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#35: You mean, it’s not all dressing up and dancing at FCA?

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55 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • I know, I know
    • Clay?s the balm, dog.
    • He's Clay Aiken, the one and only, for God's sake!
    • He's got energy, he's got soul, he's got it all, that voice pours out of him.
    • What can I say, he's addictive.
    • I'm of the "don't die til the bullet hits you school."
    • He can turn my world on with his smile!
    • Daddy now or later or never, Clay is a gift and I'd love to unwrap it.
    • Clay Aiken: Promoting Friskiness Since 2003.
    • It ain't my life, just my passion!
    • FCA - An anarco-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync nomadic omnivores.
    • CiSNOs from FCA who tulibu dibu douchou Clay!
    • The man has done so many songs that you never know when he will just pop into your mind as you go about your day.
    • The man has perfectly perfect pipes and a perfectly perfect profile presenting the perfect potion of masculine pulchritude!
    • What the man did with a minute and a half with a limited choice of material, a backing track and three idiots staring at him was nothing short of art.

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His question was - when I had OMWH playing . . .

Does he not sing anything upbeat on this album?!!!

Now - I know he means uptempo - not upbeat.

But - up temp - midtempo?


I'm just trying to throw in a 4 to 5 song cd I can turn on when I see him pull up in the driveway - that will maybe get him to listen to OMWH songs without going THEY'RE TOO SLOOOOOOOW!!!!


I'll check tomorrow!

I rilly must go crawl into bed!!!



Okay so . . .




Everything I Don't Need

That's a start!

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Oops - I thought
I watched a mother on my TV

Hungry children that she can't feed

was "hung her children that she can't feed"

Oh dear, bad eyes, bad ears - soon I will just be all bad.

heee that's really cute Play. Lord knows I have a knack for not understanding a word people sing. I know Clay cleared something up for me last summer with one of those tv theme show songs.

ETA: Perma..thanks for the bridge stuff. Even I understood it.

LdyJ..glad you have an answer!!

GBmifan - sending good thoughts your way

sooooooo a little drama tonight with the people upstairs..It used to be two old folks there..quiet as church mice...but damn if the entire family hasn't moved in up there..freakin' footsteps and loud bumps all times of day or night..well tonight they were loud even for them...and then right in the midst of my "surprise" BANG. I think my whole house screamed. It was a darn basketball..they were upstairs playing freaking basketball in teh house and on the balcony. It came down and hit my patio doors loudly. My brother in law went outside..checked things out..brought in the wonderful Oakland Athetics decorated basketball (yeah don't ask me who thought of those) into the house... and they will get it back when they have the nerve to come downstairs and ask for it. Until then, IT'S MINE! And it sure got quiet up there after that.

going to bed...

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Oops - I thought
I watched a mother on my TV

Hungry children that she can't feed

was "hung her children that she can't feed"

Oh dear, bad eyes, bad ears - soon I will just be all bad.


Hey, that's a shocking reality here, for a moment I thought you were referring to a tragic case here. 18 months old twins, a boy and a girl, were found by their eleven year old sister, dead in their cot. They had starved to death. When they were found, they had been dead for about a week. The horror of this story is just unfolding now. The couple has 4 other kids. I feel sick just thinking about it, those poor, poor babies, they were toddlers but weighed as little as newborn babies.. I mean, this is not the third world, if they didn't want those kids SOMEONE would have adopted them. I don't understand this, just can't get past how this could happen in a house full of people (twins +4 other older kids +2 parents and assuming they had relatives or visitors at any time), it would have taken months for those babies to die from starvation.

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I don't wish to die and even should like to reach deep old age, but I should refuse to become young once again and live my whole life from the beginning. Once is enough.
TCHAIKOVSKY, letter to Anna Merkling, 1884
I would hate to die, ever, because every year I have a better time of fishing and shooting. I like them as much as when I was sixteen and now I've written good enough book so that I don't have to worry about that, I would be happy to fish and shoot and let someone else lug the ball for a while.
ERNEST HEMINGWAY, letter to Hadley Mowerer, 23 July 1942
Forty is the old age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age.
VICTOR HUGO (1802-85)

Ansa, at least you are still in your youth!


p.s. sorry if these quotes seem depressing, they are part of my collection of birthday/age quotes from notable people in history.
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I should know better than to go to bed early......3 pages to catch up on, and a couple of posts from my buddy cindilu2 to boot! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

And some people have a disconnect between the content and the tempo.


