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#48: He is...therefore I fan.

Couch Tomato

New Thread Title Poll  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. What say ye - what's our new thread title?

    • I don't ever have a day so gloomy that Clay's smile doesn't make me happy
    • At the end of the day, who cares? Clay is hot. He?d be hotter naked. ?nuff said
    • Ladies and gentleman, the 49th president of the United States and American Idol runner-up, Clay Aiken!
    • FrstlgrglooMmflsgoolce! :heart: scruffy Clay!
    • The Clay Aiken fandom....it's just fun!
    • I am a fan of the man...pure and simple!

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I love it when Clay talks about being swollen.

muski... BWAH!!!

I missed half of one question, so I am definitely a baby boomer. Since we didn't have our first tv until I was 8 years old, I can still vaguely remember listening to some radio shows.

Poor Clay... I wonder if it hurt to laugh??? Ouch!!!

My Entry into Fandom, by liney23... [tome]

I didn't watch AI2 until the night of the final competition. I had only seen a couple of pictures of any of them to know who Clay and Ruben even were. When Clay's clip started playing my jaw dropped at his transformation... then he sang and the jaw went all the way to the ground and is still there. When he lost, I was incensed cause he was so much better... I mean BOTW blew Ruben out of the water (I love Ruben, I do).

I had been laid off the prior Oct. and was very scared about ever finding a job at my age and somehow playing the tape of Clay's 3 performance songs soothed me. I knew that once he had finished TITN, if I FF'd and counted to 25, there he would be singing his second song with the horrible lighting, then if I counted to 34, there he was with BOTW. :cryingwlaughter: I had erased the finale, so this was all I had... over and over and over.

I found Claytonaiken.com, but had no idea about message boards, so just clicked on that home page every day to see if any news came up. :cryingwlaughter: One day, I searched for him and found all these websites. One of them was Claymaniacs. It was my home for over a year. I am proud to say I was a contributor to the Black Leather Pants thread that won an award for funniest thread (the main contributor and the reason it was so funny was our very own muskifest (under a different name to protect the not so innocent).

I didn't go to Anaheim for AI2 tour cause by the time I found out about it, only nose bleed seats were left and I knew from nothing about upgrades. When IT came around, I HAD to go. I decided to go to Vegas since it was the first of the four area shows. I bought two tickets, got a hotel room across the street from the stadium with two beds... then went to Claymaniacs and asked if anyone wanted to drive over with me and share. Someone did. Being the cautious type, she wanted to meet for dinner first... LOL We did and when she heard that I had not seen Clay's AI performances except the last week, she gave me directions to her house and we watched vids till late that night.

The rest (thankfully, you say to yourself) is history. Went from Claymaniacs to CB, then here. I met quite a few FCAers in Vegas for the Ice Show and hope to meet more one day. Missed the NAT tour, since it did not come out here to California, so when the JBT came around I gave in and flew to Clio to see it. Best decision I ever made... fifth row center... O.M.G. That's the only tour I flew to see, so if it didn't come out here, I missed it (SRHP, JNT06, JNT07, Spamalot).


ETA: This very special man, Clay Aiken, has brought more joy into my life than I ever thought possible. He has made me laugh and he has made me cry. He has brought me hope and most importantly, he has brought me friends. All I can give in return is my love and he has that forever and always!

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I decided to go to Vegas since it was the first of the four area shows. I bought two tickets, got a hotel room across the street from the stadium with two beds... then went to Claymaniacs and asked if anyone wanted to drive over with me and share. Someone did. Being the cautious type, she wanted to meet for dinner first... LOL We did and when she heard that I had not seen Clay's AI performances except the last week, she gave me directions to her house and we watched vids till late that night.

oooh liney! I know! I know who that woman was! :pickme:

It was totallyinluv! Heh! She was MY first in-person Clay friend meeting, too! :lilredani:

(heh...she's such a slut...she really gets around, doesn't she? :sleezy:;) )

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OMG just to think of him playing that game!!!

Wish I were a fly on the wall for that!!!

Hell no, I wanna be right in the room, laughing along!!

"Heal, Clay, Heal."

