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#24: Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.


Thread Title Poll  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Who needs caffeine when we've got Clay Aiken?!
    • Regardless of how you figure it, Clay is indeed our Million Dollar Man and I'm his cheap ho.
    • That is a whole lot of pretty. Physically and vocally.
    • It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man.
    • The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.
    • He was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...
    • Heeeee - I love it! A massive brain and big balls.
    • Clay Aiken goes for the Full Monty
    • Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.
    • TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!

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Spamalot wmv:

All I have so far is the "movie" in two parts, which might actually be easier for some of you to download

Spamalot Part One

Spamalot Part Two

I hope to have a link to the combined video later today. Also, I apologize in advance for the annoying ads flashing on the download page. I guess that's how these sites finance their "free" service. Feel free to pass these vids around. I don't think sendspace links "run out", but if they do, I will just upload the clips again.

THANK YOU!!! I've downloaded the first part, and am working on the second part. I think I will enjoy this show more if I've watched it a few times first. Then, when I'm watching Clay on Broadway, everything won't just fly by me when I'm in the Aiken fog! So I appreciate your efforts so much!

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That is a new version of UM with so much emotion a more real, like in actually feeling it to the depth of his soul version.

Thanks for putting into words my reaction upon hearing goldarngirl's mp3 of UM. I think this is one of his best versions of UM.

Also thanks for posting the list of Clay's and his fans' fund raising accomplishments. It's good to have the information that he has raised over a million dollars in one year for charity. Never know when it will come in handy to impress someone with the fact that Clay is so much more than a boy who came in second on AI.

I hardly ever post but I do try to keep up to the boards but, really, it takes up so much time. My New Year's resolution was to spend less time reading the various boards but that lasted only until January 2nd. I envy those of you who are able to limit your time on this activity. Here it is almost 11 am PST and I am still in my flannelet nightie. Living alone, as I do, there is none to look askance at such behaviour. It's been just over a year and a half since I entered this wonderful world of Clay fandom....so someone please tell me, how long before the obsession wanes a bit and allows me to keep up to my garden and housework and figuring out this new computer I just bought that has Windows Vista. OK enuf whining.

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lord, he is one beautiful man. and i've listened to all the songs posted so far and they are just beautiful. i also think that is the best he has sung um. i loved it and loved how he sounded on get here.

on another note, since everyone has been a little bit too preoccupied to check out the spamalot thread, i'm hoping i can do some begging here. my friend who normally comes with me to see clay, decided she'd rather have a baby this year so i have an extra ticket to spamalot on opening night. its in row l. i don't want anything for the ticket but i would like someone to share a room with, maybe travel with if there is a place to meet up, and someone who'd be interested in checking out the sights in nyc. i've never been there, so i'd like to go for the entire weekend.

i can assure you that i'm only a perv when it comes to clay, and i've never met any of the fake baby momma's or fake clay/clay's (hard to keep track).

and i'd like to add, after seeing the additional pics, that he sure looks good in a nice fitting pair of jeans.

:cry4: Oh, I want to take you up on this offer so much! I have vacation time from my job at the hospital, but I'm deep into rehearsals for the musical 'Titanic' now. I could likely make it if I made it a REALLY quick trip to New York. But it's a long flight there from Colorado, and I wouldn't be able to sightsee with you. DARN!!!

The bolded part cracked me up.

Best of luck finding someone to go with you!

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Just got back from the dentist and will start teaching in a few minutes, but I have to show you how Sally edited that wonderful picture by Katy4Clay. You can see the BEFORE/AFTER and read how she did it in the Photo Editing thread of the Paint Shop Pro Forum at Clayversity.


Photo by Katy4Clay, edited by Sally

See y'all after lessons! :F_05BL17blowkiss:


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Thank you Baby Jesus. Why yes, I have been a good girl this year so far (what? it's 8 days into the new year, that's gotta count for something!), and so I really, really, really deserve that picture.

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooo sailor!

O.M.G. I'm dead!!

Just a quick note to let you know that everything went OK yesterday, and SIL was resting comfortably when I left last night. Of course the pain meds hadn't worn off yet!! going over again today, soon actually!

Thanks for all the good wishes!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Spamalot wmv:

All I have so far is the "movie" in two parts, which might actually be easier for some of you to download

Spamalot Part One

Spamalot Part Two

I hope to have a link to the combined video later today. Also, I apologize in advance for the annoying ads flashing on the download page. I guess that's how these sites finance their "free" service. Feel free to pass these vids around. I don't think sendspace links "run out", but if they do, I will just upload the clips again.

:woman: Thank You OOlsee.

Clay, you sexy thang you. I'm here to do your bidding. thsign27.gif

He's a vision of hotness for our eyes. thdirtymind3.png82.gif

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:17f71c4d: Ho's, sluts, and weak-willed screenlickers - every last one of you!! :naughtywag:

I'll just be over here in the corner debacling repetitively petting lightly stroking every last picture of Clay wearing the fuzzy brown jacket until the lovely smooth nap is all worn away.

