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#39: "The little man is healthy, happy, and as loud as his daddy"


Thread Title Poll  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • New car...See Clay in Spamalot...New car...See Clay in Spamalot..
    • Clay makes spending money on him so enjoyably easy ... and irresistible.
    • I am still here and I still adore this man and have no idea why.
    • Clickables and lickables!!!!!!!!! Life is good again.
    • He's this wonderful mystery. With a great package.
    • With Clay Aiken we've already won the Lotto!
    • Never boring. Always expensive. And worth every cent!
    • He simply makes me smile when I see him.
    • Its not that I don't have a life, its just that these Clay things are so much damn fun!

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Thanks for bringing over that piece about OMWH being played for the Korean Olympic medalist, play. I've had a vaguely unsettled feeling for the last few days (didn't help that my computer was down for about 24 hours, and work has been a bear!), but that story and Clay's words have helped to ease my mind, in a way.

Happy Friday to all, especially the travellers! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Love the pins, (I'll take two!) and the new banner!

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just a quick fly by cause I can't believe I'm up at this hour! I couldn't sleep, this always happens when I am having guests (bunco tonight) and I have so many things going thru my head!

anna - in the grocery store I used to work in, that would never have happened! Next time, leave them on the floor and go get another one! Then tell the manager or checker up front what happened. You shouldn't have to clean up after shoddy packaging!

cindilu - love the banner!! You always come up with the neatest stuff!

The pins are great too! How much will they be? Put me down for $10-15's worth!

Let's hope our travelers are sitting on the plane right now ready for take off - BON VOYAGE KAndre & Scarlett (again) -- hope you get there this time! Got rain parkas? Keep up the great recaps!

:arg-dancing-welcome-whitebg-url: to preden

:::waves to kareneh:::

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Weary wave! Ca-RAP, I'm tired, it's been a very, very long week at work and this hotel is without a doubt the noisiest I've ever been in in my life. Never again. Finished work at 11:30 last night.

My vacation is disappearing as I speak (keep your fingers crossed for me) as I had to initiate an LP investigation at the store I was in yesterday, and the investigator called me already at 5 AM this morning. Ack!!

Preden, welcome to the board! We're so happy to see you in our UNreal lives as well! :hysterical:Me myb, if you're lurking, now we just have to get you to post more and I think our little group will be complete, right?

Scarlett1 and alter ego Scarlett2....hope you get/got off the ground! I've had that happen on a long-weekend vacation, and it just sucks bigtime.

Forgot to add, cindilu2 the banner is bee-YOOtiful and so are the pins! Put me down for 2.

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Weary wave! Ca-RAP, I'm tired, it's been a very, very long week at work and this hotel is without a doubt the noisiest I've ever been in in my life. Never again. Finished work at 11:30 last night.

My vacation is disappearing as I speak (keep your fingers crossed for me) as I had to initiate an LP investigation at the store I was in yesterday, and the investigator called me already at 5 AM this morning. Ack!!

Preden, welcome to the board! We're so happy to see you in our UNreal lives as well! :hysterical:Me myb, if you're lurking, now we just have to get you to post more and I think our little group will be complete, right?

Scarlett1 and alter ego Scarlett2....hope you get/got off the ground! I've had that happen on a long-weekend vacation, and it just sucks bigtime.

Forgot to add, cindilu2 the banner is bee-YOOtiful and so are the pins! Put me down for 2.

thank you myclaygary! what is My myb? I'm new at this. How do you post? Have a good day!

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Good Morning Everyone,

I see Jazzgirl popped her head in last night; hope to see you around here more often! :thbighug-1:

28 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam!


36 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! :woohoo:

57 Days until The BAF Gala!


Everyone have a great day!


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:welcome:preden! Now that you've met a lot of the Ontario fans, I hope we get to meet in the future too - hopefully on the next tour.

Scarlett and KAndre - Thought of you both this morning when I watched the typhoon footage of Hong Kong. Safe travels!

cindilu - Love and banner and love the pins. :bravo: Please put me down for two of whatever is being produced.