I never got that. I just hear a pretty song with some socially relevant lyrics. :huh: And a catchy one, at that.

About ATDW, I can't go longer than a couple of days without Right Here Waiting ... and Lonely No more ... and then Without You is a MUST. I still marvel at this one. Nope, ATDW has stuff on there I get the itch for. Broken Wings is a real need, and I adore Everything I Do. I'll never let this go. I'm so aware that there are others that didn't get that loving feeling from ATDW, but I'm definitely on the BIG LOVE side.

:clap: I play it probably once a week right now. Until OMWH, I played it every day. I love the crap out of it. RHW is my favourite, with WY a very close second.

Wonder if Clay wrote this replacement verse himself:

Everyday it makes the headlines

Someone’s struggling for their lives

Feels like I’m watching from the sidelines

where nothing ever changed

just the truth got rearranged

I wonder, too. And it is my favourite verse!

{{{gbmifan}}} Hoping for good news for you.

Now I am reading how he needs to change the way he does interviews. I love his intelligence and humor. He does not need to change.


Well, I've been "meah" on OMWH right from the start but I've loved both Ashes and EIDN, so I'd be tharillllllllllllllled if we could get either of them on the radio!

Luckiest? Have you or anyone been "gentlely" requesting OMWH?

I have requested it a few times on local AC stations (i.e. not Ottawa). I do not know if it's every been played because I don't listen anymore. But if a station in Ottawa is playing EIDN, that tells me one of two things. Either a fan has been requesting it, which pisses me off, because he/she should know better, or someone at the station is a fan and it still pisses me off, because he/she should know better.

Sorry, as much as I love EIDN (and I do!) it is NOT going to help Clay to get songs OTHER than OMWH on the radio right now. JMO.

Another grey, overcast, chilly day here. Ugh. Isn't this supposed to be summer?

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GoG is probably my least favorite track on the CD. Not so much for the Christian stuff, but that right from the start it has reminded me of Phil Ochs' "There but for Fortune", which IMHO has much better lyrics and a lovely melody. Besides, it was one of my favorite songs way back when.

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{{{gbmifan}}} and {{{ldyj}}} and anyone else who needs one!

:00003653: to ansa!

I like GOG, but it's kind of in the middle of the pack for me. I'm not at all surprised that Clay would choose a song with socially conscious lyrics. Yeah, that middle verse, the one that was changed, is interesting to me- I wouldn't be surprised if he had a hand in changing it. play- no wonder you were disturbed by the song- hanging children? :shudder: Now that you know the real lyrics, I hope you can find a way to enjoy the song more!

All of the Little Shop Of Horrors talk is bringing back memories. It's been years since I've seen it, but I used to love it. Did it start as a Broadway play, and then morph into the movie?

I'd KILL for a dream about bare-chested Clay!!! :hubbahubba:

Have a good day, all. Off to work! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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My advanced greetings were too early... HBD Ansa!!! Have a great day!!! Have a great day!!! :cake: :00000430:

eta: couchie, you're awake?!! I hope things are ok. Did the basketball owners stop the racket? :openflower3:

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Clay's the balm, dog.

Thread title?

Has to be spelled DAWG! :D

Okay, but Satlie would have to change her name to Saltwaterdawg. It was a note to her.

KAndre, I was the one who went to see Death Cab, and yes, Transatlanticism finally went gold after 5 years, but their sales are increasing over the course of their career. Narrow Stairs came out a week after OMWH and is up to 275,000 so far, and is still #27 on the Soundscan chart. OMWH fell out of the top 200 this week. I'm not worried about Clay's career. It's versatile and healthy, IMO, and I'm looking forward to hearing what is next for him. The reality, though, is that OMWH's sales are anemic, even in comparison with many other artists.

Play, thanks for the laugh this morning. I'm glad Cotton straightened out that misperception. The thought of Clay singing about a woman who hangs her children made me laugh until that seal sound came out and I couldn't see. No disrespect to someone desperate enough to do something like that, but still....

Grace of God - I like it. I like the theme which is a nice break from all of the self-focused songs. And, of course, Clay sounds great. I like the disconnect between the sound and content. That's one of the qualities I so appreciate in Switchfoot, one of my favorite bands. My only issue is that the lyrics are a bit lightweight for the gravity of the message. I like the replacement verse best. It seems to fit Clay, or at least my own personal Clay who lives in my head.

