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#49: I am a fan of the man...pure and simple!

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48 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • I still don't have money I just go anyway!
    • I'm hooked .... like a fish.
    • I think there's always going to be something big coming when it comes to Clay.
    • Not only did he take his life back he took the power from them.
    • He is large and in charge and I love it!
    • He puts a happy face on my heart!

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So that Clay Aiken Facebook with 4,389 fans is not a site approved of by Clay? and the person who set it up is being inappropriately rude with some fans?

It looks so "official".

The CANN has a poll. Which picture of the seated, hands clasped Clay do you like best. I was surprised to see how few have voted for piano guy, the one I prefer.

I think what the problem is is someone has created an actual profile and pretended to be Clay. I think what you're talking about is a fan page about Clay--not the same.

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The Playlist CD I think, not OMWH, unless I'm looking at the wrong poll. ....and not surprising at all in my world, but hey, what do I know?
Oops. Brain wasn't working the fingers I guess, lol. Now I have new acrothingie to type!!!

BOCA!!! :clap:

We have a lot of Southern Ontario folks here, lol. :hello:

You going to the Toronto Cluncheon Bella? Decided I'd go.

Man, would I love for Clay to be touring near/in Southern Ontario in the first 2 weeks of August!!! :laola0:

You bet - I love catching up with my friends at the lunches! I understand there's going to be quite a few of the London ladies there this time - can't wait to see all of you! :friends:

I'd be thrilled if Clay appears anywhere near Southern Ontario this summer. I am SO ready for another road trip!

Lotus - We'll definitely have to make plans for a gathering, closer to your visit.

I decided to come because I knew several people going.

You bet - I love catching up with my friends at the lunches! I understand there's going to be quite a few of the London ladies there this time - can't wait to see all of you! :friends:

I'd be thrilled if Clay appears anywhere near Southern Ontario this summer. I am SO ready for another road trip!

I decided to come as well, and I believe luckiest1 is planning to also. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Kewl! :clap:

What about TVBOCA? Or BOCA for short? Hee.

Ooh, I like BOCA. It has the potential to be very useful in every day conversation.


I like Clay's BOCA.

I'd sure like to BOCA that hawt singer man.

OMG, his BOCA is bigger than I thought!

BOCA me, he's kilt me dead.

See? Versatile! It's like a wild card! LOL


Oh, and headoverheels? Please read the fine print: All injuries sustained while falling head over heels at FCA are the sole responsibility of each member. No safety gear will be provided and no insurance or liability is available or implied.

Please wear proper padding if you are inclined to fall, people. :)


It's funny that Justclay was whining and asking him for a blog and voila!

I'm gonna post the blog cuz he said to spread the news and it's a damned fine blog if I do say so myself. I got a real kick out of it!!!!

I love me some pissy, potty mouth Clay, lol. Methinks Reed has been a good influence with his blogs and with his decision to be direct with the imitator! I wish that Clay had put his foot down before and maybe that whole FBM and Fake Clay thing wouldn't have gone on like it did but I suppose now he doesn't feel like he has to hide anything and before he felt like he needed to watch what he said?


Anyhoo! I LOVED this blog! :laola0:


While it may be tough to hear... I have not "friended" any of y'all on Facebook.

Thanks to a few good friends, I've discovered that someone is pretending to be me on there. BIG SHOCKER! And though, I normally ignore such BS, I've learned that this person (who obviously has too much time on their hands) is being inappropriately rude with some fans, and that pisses me off a bit! ;-)

While I do have a Facebook page, I have opted to keep it pretty private and really only use it rarely to keep in touch with my "Spam-Fam", my LA peeps, and a few longtime friends from home. Just wanted to make you aware... if you've "friended" me on Facebook, you've "friended" a wacko and a poser.

If you wanna stay friends with a wacko and a poser, feel free... but I know y'all have much higher standards! ;-)

Feel free to spread the word! :-)

love ya, c


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So that Clay Aiken Facebook with 4,389 fans is not a site approved of by Clay? and the person who set it up is being inappropriately rude with some fans?

It looks so "official".

The CANN has a poll. Which picture of the seated, hands clasped Clay do you like best. I was surprised to see how few have voted for piano guy, the one I prefer.

