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#37: Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.

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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man just oooooooooozes awwwwwness.
    • He is so sexay when he's following his Passion!!!
    • He looks really, really, really good while exuding all that good stuff.
    • One hawt hunk of packin' perfection!
    • He's a man of character and integrity and talent.
    • Kurei Eikun? I LOVE that guy!
    • Sometimes Clay is just the sex, YKWIM??

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In the blog Clay says $50,000 has been given.

Even though there's no thermometer this time, I hope "we" can get the donation up toe $100,000!

I'd love to see that happen!


Well, if he wants that to happen he better stop posting pictures with those damn glasses!!! :imgtongue:

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OMG I love the glasses!!!! Just so sexy in them!!! Yikes I am so going to you know where....the guy is doing good works for the chirrun and I use the word sexy about him!!!!

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OMG he's so gorgeous.

He really is! He just takes my breath away! I'm so very proud to be his fan and I hope we give him half the joy he gives us.

cindilu, I keep replacing your wallpaper, with your....ummm, wallpaper! It's only the 15th of the month and I haven't seen your calendar since the 9th. :whistling-1: and I loved IT!

Also love the banner...my favourite Clay look (next to the Gala beard) :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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OMG I love the glasses!!!! Just so sexy in them!!! Yikes I am so going to you know where....the guy is doing good works for the chirrun and I use the word sexy about him!!!!
If ever he sells signature frames, I'm going to be in line! And yes, that handbasket is long gone...

OMG he's so gorgeous.

He really is! He just takes my breath away! I'm so very proud to be his fan and I hope we give him half the joy he gives us.

cindilu, I keep replacing your wallpaper, with your....ummm, wallpaper! It's only the 15th of the month and I haven't seen your calendar since the 9th. :whistling-1: and I loved IT!

Also love the banner...my favourite Clay look (next to the Gala beard) :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I hope that every single ounce of joy he brings to others finds its way back to him, fifty-fold!!!

*wants to run away with the banner*

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Wishing you a highly successful surgery, Ldyjocelyn. :thumbup:

After being out all day visiting a friend in the mountains, it was nice to come back to a UNICEF blog from Clay with pictures. He looks like he had a blast with those kids. And they look so happy to see him. It's amazing how he can communicate with them despite the language barrier.

I doubled my contribution from the last time hoping to make up for those fans who can't forgive Clay (IIT) and as a result punish those kids in Somalia. It's understandable to not be able to afford to donate. But I hope those who threatened this action as a punishment had second thoughts about it after seeing those beautiful children. Grr! :tantrum:

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I haven't given yet but don't worry..I'll get us over the 100,000 hump -- especially if the dollar I put into the company lotto pool today pays off 88 mil. :hysterical::hysterical:

Well this is a record - 1 episode, 14 minutes of episode two. I give up on Big Brother. I might as well face it that I hate this show - the only two times I made it all the way through was when there was evil Doctor Will to love/hate. He has ruined this show for all others. When is TAR coming back.

Oh well, nothing on TV..guess I'll listen to OMWH.... again hee.

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A Vue of an Afternoon or How I Got Towed by Clay!

I have been without my car (Saturn Vue) for the last two days due to the battery light being on; Mark did not want me to drive it until we took into to be serviced so today was D-Day or B-Day as it were.

So I get home from work, change clothes (It is 97 degrees outside...naturally, these things never happen on beautiful 80 degree day) and we take off...Mark following me. The Saturn Dealership is only about 5 miles straight north down the road but of course it is 4:00 in the afternoon and we hit rush hour traffic and every darn red light. So stop and go, stop and go and I am praying that I get to the dealership without the car conking out. Apparently, God was busy today because I am about a mile away when I see the Service Engine light come on and the speedometer suddenly took a nosedive to 10 miles an hour. My exact words "oh shit, the car is going to die"; fortunately I was just coming up on a left turn so I get in the turning lane, wait for traffic to clear and get the car onto a side street where it gave up the ghost.

