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#51: You go on with your bad self, Mr. Aiken

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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA

    • Clay is stil around, getting bigger balls, better hair, and broader shoulders.
    • "He doesn't need the spotlight. He just glows."
    • Simon Says: Shut Up And Sing 2 (Learning to keep mah foot outta mah mouth)
    • Clay Aiken: Just like Timex...takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'

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Librarian checking in here...

Try the searches multiple ways to probably get the best results. Without quotes. With quotes. "Brother" only. "Sister" only. Pluralize both, but separately. Etc., etc., etc. It really is the best way to get all this information.

What a cool clip to wake up to this morning! The hair looked good, but what I was fascinated was by his arms. I was trying to see if that was a 3/4 length sweater, but that damn name bar was across his arms!

ooh LdyJ when you talk google... heee.

It is quite the art. I get paid to google LOL... and I love it when I can find that obscure thing.

Clay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One more day!

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, I believe Jaymes and David have quite a few siblings. I'd look it up but I'm tired this morning and need to head out to the gym. Sorry!

Well, I did actually look it up when we first found out about Jaymes being Parker's mom, and I couldn't find any other siblings besides David and Jaymes. I just had another look and still can't find anything. But that could just mean my research skills are dismal! :cry4:

I'm SHOCKED, SHOCKED, I tell you -- that nobody read Clay's discussion of this on the OFC answers thread! Clay discussed how Jaymes got her name -- that she is the youngest of 7 -- with David being #4 and the only male child -- and when mom was pregnant David and his dad decided that the baby's name would be James because they so badly wanted another boy in the family. When she was born (and I think her birth name was Colleen), David and dad called her James anyway as a joke. It stuck and when she grew up she officially changed her name to Jaymes -- although Clay said the older sisters still call her by her birth name. Wow, I am amazed that nobody read this from just last week at the OFC!!!!!!!! You guys are slipping!

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From Smarty pantz at the OFC

Clay interview San Diego about DF event


Anna hope you feel better soon

American Idol is in San Diego today too, for Adam's hometown visit - I wonder if there's any connexion???

I tried to post this last night but I think I must've forgotten to hit the Reply button after I previewed! D101!!!


from lolcats at http://icanhascheezburger.com/page/11/ (I added a new caption)

CAUTION! Remove Beverages and have inhaler at the ready! :cryingwlaughter:

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Whew! finished reading, viewing and listening to everything mentioned in all 12 pages. That's how I end the day. I enjoyed all your posts. Now I can go to bed with a smile and hope to see those cute , adorable faces singing beautiful songs in my dreams.

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And...adding to the silliness...plus the fact that certain movie opens today (which had been on my calendar for months, only to have RL get in the way...)

I think Clay would like watching this, if wasn't busy in Las Vegas...

Have fun all attendees!

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And...adding to the silliness...plus the fact that certain movie opens today (which had been on my calendar for months, only to have RL get in the way...)

I think Clay would like watching this, if wasn't busy in Las Vegas...

Have fun all attendees!

that was totally silly!! thanks! I hope to see the new Star Trek tomorrow night!

Looking forward to some weekend CLACK also!

You know everyone will have a blast - can't wait for recaps!

:11: to everyone attending!

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From AllyKat at CV:

We went to Mandalay Bay and found the event center where the concert will take place. There is a poster of David Foster and his show on the wall. I got my picture taken with it, since that's as close as I'll get. Clay is not mentioned on the poster. HOWEVER, there is a video advertisement in the hallway that runs along side the entrance of the theater and it also leads to the shark exhibit. On the video ad it says, Special Guest Clay Aiken! A lot of people will see that.
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Not sure who this person is, but interesting...and Clay typed the "F" word (scroll to the bottom

(From Cameron Saemann's public FB)


We're In This Together

Friday, April 24, 2009 at 11:21am

Pick an artist, and using ONLY SONG TITLES from only that artist, cleverly (preferably) answer these questions. This is harder than it seems! ADDITIONAL RULE: You cannot use the same artist I did, or duplicate song titles even if they were performed by another artist.

I chose Nine Inch Nails.

1. Are you a male or female:

Mr. Self Destruct

2. Describe yourself:

The Perfect Drug

3. How do you feel about yourself:

Down In It

4. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend:

Help Me I Am in Hell

5. Describe your current boy/girl situation:

Physical (You're So)

6. Describe your current location:


7. Describe where you want to be:

Beside You In Time

8. Your Best Friend

At the Heart of It All

9. Your favorite color is:


10. You know that:

The Way Out Is Through

11. What's the weather like:


12. If your life was a television show what would it be called:

StarFuckers Inc.

13. What is life to you:


14. What is the best advice you have to give:

Love Is Not Enough

15. If you could change your name what would it be:

Big Man with a GunUpdated about 2 weeks ago · Comment · LikeUnlike · Report NoteYou like this.


