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#22: Which brings us to Clay Aiken, as most good conversations should


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49 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be our next poll title???

    • Lordy. He is one more hunkalicious dude!
    • Brown hair and red hair and blonde hair, OH MY!
    • Is He Harboring Weapons of Mass Seduction?
    • "God help us with the dancing part."
    • I love the new hair, and the hair from last week, and the hair from next week.
    • I can pretend he's the little Shetland pony I wanted to play with as a child.
    • He is a man of many parts and all of them can park on my couch anytime!!!
    • When I pushed the Clay button, his voice pushed all of mine.

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Sorry to "drop and run," but I don't have time at the moment to load some of these beauties into my own photobucket....

Tangerinee's CITH Morristown album

Lordy. In my next life I want to be his microphone. <<You know how some people say they'd pay to hear him sing the phone book? I'd pay the price of admission just to be able to touch that hair. GAHHHH.

Bet his shoelaces are double-knotted right here.:Thud:

OMG !! I love his hair, it looks so soft and touchable.. :ilovemypc:

muskifest, your post made me smile. Hang in there !!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Oh Lord. MamaMuski got the word that her MamaMuskiDaddy (BWAH? :blink: ) can't spend the day with us at our house Christmas because he'll be spending the holidays in So. Cal. with his 'family'. Now his daughter tells me that he'll be staying with his longtime companion, a very spry 90-year-old woman. My mom doesn't know THAT, but she told me that she CAN'T STAND the daughter. Meanwhile, the daughter told me that at times my mom has been rather 'short' with her when she's visited her dad. Trust me when I say that I can so very easily believe that.


Who knew? Who knew that in my prime of life I'd be caught refereeing a geriatric love triangle involving my own mother? :onFire::Ahh: :fssign:

muski... BWAH!!! :cryingwlaughter: If the writers weren't stricking, you could write your own sitcom from your mama's situation for sure! :cryingwlaughter:

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OMG Is he gorgeous or what?

I so want to touch that hair and gently smooth it back in place.....................................................Oh now where was I .........Oh never mind I'm going back there. It was way :hubbahubba: too much fun!

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Hi from Minneapolis. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Sitting at the Holiday Inn's hot lobby ... was hoping to run into Couch Tomato (wearing my CV lanyard right now ... will hang around the breakfast area in a Clay T-shirt tomorrow a.m.

really knackered right now ... even a bit of walking was hard on my back/legs and will make an early night of it.

p.s. you may also see me outside smoking ! :cryingwlaughter:

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Did I tell how in Cleveland last night, Clay looked my way and...


...asked me if I wanted to Frug with him?


Of course I said yes which made him v.v. happy.



Oh wait, he can't afford to support his own child....

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i am having the worst christmas ever, first of all i lost my job last monday, I am still sad about that, and after christmas is the first aniversity of my relative's death, so i just am not looking foward to it at all. :(

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Hello, All!

Whoa! And Wowzer!

Those PICS!!


And it's so funny to me seeing the pics from (Erie???) where the stream was full of people talking about this big POUF sticking out and I expected to have to cover my eyes when the Clack appeared!

He looked GORGEOUS! I mean - it just looked like static electricity had picked up a couple of tiny wisps of his hair - I saw no gigundar POUF!

There may be some GIGUNDAR things visible - but, certainly no POUF! IMO

Lordy. He is one more hunkalicious dude!

Can you believe there are only 4 more shows??!!!

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To everyone in Minneapolis... Solo and I are going to find a place tomorrow for a party on Thursday so make sure to check the board tomorrow. Hope to see some of your tomrorow. FromClaygary, where are you? It seems everyone is staying at different hotels!!

We're off to find food and then pick up the rest of the posse. I'm a virgin when it comes to traveling with the whole posse. :fca::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

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soulsistah, I'm sorry for your troubles, both about the job loss and the anniversary of your relatives death. The holidays can be an especially hard time to deal with those types of issues. Try to focus on the good memories you have about your relative and take joy from that, and from being with the family you have left. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
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i am having the worst christmas ever, first of all i lost my job last monday, I am still sad about that, and after christmas is the first aniversity of my relative's death, so i just am not looking foward to it at all. :(

((((soulsista4clay)))) so sorry about how things are going...I hope you find some peace and comfort this season...take care

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I burned mime fan's DC audio wav files on two CDs for my buddy here in town who STILL hasn't been to a Clay concert but wants loves Clay just like we do! :hubbahubba: So I just talked with her and we're going to meet after work on Thursday so I can give her the gift. Last year I gave her a copy of AIW and she almost cried. This time she said "Oh, I can't wait! You're going to make my Christmas THIS year, too!"

Hee....giving the gift of Clay...what goes around comes around, huh? It feels good. :wub:

Couchie, be careful out there among that thar posse! :unsure: Be especially careful with that little one with the video camera---she looks innocent, but..... :whistling-1: Hee! Hugs and kisses to all representin' in the Frozen Tundra! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Soulsister, this is the time when a lot of us have relatives that passed on Christmas or Christmas eve. I found that out pretty quickly by posting of my own father's passing. it is not fun, but Laughn wrote and read a beautiful story about it in yesterday's tour thread. You might find some inspiration in it.

There are also other members here and in Clayfandom and the internet in general losing jobs about now - nice corporate end of the year gifts for people. It is sad and you can find sympthetic vibes here and pretty much everywhere. Sorry.

Well, I laid down for a nap, and woke up with a raging case ofthe flu. I am so happy. Why, oh why did I give my sister my last box of Kleenex and not buy any more? Oh well, I am doing Zycam so I can at least breahe, but I am not sure it will work for the flu. I will let you know.

All packages mailed out, I will PM amounts later. I used too heavy cardboard and the price was surprising steep to mail out just the papers and you don't want to even think about how much it cost to mail the posters - really, you don't. They won't be bent though!! My apologies that I did not have enough spamalot flyers to go around, I hope the substitution is satisfactory.

I am going back to sleep now - I was supposed to finish my cards today, guess not.

Good night and sniffle, snork

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i am having the worst christmas ever, first of all i lost my job last monday, I am still sad about that, and after christmas is the first aniversity of my relative's death, so i just am not looking foward to it at all. :(

I'm so sorry, soulsista. It's really tough to lose someone around Christmas. Each year it does get just a little bit easier, as the loss becomes a little bit less painful. Do you have some other family to spend time with this Christmas? And do you have any ideas about another job? ****HUGS****

I burned mime fan's DC audio wav files on two CDs for my buddy here in town who STILL hasn't been to a Clay concert but wants loves Clay just like we do! :hubbahubba: So I just talked with her and we're going to meet after work on Thursday so I can give her the gift. Last year I gave her a copy of AIW and she almost cried. This time she said "Oh, I can't wait! You're going to make my Christmas THIS year, too!"

I uploaded those wav files to my ipod, and made a couple of CDs, too. They're gorgeous!

Play, I'm sorry that you're sick! Sounds like you're sending out some nice packages to people. I hope you feel better soon!

Whew, have I been busy with rehearsals and concerts! There's so much music to perform in various places at Christmas. It's a lot of fun, but it makes the holidays realllly busy. Fortunately I get paid for most of it, and I enjoy it. And having Clay concerts to look forward to reduces my stress a lot, 'cuz he makes me happpppy!


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