Everyday it makes the headlines

Someone’s struggling for their lives

Feels like I’m watching from the sidelines

where nothing ever changed

just the truth got rearranged

The watching from the sidelines is an effective image. KAndre, did you say something in the listening threat about it sounding as if Clay (or the lyricist or singer) is just watching, not invovled? Observational?

Happy Birthday, ansa! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Love Grace of God...It is one I always sing to and I think it would make a great song for UNICEF!



After 5 years in this fandom; I still don't get the difference. Perhaps someone can give examples so I know what the heck people are talking about it.


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The arrogance is astounding.

Ackshully, the arrogance is soooo predictable that it is funny. To me.

"Here is a detailed list of everything that Clay, TC, RCA, and fans are doing drastically wrong!!!!!!"

"He is doing very well indeed"!

Happy birthday, Ansa!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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OMWH jumped another spot on the Mediabase AC Chart:


119 spins

Up 16 from this time last week

Chug, chug, chug.


:Pogo0: :Pogo0:

:00003653: to my "get me through the day by chatting with me" buddy Ansa!!! I hope you have a great day.

gbmifan, good luck, and I'll be sending good thoughts to you.

Reading the thoughts about GOG, I think the thing that strikes me is that more than a few think the lyrics are depressing, and they don't want to think about that kind of stuff when they are listening to music, especially Clay. I can understand that somewhat, especially for someone like Gibby, who works in situations like that every day. And yes, there are definitely shallow reasons why "we close our eyes." IMO, though -- well, we've been talking about Dylan a lot lately, and he sang a LOT of socially conscious song, and for many people, that made them think...and change. However, it's uncomfortable doing things like that, and I think it this case, with GOG, Clay is trying to get ME to move past my "comfort zone." Has it worked? Maybe. OTOH, I don't feel like he's "preaching" to me -- I think he's just gently suggesting. *g*

Having said that, this song doesn't go on repeat very often for me. I may need to change that though.

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gbmifan...good thoughts your way. Reading your story makes me realize that my procrastination about getting my regular mammogram (already over two years late) is something I should 1) stop and 2) try to figure out the reasons behind...Why DO I continually 'forget' to get it?
I don't know why, but QUIT IT!!!


Is it wrong that I got pouty when I heard songs from both Michael Buble and Celine Dion tonight on SYTYCD? I watched a dance that I immediately thought of being done to Sacrificial Love, and then another that Lover All Alone would've been perfect for...

sigh..Of course, I KNOW that Celine's a much bigger star than Clay and that Michael is certainly more 'mainstream' than our man is...but it just made me so very eager for that day when hearing a Clay Aiken song is commonplace....and appreciated.

If it's wrong, I'm wrong right there witcha!

And DH even knew it was MB singing! What's that about?!

Btw . . .


And . . .



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Thanks everyone for your good thoughts, I will continue to be postive. I have always been very good at getting my mammagram every year. When I had my first one at age 35 it came back with questionable areas and they did a ultrasound. Just showed fibrocystic disease, so I hope that this is just a big cyst.

I think at times why I miss Clay so much right now is because I did not get the chance to see him in Spamolot. So I just keep going over and watching the AOL Sessions to make me feel better. When I talked about my husband listening to the album last night I memtioned he liked LAA, but he did say to me he liked it for the instructmentation and not the lyrics. He said that Clay was not a good writer. I did not want to argue with him, since I disagree, but just let it go and mentioned how I like the way the cello and Clay's voice blend. He always says that Clay has a good voice but does not get him. I was suprise that at the beginning of 2005 he made a burn CD of his favorites sounds of 2004. When we were on a trip he had it in the car, and two of Clay's songs came up. They were Mary Did You Know and Touch. Suprise me. I know that he does think that Mary Did YOu Know is one of the most beautiful Christmas songs and that Clay should be remembered as having the best rendition of it.

He loves the guitar in this song. Suprising to me is that he hates Fallen, he does not like the reverb that is used.

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EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE for OMWH moving up to #26!!!! :dancingpickle:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to ansa!!! Have a great one!