I think the clues would sound better if he were reading them! *wonders if we have enough soundbytes to string all the words of the clues together... hmmm, brilliant plan to ask him to sing 'what's new pussycat?' at the Borgata...*

liney! thanks for posting your story. quite a lot of us were at the Vegas IT then... I heard that some people even met at a karaoke place... *looks around -- I could outline the story but they can tell it so much better*

Soooo... Anyone else besides me still re-reading the blog? :)

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I just reread the blog *waves at Scarlett*, and I just gotta say that gosh, I love him. Even when he's in pain, he's sweet and smart and kinda snarky. I love the fact that he said that people close to him mentioned he should blog -- not taking orders from his fans, yep. I also love that he knows how "we" notice things that he has no conscious memory of doing. Heh. And then, poor baby, with his surgery. Awwwwww. I wub him.

The interview with Jaymes was cool too. It was nice to hear the entire story, and I think it fantastic that the Duke staff were so helpful. That had to have been a scary few days.

Well, I'm mostly off to a meeting all day today. Be good guys. Hah.

ETA: Thanks Scarlett for the JBT clack! Man, I'd forgotten how much fun I had in the front row of that show...and he was soooooooooooo good. And it was sooooooooooooo hot.

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Good Morning Everyone,

24 Days until Daylight Savings Time! :yahoo:

36 Days until The First Day of Spring!


55 Days until Judge Aiken is holding court on ANTM!


Everyone have a great day!


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I just reread the blog *waves at Scarlett*, and I just gotta say that gosh, I love him. Even when he's in pain, he's sweet and smart and kinda snarky. I love the fact that he said that people close to him mentioned he should blog -- not taking orders from his fans, yep. I also love that he knows how "we" notice things that he has no conscious memory of doing. Heh. And then, poor baby, with his surgery. Awwwwww. I wub him.

*waves back enthusiastically at ldyj* There'll be more Sunday night -- I just had to prepare for a visit from the cable people tomorrow, so I put the big stuff away. Unless you want something specific, I'm skipping to Motown next per kf; he went pip-picking close to you, didn't he? geekette's going to vault it in batches so the folks who use only large & small wmv's don't have it yet but they will soon

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muski... yeah, it was totally. Went to my first pre-party there, too. Saw this huge table filled with women in purple shirts and lots of fake bling and had no idea who they were... :cryingwlaughter: Got some magnets and pins I love... "When Aiken's shakin', I'm stirred." Haven't missed a pre-party since and never will (Acts of God notwithstanding).


I loved Jayme's interview. I can imagine their fear at seeing their tiny baby wheeled away from them into surgery. Glad there was such a good outcome.


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*pokes liney23*

It's FRIDAY! I remember something about Wilkes-Barre MOAM clack? :D

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Clay blogged? :cryingwlaughter:

Finally made it over there today. I told him 8 more months of pain and being swollen and he'll know what women go through while pregnant LOL.. then told him to enjoy his down time.

Oh and I could SEE his blog. Guess they fixed that little problem.

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I think the anger some have has nothing to do with whether he blogs or not and has everything to do with issues from his coming out that they haven't resolved yet.


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VIEW NEW POSTS - to help us come up with a name for our fundraiser. If you can PM me this weekend if you have any items (clay or non) for auction - that would be great as I'd like to at least try to get it sanctioned by TBAF so will email him by Monday. It's not a final final cut off date to donate but I'd love a nice list of items in the proposal.

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I think the anger some have has nothing to do with whether he blogs or not and has everything to do with issues from his coming out that they haven't resolved yet.


yup (at least for some.probably most of them), and a clue about that would be its the same people complaining that had a problem then...they want to blame him for something, and thats as good a reason as any..and its the same people who complain after every appearence since...and the people who were complaining about him not doing anything, didnt even go in the golfing gala thread that was set up at the OFC..it would appear that if they cared so much, they would be interested when he actually does do something...its gone way beyond them caring if he blogs, especially since they werent going to be "won over" when he did.

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I think the anger some have has nothing to do with whether he blogs or not and has everything to do with issues from his coming out that they haven't resolved yet.


I think it's more than that because this isn't anything new. I think he isn't living up to people's expectations on many levels. But to me when I look at 2008 it was a good year. I don't know what's to come but hell at this time last year I didn't know about Spam, or babies or coming out or have a new album in my hand either.