I think what the problem is is someone has created an actual profile and pretended to be Clay. I think what you're talking about is a fan page about Clay--not the same.

Yes, it's not the same. On Thursday night two people from the fandom friended me (these were people I'd met way back in 2004) and when I went to look at their walls, they'd also just been friended by "Clay Aiken" and not with the same picture as the one that everyone else had been a fan of (blue shirt OMWH) for quite some time now.

It seems to have been caught rather quickly, though, so that's a good thing. This particular "fake" account has only 92 friends as of now.

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Ok, told y'all he liked to blog on Fridays!!! :hahaha:

How cool is the Reed/Clay connection this time? I mean, sucks about the 'poser', but hee! And ITA that the "fan of Clay Aiken" page and the poser Clay page are two separate and distinct things.

I actually think it's great that Reed & Clay are both addressing this head on, and telling it like it is. :clap:

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Does it count as a "score" if it's only a near miss and you don't tell anyone?

Last night, just before I went to bed, I went to the OFC on a whim to check Clay's blog. This is something I never, ever do unless I see the magic words, "He blogged".

I think I missed the blog by less than 15 minutes! :hahaha:

Do I get a second prescience award??????

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Have to post and welcome my girl headoverheels!! I'm so glad to see you posting her at FCA. We always seem to cross paths during concert times and even Spam once or twice. I know we will do so again.

A fake Facebook, eh? Well that explains the little notes I was getting under "People You Might Want to Add" or some such thing all week. I thought that kinda hinky.

I must say you Ontario gals are making me want to visit Toronto this summer. I could use a Cluncheon.....and a day at Yorkdale.

Still don't have a moving date. But that's something we'll probably get next week. I really am not ready to move yet but I will be so happy to get a high speed internet connection again! Then again a nice regular one would be nice, too. They are building a new house next door to us (practically on top of us really) and every time a truck comes up the road to dump of bricks or dirt, or what have you, we lose our phone and internet. The trucks scrape along the wires which are tied together like shoelaces across the road. They don't tear the wires all the way down, but they do enough damage that the phone line master has to come out and fix it.

My Hero!!!! :wub:


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Good Morning Everyone,

I thought it was time for Clay to blog, but I didn't expect that kind of blog...sad that he even has to post something like that...but glad he is aware of what is going on.

Remember to "Spring Ahead" tonight and turn your clocks one hour forward...Daylight Saving Time begins at 2:00 a.m. tomorrow morning!

13 Days until The First Day of Spring!


24 Days until Playlist: The Very Best of Clay Aiken is available!


32 Days until Judge Aiken is holding Court on ANTM!


Everyone have a great day!


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I'm talking about previous "fake" things here, not those who friended this last "thing"... but it's curious to me how a person can be more convinced by reading the words "Clay Aiken" than by trusting what they know and feel. Is it really that easy for "fake" people to display atypical behaviour and then, by holding nothing but a "label" of 2 words (yes, I'm convinced labels are evil, heh!) lead others down some twisted path that makes them doubt everything they know? It's a sad world when there's no one you can trust anymore.

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Ehhh - people believe what they want to believe. And for those who believed the previous posers - well any connection will do, yes? Caveat emptor, and all that jazz.

VERY glad Clay decided to squash this (these?) gnat(s) right out of the gate this time. I do understand why he generally ignores. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation, because you know the next time he doesn't address something it will be 'well, he told us about that, so if he doesn't deny this.... A slippery slope for sure.

On the subject of believing what you want to believe, the tandem blogs by two 'aquaintances' makes me smile verra verra beeeg. :lilredani: If/when I'm proven gullible, I'll still be verra verra happy with all the smiles my little delusion has given me.

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Oh, I wasn't trying to argue the case for or against gullibility of any type (and the enjoyment thereof) whether it's the "already squashed", "cannot be squashed" or "too opportune to be squashed", whatever-stage-of-squashing,... varieties.

I was trying to open up a discussion on identity, labels, trust, belief, and how people react to different types and sources of "news" and other information but I guess there aren't many places where such things would be interesting.

