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#44: We think we'll keep him!!!!


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51 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • I'll connect with this man in any way at any time.
    • He could sing me the Invisionfree terms of service agreement and I'd love it, so any new songs are obviously going to be coolness squared.
    • He owns us.
    • Just sing to me, pretty boy!

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WHEW!! I've been reading and reading and reading here to get caught up. Took longer than I expected, because these ridiculously gorgeous pics kept popping up in the thread, and I HAD to stop and drool. Stubble! Sexy hair! Killer green eyes! Sexy smirks! I think you people are trying to kill me.


And I know that when I told my husband about the leaked People cover, I appreciated his first words, "Good for him!" but I kept very silent at the next ones, 'I KNEW he was gay." I kept quiet because we'd already had this conversation---remember, Gibby, in that bar in NYC after the show last March? I made the argument based on the same premise in justclay's post that I bolded. My husband was then and has always been of the opinion that Clay's gay and that he just hadn't come to that place where he wanted or could declare it to the world. Yeah, hubby ended up being right...but I didn't like that he felt so SURE of it, you know? :glare:

Yup, muski, I remember. Incidentally, my husband strongly suspected that he was gay, too.

Holy shit, I lie like a dog all the time.

I told my friend I was happy for her when she married a man in prison.

I told another friend I liked her soup (the one the dog wouldn't eat).

I told my sister I thought it was perfectly normal to wear a life jacket when driving over a bridge in their motor home just in case the motor home goes over the bridge and into the water.

I told my neighbor it was just fine that he left a toilet sitting in front of his driveway for 6 months.

Who the hell doesn't lie????


*ignores all the depressing OMGLIESLIESLIES talk*


I got an A on my first 8 page+ history term paper! And my professor said I'm SMART!!!

YAY!!!!! Congrats!!!!!! Way to go!!!!!!!

And I'm ignoring the 'OMGLIESLIESLIES' talk, too. Instead, I'm gonna post a few gorgemous pics:




ETA: Thanks for bringing the recap over, Cotton. The last picture is particularly lovely! I've always liked Clay's profile.

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*ignores all the depressing OMGLIESLIESLIES talk*


I got an A on my first 8 page+ history term paper! And my professor said I'm SMART!!!

If I wasn't ready to collapse, I'd be boogieing like nobody's business, but since I am, I'm gonna let the sexbomb do it for me!


I know y'all prob'ly don't much care... but I can't keep it all to myself!

clayzycoffin... CONGRATS!!!! And, thanks for the boogy man! HAWT! I loved the whole JBT

Perma and I had a lovely dinner and a llllooooooonnngggg conversation about life, liberty, and the pursuit of Clay! We agreed that Clay had brought so much joy and fun into our lives... that we have met so many wonderful people we would never have met other than this entering a second (or first) adolescence over Clay that wild horses couldn't drag us away from the man. He is a good man and has done so much good that has been much admired. Why that has changed for some is mysterious to us.

Bedtime... nite all!!!

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*ignores all the depressing OMGLIESLIESLIES talk*


I got an A on my first 8 page+ history term paper! And my professor said I'm SMART!!!

If I wasn't ready to collapse, I'd be boogieing like nobody's business, but since I am, I'm gonna let the sexbomb do it for me!


I know y'all prob'ly don't much care... but I can't keep it all to myself!

Speaking of the new blood you were talking about earlier Couchie, here we have a wonderful example. Love reading your posts clazycoffin, you are adorable as well as being smart and having great taste in singers. Congratulations on your A and the professors remarks.

Claygasm, the furor started again, I believe because of something Chris Seiber had said about the fans and then some people took it personal, and somehow it got back to Clay. I lost track somewhere along the way. Like someone else said upthread, sorry too tired to look it up, something else will come up soon for the boards to have a cow over. Never gets dull being a Clay fan.

Night all.

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OMG - slightly OT - I just saw Kim Locke on an infomercial - guess what it was for???

And guess who was hawking it!! None other than Dean the American Idol hair stylist.