I decided to take the day off since our office is really quiet right now. Turns out it was a good thing, since my older daughter now needs to make moving plans. Looks like I'll be helping her out this weekend - thank goodness for all the space in my car. She'll be staying with me again for the month of Sept. and then sharing with two other girls in the city by October, if all goes well. It's gonna be weird, since she hasn't lived at home in three years.

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I saw a piece of LKL last night with the AI7 Idols on tour, and poor little David Archuleta can sing so much better than he can speak. I'll be shocked if he's able to carry a talk show appearance on his own.

I thought Michael Johns had the best comment: I mean, I'm 29. I've been waiting for this opportunity my whole life. I've always seen tour buses parked in front of hotels and going, I want to get on one of those. For me, it's the opportunity of a lifetime. But for all of us to get to play in front of 10,000, 15,000 people every night, you've got to sell a lot of records in your own career to get back to that kind of level.

Not being tuned in to the goings on in the year following AI2 with the Clay/Ruben and Clay/Kelly "competition" but being brought up to speed in the last couple of years, I was a bit dismayed by the headlines I saw yesterday at AOL and Comcast and other places I frequent for email, etc., trying to gin up competition between the two Davids, saying such things as, Archuleta Crushes Cook On Charts, trying to be cute with the title Crush. To me, this sort of thing can inhibit sales overall because if people are drawn into the competition angle of the releases, they'll only buy the record of the one they like most, rather than both. And then there will be the Two David Fan Wars, and all that horrible nonsense. Competition is great at the Olympics, but not at all for art, music and literature. I just don't get the angle of trying to stir up a perceived career deathmatch between artists. Who wins?

ETA: CHIKEZE: I've decided I'm not going to be a singer, I'm going to be an entertainer. I've always sung. I've always been a, quote, unquote, singer. But going on tour, being able to get on stage, see all these people, it is a whole different experience. It's an entertainment experience, rather than just an audio experience.

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Love the new banner, cindilu2!

I kind of feel like I'm in the middle of a Spam sandwich where the meat and the bread got mixed up.....Oh! Wow! I bet that Leno thing was a sign! Ya gotta be on the ball around that Clay guy....all the time.

Pardon my denseness . . .

What Leno thing??

Oh - Good morning . . .

woke up with sinus headache - ugh - and last day the Myrtle Beach Dream Dinners will be open.

Too bad the grocery store doesn't realize they are getting rid of the best, most unique, friendliest part of their store.


Please pardon my Whine, as well, this morning. It's pouring rain and I just finished baking cookies to take to the store as a goodbye to the girls I've enjoyed working with since the end of March.


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Love the new banner, cindilu2!

I kind of feel like I'm in the middle of a Spam sandwich where the meat and the bread got mixed up.....Oh! Wow! I bet that Leno thing was a sign! Ya gotta be on the ball around that Clay guy....all the time.

Pardon my denseness . . .

What Leno thing??

Oh - Good morning . . .

woke up with sinus headache - ugh - and last day the Myrtle Beach Dream Dinners will be open.

Too bad the grocery store doesn't realize they are getting rid of the best, most unique, friendliest part of their store.


Please pardon my Whine, as well, this morning. It's pouring rain and I just finished baking cookies to take to the store as a goodbye to the girls I've enjoyed working with since the end of March.


Leno...When he was on with Jack Black and they were talking about singing the "Yes that is my Baby" song. Jack sang it and then Clay came out and said he was going to sing the extended version.


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Not being tuned in to the goings on in the year following AI2 with the Clay/Ruben and Clay/Kelly "competition" but being brought up to speed in the last couple of years, I was a bit dismayed by the headlines I saw yesterday at AOL and Comcast and other places I frequent for email, etc., trying to gin up competition between the two Davids, saying such things as, Archuleta Crushes Cook On Charts, trying to be cute with the title Crush. To me, this sort of thing can inhibit sales overall because if people are drawn into the competition angle of the releases, they'll only buy the record of the one they like most, rather than both. And then there will be the Two David Fan Wars, and all that horrible nonsense. Competition is great at the Olympics, but not at all for art, music and literature. I just don't get the angle of trying to stir up a perceived career deathmatch between artists. Who wins?

