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#32: Man with titanium balls and the voice to back them up!


What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Where he thinks he belongs, and it's not in any lane, it's all over the damned highway.
    • "Clay Aiken: #1 Bad Ass"
    • Large and in Charge...
    • Let's all chant "I think it can! I think it can! I think it can!"
    • He is too good, too magical...
    • I have seen the light and the light is named Clay!

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It was over too fast!!! And I can't rewind and watch because my internet and cable are out and I'm on dial-up right now!! So no DVR! I have a little TV with rabbit ears on right now!!

I missed his 5 seconds of British accent!

I have to wait till tomorrow to download!!

Did I mention he looked CUTE??? and I love him!?

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It's still early out here on the left coast but I am glad to hear that OMC looked so fiiiine on Leno.

I have a question for you accomplished buyers of CD's with xtra songs. I just downloaded OMWH from Itunes and there was no extra song. Does this mean I am doomed to not hearing it? evah?

And what about WalMart....is the xtra song available on CD's sold in Canada.

And how many xtra's were there? I was away from home while all this info was being posted and I don't know where to find it.

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I thought that was one of Clay's top talk show appearances ever, if not the best. He was totally Clay. Funny, interesting, cute beyond words, British accent, the expressions that are sooooooo adorable and hot. Did I mention that he SANG that song tonight? Regardless what kind of music you generally prefer, that voice is fabulous. And I like the shortened version of the song for TV. I like all the verses on the CD, but for a live performance it's more intense and interesting somehow. The whole deal tonight was a big success.

The interaction with Jack Black was brilliant.

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for people who were in a fog and can't replay it right now, can someone tell me what he said in the British accent? I think I zoned out on his looks or something and can't remember!

And what did he a JB talk about besides the longer version of JB's song they joked about?

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Hi everyone!

Just popping in to say hello and watch Leno. I see the Leno reports are great. Cause of course our guy Clay is great!!

I am quite excited to see him on my TV!!!!!!



Sales are what Jaymes/Clay warned us they would be so I am not surprised and thank her/him for giving me a heads up, cause otherwise I would be more disappointed.

I am looking forward to every single TV appearance and after that every single surprise Clay has in store for us!! I bet the future is bright. :wub:

I will be at his fall concert - hopefully at the Gala - and also hopefully at his Christmas concerts, if the good Lord is willing.

Hugs to all!

EEEEEEEEEEE Welcome me_myb nice to see you. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

and EEEEEEEEEEEE I'm home thank goodness and in time to see our guy on Leno, how well timed was that????

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They talked about Spamalot. Jack Black is "a fan of The Monty!"

When Clay started talking in the British accent:

... but actually when I'm walking to the theater every night I'd start talking like this, automatically. As soon as I walked in ...

Jack Black was looking around .. "Where's Clay? Where? Who's THAT guy?"

Okay, where have I heard that before? "Who's THAT guy?" :cryingwlaughter:

Another moment I loved:

Jay asked him if he was superstitious, and Clay said no. Jay said I think you're lying, I think you're superstitious. And Clay said ... drumroll ...

I'm superstitious about lying.

I love him.

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Welcome me myb!


Thank you! Nice to be here.

EEEEEEEEEEE Welcome me_myb nice to see you. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

and EEEEEEEEEEEE I'm home thank goodness and in time to see our guy on Leno, how well timed was that????

:F_05BL17blowkiss: back atcha!! Nice to see you too.

I am about falling asleep here waiting for Leno to start out west here. I may have to rely on clack if he doesn't get that cute grin on my TV "soon". :D

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I love this Ford ad - Hmmmm, still it is always about Clay (or sometimes about WIlliam Hung)

hough the Focus SVT is surely not returning, Ford did give the new coupe a new freer-breathing exhaust on models equipped with the five-speed manual to free up some horsepower, and also added a new 4.2 final drive ratio to make off-the-line acceleration a bit quicker. The 2009 Ford Focus Coupe will have a base MSRP of $15,920 when it goes on sale in late Summer, and you can check it out later tonight when Ford officially debuts it in a video on American Idol. We want to hear what supercar collector has to say about the new look Focus Coupe. Is it a Clay Aiken or a William Hung?

Now if Clay got paid everytime someone said his name, he could produce individual records for each of us. Profit would not be an issue

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They talked about Spamalot. Jack Black is "a fan of The Monty!"

When Clay started talking in the British accent:

... but actually when I'm walking to the theater every night I'd start talking like this, automatically. As soon as I walked in ...

Jack Black was looking around .. "Where's Clay? Where? Who's THAT guy?"

Okay, where have I heard that before? "Who's THAT guy?" :cryingwlaughter:

Another moment I loved:

Jay asked him if he was superstitious, and Clay said no. Jay said I think you're lying, I think you're superstitious. And Clay said ... drumroll ...

I'm superstitious about lying.

I love him.

thanks KF - I zoned out during that part!!

Can't wait to see it again!!

There are screenshots up at http://clayaikenpix.com/gallery/login.php (I'm still on dialup)

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rickey.org has the clip of all of Leno here

Clay on Leno

Thanks, play. The best thing on that web page is this quote:

Another great interview with Clay Aiken. His career is going to last forever just like Barry Manilow. For as long as there is an entertainment industry, there will always be Clay Aiken.

I loved that interview - very, very funny! And CUTE! My favorite parts of the interview were the raspberry and the British accent. I could rewind and rewatch those parts repeatedly for a long time!

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Anybody need a new avi?



ME...ME...ME!!!! Thanks!!!

so banner day today...and I can wait if someone wants to make one from the recent appearances..cos he was just looking soooo hot!!!