If I had curly hair I might be tempted to get one :)

THE INSTYLER - Amazing Rotating Hot Roller Iron Hair Straightener

YAAAAY! for stage door pix!! Love the 'burns! :flirtysmile3:

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Hmmm...I just got around to perusing the San Francisco Chronicle's weekend "Datebook", the Sunday insert of Bay Area entertainment news and events and such.

There's a two-page article on the American Idols---sort of a 'where are they now' article. They have a picture and blurb of each year's winner and runner up....Clay's picture is from that GMA outdoor concert when he wore that cool shirt with the uneven, broad pink stripes---JBT promo, I think. Anyhoo, here's the text:


His first solo album, "Measure of a Man," was the best-selling debut by an "Idol" contestant and won over a legion of Claymates. His success has been surpassed only by that of Kell Clarkson and Carrie Underwood, even though subsequent releases haven't sold as well. Next year (!!!!!????) he resumes his role as Sir Robin with "Monty Python's Spamalot".

What the fuck is journalism doing these days? "Next year?" Well, that's not the worst of it. Above the heading RUNNER-UP:BO BICE and info about Bo's short recording history before the label dropped him.....there's a picture of ....

Constantine Maroulis

Holy shit. I guess there's just no time to do any fact checking or proofreading.

ETA: and while I"m being a cranky, bitchy curmudgeon, I'll add this: just heard on the sports news that a Dallas Star hockey player has been indefinitely suspended because of something he said in an interview. Evidently, his ex girlfriend, Alicia Cuthbert, is dating another hockey player and when asked what he thought about it (of course, another relevant question, right?) he said, "I don't know what it is, but it seems to be a thing to do---for other hockey players to date my sloppy seconds."


:thsigns053: :excuseme::jaw:

God, it's as if there's no more line to cross for some people. There's no limit to anything, nothing that creates boundaries of any kind. Is that REALLY what individual rights are all about?

Then again....nobody had better tell me to stop smutting. :sleezy::cryingwlaughter:

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Speaking of the new blood you were talking about earlier Couchie, here we have a wonderful example. Love reading your posts clazycoffin, you are adorable as well as being smart and having great taste in singers. Congratulations on your A and the professors remarks.

Claygasm, the furor started again, I believe because of something Chris Seiber had said about the fans and then some people took it personal, and somehow it got back to Clay. I lost track somewhere along the way. Like someone else said upthread, sorry too tired to look it up, something else will come up soon for the boards to have a cow over. Never gets dull being a Clay fan.

Yup, clayzycoffin's the bomb. :lilredani:

Let's see, Chris Seiber said he was worried when Clay came out because his fans were so possessive and demanding, and that made some folks mad, because Clay should've told Chris that only a few fans are possessive and demanding. So someone said, well, really, look at how some of the fans did react...it was pretty bad. And the next thing you know, a bunch of folks were being possessive and demanding. :hysterical:

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Well I have an opinion. I think Clay is too happy. People didn't get to see his struggle or journey. I honestly feel had Clay cried on national tv and acted out his struggle, he would have gotten more understanding from his fans. I for one am glad he didn't do that. I love that we got confident gay man. And honestly I'm with K in that I just am not going to pretend to care about people still struggling. A fresh air needs to blow through this fandom and yeah I include myself in the moldy oldies. It needs an infusion of new blood and not this incestuous stuff we have going on now. And guess what - we the fans...we ain't the ones who will bring in those people. It's Clay.

ETA: LOL why am I talking about this... bwah geeze..

I am so with you! I am proud of Clay for doing his crying in private. I hate entertainers that get publicity from their suffering. If "fans" need that, then the hell with them. I don't care one bit that Clay has lost fans. He'll get new ones, and maybe fans who are less invested and fanatical about controlling Clay will be better fans. I thought about this when I read what Chris Seiber (I think that's the name) said in the Advocate article about how "demanding" Clay's fans are and how he feared someone would try to kill Clay. AND, Clay was so afraid of being booed. That tells me that Clay might welcome a different kind of fan. He sure as hell deserves a different kind.

