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#36: It ain't my life, just my passion!


New Thread Title Poll  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you like our next thread title to be?

    • Whatta man, whatta man, whatta mighty good man...
    • And the biggest protection of all will be love
    • Tell me another person that's ever gone through the Idol mill with such gifts.
    • Clay is the master lemonade maker
    • If you don't get Clay, no explanation is possible, and if you do, no explanation is necessary.
    • And--just on general principles--I love Clay.
    • muchos gracias to a globe-trotting, lazy-ass, dog-loving, soft-rocking dude!
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • the class clown got to be the star
    • Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.
    • FCA - An anarco-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync nomadic omnivores
    • when the sweetsingerman finds a style he likes he buys a dozen!!!!

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Hello. Had my interview at the Flower Farm. I think it went well. Who knows though. I haven't interviewed for a job since 1992! I'm supposed to get a phone call before next Wednesday - yay or nay!

ldyj - 2 1/2 more weeks to resolution. You're going to feel so much better when its over. Will you have to do physical therapy or what?

Deer. They are cute, beautiful, graceful, etc. unless there is a herd that stalks your neighborhood night and day eating your tomatoes, petunias, geraniums and anything else that's green - even those plants that are labeled "deer repellant!" There really IS a herd and I swear the does have twins every year. The babys are usually born around the fourth of July so there are alot of chubby deer ladies walking around now. They get up on my deck regularly, no matter what I do. They are HEALTHY!!!

Hope Clay has had a safe trip back or to or wherever he's going.

Agree with whoever said a few pages ago that the naysayers get off on power and the anonymity of the internet. For some it might be the only power they have in their lives. I really do think there are posters that go from website to website spewing their filth.

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From CV:

Just found this while googling...Looks like Clay will be a part of this show on July 6!!! It's for UNICEF!!! bananacheer.gif



Shot in high-definition television before an audience at the Alliance Theater inside Atlanta’s High Museum of Art, The Survival Project: One Child at a Time will premiere on Sunday, July 6, at 8 p.m. and will replay at 11 p.m. and 2 a.m. All times Eastern. The broadcast will be simulcast on CNN and CNN International.

Clay Aiken, Dayle Haddon, Joel Madden, Ne-Yo, Nicole Ritchie, Al Roker, Marcus Samuelsson and Amare Stoudemire appear in special video diaries of their volunteer experiences and encourage viewers to help children around the world.

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Nichole Ritchie?

Yeah, that was my thought...what has she done for UNICEF?


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Nichole Ritchie?

Yeah, that was my thought...what has she done for UNICEF?


She and her boyfriend/husband (not sure which at the moment) Joel Madden have recorded a PSA for Myanmar relief:

Celebrities Appeal for Myanmar Relief

You know, I'm cynical too, but if it gets attention to the problem -- I'm kinda sort of OK with it. But I like Clay's way better. *g*

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I probably are one of the few people who do not have cable, so I will have to wait till it is posted to see it. Clay is always so articulate when he talks so it should be a good piece. When I saw Nicole's name I questioned why, glad someone cleared that one up. I hope the UNICEF site has a blog from him before this show.

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Interrupting the discussion to add some pretties! The latest three from the Betty897X OMWH wallpaper collection -- all clickable:







I love the last one, and those of us who started at FCA will love this one too, for that picture was the basis of our first banner EVAH!

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thanks for sharing with us LadyJ...yep love that last one. You know it's still kind of our logo on FCA and was our first pin. The woman who took that picture, in Portand I think, well her kids deleted all of her pictures from her camera. Isn't that a hanging offense. Thankfully this one survived.

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thanks for sharing with us LadyJ...yep love that last one. You know it's still kind of our logo on FCA and was our first pin. The woman who took that picture, in Portand I think, well her kids deleted all of her pictures from her camera. Isn't that a hanging offense. Thankfully this one survived.

Hmmmm....actually, Betty asked for my help with this one, and I actually found the original. This was from the Seattle Independent show, and was published in the Seattle Post Intelligencer newspaper. Was the story you've mentioned connected to that? There's a whole series of pictures from that night.