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Scarlett I get what you are saying and it makes no sense to me considering what the fandom has been through in the past that fans would be so willing to believe that this was Clay. I think it is a combination of fans wanting a connection to Clay and just not using any common sense...it is totally unlike Clay. And I don't think you can blame it on youth, immaturity, etc. because they are some older fans who are just as gullible, IMO.


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Well, you can all thank me for the blog since I did clean my house and all. Glad I didn't do the facebook thing yet cuz then I would have had to figure out how to unfriend someone. Now is this the same facebook that CANN was trying to get people to add Clay as a friend or is this a different one?

I think its cool that both Clay and Reed posted last night to take on the nutjobs. I don't really think this is that different than what Clay has done in the past. If the rumors just affected him, he does just ignore, but when rumors or crazies do things that affect people he cares about (and I am including us in that because I do believe he cares a great deal for his fans), then he will tackle it head on. When he found out about FBM and how she was taking advantage of fans, he addressed the situation. Wasn't his fault that some fans are still delusional and continued to support her.

What I do think is different in Clay's last blog is how much more open he seemed. It was like how we talk with each other and not so politically correct, which is how he used to post. Like he didn't want to offend anyone so he tried to use the right words all the time. Now he seems to feel more free to be himself, which may actually lead to more blogs. Works for me.

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Is it really that easy for "fake" people to display atypical behaviour and then, by holding nothing but a "label" of 2 words (yes, I'm convinced labels are evil, heh!) lead others down some twisted path that makes them doubt everything they know? It's a sad world when there's no one you can trust anymore.

For some people, I think the atypical behavior isn't atypical. Other fake Clays and also Clay haters have been working hard now for years to create an image of Clay, and I think a lot of people now take that image to be who he is.

It's not that hard to do. Just exaggerate aspects that some would consider to be flaws (temper), distort and accentuate things everyone knows are true (bawdy humor), push hard on "he's not the man you think he is," and offer up his orientation as proof that everything about him is fake, fake, fake....

But that leads me to the old questions--why would you want to be friends with a jerk, and why it is enjoyable to do this to other people?Of all the people in this scenario to me the fakers are the sickest. But you only have to read on the internet to realize that there are some people out there who are pretty sick.

Scarlett, more specific guidance might be in order if you want to steer us in a new direction. It isn't that people don't want to go there with you, it's that we need a little help heading that way. People are still going to be interested in old questions too.

Lilyshines, too bad your prescience was a little off. :hahaha: Of course you had the blog to wake up to this morning.

Oops, and while I was toming, you clarified, Scarlett. I think if it were someone I know, it wouldn't take me long. The trouble is, people do not really know Clay.

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I did a search for Clay Aiken on Facebook and came up with about two pages of identities. Being very cautious I waited for a friend to point me in the direction of the fan site, which appears to be official. I am a fan there not a friend. I think you have to beware of everyone. The internet has helped make the world more complicated but there has always been people you cannot trust. Now it's easier for them.

My attitude is to wait and see rather than jump in holding my nose. JMO

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thread title?

On the subject of believing what you want to believe, the tandem blogs by two 'aquaintances' makes me smile verra verra beeeg. :lilredani: If/when I'm proven gullible, I'll still be verra verra happy with all the smiles my little delusion has given me.


Scarlett I get what you are saying and it makes no sense to me considering what the fandom has been through in the past that fans would be so willing to believe that this was Clay. I think it is a combination of fans wanting a connection to Clay and just not using any common sense...it is totally unlike Clay. And I don't think you can blame it on youth, immaturity, etc. because they are some older fans who are just as gullible, IMO.


I agree with this.

I can't believe Clay blogged and not one person told me :cryingwlaughter: Why would clay have a faceboook account that wasn't announced on OFC. I glad he set that record straight. Geeze. I'm going to assume everyone who friended Clay realized right away that it wasnt' him and reported it and that's how he found out so fast and put a stop to it. Yep that's my delusion hope.

The question I'd like to pose is: if someone were to hack into your friend's account, how many posts or e-mails would it take you to find out?

Scarlett: I think if it's a friend - someone I know well it wouldn't take me long or at least I'd say pretty early on WTF is wrong with you. But most of the people we chat with on a superficial level I don't really know so not sure. I don't think Clay would send a personal message to a fan for the heck of it so I would never believe anybody claiming to be him on the internet.