Mark pulls up behind me gets out of the car and these are the first words out of his mouth "Something wrong?"...he immediately gets one of those patented wife "are you kidding me looks" and I say "the car died".

Mark: Try it Again

Car won't start; nothing, won't even crank.

Mark: Your parked in a no parking zone, we have to move the car.

Me: Are the police really going to give us a ticket when they see the car is disabled?

Mark: We have to move it...you steer and I will push the car.

Did I tell you the street I ended up on was going downhill?

Mark: If the car starts moving too fast, put your foot on the brake.

So ensues 10 minutes of him pushing the car all the while yelling at me to either put on the brake or turn wheel...we get to the corner where we thought we could park the car and after I turn halfway onto the street, realize it is an up hill street and there is no way in hell we will be able to park the car there.

Another 10 minutes of putting the car in reverse, him pushing it backwards and yelling directions to me...finally get it going in the right direction...did I tell you the street was downhill...yep, the car starts picking up speed and I am saying words like fudge or something like that while he is yelling at me to brake. Finally get the car parked; hazard lights on and head back to his car to drive to the Dealership so we can get a tow.

It is still 97 degrees, and now I am hot and sweaty and I have to pee.

Thank the Lord the tow people were speedy on the job and were waiting for us when we got back to the car.

Now the "Clay" part...we are waiting at the service desk to sign all the paperwork, when the guy from the tow company shows up...tall, thin, brown hair in a buzz cut, nice looking guy...so he standing at the desk waiting with us and talking to my husband when I notice embroidered on his shirt the name "Clay", so of course, my mind wanders to images of Clay in work clothes with a clipboard when my husband rudely interrupts my little daydream to whisper to me that the tow guy's name is Clay.

"yes I know" I whisper back; but the spell is broken; we get the paperwork filled out and head home.

But now I can say I was towed by Clay!


aikim... :cryingwlaughter: I mean it's not funny, but you tell it funny! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Clay is just gorgeous... oh... you knew that... :whistling-1:

That one with the girls... well, all I gotta say is that sucker became my background soooo fast it made me dizzy! LOL

I am sooo happy he raised $50,000. Hope it goes up to at least $75,000 or more!

ldyj... Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Hope you had fun tonight!!!

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I'm home from my Clay friends gathering and just read the new field notes blog. :wub: That is all.

Good night! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

ETA: OMG! I just checked my email before heading to bed & a friend sent these to me - I think they were posted at RHT by Tammie4Clay. Looks like they're pre-AI? From a wedding?



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I doubled my contribution from the last time hoping to make up for those fans who can't forgive Clay (IIT) and as a result punish those kids in Somalia. It's understandable to not be able to afford to donate. But I hope those who threatened this action as a punishment had second thoughts about it after seeing those beautiful children. Grr! :tantrum:

OMG was this something said/posted somewhere? For real?!?! Cause IIT folks like that need some serious HELP :what_d_fuck: in the form of a giant enima!

Awe, I love tammie's pics....the wedding singer

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How interesting! I remember seeing the movie 9to5 and enjoying it so much. I bet it makes an entertaining musical and I hope it will be successful: Dolly Parton's 9-5 musical

Took the kids to see "Journey to the Center of the Earth" tonight. Now! In Digital 3D!!! I usually hate 3D, but had to admit the effects were pretty cool...a lot of the action seemed contrived to permit as many effects as possible, though, and this made the story weak, in my opinion. Parts were also a leetle "too Disney" for my taste, but it was still a fun ride...the kid was cute, the woman was pretty and resourceful, and Brendon Fraiser, well, he's just nice to look at. Save money and see the matinee...as the plastic 3D glasses (not at all like those old red and blue lensed ones) cost extra and you wouldn't want to see the movie without them.

Topic? I love that Clay Aiken guy. Love cindilu2's banner and wallpapers today.

annabear, he was so darn cute. And look! Stubble! Lordy, even then he had all the promise of the man he is now...look at the way his fingers are playing with the mic cord. heh I'm always shocked now when I see his original teeth. They don't look all THAT different to me, but I think the "new ones" look very nice...particularly in today's laughing photos.