Its not working!!!...sniff

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Clay was so adorable on Leno last night. Looked wonderful and sang like only he can. Jay has become such a tool though - just rubs me the wrong way no matter who/what he's talking about. Maybe he's prepping the Tonight Show audience for when the king of all tools takes over. *shrug*

I personally just hate to see Clay reduced to/defined by a number on the charts, especially within the fandom. He's so much more than that, and I know it. Whatever happens with this CD, I know who and what he is and he deserves my support. CD sales are going the way of the dinosaur, and it's happening with accelerating speed. What applied in 2003, even what applied in 2006 does not apply today. Madonna, who is, well, Madonna, did everything 'right'. Tons of pre-debut publicity, radio, music videos, association with the 'hot' properties of today. And she sold slightly more than Clay did in '06 with a covers CD. 'Success' is going to be redefined, IMO. I like that quote from rickey.org - as long as there's an entertainment business there will be Clay Aiken. Yeah, baby. Entertain me - forever, please.

ETA: Ansa, you appear to have saved it as a jpg instead of a gif.

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Good Morning Everyone,

Another tired fan checking in...Don't know how I am going to be able to stay up for Kimmel and Ferguson, it was all I could do to say up until 10:30 last night...really had to force myself.

Clay was great last night and looked wonderful, loved the outfit!

AOL Sessions today!

3 Days until Climmel/Rachael Ray!

6 Days until Craig Ferguson!

Everyone have a great day!


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Just watched the interview a few more times this morning. I think what impresses me most about the man is that he can hold his own with some of the sharper comedians in the business -- Jack Black; Mo Rocca; Howie Mandel. He has the comedic timing and I find that so enthralling. And I still believe that him just sitting around and chatting sells records -- that's probably just me though.

Don't forget -- the AOL sessions are supposed to premiere sometime today.

Can someone explain the MacBeth superstition? I've never heard that one before.

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I like the warm little oo-oooh Clay added at the end of "On My Way Here" last night.

Me too! Didn't catch it until I watched it back the second time. I think he did that in one other appearance too.

I'm tired too, only got 5 hours sleep. Oh well, it was worth it to stay up and see that! I loved it, it was one of the best appearances on late night he's done, IMO. He looked great, was funny, and sang amazing. Hee, it was funny, I showed the clip to my son this morning (16 yo) and when Clay said that bit about "who wouldn't be confident with all this?", he thought he was serious, even though "we" know he was being self deprecating. Because, really, he looked freaking gorgeous!

Dontcha just love getting in the car in the morning, and hitting play on the CD? GAH, I can't get enough of it. I've got Grace Of God in my head this morning. Love that song! And my Amazon.com order arrived yesterday, so I have the requisite sealed copy of OMWH in my bag, just.in.case. ;)

Don't forget -- the AOL sessions are supposed to premiere sometime today.

I thought they were just taping today? Wheee, so much to look forward to!

~Yes, the sun is shining and I'm in a good mood today, even though I got reamed out by my boss's boss yesterday. Clay Aiken makes me happy!~

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Can someone explain the MacBeth superstition? I've never heard that one before.

Its an old theater thing. I knew as soon as they started talking about superstitions it would be mentioned. I think there was supposed to be some kind of curse? All I know is you never say "Macbeth" you always say "The Scottish play".

Or, what it says here: Theater Superstitions

Why does it bother me that Josh Groban gets a "concert" spot on GMA's Summer Concert series and Clay doesn't??? That's what Clay really needs. If he had the chance to sing 3 or 4 songs I bet his album sales would increase.

Oh well. It is what it is.

Maybe I'll go watch Leno before I go to work....

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Lawdy, lawdy, what a gorgeous screencap! WOW!! Thanks!

It's still early out here on the left coast but I am glad to hear that OMC looked so fiiiine on Leno.

I have a question for you accomplished buyers of CD's with xtra songs. I just downloaded OMWH from Itunes and there was no extra song. Does this mean I am doomed to not hearing it? evah?

And what about WalMart....is the xtra song available on CD's sold in Canada.

And how many xtra's were there? I was away from home while all this info was being posted and I don't know where to find it.

...and just to add to the Itunes info already posted, no, the Walmart bonus is not available in Canada.

I'm sure some kind soul would get you a US Walmart CD if you asked....:lol:

I love this Ford ad - Hmmmm, still it is always about Clay (or sometimes about WIlliam Hung)

hough the Focus SVT is surely not returning, Ford did give the new coupe a new freer-breathing exhaust on models equipped with the five-speed manual to free up some horsepower, and also added a new 4.2 final drive ratio to make off-the-line acceleration a bit quicker. The 2009 Ford Focus Coupe will have a base MSRP of $15,920 when it goes on sale in late Summer, and you can check it out later tonight when Ford officially debuts it in a video on American Idol. We want to hear what supercar collector has to say about the new look Focus Coupe. Is it a Clay Aiken or a William Hung?

Now if Clay got paid everytime someone said his name, he could produce individual records for each of us. Profit would not be an issue

I strongly suspect Clay IS getting paid for the use of his name in that one in particular. Good on him!!

me myb, it's about time!! Welcome!

Great Leno appearance last night! Loved the raspberry...AND the "look, I'm not bitter" :lol: look. And the English accent demo.

Don't think we'll be seeing that jacket anytime soon again :cryingwlaughter: He kept pulling at it and was obviously uncomfortable in it....that one'll go to the back of the closet and we'll see it again maybe in 2010 on Kimmel, when he's forgotten how uncomfortable it is! And we'll be able to say....isn't that the jacket from OMWH/Leno? :cryingwlaughter:

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