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So in those stage door pictures...does Clay's hair look lighter to anyone else? I like it so much better than when it's dark like it's been lately. Also...is that gray hair I see at his temple? :cryingwlaughter: Or maybe stage spray dye or something? Hmmmm? :whistling-1:

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So in those stage door pictures...does Clay's hair look lighter to anyone else? I like it so much better than when it's dark like it's been lately. Also...is that gray hair I see at his temple? :cryingwlaughter: Or maybe stage spray dye or something? Hmmmm? :whistling-1:

I wondered the same thing. Is it to keep the dark hair from showing with the wig? Or ???

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Do you have a Spam-ism that's an earworm, or a line that you use to annoy / amuse your family and friends?

I can clearly hear King Arthur's exclamation of "Gosh!" (after YWSOB) in my head, and I find myself using it with the some tone all the time.

I have also been known to mutter Patsy's "What can they possibly do with a cow?" line on occasion. cow_1.gif

I love Spamisms! But as you can imagine nobody except my husband and sons know what I'm talking about. And I sound a bit pathetic when I explain "It's a line out of a play I saw once" :cryingwlaughter:

I always say "I feel Happy" ( I try for the accent, unsuccessfully) and "It must be my outraaaaaageous french accent!

Just sing to me, pretty boy

I agree with CG - THREAD TITLE!!

Hugs to luckiest and others with job woes. My last week and a half has been very unsettled with my DHs job.

His company has had many retrenchments and his job went but he was not offered a payout. His boss was very complimentary and tried to be reassuring but it was still a week and a half of nausea for me and very up and down for DH. Today finally he was offered another position with the same company ,same pay and seniority. We are breathing a sigh of relief but I am not an up & down person- I still feel a bit sick and unsettled. Plus we are now starting to hear of friends who no longer have their jobs.

I have not had much inclination to post for the last week or so- feeling too down and blah - but a few new snippets of clack sure can cheer a girl up!

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Couldn't sleep and somehow all I could think of is how ridiculous it would be for Belle from BATB/Fiona/Bella to say, "Gee darling, why did you lie and not inform the townspeople that they were living next door to a Beast/Ogre/Vampire? Surely it's a safely issue. Yes, I know they would have broken out the pitchforks and lit bonfires but it's matter of trust!" *Mutters darkly under breath about how some people would've phoned Homeland Security to turn in E.T.*

Me, I don't care if he's from Mars, Venus, Pern, Betazed, Mustafar, Ba'ku or Planet B612...

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GREAT stage door video! :hubbahubba:

:wub: Thanks for the link! And thanks to whoever brought over the Spam recap, saves me from going out in the wild.

Let's see, Chris Seiber said he was worried when Clay came out because his fans were so possessive and demanding, and that made some folks mad, because Clay should've told Chris that only a few fans are possessive and demanding. So someone said, well, really, look at how some of the fans did react...it was pretty bad. And the next thing you know, a bunch of folks were being possessive and demanding. :hysterical:

:cryingwlaughter: Perfect!

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So in those stage door pictures...does Clay's hair look lighter to anyone else? I like it so much better than when it's dark like it's been lately. Also...is that gray hair I see at his temple? :cryingwlaughter: Or maybe stage spray dye or something? Hmmmm? :whistling-1:

I wondered the same thing. Is it to keep the dark hair from showing with the wig? Or ???






I dunno, but I think it might actually be frost? As in Jack Frost? it's frakking cold out there and he's usually still sweaty from the wig. It appears to be gone in the last pics.

Although, it wouldn't surprise me a bit if there was some gray going on in the 'real' hair colour from the photos we've seen of Vernon.

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Good Morning Everyone,

Loved the stagedoor pics and the video...hair curling around the nape of his neck, sideburns...yummy!


Congrats on your A!

Ausdon :thbighug-1:

32 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! :cry:

54 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! :yahoo:

Everyone have a great day!