Totally agree with you about the whackos - they know more about Clay than I do so maybe that's why they can easily sway people.

ETA: wow that was the superduper Jamar edit.. I think I was forming posts in two windows LOL

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Thanks jmh, I'll clarify. I guess I'll ask 2 different questions:

A. Personal

Since we now have many online friends, we need to be able to trust their identities. If someone were to hack into your friend's account, how long do you think would it take before you realize it? (1 post or email, 2-3, 4-5, more?)

B. Celebrities

How do we classify our sources of information? If 1="I will probably believe it", 3="I'll take note and watch for other sources", 5="I won't believe it"

- National newspaper (print eg, NYTimes, Wall Street Journal)

- Local newspaper (print)

- National tabloid paper or magazine (print)

- National newspaper (online) (eg, NYTimes, Wall Street Journal)

- Local newspaper (online)

- National tabloid paper or magazine online)

- Clay's Blog on OFC

- Clay's post on OFC

- a non-Clay post on OFC

- a post on our board with sources

- a post on our board without sources

- a person's blog that is focused on Clay

- a non-Clay blog

- an e-mail citing Clay's family & friends as sources

- an e-mail citing Clay's co-workers as sources

- an e-mail from TBAF

- the TBAF website



Scarlett: I think if it's a friend - someone I know well it wouldn't take me long or at least I'd say pretty early on WTF is wrong with you. But most of the people we chat with on a superficial level I don't really know so not sure. I don't think Clay would send a personal message to a fan for the heck of it so I would never believe anybody claiming to be him on the internet.

Thanks for the quick reply, couchie! I would like to think that I would know as well, at least for close friends. Some acquaintances, I probably won't notice right away and that's scary because we tend to give out quite a bit of personal information once in a while (eg. addresses, locations, travel plans)

I'm Jamar's minion today too!!!

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When he found out about FBM and how she was taking advantage of fans, he addressed the situation. Wasn't his fault that some fans are still delusional and continued to support her.
Do you mean that there are actually some fans who still believe the FBM?

:o Surely not!!! That would be totally bizarre!

For fans of The Beatles and Rolling Stones

New pics found

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Also: IheartBOCA.jpg


00lsee... love this new emotie! I hope it is available at our Show All! :cryingwlaughter:

Perusing One... Happy Belated... :bdayparty2:

Canfly... Thanks for posting Clay's blog.

While it may be tough to hear... I have not "friended" any of y'all on Facebook.

Thanks to a few good friends, I've discovered that someone is pretending to be me on there. BIG SHOCKER! And though, I normally ignore such BS, I've learned that this person (who obviously has too much time on their hands) is being inappropriately rude with some fans, and that pisses me off a bit! ;-)

While I do have a Facebook page, I have opted to keep it pretty private and really only use it rarely to keep in touch with my "Spam-Fam", my LA peeps, and a few longtime friends from home. Just wanted to make you aware... if you've "friended" me on Facebook, you've "friended" a wacko and a poser.

If you wanna stay friends with a wacko and a poser, feel free... but I know y'all have much higher standards! ;-)

Feel free to spread the word! :-)

love ya, c

Love that man!!! I, too, think Clay feels freer to be totally himself now. Free to be You and Me was one of my favorite kid thing when my kids were growing up (Marlo Thomas). Everyone should have the freedom to be themselves.

I got a kick out of his "y'all". Staying home in Raleigh has brought the southerner out more in him... :hahaha:

Scarlett... Question #1: It would depend on the level of weirdness in the posts. Really weird, probably within 2-3 posts. Just a little weird, maybe much longer.

Question #2: After being in this fandom for almost 6 years, I don't believe much of anything I read in paper or online 100% without a "horse's mouth" collaboration. There has been too much slanting of stories for me.

Of your list, I would only give a 1 to Clay's blog or news on OFC or the TBAF website. Email... maybe a 4... I've gotten fake emails.

I forgot about my newly developed allergy to chocolate and had 4 M&M's chocolate-covered peanuts yesterday at work and I suffered for it last night, dang it. Sigh! :cry4:

Off to begin my day!

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