Isn't he lovely? Isn't he wonderful?

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annabear, he was so darn cute. And look! Stubble! Lordy, even then he had all the promise of the man he is now...look at the way his fingers are playing with the mic cord. heh I'm always shocked now when I see his original teeth. They don't look all THAT different to me, but I think the "new ones" look very nice...particularly in today's laughing photos.

Isn't he lovely? Isn't he wonderful?

I don't watch TV very much but one show I try to catch (usually online) is Big Bang Theory. This guy above (sigh!) would fit right in. KAndre and I were talking this weekend (before you and kf arrived) about how we watch that show and get what the guys are saying. :wub:

And remember how I'd suggested putting "sweetums" or "sugarpie honeybunch" as your first name when donating to Unicef so that the next "Dear XXX" letter from Clay would be extra cute? Doesn't work. They parse out the first name from your billing info. Rats! (No, I didn't actually put that in; *blushes* I used my nickname and the confirmation note came back as 'Dear <cc name>', although in the past I have received e-mails addressed to my nickname. Oh well.

ETA: I guess I should change that to say "This guy above and below" (thank you, luckiest!) And congratulations to your son!!! I've been watching the Astro's and haven't seen that kind of play since Craig Biggio retired.

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ETA: OMG! I just checked my email before heading to bed & a friend sent these to me - I think they were posted at RHT by Tammie4Clay. Looks like they're pre-AI? From a wedding?



OMG! Seriously, how much can one person take in a day? First those drop dead gorgeous Somalia pictures, and then these drop dead gorgeous Pre-AI (be still my heart) close ups? :Thud: Thanks so much for bringing them over! Wonder how the RHT person got hold of them?

ETA: Have I mentioned lately how much I love the glasses? :wub:

OK, non-baseball people, start scrolling now. Last night I attended my 20 yo son's hardball game. It was one of those games that makes me glad I didn't decide to say "I'm too tired/busy" and stay home. They were facing the first place team, and had been beaten by them badly in the last match up. Now, in past years, ds has never been known as a heavy hitter. So this year, it's pretty comical (to me) to see him batting 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the line up consistently. But what he really, really loves to do, is steal. If he can get his butt on base by walking or even by being hit with a pitch, it's no matter to him, he just wants to get there. So last night, first time up, he strikes out. Boo. Next time up, he gets a really nice hit out to the gap between left & centre field, runs to first safely. Two pitches later, he does his patented steal to second, complete with head first, what I call his "superman" dive. I don't think there's a pitcher in this league who's been able to pick him off yet. Gets up, dusts himself off, and they promptly try to pick him off at second with the next pitch. Never deterred, he takes a healthy lead off towards third again. They again try to pick him off, but instead of diving back to second, he bolts for third. Gets caught in between (of course) and for most guys, they would probably be panicking. Heh, not him, he's enjoying this! Crowd is going nuts. He fakes towards second, third baseman takes the bait and throws, he bolts and dives into third, safe again. Maybe two pitches later, the catcher lets a pitch get by him, and that just gives ds the opportunity to steal home. Hee, run scored in probably 5 pitches, on a single. Yeah, I enjoyed it an awful lot. Wish I'd been filming it though! It was one of those moments he'll be talking about for years. :lilredani:

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luckiest1, you really have to start carrying that camera with you! Hee, I bet #1son hasn't come down yet. Way to go! :bier:

I'm a non-glasses gal given my druthers (though I'd do sexy Professor Aiken in a New-York minute and rather enjoy removing them from his beautimous face... but I digress) but I swear I actually said out loud, 'what glasses???' I had to go back and look again before I saw them in these latest two blog photos. And one of them is my avi!!!!

And someone actually stated they'd withold a Unicef donation as punishment IIT? Well I suspect that anybody who would post something like that likely never gave in the first place. You can write anything you want on a message board, after all. Just another way to get some attention, IMO. What a lovely thing to be known for. How proud they must be.