Original Picture Link

Review (click on the photo gallery link for the picture series)

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I love the last one, and those of us who started at FCA will love this one too, for that picture was the basis of our first banner EVAH!

you mean our first pin and our FCA website logo...


thanks for sharing with us LadyJ...yep love that last one. You know it's still kind of our logo on FCA and was our first pin. The woman who took that picture, in Portand I think, well her kids deleted all of her pictures from her camera. Isn't that a hanging offense. Thankfully this one survived.

Hmmmm....actually, Betty asked for my help with this one, and I actually found the original. This was from the Seattle Independent show, and was published in the Seattle Post Intelligencer newspaper. Was the story you've mentioned connected to that? There's a whole series of pictures from that night.

Original Picture Link

Review (click on the photo gallery link for the picture series)

yup that picture was a fan photo that was used by that paper AFAIK cos she contacted us to send her a copy of the file.

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Fantasia dropped by 19 Management?

Yet another Idol has been dropped, but not by their record label. The latest casualty is Season 3's winner, Fantasia Barrino, and it's Simon Fuller and 19m that's doing the dropping. This is according to Shirley Halperin at the Entertainment Weekly Hollywood Insider:

Since her 2004 American Idol win, Fantasia Barrino has weathered her fair share of music business shake-ups, surviving mergers and the recent repositioning of her mentor Clive Davis, who signed her to J Records. Though she still has her contract at J, EW.com now hears that as of today, Fantasia has been dropped from the Simon Fuller-owned 19 Management. The reason for the sacking, according to sources, is that the R&B diva would simply not heed the firm's professional advice. "There's only so much energy you can put into helping someone's career if they don't want to listen," hints an insider. However, like many other Idol contestants, Fantasia remains on Fuller's label, 19 Recordings, and will continue to share music sales profits with the company.

According to the source, deals for David Cook, Carrie Underwood, Chris Daughtry, Jordin Sparks, and Blake Lewis remain in tact.

The past couple of years have been filled with success for Fantasia. Her last album, Fantasia did well on the R&B charts, garnering a hit single, "When I See You". She starred in the highly rated (but critically panned) movie of her life story on the Lifetime channel, and earned great reviews playing Celie in the Color Purple on Broadway. She's set to play Celie in the upcoming movie version of the musical. Oprah loves her!

Looks like Fantasia has her own ideas about where her career should be heading…

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Where’s Gibby?

I think Gibby posted that she's having her doctor's appointment after work today. ((((Gibby)))) as well!

Thanks for remembering, Scarlett! *HUGS* right back atcha.

I had my MRI tonight. I took some pain meds beforehand, because I knew that laying still on my back during the long MRI would likely be painful. So, I'm a little bit loopy now! :blink: I asked for a copy of the MRI, and they burned it to a CD ROM for me. It's rather entertaining to look at pictures of the inside of your body! :lol: I'll show it to my chiro tomorrow, and will get the official results from the MD sometime next week.

ldyj, I'm so glad you have a procedure scheduled! How wonderful to have a diagnosis and a date on which you will get the problem fixed! I'll be sending prayers and positive energy your way.

Wow, Couchie, I'm happy you weren't in that accident! There but by the grace of God . . .

Hello. Had my interview at the Flower Farm. I think it went well. Who knows though. I haven't interviewed for a job since 1992! I'm supposed to get a phone call before next Wednesday - yay or nay!

Good luck, Iseeme!

I'd love to participate in the discussion of Sacrificial Love, but I'm just too tired tonight. I do looooove this song, and I'm happy to hear that lots of other people are giving it the love, too! I'll figure out the key and post about it tomorrow evening.

*Yawn* Night, all! :bye2:

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Scarlett, we do see deer quite often - but they are usually running across the road from one field to another - or I see them on the road I drive to and from work - there's a long stretch with woods and no structures. Mostly see them around dusk or after dark.

But to see one right across the street - and for him/her to stop long enough for me to struggle to successfully get my damned camera out of the bag and actually get a shot? That's RARE!

