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#36: It ain't my life, just my passion!


New Thread Title Poll  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you like our next thread title to be?

    • Whatta man, whatta man, whatta mighty good man...
    • And the biggest protection of all will be love
    • Tell me another person that's ever gone through the Idol mill with such gifts.
    • Clay is the master lemonade maker
    • If you don't get Clay, no explanation is possible, and if you do, no explanation is necessary.
    • And--just on general principles--I love Clay.
    • muchos gracias to a globe-trotting, lazy-ass, dog-loving, soft-rocking dude!
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • the class clown got to be the star
    • Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.
    • FCA - An anarco-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync nomadic omnivores
    • when the sweetsingerman finds a style he likes he buys a dozen!!!!

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excutive producer might be more important than stylist now :cryingwlaughter: IIU of course.

:cryingwlaughter: Now ain't that the truth!

I don't know what words I like to hear Clay sing other than pretty much all of them. I love that break in his voice that he uses so much. It's so distinctive.

I'm getting a little worried that my husband is becoming more of a Clay fan. We went out to dinner tonight and he asked me to turn off the radio and put on Clay. It was probably because Garrison Keiller was trying to sing on NPR.

Wanted to say hello to TayforClay and gothedistance. I don't think I've ever met you but your names are familiar.

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cracks one eye open...

Unlike y'all and your virtual drinks, I allowed someone to buy me an seriously overpriced late lunch (including a mudslide, a long island iced tea and a big ol' glass of reisling) this afternoon and am feeling very, VERY mellow...and listening to some Al Green, some BeeGees, some Clay, some BJ Thomas, some Manilow...y'all will probably hear from me tomorrow...ciao, bellisimas!

And no to both While You Were Sleeping or A Walk to Remember...don't even think I saw them...if it even seems like a chick flick I avoid them...and yes, that includes everything done by Jane Austin and Wuthering Heights and all kinds of mushy stuff...

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Awwwwwwww, I love a good chick flick, but I have to be in the mood for it. Just got back from Get Smart which was totally silly fun and totally not my usual type of movie, but I enjoyed it. Lots of good movies coming out over the summer....there's no way I will be able to afford to go and see all the ones I want. Gotta save those pennies for the next big thing! Right now I'm focusing on the BAF gala......I'm currently $100 behind in my savings plan. :cryingwlaughter:

Favourite notes? GAH, I have so many. Must compile a list. BBIAB. Welcome to all the new newbies! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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"Well Now" in Everything I Don't Need...very sexy!


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Welcome Tay! I can call you Tay, right?

Off the top of my head, I'd say "inta this" from SL. I'm sure there are others, but that's the only one I can think of at the moment.

When do you guys want the next song of the day?

I've been going through my computer wallpaper collection, and I thought I'd share a few. These four are from Betty897X (all clickable):





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I need to add "Unbreakable!"

cracks one eye open...

and Wuthering Heights and all kinds of mushy stuff...

Wuthering Heights?!! Gah! Heathcliff1 , Heathcliff2 , Heathcliff3

BTW, Goldwyn once said of Olivier, "This actor is the ugliest actor in pictures. This actor will ruin me." :cryingwlaughter:

ETA: Reposting... Welcome newbies!!!


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Quickly checking in after a nice day of shopping, topped off with a whopper of a storm that had us taking all kinds of detours (which was ok 'cause we had OMWH to keep us company :) ) to get home because of all the trees down everywhere - including 1/2 a big maple tree at the corner of the front yard of my apartment! :o Luckily it fell into the roadway and not towards the building.

Favorite phrases or words from the CUTE singer guy?

- Absolutely LOVE the growly "I" in LNM - "Take me in, take me home - Ah (GAH!) can't stand to be alone"

- "Perfectly perfect love" from SAU

- "inta this" SL

I'm sure I could give at least 101 more examples, but I'm hungry! Now running off for a late dinner....

Oh! :welcome: to all the newbies & de-lurkers! :welcome: This is a great board to just enjoy being a Clay fan! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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*tentatively waves and peeks up over keyboard shelf*

Hey everyone. I've been mostly lurking around the boards lately due to RL and one of the boards where I've been lurking is here. This looks like a fun place -- thanks for admitting me! I recognize lots of names here!