ETA: those photos of preAI Clay. Wowza!! I think they're the best I've seen. Just knowing what sounds were coming out of that mouth when the first one was taken - how did these women not just jump him right there and then?????

And Couchie, if you're bored ya know you could be reading? Just sayin' :imgtongue:

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And someone actually stated they'd withold a Unicef donation as punishment IIT? Well I suspect that anybody who would post something like that likely never gave in the first place. You can write anything you want on a message board, after all. Just another way to get some attention, IMO. What a lovely thing to be known for. How proud they must be.

cindilu2, you have such a way with words. :cryingwlaughter: But seriously.........WORD! :preachit:

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I don't watch TV very much but one show I try to catch (usually online) is Big Bang Theory. This guy above (sigh!) would fit right in. KAndre and I were talking this weekend (before you and kf arrived) about how we watch that show and get what the guys are saying. :wub

That show is hysterical. I don't catch it often, and didn't think to look online. Where do you find it? I never watch TV episodes online, but this one would be worth it. I wish I remembered the characters' names. I love the really skinny caucasian guy. His quirks crack me up. :lol:

Speaking of which...... (not that Clay looks like that these days, fine specimen that he is)

Those UNICEF field notes, and those fabulous new pictures.... What a guy! I love to see Clay looking so happy! Gets my ICG going. :D

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You make a pretty good sports reporter! Too bad there are no pics or vids!! I'm sure he was beyond excited! Thanks for sharing!

Aikim! I read your Towed By Clay story here and CV. Great story!

Funny to read. I'm sure it was not so funny for you being in the car!

KarenEh - this is from way back, but I'm so sorry about your trip. You know how some software jumps back to a default setting when you back track or start over? That drives me crazy. I was just looking at my address book yesterday and found a cousin with some crazy name in my file. I was WTH? I finally figured out that my "autotype" function had filled in the rest of a word, "helpfully", without my noticing. I'm glad I found it by accident, cuz I would have never found my cousin by searching for his name!!!


Have a good day, all!

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Good Morning Everyone,

Luckiest1 What a great story! I was picturing it in my head and imagining how exciting it was...good for your son!

Early meeting today at work; just a staff meeting but we get breakfast and since I have to be in early, I get to go home early.

Ldyj I hope your surgery went well and you are feeling better soon!

Everyone have a great day!


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Good morning.

Sends good thoughts for ldyj!

Ummmm......actually, I think he looked pretty dorky pre-AI. I can see where the potential is there but you can't see those beautiful eyelashes so his eyes don't look even nearly as absolutely gorgeous as they do now. Cryminuttly, even his lips look thinner! Whew that boy had some ears! But I bet the voice was wonderful. But honestly? Truthfully? Candidly? I can see where just on looks alone at that stage of his life where the girls weren't falling all over him. However, add in the mega-personality and the ability to make one swoon with that voice, and, yes, they were stupid to not notice him. And it is kind of cute that he was playing with the mic cord even then! Think of those people who probably have Clay Aiken on their wedding videotape! Talk about lucky! Let's see, that would probably cost about $250,000 for a "command performance" now......versus the $50 or $100 he might have made then.

He sure has grown up well!!! Eat your heart out Raleigh girls!

Luckiest - OMG. Reading your account of son's exploits last night reminds me of many years of not eating dinner until 9:00 during baseball season.....from Chris' age of 5 until 18. And yes - you really MUST get a video camera or something.

Logging on this morning was a treat - seeing my latest Cindilu wallpaper! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

And just because..... :Iluvclaysbutt:

ETA: laljeterfan....saw your man on The Insider last night - looking hunky! They were talking about A-Rod and his problems and how he's lost himself in baseball to get away from the media. Then they commented on the Yankee captain and asked him a few questions like "are you dating A-Rod! The look he gave the reporter before he laughed and said "no" was priceless!

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