She/he stood there looking warily for probably 2 or 3 minutes! If Droopy hadn't been barking she may have stayed longer, but if Droopy hadn't barked, I wouldn't have known she was there!


We're also 15 minutes from the beach!!!

We have lots of deer where I live. I nearly backed into one while leaving my daughter's apartment complex. I was backing out of the parking space and looked in my rear view mirror...I saw these eyes...scared the dickens out of me until my eyes really adjusted. I could hear the Psycho theme playing in my mind... :yow: They are often congregated on the lawn where I work too. I've seen a lot lately as they're moving down from the foothills and into the city. We really have to watch at night because they can dart right out into the street.

Hello. Had my interview at the Flower Farm. I think it went well. Who knows though. I haven't interviewed for a job since 1992! I'm supposed to get a phone call before next Wednesday - yay or nay!

ldyj - 2 1/2 more weeks to resolution. You're going to feel so much better when its over. Will you have to do physical therapy or what?

Deer. They are cute, beautiful, graceful, etc. unless there is a herd that stalks your neighborhood night and day eating your tomatoes, petunias, geraniums and anything else that's green - even those plants that are labeled "deer repellant!" There really IS a herd and I swear the does have twins every year. The babys are usually born around the fourth of July so there are alot of chubby deer ladies walking around now. They get up on my deck regularly, no matter what I do. They are HEALTHY!!!

Hope Clay has had a safe trip back or to or wherever he's going.

Agree with whoever said a few pages ago that the naysayers get off on power and the anonymity of the internet. For some it might be the only power they have in their lives. I really do think there are posters that go from website to website spewing their filth.

Iseeme, best of luck to you in your job search! Will be sending positive thoughts your way.

I have to agree with the bolded statement. These are people who have no lives and make it their job to wreak havoc. I'm wondering if the "baby" news acted as sort of a catalyst to spark this latest round of discord. I honestly don't remember so many boards harboring such angst. Maybe it's just me..wouldn't be the first time! ^_^

Sacrificial Love is one of my favorites. I love Clay's voice on this...so tender. :wub: This could be something he's experienced as well.

AACK! I thought I hit the reply button...this post has just been sitting here for about an hour. :cryingwlaughter:

ETA Gibby and Idy... :friends: It is strange to see your own MRI's or x-rays. I used to have migraines and had to have an MRI of my brain...now that's weird to look at. I worked in the radiology dept of a hospital and could make copies of films. Also saw some verra, verra strange stuff.

Idy...thanks for the purdy wallpapers!

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I don't get to many other boards but what could possibly be bad about Clays Somalia comments? Am I missing something?

YAY for the London Posse! I have actually been to London ( YES the one in Canada) or to be precise I was sitting on a train that went through London in April. Thats close enough isn't it? I'd still qualify for membership wouldn't I ? ...... Or else I'll have to start my own posse......

picture poor, sad ausdon,..alone at a restaurant, party hat at a jaunty angle,... bravely smiling and hitting play on her little cd player for the tenth time.....surrounded by balloons, ignoring the stares of the pitying jealous people at the other tables.......

Hugs to all with health problems.

Hugs to all with family problems. (Muski I hear you and sympathise)

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Gibby!!! Glad to hear that you're home and that the MRI's done. *crosses fingers for good news from the MD* Thanks for the update! I was also supposed to have pictures of myself when I had to swallow this teeny camera (no bigger than a large pill) and have it taking pictures of my insides every 2 seconds until the battery ran out. Was a lot more comfortable than an endoscopy/colonoscopy; it could also be the ultimate clack device.

Hey, I have a guest room and I'm ready for a slumber party!!!

Now if Clay would just play Wilmington or Myrtle Beach!!!!

We could have us a fine Clayfest!!!

Wilmington or Myrtle Beach would be wonderful! *crosses fingers*

Working. Working my freakin' ass off. Figuratively speaking, of course - for the ass to literally fall off would be too much like right.

Took a lunch today for the first time in three weeks - and ending up working until seven to make up for it.

My brain is tired, but I've been reading along quietly.