That's fine, bottle....just stay away from stroking the actual man. He's mine, mine...

MINE, I tell you! :hubbahubba:

I can't focus...I'm all squirmy and my mind is doing awful things....I only want to take moment after moment, you know?

gah. :Thud::hubbahubba:

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Lord, those pictures are yummy!

I think he got a little sun while he was in Mexico....only on his face, though!

Doh!!! It totally didn't occur to me about Mexico - I was wondering how he got so sun-kissed (guh) from one afternoon on the golf course.

That pic totally cracks me up. What a cute fella! I defy anybody to call him 'fat' or any variation thereof. Pffffffffffft.

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Posted by karebear65 at getclayaiken:


The look on his face....heh.

Alright, I watch entirely too much TV. Looking at this picture, I have an internal soundtrack going on. In an episode of "Friends", Ross buys a new couch but is too cheap to have it delivered, so he makes his friends help him try to get it up the stairway to his apartment. It doesn't fit ('cause it's a sitcom :rolleyes: ) and in the course of trying to manuver the couch around the bend in stairs, Ross is directing his friends by screaming "Pivot, PIVOT, PIVOT!" at them in an hysterical manner.

Anyway, that's the voice I keep hearing in my head... :unsure:

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Spamalot combined "movie"...megaupload, so first come, first served. May take a looong time to download, judging by how long it took to upload. I'm making new sendspaces for the two parts, which might end up being the best way to share this material.

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That is a new version of UM with so much emotion a more real, like in actually feeling it to the depth of his soul version.

Thanks for putting into words my reaction upon hearing goldarngirl's mp3 of UM. I think this is one of his best versions of UM.

Also thanks for posting the list of Clay's and his fans' fund raising accomplishments. It's good to have the information that he has raised over a million dollars in one year for charity. Never know when it will come in handy to impress someone with the fact that Clay is so much more than a boy who came in second on AI.

I hardly ever post but I do try to keep up to the boards but, really, it takes up so much time. My New Year's resolution was to spend less time reading the various boards but that lasted only until January 2nd. I envy those of you who are able to limit your time on this activity. Here it is almost 11 am PST and I am still in my flannelet nightie. Living alone, as I do, there is none to look askance at such behaviour. It's been just over a year and a half since I entered this wonderful world of Clay fandom....so someone please tell me, how long before the obsession wanes a bit and allows me to keep up to my garden and housework and figuring out this new computer I just bought that has Windows Vista. OK enuf whining.

Heh! It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man. Fascinating for sure.

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Couchie, I doubt that the megaupload will be gone by the time you get home. Megaupload allows more downloads than most other free services. It does take a long time to download big files, though! Fortunately, you can use a download manager (like getright) so it can restart if there's an interruption.

I have to stop being a postho and go to rehearsal. And darn, Katy4Clay is home now, and is working on more video! I'll have to wait until later to see it. :(


ETA: One more quote before I go - from LovnThatClay at the CDB board:

First a major heads up! This golf tournament will be an annual thing at Mirasol!!!!! So, everyone learn to golf!!! When we first heard of the event, I think a lot of us, including me, got the impression that they really were not looking for fans to be there. I know of someone who actually felt this, so decided to stay away. Uncle Jerry couldn't have been more gracious, and said that he regretted giving the impression that fans weren't wanted--his mistake. So next year, here we come!!!

Learn to golf!!!!

Since I didn't golf, I can only relate what Michelle told me. Is there Clack of the golf clinic?? apparently, Clay and Wayne Player were pretty funny together. Black shirt, sexy jeans and sneaks! He went around the course in a golf cart, stopping to saying hi to everyone. Michelle hit her best shot just as he was pulling up and he commented on it!!! Very cool encounter for her.

As a guest I was able to go back at 5 to join Michelle. She had snagged a great table--right next to one that said 'reserved'--hmmm, ya think?

Most people at our table were not 'real' Clay fans, which surprised me. Leslie Streeter (the Palm Beach Post writer) sat next to me. Well, Leslie was really nice and took it all in!! I told her that her blogs were already circulating ClayNation!

