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#51: You go on with your bad self, Mr. Aiken

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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA

    • Clay is stil around, getting bigger balls, better hair, and broader shoulders.
    • "He doesn't need the spotlight. He just glows."
    • Simon Says: Shut Up And Sing 2 (Learning to keep mah foot outta mah mouth)
    • Clay Aiken: Just like Timex...takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'

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post by Vicki on the OFC

Clay presenting at NCT Awards in Raleigh


3rd Annual NCT Capital Awards: Monday, May 18th! Tickets On Sale Now!

The 3rd Annual NCT Capital Awards will take place on Monday, May 18, 2009 in Raleigh Memorial Auditorium at the Progress Energy Center for the Performing Arts! Presented by Capital Bank, the NCT Capital Awards is a program designed to recognize outstanding high school musical productions and performances.

The following schools are participating this year: Cardinal Gibbons High School, Cary Academy, Cedar Ridge High School, Chapel Hill High School, Green Hope High School, North Raleigh Christian Academy, Northwood High School, Overhills High Schools, The Philharmonic Association, Ravenscroft School, Trinity Academy, and West Johnston High School.

The black-tie ceremony will feature Broadway veteran Clay Aiken, and other celebrity presenters, including Lynda Loveland of MIX 101.5, Steve Daniels of WTVD ABC 11, Roy ****s of The News & Observer, and several others.

Tickets are $15 and are available by calling the NC Theatre Box Office at 919-831-6941 x6944.

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I think Idol only really had magic when people believed the kids were truly unknowns seeking a once-in-a-lifetime lightning strike. Now people understand that most of the contestants are coming into the show with a musical career they're aiming to improve or hype -- and the show gets a more professional sheen. But I think the magic is gone now that Idol is nothing more than a showcase -- and when everyone knows you don't have to win in order to really win. Clay was the first to blow that for them.

keepingfaith...this has been my mantra for years whenever the whole Clay vs AI shit goes down. :bravo:

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post by Vicki on the OFC

Clay presenting at NCT Awards in Raleigh


3rd Annual NCT Capital Awards: Monday, May 18th! Tickets On Sale Now!

The 3rd Annual NCT Capital Awards will take place on Monday, May 18, 2009 in Raleigh Memorial Auditorium at the Progress Energy Center for the Performing Arts! Presented by Capital Bank, the NCT Capital Awards is a program designed to recognize outstanding high school musical productions and performances.

Wonder if that teacher that cut Clay from his high school musical will be there? Clay certainly has fond memories of her. :hahaha:


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this was a question in ask Clay section

not sure exact words

my goodness are you ever afraid your pants are going to fall down just what are you carrying in your pants?

was that from you?

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From ClayIzzaQT at CH:

Found this while Googling:

May 19 2009 - May 19 2009

Brian Williams Television will produce the North Carolina Theatre Capital Awards for NCT and WRAL-TV again this year. This is one of the capital city’s truly special nights of entertainment, becoming known as “The Tony Awards of Raleigh”. Put it on your calendar, it is not to be missed!

Sponsored by Capital Bank, the NCT Capital Awards are designed to recognize outstanding high school musical productions and performances. Awards include “Outstanding Leading Actor” and “Outstanding Leading Actress”, “Supporting Actors”, and “Outstanding Musical”. It is a chance to see the future stars of Broadway, right here in Raleigh. BWTV is delighted to be producing the TV show which will air in June as a one-hour special.


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this was a question in ask Clay section

not sure exact words

my goodness are you ever afraid your pants are going to fall down just what are you carrying in your pants?

was that from you?

Nope. I haven't been inspired to post any questions lately. Although I am interested if Clay wants to share the contents of his pants with the fans....

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If Clay weren't important, the tabloids wouldn't bother with him

No truer words have ever been uttered in respect of the media, and most especially the sleaze media.

