done”. I expected him to name a particular event that made him realize that he had made it in his career. But he thought long and said that he thought the most exciting was performing on AI….he liked the process of preparing for something different each week (I think he might have mentioned without the judges but not sure…fuzzy). Since he had answered earlier that he likes to tour…the preparation and the first few nights (after that I think he is not fond of the repetition.).

The coolest part was when later on, he referred to AI again for another question and turned and looked directly at me!!! OMG! He pulled me in…well, he was drawing on my question earlier…but it was like he threw a lasso out at me and reeled me in. That was the most amazing split second of the night for me. Heaven!!!

He was asked which album he liked the best. I know by reading the Focus Thread that many did not like his answer. The thing about this chat was, it was like he was really chatting with a few friends. He knew we would be reporting back and, several times, he prefaced an answer with “I know you won’t like this”. Or the fans may not like this….those kinds of things. But he answered ATDW. When I think back, I can understand. From what I recall, he did initially say that the covers album was ‘mandated’ and I gathered that was not something he liked. But I also recall that he said that since the covers was a given, he was going to make them the best arrangements he could. He wanted everything to be changed up…to do it his way. I really think that he meant that he enjoyed the ability to put his changeup to those songs. That he enjoyed the process of making that album.

Also, when talking about the recording business, he astounded me at his maturity. But then, I realized that this was his career. He sits in the reality of it every day. It is not a surprise to him that the recording business is changing. And that he accepts the changes because there is nothing else to do but accept it. It is what it is. I got the impression that he is going to do whatever he can to have his recording career within the new reality. It may be hard for us to fully accept but he knows what he can and cannot do in this career of his. So, for me, I am fine with whatever decisions he makes as he really knows so much more from where he sits.

I also think that each point in time may be different in relation to what choices he makes. So, again, I don’t feel that he truly contradicts himself. His decisions will be what he feels are the best for any given day.

As I walked up the aisle to leave, I saw a female staff member of the Shubert. Someone near me asked her as they passed, “Was this Broadway Cares' idea or Clay’s”. She said it was “Clay’s”. But the look on her face….it was soft, slightly smiling and very twinkly eyes. She loves Clay and admires him…you could see it in her eyes. Clay just leaves such an impression on those that work with/ or around him. So, I guess that is one of his most amazing gifts...the way he makes people feel

I left the chat with so much admiration. What is the most? Is it the cute factor? The sexy? The maturity? The honesty? The knowledge? Can’t pick one…it's just all of him. He astounds me at every turn!

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Sending hugs to you, FromClaygary, because I've also had an oven mishap recently (an exploding baked potato, actually!)

... and I agree with cindilu that it was FromClaygary's idea about the signs with Clay so she should definitely get first dibs. Thanks for pursuing the idea, Playbiller, that's very, very nice of you! You and Scarlett rock and I thank you both for caring!

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Well it WAS a good night....you won't be-LIEVE what I just did!! You know those unbaked, ready-to-bake pizzas you can get from the grocery store? Well, I was putting one in the pre-heated 400 degree oven....loaded with extra cheese, olives, and hot peppers on TOP of the already all-dressed super-duper....and instead of sliding it onto the rack...yes, indeed, I DID dump it upside down onto the burner in the oven :cry4: OMG!! WHAT a mess! Thank God I had presence of mind enough to turn the burner off immediately~but there's still half-melted cheese and "stuff" EVERYWHERE...and the oven's still too hot to get it off before it cements itself there. :cry4:

So much for supper tonight.

So much for supper for the rest of the week, unless it's in the microwave. I'm leaving town Saturday AM, trying to pack AND get Christmas gifts done for my family out West...and I have no time to be cleaning ovens! :cry4:

Anyone got any super-duper solutions?? :( And no, of COURSE it's not a self-cleaning oven!! :(

No solutions, but most definitely loads of sympathy.

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I love that person's take on the meet and greet. And that she noticed that Clay was very aware of the business he is in and is doing what he can to work within a system that he can't change. He wants a career and he loves what he's doing. In spite of the fact that Clay is 30 years old and quite intelligent and curious, some fans still think he is an innocent kid who needs to be told how to run his career. I'm sure he is more aware of the situation than most of his fans and he's making the best of it. Although I wish he would give himself more credit. From the answers he gave, it seems like he is taking a lot of the blame for why OMWH didn't do better and I don't believe it is his failure and I think it is the best one he has ever done. Too bad more people didn't hear it.

Over at the CH, I read an interview that the Advocate did with Chris Seiber. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to bring it over, although by the time I've finished this post, it may already be here. But the main thing that I liked was how Chris said that Clay was a good friend of his. This was the same guy who had doubts before Clay joined the show and only worked with him 2 months but now considers him a friend. I thought he did feel that way because he was there for Clay's last night but it was nice to have it acknowledged in print.

Oh, and pfft to E!.

