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#55: My Eyes Adored You


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59 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Lots to look forward to. Clay being Clay. It's all good.
    • His heart's big enough for the whole world
    • Big heart, big feet, big......Man
    • Clay's going to sing. Life is good.
    • It's going to be the Summer of Clay
    • If Clay's happy, I'm happy. I don't care shit whether he rocks, sways, or jiggles.
    • What more could a girl (or guy) want?
    • Clay will sing, he'll sound great, and I'll be a happy camper.

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I'm aliiiiiiiiiiive! (barely). Just for those who may contemplate it, I don't recommend moving on a Tuesday when you have to work both Monday and Wednesday. I is sore, tired and can't recall wishing harder for the weekend to get here in a long time. *blearyeyes*

gdg, I will most certainly be your neighbour!

KAndre, you can be petty any time you like! I wouldn't have taken quite so much pleasure in Adam's sales performance had he not been quite so assy about Clay. Yeah, I know - Clay started it, but still.. whatevah. As for his AMA performance - I only saw it in youtube, but I have to say - ugh. And would have said it regardless of who the performer was or what the sex of the object of his, errr... attention. I recall being put off by Pink humping the stage one year, and I LIKE her. I guess it was inevitable that the backlash would be blamed on homophobia (and I'm sure it is to an extent) but it sure wasn't MY reason for finding it offensive. Did it affect his sales? Who knows - but I figure gay or straight, if the majority of your audience is young girls, you don't simulate a blowjob on television and then expect their parents to throw money at you. On the other hand, he has a song on the closing credits of a v. popular movie, so maybe his cd will go the way of Breakaway and have 'legs'. I stopped trying to figure out the record industry a long time ago.

ETA: Bwah, gdg!!! Don't let Tiger hear you say that. Be afraid. Be very afraid! My kitties were quite traumatized by the whole affair - but they seem to be calmer this morning. Charlotte of course is feisty as ever, but Frankie may never get over it, lol.

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I'm aliiiiiiiiiiive! (barely). Just for those who may contemplate it, I don't recommend moving on a Tuesday when you have to work both Monday and Wednesday. I is sore, tired and can't recall wishing harder for the weekend to get here in a long time. *blearyeyes*

gdg, I will most certainly be your neighbour!

Yayyy you are all moved. Make sure your cats don't leave you a present like mine did in my unpacked but open suitcase *sigh*. Somehow I knew I would pay for bringing him to Florida, whether he's coming back is a whole other story.

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Just wanted to pop in and say HI, and congrats on your move cindilu2, I bet you're glad that's overwith and you can start to settle in.

One question though, do your new floors slope?...if not, I'm going to miss that!! :imgtongue:

BTW, "Word" on your post about AL's sales...

I wouldn't have taken quite so much pleasure in Adam's sales performance had he not been quite so assy about Clay. Yeah, I know - Clay started it, but still.. whatevah. As for his AMA performance - I only saw it in youtube, but I have to say - ugh. And would have said it regardless of who the performer was or what the sex of the object of his, errr... attention. I recall being put off by Pink humping the stage one year, and I LIKE her. I guess it was inevitable that the backlash would be blamed on homophobia (and I'm sure it is to an extent) but it sure wasn't MY reason for finding it offensive. Did it affect his sales? Who knows - but I figure gay or straight, if the majority of your audience is young girls, you don't simulate a blowjob on television and then expect their parents to throw money at you.
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Man oh man do I miss Clay! I am so ready for new music. The best things I've listened to in the past year have been Clay Aiken and the The Beatles' remastered albums.

Nothing else seems to do it for me. Adam Lambert is derivative to my ears. He does nothing that Robert Plant and Freddie Mercury didn't do worlds better -- and look better doing. And to my eyes and mind the guy is just flat unattractive. Could I be reacting to the hubris jumping out of his very large pores?

Susan Boyle? Bores the ever-loving crap outta me. Nice voice, but oh so slow. SuBo takes dragging it out forever to a whole 'nother level. In fact, I suspect she may be unable to voice the lyrics at a faster pace and thus these songs are slowed down and dragged out in uniform sameness. Wild Horses is a great song and her voice is nearly inspirational on it, but it's almost 5 minutes long and I enjoyed it for about 3.

Now let's take OMWH. All I have to do is refrain from listening for a week or two and it captures me all over again by revealing new sound-gems that were apparently hiding from me before. That's what I like, something that NEVER gets old. The Beatles' remasters are showing me new things after 40 years. So that's where it's at for me - INTERESTING music with layers and secrets that are exposed over time and that always satisfy and amaze!

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I have a Twitter account. Why, I have no earthly idea. Apparently people stalk me using it. I've never even looked at Facebook. I did look at my MySpace - once - for a couple of minutes - a few years ago. My social tolerance is very limited.