Sadly, it is a reflection of society, i.e. "us", that the tabloids have existed at all. I know someone in the USA who takes turns with her family members... they buy the National Enquirer and pass it around. I mean, this is a woman who is well-qualified in her career, she is intelligent; why would she waste her time reading this kind of fiction when there is far better quality fiction in books, where the writers are, at the very least, talented. Another woman was obsessed with the whole Anna Nicole baby thing, who the father was etc. SHE told me Clay was gay long before he said so... I asked her how she knew, and she said it was all over the internet. I have been scratching my head over this, why would she (who wasn't even interested in Clay), make assumptions about a celebrity just from internet tabloids.

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I'm with DJS. It's a tabloid. I don't know who made up what out of whole cloth. Everybody is just talking out of their asses. And who the hell is"Idol." Idol is hundreds of people and I doubt they are all of one mind. As for Adam, he can have his day! Good for him. I don't care that he is complimented. Every year it will be someone different. It's just the hype of the moment. And he'll have a career or he won't. This isn't any different than any other year.

Words of wisdom, oh great leader.

Who gives a shit about NE anyhow?? It's just such a non-issue! Clay has it easy compared to Brad, Angelina, and Jennifer. Jesus! There is BS about them in every issue. If Clay weren't important, the tabloids wouldn't bother with him.

And, who cares if Adam is getting hype now?? Clay was on AI years ago--of COURSE Adam is going to be the focus now. (I LOVE me some Adam.)

Clay is still around, getting bigger balls, better hair, and broader shoulders.

Thread title????

tribeca... I am absolutely sure that Clay's Mother Teresa quote is in answer to the NE story. Clay decided a long time ago to live his life as tho those who want to see him destroyed just don't exist (except for Jerome). Clay's gonna do what he thinks is right and just not pay them no nevermind and more power to him. :clap:

I think he was giving us his philosophy about the junk people say and do about him, but also I hear his plea for us to not defend him... it's not going to make any difference to those who do this crap. Take the high road. JMHO, of course. :BlowKiss:

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Clay is stil around, getting bigger balls, better hair, and broader shoulders.

:cryingwlaughter: May I quote you on this?! :hubbahubba:

Be my guest.

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Thanks, wandacleo!

Dropping off some more stalker pap LA pics from Just Jared.com

CUUUTIES the both of them!!

Clay Aiken is Parker Proud


GoodGawd that man is drop dead c00l & gorgeous :tasty::tasty:

Oh yea, and his baby aint bad either! :lipstick:

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Dropping off some more stalker pap LA pics from Just Jared.com

CUUUTIES the both of them!!

Clay Aiken is Parker Proud


GoodGawd that man is drop dead c00l & gorgeous :tasty::tasty:

Oh yea, and his baby aint bad either! :lipstick:

Wow he looks less than impressed in these........and the woman with him looks downright scared. Stalker is right!

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Dropping off some more stalker pap LA pics from Just Jared.com

CUUUTIES the both of them!!

Clay Aiken is Parker Proud


GoodGawd that man is drop dead c00l & gorgeous :tasty::tasty:

Oh yea, and his baby aint bad either! :lipstick:

Wow he looks less than impressed in these........and the woman with him looks downright scared. Stalker is right!

He lookd annoyed to me.

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Good Morning Everyone,

Have I said how much I love waking up to clack in the morning and how breathtaking Clay is looking lately? :hubbahubba:

:yahoo: Clay is on TV tonight! :yahoo:

Everyone have a great day!


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Clay is pretty smart in the ways of the papparazzi. He separates himself from Parker and allows them to take his picture so that Parker won't get frightened. He may not be happy about it but I don't think we will see Clay in any high speed chases. He's a great protective dad.

It's been fun seeing everyday pictures of Clay. I don't really need to know what he was doing, but whatever it is, I hope it will lead to some high profile gigs for him. :lilredani:

Hope you all have a wonderful day today.

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I guess it's just me, but I didn't even right click and save those. The look on his face is not something I want to see again.

Not just you, but then I never save any Clay pictures...the only one I have is my avatar...I enjoy looking at them, but I have no need to save them.

It did kind of shock me that someone would actually follow him into a building to take his pictures...but I guess the alternative would be to become a recluse...I guess the best thing it to just live your life and put up with the annoyance of paparazzi...just seems like to be more of a problem when Clay is in L.A....we didn't seem to get pictures when he was in NYC or Raleigh.