Now all I need is a dog to walk -- somehow I don't think my Oscar would let me try to pass him off as a dog! :lol: So as not to be an ungrateful, inhospitable guest, I've even brought a bottle of this pomegranate martini stuff. It tastes pretty good. I've also brought some glasses to serve it in. Enjoy!

*shuts eyes, prays post will go through intact and poster will still be allowed on board, and hits add reply*

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Hi PoisonIvy - nice to have you here. And I truly love Pomegranate Martinis!

How about "fly" in "learned to fly" from OMWH. Love those letter L's.

Thought we needed another pretty picture. The man's eyelashes are sinful....


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OK the Obama video is a good marketing tool. Even though all my family knows about my Clay thang..I don't really push him on them at all. I don't buy them CDs and I don't make them listen. I don't hide him..my computer screen savers, my Clay magnets on the ridge, my Clay paintings, my Clay DVDs etc are strewn all over this house. They know about my Clay trips. So he's no secret. However, sending the link to this Obama clip is sha4ring Clay as a side benefit to something I know they would be interested in seeing. I just got this response back from my sister...

.beautiful. Did U show Ma? What CD is that song on?

hmmm let me go through my address book. heee

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*tentatively waves and peeks up over keyboard shelf*

Hey everyone. I've been mostly lurking around the boards lately due to RL and one of the boards where I've been lurking is here. This looks like a fun place -- thanks for admitting me! I recognize lots of names here!

Now all I need is a dog to walk -- somehow I don't think my Oscar would let me try to pass him off as a dog! :lol: So as not to be an ungrateful, inhospitable guest, I've even brought a bottle of this pomegranate martini stuff. It tastes pretty good. I've also brought some glasses to serve it in. Enjoy!

*shuts eyes, prays post will go through intact and poster will still be allowed on board, and hits add reply*

Hi P'ivy; I saw you lurking down below and was hoping you would post...I don't drink, but I do have some pomegranate blueberry juice that is quite tasty.

And yes it is a fun place...hope you stick around!


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ldyjocelyn, absolutely, you can call me Tay! That's actually a childhood nickname, started by a cousin when she said my first and middle names, they kind of ran together and came out Tay (to her) - so it stuck. It's most definitely not short for Taylor though.

Favorite Clay song phrases - I pretty much like the way he says everything, but off the top of my head - "so cold" - "perfectly perfect love" - "inta this" - "well, now" (sounds like to me, but whatever it's supposed to be, I like it) - "down, down, down" - "round, round, round" - and I love his growls and grunts too.

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Hellllllooooo everyone!

Helllllooooo and welcome gothedistance.

And welcome to TayforClay and CG's lurker buddy. And hello again to my friend LonelyNoMore. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Heh, my BIG break from the boards was Hockey Gate. If I could survive that, I figure I can outlast everyone else.

Mine too. And a shorter one around ATDW release time (and I was moving).

This board isn't perfect--there are days, but we mostly just want to have fun. Look at pretty pictures. Talk about some interesting stuff. Admire Clay Aiken and his .... talent.

Hi to PoisonIvy too. And Jaycee (for delurking). Am I missing anybody???

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OK being the good admin that I am :cryingwlaughter: CG just PMed me to ask...if we just got to memeber number 1000 today why do some of the new posters have member numbers in the 1700 range. After going D101..I do what all good mods do..I ask LdyJ. heee. Apparantly we had over 700 bogus bot registrants which have been deleted. It's the only reason we validate registrations..to make sure you're a real person...so that really is the only pre requesite for being a member here. You have to be a real person :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

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Hey, gothedistance, didn't you used to read my stories and post? Your name is familiar to me.

I don't really remember any stories so I don't think that's it. Your name is familiar to me from the CH so maybe that's why mine seems familiar to you? I'm the one that always posts the extremely intelligent posts that everyone is always in awe of. (Figure I'll see how much BS I can get away with before you all clue in to it.) In my current state of being a dog walker, am I supposed to be warning you guys where not to step?

Now all I need is a dog to walk --

Ooooh, I have several I could lend you. Unfortunately, I'm still a dog walker too so I guess I'm supposed to be walking my own. I'm going to have to search out a dog pic for myself just to fit with my new occupation.