This was all very casual. Food islands all around, waiters brining drinks--really, really comfortable. I turned around and saw this blond, thin guy, and my brain said, who's that?? crap!!!!! it's CLAY!!!! OMG!!! OMG!!!! OMG!!!! he looked wonderful, amazing, wonderful, freakin' gorgeous! Sorry about those of you not liking the blond, but the mane is blond and long, and the sideburns are long!! Freakin' gorgeous! He sat at the table right in front us and right across from me. If I picked up my head there he was!! OK, Ginny, don't stare at the guy, show some measure of maturity woman! It was difficult but I was good--proud of myself for not turning all fangirly! Now you guys know that I've never had a M&G, so I was really nervous about acting like a loone in front of him. After the initial shock of realizing that I was breathing the same air, I was ok, didn't hyperventilate or anything! Uncle Jerry started off with a little speech, then Diane Bubel, and then a BAF supporter whose nephew was a Downs syndrome man who had accomplished so much in his life. I'm embarrassed to say, I can't remember their names. Maybe he spoke before Diane, 'cause I'm pretty sure that Clay spoke after her. Anyway, Clay got up there and started talking about the foundation, it was necessary to put the brain on alert for high-speed intake, 'cause the man talks so darn fast!!! Aaron Hall was trying to show a video about the BAF but it was giving him fits, so that 'show-time-switch' went off in Clay's head and he took control. He brought a piano guy from NYC with him, Ben something, and he started singing 'I Can't Make You Love Me' from the JBT! He sang the whole song and I swear it was the best he ever performed it!!!! Then he sang 'At This Moment', remember he sang that during AI?! I can't recall him ever singing that anywhere else!!! Again, the whole song, not just a little piece!!! EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! He was trying to kill time while they tried to get the video to play, so he said he was running out of songs, and asked if anyone wanted him to sing anything! We got a little bit of 'When A Man Loves A Woman' but he couldn't remember the words, and I think another song, but my brain was beginning to fry by then. I think we finally saw some of the video and then he came back to sing again. He sang a pre-AI song 'Love of My Life', and I swear I think that's the first time he's performed that! Could be wrong, but, I don't think so! It was incredible! Then he sang another first for him, and of course, I really am not sure of the title, but you'd all recognize it--'You can reach me by railway, you can reach me by telephone --- remember it? (If learned that the name is 'Get Here If You Can') Then he sang Unchained Melody--heart stopping!!!!

When the auctions started and he was in 'sell me' mode! Unbelievably funny and adorable!!! I finally got my picture with him!!!!!! Michelle and I got a wonderful little bit of an extra surprise. While we were trying to take the picture, her camera wouldn't go off right, so she realized that it was still in video mode. She flicked a switch and then the camera was ready for a picture. Well, the video was running, so we got video of him coming up to us and putting his arms around us!!! He was so gracious, and did I say freakin' gorgeous????

It was a nite I will never forget.

I think I love him!

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came home and before anything else...checked out clack alert and EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE downloaded all the goodies....

WOW that UM...the best EVER!!!!!

Love get here...so tender...

love hearing the newer version of LOML even if he was struggling with the words

too bad he didn;t know the words to WAMLAW

I am greedy, I want to hear ICMYLM and ATM!!!

the pictures and screencaps...to die for.

now I want to just stare at my avatar....

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Living alone, as I do there is none to look askance at such behaviour.

It's been just over a year and a half since I entered this wonderful world of Clay fandom....so someone please tell me, how long before the obsession wanes a bit and allows me to keep up to my garden and housework and figuring out this new computer I just bought that has Windows Vista. OK enuf whining.


In response to what I've bolded, I'd say this is probably a good thing for one with a Clay obsession. I do get the occasional askance looks.

The second part of your paragraph makes me chuckle. I used to be a pretty good house keeper, those days have been gone since sometime in the fall of 2003 for me. I guess I'd say sit back and enjoy the ride, make friends with your dust bunnies cause they just might be around for awhile. But don't worry, you'll find lots of enablers here. :cryingwlaughter:

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Lotus Wanes???? How long before it WANES???

Do you not see us here every day, slobbering over every picture and detail???!!! :hubbahubba:

Spending money on Clay like lunatics!

Selling everything but our bodies (not speaking for everyone, of course) to get concert money!!!

Do we seem like waners to you???

Dream on.

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What does 'wane' mean? :huh:

heh. no 'wane' shit goin' on at Muski's house, fo' sho'....

It's true, skybar---there have been times when I began to feel that "Finally! I can let REAL life take over again! I mean, he's a cutie and can sing the schiznitz out of anything he wants to and is funny as all get out and has a heart of gold and whatnot, but I'm fine now. Really. I can just enjoy the man without needing to know every little bit of news about him---without downloading every single bit of new video or new picture at this or that function. Whew! Finally."



heh....and then I woke up.


There IS no 'wane' in Clayspeak because he always delights and surprises. Just like Kelly Clarkson sang, "It's like you're a drug...."...

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Finally got home and was able to listen and watch the clack from last day; it was killing me all day having to wait...but it so worth it!

UM...as has been said, the best ever...Clay owns that song and nobody should ever sing it but him!

First time I ever heard Get Here...yes Clay, no problem...checking the airlines, trains, etc. right now!

And Dear Clay, don't ever change that hairstyle or color or shave the sideburns... :hubbahubba:


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Alright, I watch entirely too much TV. Looking at this picture, I have an internal soundtrack going on. In an episode of "Friends", Ross buys a new couch but is too cheap to have it delivered, so he makes his friends help him try to get it up the stairway to his apartment. It doesn't fit ('cause it's a sitcom :rolleyes: ) and in the course of trying to manuver the couch around the bend in stairs, Ross is directing his friends by screaming "Pivot, PIVOT, PIVOT!" at them in an hysterical manner.

Anyway, that's the voice I keep hearing in my head... :unsure:

One of the funniest Friends episodes evah.....Bwahahahahaah!

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