Well, I don't follow AI7 at all, but in the case of Clay/Ruben, I think the "competition" angle really increased sales, rather than decreased, at least for Clay. It was like all those people who voted for Clay had a second chance to make him win. I think it's kind of ridiculous when they drag these things on for years and years, but at the time, it was quite effective for sales, IMO.

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Love the new banner, cindilu2!

I kind of feel like I'm in the middle of a Spam sandwich where the meat and the bread got mixed up.....Oh! Wow! I bet that Leno thing was a sign! Ya gotta be on the ball around that Clay guy....all the time.

Pardon my denseness . . .

What Leno thing??

Leno...When he was on with Jack Black and they were talking about singing the "Yes that is my Baby" song. Jack sang it and then Clay came out and said he was going to sing the extended version.


Cotton, sorry things are going bad. Mine isn't much better -- gotta deal with the residue of yesterday's personnel problems today. I have personnel problems.

I thought this was talking about the "bread bread meat" sandwich making thing that Jay mentioned to Clay when Clay was talking about having to "MAKE the sandwich."

I love that interview. I think it's one of the best interviews he's ever done. Ranks right up there with the Kimmel tattoo, IMO. Anyone else? What is YOUR favorite interview?

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:F_05BL17blowkiss: Jazzgirl!!! :thbighug-1:

Do you like profiles by any chance?


Good Morning Peeps!

I certainly like Clay’s profile! YUM! Thanks, Kareneh :hubbahubba:

Thanks for bringing over that piece about OMWH being played for the Korean Olympic medalist, play.


Love the new banner, cindilu2!

I kind of feel like I'm in the middle of a Spam sandwich where the meat and the bread got mixed up.....Oh! Wow! I bet that Leno thing was a sign! Ya gotta be on the ball around that Clay guy....all the time.

Pardon my denseness . . .

What Leno thing??

Oh - Good morning . . .

woke up with sinus headache - ugh - and last day the Myrtle Beach Dream Dinners will be open.

Too bad the grocery store doesn't realize they are getting rid of the best, most unique, friendliest part of their store.


Please pardon my Whine, as well, this morning. It's pouring rain and I just finished baking cookies to take to the store as a goodbye to the girls I've enjoyed working with since the end of March.


Leno...When he was on with Jack Black and they were talking about singing the "Yes that is my Baby" song. Jack sang it and then Clay came out and said he was going to sing the extended version.


Hee – I was thinking of Leno when he talked about having to MAKE the sandwich and getting confused by the twisties! LOVE that interview! :lol:eta: Or what ldyj said - it's evidently our turn to share a brain today!

Sorry ‘bout the sinus headache, Cotton. I hate those! :therethere:

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oops! Looks like I misunderstood; it probably was the sandwich story he told on Leno.


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Hope Scarlett and KAndre got off OK. I assume since we haven't heard anything this am that they did. Kareneh, I'm so glad you finally got your things!!! Nice profile!!

Keepingfaith, I saw just a little piece of that, including Chikeze. I thought of Clay too.

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It's so quiet here, looks like K'Andre and Scarlett got off on their flight, I wonder how long until they arrive?

The whole Korean fans is interesting to me. I monitor sales on the world wide albums and I don't se OMWH moving much overseas at all. How much is a lot of sales? So far it is estimated that he sold between 20 and 3 thousand albums overseas - total. we know he has fans in many different Asian countries. Now he is probably selling well for Korea, but that does not mean it is enough to justify a tour.

Disclaimer: Of course World Wilde albums could be off, still, if the sales were so great, you would think we would have heard more about it from Clay


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I don't think he has to tour necessarily...he can go for a PR junket..... take all of a week if he went to Korea and went on a few tv music and news shows, newspapers, and maybe a few personal appearances.