I don't have an expectations. Whatever happens next happens. And in the interim I'll live my life and continue to appreciate the last 6 years. It's been quite the ride.

But I think there could actually be a lot of different reasons for it. It's not like we ever agree on anything else when it comes to Clay.


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I think the anger some have has nothing to do with whether he blogs or not and has everything to do with issues from his coming out that they haven't resolved yet.

For the one nasty comment I read, this is bang on. I shut the OFC after that. I guess I just don't understand running over to the OFC when he blogs just to post hateful things. I mean, if I don't like someone anymore, for whatever reason, I just move on to something or someone I do like. I will never understand the mentality of those who can't, I guess.

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I think the anger some have has nothing to do with whether he blogs or not and has everything to do with issues from his coming out that they haven't resolved yet.


I agree and I think some people could seriously benefit from professional help. Letting anger fester for this long over something and someone not affecting them persoanlly in any way is very unhealthy.

I love the fact that I still get such a rush out of two little words: He blogged :flirtysmile3: Oh, and the fact that he mentioned 2009 career news coming up? EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! If nothing else, that calls for some dancing produce!


{{{Clay}}} Gentle hugs and hopes that his jaw heals & he's feeling better soon quickly.

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I told him 8 more months of pain and being swollen and he'll know what women go through while pregnant LOL.. then told him to enjoy his down time.

I have to speak up in sympathy for Clay's jaw pain. When I was in my early 30's I had to have a couple of wisdom teeth cut out and the doctor put me in the hospital and did it under general anesthesia because the roots were tangled around my jawbone on both sides. I am damned serious that I'd rather birth a couple of 12-lb. twins sans anesthesia than go through that again. I missed about 10 days of work, couldn't open my mouth more than a 1/4 of an inch for days on end, was so swollen I looked more like Donald Duck than a human, had crashing, throbbing ear pain, face pain and jaw pain that brought me to tears, couldn't eat, couldn't laugh -- the only thing I wanted to swallow was the percodan -- and they didn't come near to controlling the pain. After 25 years it stands as worse than childbirth and worse than a ruptured appendix. It was the EVIL BITCH of pain! I can so feel for Clay right now. Poor baby.

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I, too, had jaw pain issues from an impacted wisdom tooth extraction - looked like somebody hit me with a bat for about two weeks - bruising took even longer to go away. I haven't had any babies, but I consider myself to have a pretty high threshold for pain. I went back to work after four days and thus had to stop pain medication - I sat at my desk and cried before going home in pain. (((((Clay)))))

I'm sorry (okay, I'm not really) but the only thing that comes to mind for me when I read about the gerbil wheel are those three little words. Entitled, needy fuckers. :wordpooper:



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ok I'm convinced ..sounds painful! I spent the day cleaning and moving furniture around. glad that's over!!

I dug out my Clay box... I have my camera... gonna see what I have for the auction. Memories... la la la la la la la. Every time I went to a Clay party I won something unique. There are some talented folks in this fandom.

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I really feel for Clay. I had TMJ last year for about a year. It is very painful. The pain increases gradually. At first I waited for it to go away, like I do for most everything. (I hate to go to the doctor.) Then it got to where I could not even open my mouth, close it or chew food because of the pain. It hurt all the way to my ear, and I was trying all kinds of home remedies for earache. When I finally admitted that it was not going away, I went to my doctor and told her that I thought I had "lock jaw" because I could not open my mouth without a lot of pain. She said I had TMJ not "lock jaw." I had never heard of TMJ. She sent me to my dentist who took all kinds of Xrays and asked me if I ground my teeth when sleeping. I don't know if I do or not! He fitted me for a mouth guard to wear while sleeping and told me that it would take a while for the pain to subside because the whole side of my face was very swollen. He told me not to eat anything that required a lot chewing, definitely no gum until the swelling subsided. I hated to wear the mouth guard. It felt and tasted like a piece of rubber in my mouth. Horrible! But it worked.

As for all of those so called fans that are so ugly about everything that Clay does or does not do, maybe some TMJ would shut them the ---- up! IMO they have issues that probably have nothing to do with Clay! They should get a life and not depend on Clay for whatever is missing in their RL. JMO

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