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#56: Clay's going to sing. Life is good.


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36 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • A burgeoning roar of eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!
    • Behold the Allure of Aiken!
    • Guys, it was just so, so, so good.
    • The man is a star and we saw him go super-nova.
    • Oh yeah, he really is just. that. good.
    • Shoot, I'm still suffering from post-concert giddiness, and I wasn't even freakin' there!
    • I really think it is now his time and yes it is about damn time!
    • And we love every minute of his many talents.

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I personally think the problem was the stupidity of NBC execs. Why kick out someone at the top of the ratings before they are ready to go. That doesn't make any sense at all. Conan's humor is better suited for the 1 am time slot. Leno should have spoken up and said NO I DON'T WANNA GO YET. I definitely didn't mind the chain of events that sent Conan packing though.

Conan made pedo jokes about Clay so I don't have those in the same boat as all the other jokes. That kind of thing can ruin a person.

And yes he's funny. I was a big fan at one time. A lot of people made jokes about Clay and I haven't held it against them. Hell I watch George Lopez every night. Can't even remember what he said although I remember that he said something. heee.

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I dislike Conan for reasons that go beyond Clay (he was a total douche when he brought his show to Canada, IMO), and I don't much care for Leno anymore either. But yeah, his 'jokes' about Clay crossed the line too many times. Clay may be forgiving, but I'm not - lol, always said he's a much bigger person than I am.

I don't know or care what happened with the whole NBC debacle, but I do like to think that Karma had at least a little to do with it.:whistling-1:

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Okie ma dokie! I sure hope they can fix this!!!!

Maybe a head count of how many are having issues other than me and liney?

Seriously guys - update your browser. The internet's an ever-evolving thing, you know? IE8 or Firefox 3.5 will fix your issues and they're free.

No it won't. I already posted that I HAVE IE8 Cindy!

It's only at school that I have IE7 and that's not a choice I have a damned thing to do about. The whole school network of computers is on IE7. The effect is the same both there and here when I'm on IE8.

This is really frustrating. I can see the line ending in "me and liney" and then everything else is behind the controls.

Gonna go catch up on the rest of the thread. It just brought me to your post, which was after mine.

I came to bring over this because we have so many Canadians here. Thought you might get a kick out of it:

Canada....so misunderstood!Share Yesterday at 6:30pm

Now that Vancouver will be hosting the 2010 Winter Olympics, these are

some questions people from all over the world are asking.

Believe it or not these questions about Canada were posted on an

International Tourism Website.

Obviously the answers are a joke; but the questions were really asked!

Q: I have never seen it warm on Canadian TV, so how do the plants grow? (

England )

A. We import all plants fully grown and then just sit around and watch

them die.

Q: Will I be able to see Polar Bears in the street? ( USA )

A: Depends on how much you've been drinking.

Q: I want to walk from Vancouver to Toronto - can I follow the Railroad

tracks? ( Sweden )

A: Sure, it's only Four thousand miles, take lots of water.

Q: Is it safe to run around in the bushes in Canada ? ( Sweden )

A: So it's true what they say about Swedes.

Q: Are there any ATM's (cash machines) in Canada ? Can you send me a list

of them in Toronto , Vancouver , Edmonton and Halifax ? ( England )

A: No, but you'd better bring a few extra furs for trading purposes.

Q: Can you give me some information about hippo racing in Canada ? ( USA )

A: A-fri-ca is the big triangle shaped continent south of Europe

Ca-na-da is that big country to your North...oh forget it. Sure, the hippo

racing is every Tuesday night in Calgary Come naked.

Q: Which direction is North in Canada ? ( USA )

A: Face south and then turn 180 degrees Contact us when you get here and

we'll send the rest of the directions.

Q: Can I bring cutlery into Canada ? ( England )

A: Why? Just use your fingers like we do.

Q: Can you send me the Vienna Boys' Choir schedule? ( USA )

A: Aus-t ri-a is that quaint little country bordering Ger-man-y, which

is...oh forget it. Sure, the Vienna Boys Choir plays every Tuesday night

in Vancouver and in Calgary , straight after the hippo races. Come


Q: Do you have perfume in Canada ? ( Germany )

A: No, WE don't stink.

Q: I have developed a new product that is the fountain of youth. Where

can I sell it in Canada ? ( USA )

A: Anywhere significant numbers of Americans gather.

Q: Can you tell me the regions in British Columbia where the female

population is smaller than the male population? ( Italy )

A: Yes, gay nightclubs.

Q: Do you celebrate Thanksgiving in Canada ? ( USA )

A: Only at Thanksgiving.

Q: Are there supermarkets in Toronto and is milk available all year round?

( Germany )

A: No, we are a peaceful civilization of Vegan hunter/gathers. Milk is


Q: I have a question about a famous animal in Canada , but I forget its

name. It's a kind of big horse with horns. ( USA )

A: It's called a Moose. They are tall and very violent, eating the brains

of anyone walking close to them. You can scare them off by spraying

yourself with human urine before you go out walking.