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claygary, my husband did that exact same trick with the pizza not long ago when I was out of town (thank heavens!) Evidently he scraped most of it out with a spatula on to the floor and cleaned it up from there. Our oven is self cleaning, so I completed the cleaning process that way when I got home. Hubby will be so happy to hear he's not the only one to perform that little stunt! Good luck with the cleanup!
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Love the contest, even if I have most of the prizes. An autographed AIW is nothing to sneeze at! People are commenting that the email doesn't work yet though, so maybe give it a bit of time before entering. You have until Dec 15th to send the email anyways, no rush!

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Awe Luckiest1; I hope you don't lose your days...that really sucks.

Thought I would share my little Wizard of Oz tree...with the puppy and cat we decided not put up the big tree, so I bought a 4 ft tree and put all my Oz ornaments on it. The book underneath the tree is The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus by L.F. Baum. I thought it turned out quite well!


aikim... I LOVE your lit up Oz tree! Great idea! I'm sorry about your work! Some people like others to take initiative and some are threatened by that. Apparently, she felt threatened... so sad for both of you!

I loved the Jann Karl interview! He looked gorgeous and I loved the "he owns us" comment and look into the camera! That just tickles me to no end. :cryingwlaughter:

ETA: Bottlecap... O.M.G.!!! I LOVE the parade one... I'd not seen that one before and I love the freckles! I hope Parker has a few freckles!

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Third picture... Total attack of thudly-ness.

You beat me to it, Bottlecap, I was just about to say that the last few pages had been suffering from a lack of the sexy!

I seem to be all about the stubble today, and have been scouring for beard!Clay or stubble!Clay pictures.


ETA: The left shot in the first picture... I initially thought his hair was really crazy... then I realized it was a fern behind his head casting a shadow! :cryingwlaughter: Yeah--I'm observant!

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Yummmmmmm, awesome pictures. :wub:

Here are excerpts from the Chris Seibert article, posted by freckleluver at the CH:

Haven't seen this posted yet. From The Advocate, issue dated December 16, 2008. Brandon Voss writing for the theater section interviews cast members and the director of Broadway's production of Shrek. Christopher Seiber is one of the interviewees along with the director, Jason Moore (who directed Avenue Q) and puppet master Jon Tartaglia (also of Avenue Q fame) who plays Pinocchio. These are the parts that relate to Clay:

Fairy Tales

The director and stars of the new Broadway production of Shrek talk about playing gay, fighting off fans, and the best coming-out gift for Clay Aiken.

BV: Chris, you starred alongside Clay Aiken in Spamalot. What are your thoughts on the impact of his recent coming-out?

Sieber: Coming out in People's apparently the way to go. "Yep, I'm gay." "Yes, I'm gay." What's next? "Yes, I enjoy cock."

Tartaglia: That would sell.

Sieber: I guess I can talk about it now, but Clay's a dear friend of mine, and of course I knew. He was quite open with me, but he has a lot to protect. When he came out I was happy for him, but I was also scared because his fans are very possessive and so demanding. I understand why he has a bodyguard. I was fearful for Clay's life for a moment there when he came out. I'm not kidding.

Tartaglia: There's a secret code in our business; everyone knows who's gay and who isn't. But everyone needs to find his or her own path, and Clay just needed to find the right time. When The Advocate asked me if I'd come out during Avenue Q, I said, "Why not?" I wasn't worried about how it was going to hurt my career, but I'm also not trying to sell millions of records to 13-year-olds.

BV: As members of Broadway's gay mafia, did you have flowers delivered to his Spamalot dressing room?

Sieber: I texted him and said, "Good for you. Welcome home."

(this ends the article)

They also discuss flirting at the stage door, straight actors portraying gay men and should gay actors play gay roles. If anyone is interested in the entire article I can have it scanned tomorrow.

It always CMSU when people assume Clay's fans are teenyboppers. :cryingwlaughter:

*editted to add some spacing*

ETA: Hee, love the pop-up text on the banner!

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claygary, my husband did that exact same trick with the pizza not long ago when I was out of town (thank heavens!) Evidently he scraped most of it out with a spatula on to the floor and cleaned it up from there. Our oven is self cleaning, so I completed the cleaning process that way when I got home. Hubby will be so happy to hear he's not the only one to perform that little stunt! Good luck with the cleanup!

Well, I'm glad at least I'm not alone! I did the same thing with the spatula right away (well, not onto the FLOOR!! I'm not completely stupid :lol: ) but there's still an H of a lot of cheese in there and the whole house smells like pizza! Not a bad thing unless you're wanting....you know....pizza. :(

I'm going to sue the store (kidding.....). After my panic attack, I realized there were TWO cardboards under it instead of one; I had hold of ONE. Not a good thing.

ETA: LOVE the WDW picture and the Afghanistan one....just loved, loved, loved that beard with his favorite hair. :wub:

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Heheh, I knew I loved Chris Seiber for a reason. I would have loved to hear some of the backstage conversations between those guys (all of them). Oddly enough I had the same fears for him. *shudder*

ETA: muski, you can only see it in IE - if you use Firefox (or other browsers) it isn't visible. It says 'Hair, shmair. He is gorgeous.'

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Oh yeah... the stubble is really doing it for me today. I literally went "HYURK!" and practically swallowed my tongue at that grey suit and stubble picture! Forget the hair--bring the stubble back, Clay! Stubble very good!

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