So, Couch, are you telling me I can't brag about acceptance since all it took was breathing?

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Haven't posted in awhile. Welcome to the new peeps.

Favorite things Clay sings...from ALAWH this one stops me dead in my tracks- When you're with me I breathe easy. You are my need right now love me. :hubbahubba: :hubbahubba: :hubbahubba:

I love in GOG when he sings Ah know, Ah know- love it, love it, love it.

The Real Me- I go into a fit when he sings- Shadows of shattered dreams, they've followed me, they've haunted me. GAH!

Every song has certain phrases that I love and cannot wait to hear. EIDN is Well, well so sexay.

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OK being the good admin that I am :cryingwlaughter: CG just PMed me to ask...if we just got to memeber number 1000 today why do some of the new posters have member numbers in the 1700 range. After going D101..I do what all good mods do..I ask LdyJ. heee. Apparantly we had over 700 bogus bot registrants which have been deleted. It's the only reason we validate registrations..to make sure you're a real person...so that really is the only pre requesite for being a member here. You have to be a real person :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

Thanks for answering, couchie! Such a big deal was made for having 1000 members and suddenly I saw gothedistance was member #1794! I thought WOW, we got 794 new members since this afternoon???

Welcome to all the newbies - all 794 of you! :cryingwlaughter:

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I have been studying the banner quite closely and it seems to me to almost be 4 different people...maybe brothers. You have the devilish one, the serious one, the fun loving one and the kind & sensitive one! He really can look so different at any given time.

I took a break from re-organising my kitchen to go to Target and guess what? They didn't have the Musicpass. The assistant said they had 20 in stock but he had no idea where they were! I just walked away and didn't buy anything.

I know it is not on OMWH but I love love love how he sings "smoke" in Solitaire. the ending k gets me everytime.

In SAU I like the words magic and music, again the hard c at the end.

Welcome to all the newbies. This is a happy place........well most of the time! Just watch out for that couchie she's a killer! :imgtongue:

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"Well Now" in Everything I Don't Need...very sexy!


There IS no "well now" in EIDN :lmaosmiley-1:

Welcome to Poison Ivy, gothedistance, TayforClay! We like fresh meat opinions!! Good to see everyone here!

ETA: lizzybutts, I see you down there too! We need another Canadian!

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All right. Now who said this isn't a perfect place? :glare:


Does NOBODY have any comments about those links I so diligently provided? I mean...really! I slave all day over a keyboard, finding these luscious links to THE MAN and this SILENCE is what I get in return? :cry4:

Okay. I'm over it. Just walked the dog (Even executive producers have to do that sometimes... :whistling-1: ) and the path was along a lagoon. THere were duck families there and it was soooo cute. One mama duck was being followed by about 8 or 9 little ducklings; another mama had only one teeny tiny baby swimming close by; another mama and daddy were hovering around about six 'teenaged' duck babies...it was great to watch. Then at the end of the lagoon there was a beautiful snow white egret fluffing its feathers as if to dry them after a quick bath.

The sun was setting on the bay and I had Clay on my headphones.

Very, very nice.

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Muski - I liked the links. I loved seeing Clay on Leno and Kimmel in "the old days!" Talking about wanting Ruben to sing at his wedding. The couple who "did the nasty" to his CD - and he washed his hands immediately after he read the letter. That first appearance on Leno the night MOAM was released is probably one of my all-time favorites. He looked so damn cute and so utterly thrilled. I think it was the first time we really saw how funny Clay can really be! And LOVED the first Kimmel appearance. We were all worried about what was going to happen and Clay brought it off like the completely talented professional he is - even putting Britney in her place. I thought watching D. L. Hughley's face was hysterical. I don't think he knew what to make of Clay but was enjoying him!!!

Are you in Alameda? Was trying to figure out where you were walking.

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muski, I was too busy eating popcorn to comment! I love that montage of funny stuff -- I'd forgotten how much fun the Valentine's day song was!

I'm surprised I missed that from Cute Overload -- oh wait, I get those via email. I don't visit the site regularly.

Welcome, welcome, welcome to all the new people. My hope is that you have fun with Clay (heh) and that you have fun here! Special wave to CG's lurker friend!

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