And on another, petty note: (WARNING: I am snickering at one Adam Lambert).

Mr. Lambert's album, which dropped this week, sold 198,466 copies. That's with an AMA appearance, "street cred" out the wazoo, everyone (including him) declaring him the coolest thing EVAH, critically acclaimed, RCA golden boy, yadda, yadda, yadda.

One Mr. Clay Aiken, with ATDW, noisily panned by many his own fans (some of which are currently in love with Mr. Lambert's current output), no award show recognition, couldn't define "street cred" if they spotted him two words, held up as a poster boy for "not cool", critically savaged, apparently RCA's red-headed (or red-headed at some point) step child, yadda, yadda, yadda, dropped 211,234 in it's first week.


Works for me!

happily cabbage patches around

I did say, petty, right?

cabbage patches some more

It's not like I compared apples to apples - Clay's debut vs. Adam's debut, now it is?

tosses in a little funky chicken just because

Now one Ms. Susan Boyle (who's musical stylings I also dislike, but doesn't seem to be an ass) dropped 770,779. So somebody is buying CDs. At least half a million more somebodies.

does the funky penquin for Susan - because I can!

KAndre.... BWAH!!! I'm sure glad you're bored and decided to converse wid us. :cryingwlaughter:

I'm not out of town, but may as well be with what's been going on in my life. Enough is enough!Just here for a sec -- but did notice last night that Andrea Bocelli sold more than Adam Lambert, and it was Bocelli's week 2. Could it be a result of the PBS Christmas special he did with David Foster last week? If so, then apparently PBS Specials can be more productive promo than closing spots on the AMAs ... with controversy. (I'll bet RCA took Lambert to the woodshed over that performance.)

Oh, and I love that Bocelli records for Decca too.

I have to mention that when I am out of touch with the board and can just peak in from time to time, it seems to grow my obsession with Clay, and my thoughts of him. What is it? I'll never be able to shake this guy! YAY!

keeping... Glad to see you woman! Missed you! People who stereotype only need to look at Adam and Clay... both gay, but both so very different. Adam is always described as flamboyant... ugh! I have to admit I don't care for flamboyant. Clay is just always just flat out classy. Yummmmm!!!!!!

cindi... congrats on making the move... may you and your cats recover swiftly!!! Be gentle with yourself... new job and a move are big things separately... to do them both close together can boggle your mind... at least the unboggled part left after being a Clay fan forever... :cryingwlaughter:

I'm leaving for DC for my vacation tomorrow morning and don't know how much computer use I'll have, so don't be surprised if I'm not around much. MWAH!!! to you all!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be back the 11th... then I get to go frantic over Christmas. LOL

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I liked AL when he was on AI and fully expected to buy his CD, but I just don't like the songs I've heard so far, so I'm saving my money for Clay.

While I agreed with AL that there shouldn't be a double standard as far as what is acceptable for heterosexuals and gay on TV, I'm not sure that using vulgarity as a test is where I'd be putting my energy if I were gay--I think I'd focus on marriage, the military, hate crimes, etc. HIs push for equality just didn't impress me enough for me to run out and buy his album to show solidarity.

Just me.

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Man oh man do I miss Clay! I am so ready for new music. The best things I've listened to in the past year have been Clay Aiken and the The Beatles' remastered albums.

Nothing else seems to do it for me. Adam Lambert is derivative to my ears. He does nothing that Robert Plant and Freddie Mercury didn't do worlds better -- and look better doing. And to my eyes and mind the guy is just flat unattractive. Could I be reacting to the hubris jumping out of his very large pores?

Susan Boyle? Bores the ever-loving crap outta me. Nice voice, but oh so slow. SuBo takes dragging it out forever to a whole 'nother level. In fact, I suspect she may be unable to voice the lyrics at a faster pace and thus these songs are slowed down and dragged out in uniform sameness. Wild Horses is a great song and her voice is nearly inspirational on it, but it's almost 5 minutes long and I enjoyed it for about 3.

Now let's take OMWH. All I have to do is refrain from listening for a week or two and it captures me all over again by revealing new sound-gems that were apparently hiding from me before. That's what I like, something that NEVER gets old. The Beatles' remasters are showing me new things after 40 years. So that's where it's at for me - INTERESTING music with layers and secrets that are exposed over time and that always satisfy and amaze!


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While I do love Susan's Cry Me a River almost as much as Julie London's, I think that recording her first CD, with all the expectations, made her a bit cautious.

I replayed that youtube of her first appearance on TV (almost 80 million views!!!!) - and that first line she sang absolutely floated weightlessly and artlessly and effortlessly out over the audience. I think she had no expectations or pressure, back then it was all a lark.