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And I have to add my own countdown....8 more days until I go to Spam!!!!!! :)

I found my first forecast for the 11th (not that I'm nervous about getting snowed in or anything):

Cloudy with drizzle and flurries. High 38F and low 29F. Air Quality: NA, UV Index: NA


Heh, I agree, definitely a brocolli, not a pickle...

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And I have to add my own countdown....8 more days until I go to Spam!!!!!! :)

I found my first forecast for the 11th (not that I'm nervous about getting snowed in or anything):

Cloudy with drizzle and flurries. High 38F and low 29F. Air Quality: NA, UV Index: NA


Heh, I agree, definitely a brocolli, not a pickle...

But.. but.. it's more fun if it were a pickle!


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Here's an opportunity for a lovely little gift...AND a donation at the same time.

Info re All is Well on AI

December 2, 2008 - Posted by Marnie

Clay Aiken has more than proven himself in the Christmas music realm, and fans will be thrilled to know that he's added to his extensive holiday catalog. He has released an EP, All Is Well-Songs For Christmas, that features the classic "O Come O Come Emmanuel," along with some with a more modern spin, like "All Is Well," "Christmas Waltz," and "My Grown-Up Christmas List". Care to buy it AND spread goodwill? If you access iTunes via goodshop.com, 3.75% of your purchase price will go to Clay's foundation for inclusion, the Bubel/Aiken Foundation, or a charity of your choice

If you follow the link, links for goodsearch are in the article.

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GREAT stage door video! :hubbahubba:

Thank you for the link! It is so nice to start my day with an ICG.

Let's see, Chris Seiber said he was worried when Clay came out because his fans were so possessive and demanding, and that made some folks mad, because Clay should've told Chris that only a few fans are possessive and demanding. So someone said, well, really, look at how some of the fans did react...it was pretty bad. And the next thing you know, a bunch of folks were being possessive and demanding. :hysterical:

I don't know whether to laugh or cry about this. I think you hit the nail on the head, jmh!

Off to the salt mines . . . I've been feeling rather grateful to have a salt mine to go to lately, with the way the economy is going!

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Tsk, tsk, clazycoffin...cheerful, happy, joy joy stuff? You should know we'd be on that like white on rice! I shall cabbage patch a little just for you!

Couchie got it in one...Clay Aiken is the one dragged all the fans into the fandom...he is the magnet that will continue to do that.

Just sing to me, pretty boy... - love it.

spikesmom - full of crap my ass - I think you have a clear understanding of a segment of people.

pats everyone with woes - job or otherwise

Scarlett is such a geek...chick! Guess where one of the places I'm staying in Tokyo is? (I know that sentence totally sucks structure wise, but science major here, thank you very much!) The Akihabara district!

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Heeeee.....just remember, the instruction manuals may all be in Japanese, and it may be hard to return stuff! :-)

I am so jellus!!!!

The stores there tend to be made up of stacks of small levels, not one big space, so you just keep climbing stairs to see what is on the next floor.

I love all the wacko japanese alarm clocks, if/when I ever get back, I will come home with some pretty odd stuff - clocks that look like spiked chickens or whatever.

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And I have to add my own countdown....8 more days until I go to Spam!!!!!! :)

I found my first forecast for the 11th (not that I'm nervous about getting snowed in or anything):

Cloudy with drizzle and flurries. High 38F and low 29F. Air Quality: NA, UV Index: NA


Heh, I agree, definitely a brocolli, not a pickle...

luckiest... the way I'm seeing it, that is a pickle with a bad hair day... plain and simple and I'm surprised you can't see it my way... You need to re-examine your feelings on this issue! :hysterical::hysterical:

I loved that SD video, tho I wish there were more people. I liked his ease with the men, too and the way he ruffled that boy's hood was so cute.

Ausdon... glad things worked out for you and your DH. Scary times, indeed.

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Congrats, clayzy! :clap:

{{{ausdon & family}}}

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