Q: Will I be able to speak English most places I go? ( USA )

A: Yes, but you will have to learn it first.

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Canfly - bwahahahahahaha! Thank you! Now I'm off to Canada, to buy some of that fountain of youth stuff - I seriously really need it!!!!!!!

Can't even remember what he said although I remember that he said something. heee.

Couchie, Lopez made Clay-gay jokes in his TV routines, but for some reason, continued taking shots at him during interviews. Really really weird.

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Those having problems...maybe it is your computer settings...maybe you need to change your display settings. Perhaps you screen resolution needs to be smaller? Just a thought.


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Those having problems...maybe it is your computer settings...maybe you need to change your display settings. Perhaps you screen resolution needs to be smaller? Just a thought.


If I mess with my settings, I'll likely mess them up for other boards. There has to be a fix for the skin for the board.

Couchie, etc...

Is there an Invision tech support board for admins where questions can be asked vs me (and whomever else) just randomly messing with settings? This is the ONLY messageboard that's doing this for me.

I know that whenever issues come up for members of my board with specific skins (and it's usually random as to which skins cause issues for which members because all skins are created with a specific browser in mind), I can either ask tech support for a simple fix to add to the CSS for the skin or for other issues I can just go post at the Yuku support board and they'll usually get back to me pretty quickly with a "fix" with instructions of what either I can do or the member can do to fix the issue.

There HAS to be a tech support board for Invision also.

This is what I'm seeing and I'm using IE8.


Now keep in mind, that some of us could potentially change settings on our end AT HOME, we have ZERO control over the settings at work, so a fix on the board end would be best but if you could at least tell them whatever skin you are using and show them the issues that we're having, likely they can provide a fix.

There is more than likely a simple fix that could be added to the board skin's CSS that would fix our issues.

Canfly - bwahahahahahaha! Thank you! Now I'm off to Canada, to buy some of that fountain of youth stuff - I seriously really need it!!!!!!!

While I was reading it, I would have sworn that it was Sparky answering those questions, lmao.


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I can't believe I'm actually watching one of those cheesy Time-Life commercials. Why, you ask? Because it's "Pop Memories of the '60s" and I'm scouting for songs that might be on "Tried and True". Hmmmm, some I'd love to hear Clay sing and some, not so much.

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Publicly apologizing to couchie and Clay (hee) for posting too much of his answers in the Q&A. It should be a perk to get people to join, and I goofed. Mea culpa.

Meanwhile, I was off seeing Jeff Bridges give a fantastic performance in "Crazy Heart." What a good movie, and I hope he gets the Oscar. I can't believe he's sixty!

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Publicly apologizing to couchie and Clay (hee) for posting too much of his answers in the Q&A. It should be a perk to get people to join, and I goofed. Mea culpa.

Meanwhile, I was off seeing Jeff Bridges give a fantastic performance in "Crazy Heart." What a good movie, and I hope he gets the Oscar. I can't believe he's sixty!

One of the most embarrassing moments in my life was my mom practically jumping into Jeff's daddy's arms when she saw him at the black filmaker's hall of fame awards. Jeff is my favorite Bridges.

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bottlecap, I did the same thing the other week. I never watch any of those infomercials or stuff like that, but it was playing songs from the 50's or 60's so I watched. Hated the commercial, but some of the songs were great. Can't wait to find out which songs will be on the cd, and can't wait until March 12th.

And CF, those answers do sound like Sparky's. You don't think they are hers, do you?

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This makes me feel so good.

From CH

From the Herald Sun in Durham

Oh Say Can You Sing

DeMargel figures between the auditions and actual baseball games through which he he's sat through at work over the last 13 years, he's heard "The Star-Spangled Banner" 2,500 times.

"I've heard a lot of national anthems," he said.

Clay Aiken's voice was behind one of them. That was back in 2003. Aiken was among the finalists on "American Idol" and was going to be in the Triangle, DeMargel said.

The idea was to have Aiken, who grew up in Raleigh, at a Bulls game. But "American Idol" handlers only wanted him to throw out the first pitch. Yet DeMargel, understanding Aiken wasn't going to be the most athletic guy in the ballpark that night, knew those who showed up would want to hear him sing. DeMargel said he managed to convince the "American Idol" people everything would be OK.

So Aiken flew into the ballpark in a helicopter, DeMargel said. The singer landed at second base. Yes, Aiken threw out the first pitch. But the guy hit a home run when he absolutely nailed the national anthem, DeMargel said.

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We are supposed to get a snowstorm starting today and into tomorrow...3-6 inches for us here in the southern suburbs and more up north...really tired of winter!

6 Days until Clay speaks at the HRC Convention!:yahoo:

19 Days until The Tried and True Special is taped!


28 Days until The First Day of Spring!


4 months until June and The New CD/PBS Special!


Clay addresses the Key Club Convention in July!


Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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I can't believe I'm actually watching one of those cheesy Time-Life commercials. Why, you ask? Because it's "Pop Memories of the '60s" and I'm scouting for songs that might be on "Tried and True". Hmmmm, some I'd love to hear Clay sing and some, not so much.

I've been mulling over songs that may have been included in Tried & True -- because what else am I going to do in my free time? I've gone through my iTunes files, and my books of CDs and the stacks of vinyl and considered every great song from the 60's that I think would fit Clay, and songs that haven't been done to death, etc. There are about 40 from that era that I'd love to hear Clay record, if not now then sometime in his recording future. But, there was that one song that when I listened to it I heard Clay singing it as clear as a bell and I'll never stop hoping to hear him sing it, if not record it. And my winner is ..... Jimmy Ruffin's What Becomes of the Brokenhearted. Can't you hear Clay singing that? I sure can. And when a song stays in my favorites for 44 years, that's definitely tried and true. If there's no R&B/Soul on this LP, then I'll wait for the day he records an LP dedicated completely to this motherlode of treasures.

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Couchie, Lopez made Clay-gay jokes in his TV routines, but for some reason, continued taking shots at him during interviews. Really really weird.

All I recall about George Lopez and Clay is that Lopez was on Kimmel with Clay and talked about his wife being there that night because she was a total Claymate. I think that was the ATDW night.

... I was off seeing Jeff Bridges give a fantastic performance in "Crazy Heart." What a good movie, and I hope he gets the Oscar. I can't believe he's sixty!

The Dude Abides! I love Jeff Bridges, but don't have a problem believing he's 60 (for obvious reasons)! In fact, I may fix myself a White Russian today in his honor and head off to see Crazy Heart.

Ringo Starr is turning 70 - now that stuns me.

ETA: As to the late-night comedians, the whole idea of the monologues is to rip people, and in an exaggerated and completely off-base way. And the hosts don't write these jokes for the most part. I don't watch Leno, but someone told me the reason his new show flopped was because he didn't have the writers he had at the Tonight Show. I'm jaded about comedy, and figure if they could make jokes night after night, and year after year about the penis of the President of the United States and in the most horrid and debasing way, what do they consider a joke too far? There were pedophile jokes about Bill Clinton for God's sake! What's too far? For instance, I watched Kimmel two nights ago and he had doctored video with Tiger Woods groping his mother's ass, and worse. I'm sure Tiger Woods fans were upset over that, but the audience loved it. Me, I'm a Craig Ferguson fan --he makes me laugh out loud.

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The funniest thing I saw was Bruce Springsteen rocking his guitar on the cover of AARP magazine when he turned sixty. I gave it to my son, a big Springsteen fan. I'm sure they are getting old and we are getting younger. At least I don't wear house dresses like my grandmother wore all the time. Do they even sell them anymore? I think sweat suits have taken their place for the even older than I generation.

:snoopy: Enjoy your day, my to do list is dragging on the ground.

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I've been picturing Parker trying to climb up Daddy's knee and him saying 'go play with Raleigh and Durham, Daddy's got to attention his women'!!! lol

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Couchie, Lopez made Clay-gay jokes in his TV routines, but for some reason, continued taking shots at him during interviews. Really really weird.

All I recall about George Lopez and Clay is that Lopez was on Kimmel with Clay and talked about his wife being there that night because she was a total Claymate. I think that was the ATDW night.

... I was off seeing Jeff Bridges give a fantastic performance in "Crazy Heart." What a good movie, and I hope he gets the Oscar. I can't believe he's sixty!

The Dude Abides! I love Jeff Bridges, but don't have a problem believing he's 60 (for obvious reasons)! In fact, I may fix myself a White Russian today in his honor and head off to see Crazy Heart.

You'll enjoy it, I think. He really does the "faded country star" well. I wondered, when I walked in, if he was going to be "the Dude" all over again, but he's not.

And I've got to say -- I've become a HUGE fan of T Bone Burnett. He's produced some of my most favorite music over the past 10 years or so, from the soundtrack to "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" to "Raising Sand" from Robert Plant and Allison Krause. The soundtrack to "Crazy Heart" is fantastic.

Ringo Starr is turning 70 - now that stuns me.


Me, I'm a Craig Ferguson fan --he makes me laugh out loud.

My husband and I have just started DVRing his show...and we LOVE him. He rips people too, but IMO he's also just so good natured about the whole thing. Also, he has this evil twinkle in his eye that makes me love him.

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And I've got to say -- I've become a HUGE fan of T Bone Burnett. He's produced some of my most favorite music over the past 10 years or so, from the soundtrack to "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" to "Raising Sand" from Robert Plant and Allison Krause. The soundtrack to "Crazy Heart" is fantastic.

My favorite T-Bone is T-Bone doing his own stuff as in this You Tube (I have relatives in Palestine, Texas (actually pronounced Pales-teen in Texas, and I love that T-Bone intentionally called it Pales-tine in the song)). It nails the local culture.

T-Bone Burnett - Palestine, Texas

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