I think her next CD will be quite different.

Watched a bit of the Rockefeller Center show tonight - wish Clay was there!

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^^ I remember that tree lighting with Clay on there, I was so mad that I missed it that day. (and this was doing a time that I usually get pissed everytime I missed a Clay appearance. 2003-2007)

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^^ I remember that tree lighting with Clay on there, I was so mad that I missed it that day. (and this was doing a time that I usually get pissed everytime I missed a Clay appearance. 2003-2007)

Aww, that was a nice day. Loved the pictures!


soulsista4clay -- seems like you're my charm for pages. Lol! whenever I get a page you're on as well. Well, bye for now -- got to check on a server in Malaysia...


Wow, and you're a good luck charm as well. Someone else logged on from Alaska and fixed it. I don't have to do anything.... (except render :) )

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^^ I remember that tree lighting with Clay on there, I was so mad that I missed it that day. (and this was doing a time that I usually get pissed everytime I missed a Clay appearance. 2003-2007)

Aww, that was a nice day. Loved the pictures!


soulsista4clay -- seems like you're my charm for pages. Lol! whenever I get a page you're on as well. Well, bye for now -- got to check on a server in Malaysia...


Wow, and you're a good luck charm as well. Someone else logged on from Alaska and fixed it. I don't have to do anything.... (except render :) )

Wow, I thought for a long time that I was a magnet for unluckiness, that's awsome. *g*

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59 Days until GFI!:yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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A new blog is up all bright and cheery with Clay being very Christmasy.

Memories of Beautiful Star of Bethlehem - Sweetest Song Ever Heard -- when Clay sang for his Papa in Raleigh are in this new Christmas montage.

New graphics, and Christmas decorating too. gift.gif

Thank you all for visiting and leaving me comments, it is really appreciated!

AshesClay the MAN-Sweetest Song I Ever Heard


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Has an announcement been made as to who is replacing Diane Sawyer on GMA? I read yesterday that she will replace Gibson as news anchor on 12/21. Wonder if Clay made inquiries? Remember when he wrote that he had sent a text to DS about the replacement and she asked if he were interested? I'm sure he was interested.

Also read today that Lambert has been canceled from JKL and Dick Clark's Rockin' NYE show. ABC must be royally pissed.

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Hey Bay Area folks, Scarlett is coming to visit on the weekend of the 12th and 13th (sat and sunday). I thought maybe we can plan a get together for either day.Think about it..I'll post a thread for planning later. Friends from other boards are welcome as well.

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I just noticed I moved from "executive producer" to "chairman"...moving on up! :twinklewhore: Does that mean I get executive privliges?


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Has an announcement been made as to who is replacing Diane Sawyer on GMA? I read yesterday that she will replace Gibson as news anchor on 12/21. Wonder if Clay made inquiries? Remember when he wrote that he had sent a text to DS about the replacement and she asked if he were interested? I'm sure he was interested.

Also read today that Lambert has been canceled from JKL and Dick Clark's Rockin' NYE show. ABC must be royally pissed.

I just read on my homepage that George Stephanopolous (sp?) was offered the job. No idea how true it may be.

You know who I'd hate to be right now? Tiger Woods. Man, the media is just relentless (not to mention heartless and disgusting). There really is no such thing as privacy for anybody, anymore. Nothing is off limits it seems. Ugh.

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Hey Bay Area folks, Scarlett is coming to visit on the weekend of the 12th and 13th (sat and sunday). I thought maybe we can plan a get together for either day.Think about it..I'll post a thread for planning later. Friends from other boards are welcome as well.

It was fun when we visited with YSRN last year at the Cambodian place near her house. Does she still log on here?

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Hey Bay Area folks, Scarlett is coming to visit on the weekend of the 12th and 13th (sat and sunday). I thought maybe we can plan a get together for either day.Think about it..I'll post a thread for planning later. Friends from other boards are welcome as well.

It was fun when we visited with YSRN last year at the Cambodian place near her house. Does she still log on here?

I don't think so but I can definitely contact her. Also my lurker buddy will be thrilled to see you if she is open.

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Hey Bay Area folks, Scarlett is coming to visit on the weekend of the 12th and 13th (sat and sunday). I thought maybe we can plan a get together for either day.Think about it..I'll post a thread for planning later. Friends from other boards are welcome as well.

It was fun when we visited with YSRN last year at the Cambodian place near her house. Does she still log on here?

I don't think so but I can definitely contact her. Also my lurker buddy will be thrilled to see you if she is open.

It would be great to see them both!!! When we know who can make it, we can find a place that's central or convenient for everyone. If it's possible, I'd like to try the subway.

ETA: soulsista4clay? i got paged, where are you? *g*

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