Clay Aiken at 11:53am April 24

#12... Are you implying you are a star fucker?

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Another interesting tidbit from CV:

I need to stay away from twitter!

looks like the next "story" is that Clay was snubbed by AI when he went to visit!! I'm not sure if its in the NE but it say May 18th 2009. Why cant they leave him the Fu*k alone!!!!!!!!! It says ....


Producers and reps from “American Idol” have had a long-simmering feud with Clay because he was one of the first contestant to bolt from 19 Entertainment, the management company that oversees the recording deals, merchandising, touring, sponsorship, and movie deals for “Idol” stars.

Network execs believe that Clay encouraged Kelly Clarkson to cut her ties with the show as well.

Here is the link for the full story...apparently this is going to be in the NE:


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I get the vague wisp of a feeling someone is trying to mention Clay and Adam in the same articles - you know, because if ya like one gay singer, you like them all.

I have stopped reading my Google alerts, because they all seem to use Clay's name in order to mention Adam.

Nothing against Adam, I just am not interested.

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I think I turned on Google Alerts for about 1 week and that was all I needed. Of course, I'm so spoiled because anything worth seeing or reading will be all over Clay Nation in no time -- so turning off alerts saved me a ton of aggravation.

Anybody with any agenda whatsoever can say absolutely anything about anyone on the internet and the more popular the celebrity -- the more awful things are written. Such nasty things I've seen about Tyra Banks, Oprah Winfrey, Angelina and Brad, the President of the United States .... you name it -- the bigger you are and the more impressive your fame, the more the low-lifes gun for you. The bottom line is .... NOBODY CARES what these disturbees think!!! None of this crap makes anyone change their mind about someone --unless they are disturbed themselves. And if they are the warped sort ... Buh-Bye!

Clay is popular, and connected, and rich, and happy -- and some people can't stand it. Ha! They are just fucked, aren't they?

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Little bit of everything today!

From the NY Post... I like musical superstar!!!!!


"30 Rock" packs musical superstars Sheryl Crow, Mary J. Blige, Elvis Costello, Clay Aiken, and Maroon 5's Adam Levine into one short half hour. Alan Alda and Sherri Shepherd, as Tracy Morgan's wife, also will appear.

The episode is called Kidney Now!, and features Jack (Alec Baldwin), who's been on a mission to find the father he never knew. Says Executive Producer Robert Carlock, "he marshals all of his influence and power to try to help out a newfound member of his family. He goes after finding that kidney with gusto. There's a pretty crazy charitable tribute song at the end of the finale."

Meanwhile, Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) suddenly finds herself acting as a relationship guru when a phrase she coins catches fire nationally. "She decides to go for the attention and fame even though she initially thinks it's a bad idea," says Carlock. "But that's Liz - she sometimes pursues self-interest and leisure instead of sticking with what she knows is right."

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It's a little weird that Clay isn't mentioned in that DF print interview, no? *scratches head*

*barfs* at the continuing saga of 'AI hates Clay'. If so, then it's pretty one-side, given the answers he continues to give when asked about them and/or his experience.

Hope our FCA'ers in Vegas this weekend (and indeed, all the Clay fans in attendance) have a fabulous time and show him the love!


And some new Reed pics (with fans) posted by elaineforclay at CV, via getclayaiken.com.

Lordy, he's a good looking pup. :hubbahubba:

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Thought I found the picture but when I posted it -- I was wrong. Still lookin'!


ETA: Goodness! Think these two could be related????


:hahaha::cryingwlaughter::hysterical: Ya think??? OMG, it's genetic. :hysterical:

That "Yo, whut you talkin' bout Momma??" face is just too priceless!!

I'm SO thrilled we have these pictures!

It's a little weird that Clay isn't mentioned in that DF print interview, no? *scratches head*

I thought the whole article was weird...until I realized it was likely done well before Clay "signed on" for the event. I do realize it's dated today, but it reads as though it was actually done some time back. I have a feeling Clay was not sure for whatever reason, until very shortly ago, that he was going to be able to do this...whether it was because of his surgery or something that was planned at the same time that fell through...who knows. But it just feels to me like it was fairly last minute.

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Lordy, he's a good looking pup
Yes, he is, keepingfaith....and I think he looks especially delicious in the pic where he's on the left side. Looks like he got some sun---the color looks good on him.
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Sorry, cindilu! :blush:

But you could do worse than to be mistaken for keepingfaith---she's a babe! :P

I heard OMWH in Home Depot last week and just heard Invisible in my grocery store today. Never on the radio, of course---that Clay! He's always forcing me to spend money to hear him! :cryingwlaughter:

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Librarian checking in here...

Try the searches multiple ways to probably get the best results. Without quotes. With quotes. "Brother" only. "Sister" only. Pluralize both, but separately. Etc., etc., etc. It really is the best way to get all this information.