Having an easy week at work since I canceled half of a project I was working on -- firing off an e-mail last week saying that "the first half's done but there's no way on earth the 2nd half is going to happen, not from a technical standpoint but from a cultural/political one (nope, I didn't put it quite that way)" -- works wonders for one's schedule. I just hope it doesn't become a permanent case of "no work" because work still is, in the end, a good thing.

We have lots of deer where I live. I nearly backed into one while leaving my daughter's apartment complex. I was backing out of the parking space and looked in my rear view mirror...I saw these eyes...scared the dickens out of me until my eyes really adjusted. I could hear the Psycho theme playing in my mind... :yow: They are often congregated on the lawn where I work too. I've seen a lot lately as they're moving down from the foothills and into the city. We really have to watch at night because they can dart right out into the street.
{{{Tijala}}}Seeing eyes in my rearview mirror would have scared me to death! Glad you have so many of them though!

Hello. Had my interview at the Flower Farm. I think it went well. Who knows though. I haven't interviewed for a job since 1992! I'm supposed to get a phone call before next Wednesday - yay or nay!

ldyj - 2 1/2 more weeks to resolution. You're going to feel so much better when its over. Will you have to do physical therapy or what?

Deer. They are cute, beautiful, graceful, etc. unless there is a herd that stalks your neighborhood night and day eating your tomatoes, petunias, geraniums and anything else that's green - even those plants that are labeled "deer repellant!" There really IS a herd and I swear the does have twins every year. The babys are usually born around the fourth of July so there are alot of chubby deer ladies walking around now. They get up on my deck regularly, no matter what I do. They are HEALTHY!!!

Good luck on the job!!! Can't decide between flowers and deer but I hope you find a way to keep them apart!
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I don't get to many other boards but what could possibly be bad about Clays Somalia comments? Am I missing something?

YAY for the London Posse! I have actually been to London ( YES the one in Canada) or to be precise I was sitting on a train that went through London in April. Thats close enough isn't it? I'd still qualify for membership wouldn't I ? ...... Or else I'll have to start my own posse......

picture poor, sad ausdon,..alone at a restaurant, party hat at a jaunty angle,... bravely smiling and hitting play on her little cd player for the tenth time.....surrounded by balloons, ignoring the stares of the pitying jealous people at the other tables.......

Hugs to all with health problems.

Hugs to all with family problems. (Muski I hear you and sympathise)

ausdon - I was wondering the same thing!!! about what bad things could possibly be said about Clay going to Somalia?

I will join you in your virtual restaurant!! I've been to London!! cheers.gif party on dude!! oh. you mean the one in Canada??

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Aww I want a First Edition FCA pin!!!!

Does anyone have one that I could buy?

Clay Aiken.....I love him!

I don't get to many other boards but what could possibly be bad about Clays Somalia comments? Am I missing something?

Some folks live to complain. Someone made a cartoon of Clay as a super hero and it was not seen as funny by some and one thought he came across as a little egotistical in the Somalia speech. I guess that is it in a nutshell. Don't ask! I just reports 'em!

Hee I've been to both Londons! I saw Maggie Smith in Stratford (Ont) as Lady "Scottish Play" and fell asleep!! :cryingwlaughter:

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thanks for sharing with us LadyJ...yep love that last one. You know it's still kind of our logo on FCA and was our first pin. The woman who took that picture, in Portand I think, well her kids deleted all of her pictures from her camera. Isn't that a hanging offense. Thankfully this one survived.

Hmmmm....actually, Betty asked for my help with this one, and I actually found the original. This was from the Seattle Independent show, and was published in the Seattle Post Intelligencer newspaper. Was the story you've mentioned connected to that? There's a whole series of pictures from that night.

Original Picture Link

Review (click on the photo gallery link for the picture series)

is the original picture link to a larger photo? :cry4: that one didn't work for me!

I love that picture - thanks for posting it, ldyj! I love the Betty wallpapers. It's great that she is doing this. Is that all the songs now? I haven't been counting. :cryingwlaughter: I haven't been very creative lately. I think that sewing machine is going to show up tomorrow, and then I know what I'll be doing all weekend! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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