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Based on the quality of the pictures, I wonder if they were from a camera phone and maybe didn't come from a typical paparazzi photographer. Camera phones are everywhere now, and I suppose plenty of regular LA peeps can figure out how to sell celebrity pics / sightings to the photo services. Just guessing here, of course.

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OMG Yesterday we had Clay Aiken walking and today we have Clay Aiken....wait for it....visiting an office building!! Aarrgghh It is so unfair he gets to be photographed living the glamourous life in LA.

:sigh: Why can't I live a life like that? [/snark]

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I saved THIS picture because he looks too cool for the whole danged city of LA. To me, it's obviously NOT paparazzi because the paps have decent cameras and this looks like somebody snapping pictures from a cellphone in one particular spot in the building. Anyway, Clay looks so fine.


Catching up from yesterday and comments about the NE -- I wonder who the heck does read NE. I think I opened one at a check-out counter once during the OJ trial in 1995, and that would be it. But all it takes now is one person in the world to carry one of their nutty stories to the internet and there it is. I read this particular story about the rumors about Clay and AI right here first -- and then picked up some links on Twitter, and those links were denouncing NE, so I really don't think this amounts to jack, but just thought it was interesting that Justin Guarini debunked the story.

As to who I refer to as "Idol" -- that would be the producers of the show, The Deciders, and not the make-up people, back-up singers and technicians, et al. Those Decider people thrive on fake controversies, at least that's their track record, so I don't exclude them as culprits. I see "Idol" same as any other cold-blooded money machine. And Clay Aiken is a true class act in the business and that's just one of the many reasons why I love and respect him.

CLAY on my TV tonight! And on the finale of a very popular, Emmy-winning comedy show that is very hot and connected at the hip to SNL. This is lovely.

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Based on the quality of the pictures, I wonder if they were from a camera phone and maybe didn't come from a typical paparazzi photographer. Camera phones are everywhere now, and I suppose plenty of regular LA peeps can figure out how to sell celebrity pics / sightings to the photo services. Just guessing here, of course.

That was my first thought as well...until I saw that mee2u2 had posted HQ versions of these pictures (somewhere, didn't get a chance to pull them, and I'm at work now). Can you take HQ pictures with a cell phone?

I used to save all kinds of pictures to my hard drive, until I figured out that I could just easily save pictures into photobucket via "upload from the web" feature. And even then, more often than not, I save them to my photobucket in order to post things here.

I personally think there are people who buy the NE strictly for laughs. I also believe there are people who buy it and believe every damn word of it. As much as I want people to think about what they are reading, it just doesn't happen. And unfortunately, even as a librarian, whose job it is to help people study the reliability of sources, this just doesn't happen as much as I'd like.

Wah! I'm at work, but I would rather be at home playing with my new smartphone...

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but just thought it was interesting that Justin Guarini debunked the story.

I think Justin was asked about it since he does have access to AI through that TV Guide Channel show where they interview departing idols and report on dribs and drabs of the show.

Justin's answer was pretty much a non-answer, really, just vaguely negative, he didn't see anything or whatever. All the conspiracy stuff has been bloggers and tabloids.

There is no chance whatsoever that the entire Clay fandom will embrace Adam just because he is said to be gay, so IMO it is just errant crap that has taken on a life of its own. Or someone wants to get Adam's name out there even more than it is now, and knows that a Clay mention gets a number of hits.

Tempest in a teapot.

I am LOTS more worried that Angelina has told Brad to leave because she doesn't need him in order to have another baby, and that Brad is heartbroken.

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Based on the quality of the pictures, I wonder if they were from a camera phone and maybe didn't come from a typical paparazzi photographer. Camera phones are everywhere now, and I suppose plenty of regular LA peeps can figure out how to sell celebrity pics / sightings to the photo services. Just guessing here, of course.

That was my first thought as well...until I saw that mee2u2 had posted HQ versions of these pictures (somewhere, didn't get a chance to pull them, and I'm at work now). Can you take HQ pictures with a cell phone?

I thought even mee2u2's versions of the pictures were very grainy and not as sharp as you'd get with even a normal digital camera, much less a professional-grade camera. Don't know though, and guess it doesn't really matter.

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