Well, let me confess that I didn't exactly knock-myself-out because I knew anything remotely related to Clay would already be known by most people on a Clay board .... that is why I said AFAIK because that was as far as I knew!! When you're late-to-the-party like I am, you might as well find out from those who have been partying for a lot longer! :hahaha:

I'm SHOCKED, SHOCKED, I tell you -- that nobody read Clay's discussion of this on the OFC answers thread! Clay discussed how Jaymes got her name -- that she is the youngest of 7 -- with David being #4 and the only male child -- and when mom was pregnant David and his dad decided that the baby's name would be James because they so badly wanted another boy in the family. When she was born (and I think her birth name was Colleen), David and dad called her James anyway as a joke. It stuck and when she grew up she officially changed her name to Jaymes -- although Clay said the older sisters still call her by her birth name. Wow, I am amazed that nobody read this from just last week at the OFC!!!!!!!! You guys are slipping!

Thanks for straightening that out .... when I did a little research last year after we were told about Clay's baby-mama, I found some info about her name, and now I recall 'Colleen' but what I read (obviously incorrect) was that when her father died, she wanted to honor him by changing her first name to Jaymes, inserting a 'y' to feminize it. I just did a quick search on 'Colleen Jaymes Foster' to discover that her father's name was Maurice, not James. Agh, the internet can really do your head in!

What I note with mild interest is that biologically, David Foster is more Parker's uncle than Brett Parker, since Brett is a half-brother and therefore half-uncle. That's all he has in terms of biological uncles AFAIK. This is just an observation, nothing earth-shattering. My own family situation is somewhat weird so I tend to notice these things. I've always known the difference between a step-sibling and half-sibling and discovered to my amazement that many intelligent adults get the whole thing confused... often calling a half-sibling a 'step' because it never touched their lives. One friend even thought that you couldn't become a child's step-mother if the biological mother was still alive!! (NOTE: This is going back to an era when being a child from a step-family was relatively uncommon. Today, it seems to be almost that if both your parents are still alive and still married to each other, then you're a little 'different'! LOL).

What I had also noted with heart-warming interest is that Clay named his son after his step-father's family name, perhaps to bring closer ties. Whatever the reason, I thought it was a beautiful gesture in terms of cementing family bonds.

at CV:
Here's a link to an interview with David Foster. No Clay mention, but he does mention a "surprise".

I guess Clay wasn't confirmed at the time and I guess the surprise is now the worst-kept secret in Clay land.

(I can't help feeling so proud of Charice, I was one of her original fans ... from shortly after Bianca Ryan won AGT. I sent her YT clips to everyone I knew who appreciated new talent. While I always knew she would become a famous singer, I never dreamed she would reach these dizzy heights so soon, being endorsed by some the biggest names in the music and broadcasting industry in the world. It's a double-edged sword for me, I hate children being exploited yet I love watching extraordinary children showcase their 'gift'. I don't know if anyone here has heard of Tina Arena (yeah okay ausdon) but I ear-marked her for stardom when I first saw her perform on a show here called Young Talent Time. She had a 'funny-face', she danced out of step with the kids on stage but her voice just blew me away. Today, she is a big star in Europe and a mega-star in France.)

I get the vague wisp of a feeling someone is trying to mention Clay and Adam in the same articles - you know, because if ya like one gay singer, you like them all.

I have stopped reading my Google alerts, because they all seem to use Clay's name in order to mention Adam.

Nothing against Adam, I just am not interested.

To me, the only thing they have in common is that they both created a big and ongoing buzz on Idol from the start. But that is where the resemblance ends because Adam was a seasoned pro whereas Clay was unknown as a singer except in his community. I don't see the gay thing as anything to tie them in; Adam was and is overt and out-there whereas Clay was always a private person who had to suddenly deal with the public and media glare. Chalk and cheese IMO.


Can't find 6.48 minutes for this video? Then keep this link for when you need a seriously gut-wrenching laugh to counter a seriously bad day.

Stick with it
, don't let the first couple of minutes completely determine the outcome.

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It's a little weird that Clay isn't mentioned in that DF print interview, no? *scratches head*

I'm thinking he's the surprise....apparently he is billed as "special guest Clay Aiken" on the posters at the venue. So yeah, it seems he's a last minute addition. Maybe as a replacement for Groban, who is apparently no longer appearing? Who knows. Can't wait for the recaps!

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Biiiiiig favor, please, for anyone who can!

I'm travelling for business at the moment and ONLY have access to FCA on the business laptop. I'm SO bummed to have to miss the cellcert tomorrow night....PLEEEEEEEEEEZZZZ could the recaps, red notes and highlights be brought over to FCA??

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I'll second that request please...being away from the home computer sucks, but it has to be done in this instance. If someone can compile recaps, it would be MUCH appreciated.


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