Completely O/T rant: My son completed his first year of a college course in another town (we'll call this college #1). He has applied for his second year here in our town (college #2). We have supplied college #2 with everything they asked for - his transcripts, course descriptions, and a non-refundable transfer fee. The deadline to pay tuition fees for college #1 is Monday. And yet we can't get an answer out of college #2..,they just say that they are waiting on college #1 to send them a recommendation. I don't want him to be left out in the cold with no college to attend in September, but I also can't afford to pay money to college #1 if he eventually gets accepted to college #2. Grrrrrrrrr, and to top off the list of frustrations, if I call either college I am told "sorry, can't help you, you'll need to get your son to call". Which he's done, multiple times, to no effect. Did I mention grrrrrrrrrrr? Anyone have any advice?

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I see what you're saying, ldyj - I guess my thing with Grace (yes, I'm sticking with my three or fewer word titles - HA!) is that it isn't making me stop and think - what he singing about seems blindingly obvious to me. Dylan's stuff in general doesn't speak to me either (but then again, I am sooooooo not a poetry gal - I tend to think they're trying to hard. Just say it in plain English dammit!) - maybe it's a little of a generational thing, but MJ's Man in a Mirror does speak to me. Subtle it ain't. Maybe it's because Man strikes me as 'active' and Grace strikes me as 'passive'.

They're both mid-tempo though!

pats gbmifan reassuringly...

luckiest, sometimes it's better to go in person. Your son might have to give up a whole day (and it will be better if your son goes - otherwise thoughts of 'helicopter parents' might be floating through the bureauracy's little heads) but I find people have a harder time putting you off if you are actually physically there. See if you can get the recommendation from college #1 first (if nothing else, get a dean to just call somebody), then camp out at college #2.

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Just got home because my friend who got me into knitting (our admin in the dba department that I used to work in), dragged me off to her new quilting guild.

Eeeehhh!! I KNEW we'd getcha after that visit to the IQF last Fall....hee....warning, though~it's immensely addictive!

OMWH jumped another spot on the Mediabase AC Chart:


119 spins

Up 16 from this time last week

Chug, chug, chug.




Completely O/T rant: My son completed his first year of a college course in another town (we'll call this college #1). He has applied for his second year here in our town (college #2). We have supplied college #2 with everything they asked for - his transcripts, course descriptions, and a non-refundable transfer fee. The deadline to pay tuition fees for college #1 is Monday. And yet we can't get an answer out of college #2..,they just say that they are waiting on college #1 to send them a recommendation. I don't want him to be left out in the cold with no college to attend in September, but I also can't afford to pay money to college #1 if he eventually gets accepted to college #2. Grrrrrrrrr, and to top off the list of frustrations, if I call either college I am told "sorry, can't help you, you'll need to get your son to call". Which he's done, multiple times, to no effect. Did I mention grrrrrrrrrrr? Anyone have any advice?

Aaarghhh!! I remember those years well.... :hugs-1: I think Kandre had the best advice:

luckiest, sometimes it's better to go in person. Your son might have to give up a whole day (and it will be better if your son goes - otherwise thoughts of 'helicopter parents' might be floating through the bureauracy's little heads) but I find people have a harder time putting you off if you are actually physically there. See if you can get the recommendation from college #1 first (if nothing else, get a dean to just call somebody), then camp out at college #2.

My youngest son, the expert complainer, always says this is the best way to go as well. You're hard to ignore when you're sitting in their office.

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:hb2: :hb2: :hb2:

YAY for OMWH moving up! :clap: :clap: :clap:

Completely O/T rant: My son completed his first year of a college course in another town (we'll call this college #1). He has applied for his second year here in our town (college #2). We have supplied college #2 with everything they asked for - his transcripts, course descriptions, and a non-refundable transfer fee. The deadline to pay tuition fees for college #1 is Monday. And yet we can't get an answer out of college #2..,they just say that they are waiting on college #1 to send them a recommendation. I don't want him to be left out in the cold with no college to attend in September, but I also can't afford to pay money to college #1 if he eventually gets accepted to college #2. Grrrrrrrrr, and to top off the list of frustrations, if I call either college I am told "sorry, can't help you, you'll need to get your son to call". Which he's done, multiple times, to no effect. Did I mention grrrrrrrrrrr? Anyone have any advice?

Yikes! That's quite a dilemma. I agree with KAndre - your son should go there in person. Would it help if he went to college #1 to find out if they've sent the recommendation? They could fax it to college #2 rather than depending on the mail service, since time is of the essence. Then it may help a bit to visit the admissions office at college #2, to let them know he's serious about wanting to go there.

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work I go .....

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