ETA: Nice to see you Jazzgirl! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Playbiller, I'm sure Korea has music downloads sites like iTunes, and I don't know that those figures would be included at that site you linked, especially if those are downloads of individual singles. Also, OMWH the single is on a compilation album for the Olympics, and sales of that album obviously wouldn't be included, even if it's Clay's song that's driving the sales. Of course it would be great to get some stats on sales in Korea, but the PR we've been hearing about can't be a bad thing regardless.
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jmh, a couple of nights ago I heard some familiar sounds coming out of No. 2 Son's guitar and I was amazed that he was playing another Creedence song because he's 29 and most of his repertoire isn't classic rock friendly. But the kid discovered my old Green River album a couple of years ago and he's become a bit of a CCR fanatic. I asked him which Fogerty song is his favorite and he said, I Put a Spell on You. Made me think of you. YouTube has the Woodstock video, but I really like this one from about ten years ago. For you, my dear:


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A PR junket would be fun, but taking a band woud be costly.

I don't disparage any sales, I just think that it might be highlighted a bit by enthusiastic fans. Obviously someone in the TV biz there likes Clay, since he iis featured. I do find it interesting that hi song is featured for the lyrics, yet many there do not speak English (I remember a fan trying to learn so she coulld understand the songs and interviews, I thought that was a great story, especially when her husbnd learned what she as doing and why and decided to join her in her learning.)

smacks negativity out of me, fixes spelling

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Here's hoping KAndre and my SB got off the ground okay and are winging it to their destination! What a nightmare. I remember a business trip to NY one time where it took me 27 hours to get back to San Francisco - via Dulles airport, some stale crackers, a few glasses of really bad wine and sleeping in some weird hotel in my slip! (trying to remember the last time I wore a slip......hee!)

Clay content - I saw Diamond Rio in concert last night at the Indian Casino in our county. I was majorly disappointed that they didn't sing I Know How The River Feels, but they were fabulous. I was surprised so many of their songs were familiar because I'm not much of a Country fan (other than that yummy Keith Urban) Their harmonies were awesome and they're quite the musicians. They have a Christmas CD coming out this year and it will be a "must buy!"

Loverly banner Cindi......

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Posted by dancermom2:

Update on Clayzedover....from gcd4clay at CV:

Hi, I just wanted to give an update on Clayzedover - I saw her today and she is doing very well - She is having thearpy to help her get the movement in her left arm and left leg back. The therapy is very tiring. It was a minor stroke and thank God it didn't affect anything else. Hopefully she will be back with us all soon!
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jmh, a couple of nights ago I heard some familiar sounds coming out of No. 2 Son's guitar and I was amazed that he was playing another Creedence song because he's 29 and most of his repertoire isn't classic rock friendly. But the kid discovered my old Green River album a couple of years ago and he's become a bit of a CCR fanatic. I asked him which Fogerty song is his favorite and he said, I Put a Spell on You. Made me think of you. YouTube has the Woodstock video, but I really like this one from about ten years ago. For you, my dear:


Lovely--so many thanks!! And how nice of you to remember--I'm not as much of a Creedence fan as I am an "I Put a Spell on You" fan--LOL. And Creedence's version is the best. I also have versions from Nina Simone (her "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood" is great too), Buddy Guy, and Katie Melua. Any others to recommend?? LOL.

Off to my mom's shortly. Later.

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A PR junket would be fun, but taking a band woud be costly.

I don't disparage any sales, I just think that it might be highlighted a bit by enthusiastic fans. Obviously someone in the TV biz there likes Clay, since he iis featured. I do find it interesting that hi song is featured for the lyrics, yet many there do not speak English (I remember a fan trying to learn so she coulld understand the songs and interviews, I thought that was a great story, especially when her husbnd learned what she as doing and why and decided to join her in her learning.)

smacks negativity out of me, fixes spelling

Quickie response. English-language songs are very popular in Asia, despite language barriers, and English is a very popular language to learn in Korea right now. I could easily get a job if I were free to head to Asia again. Don't know about Korea, but in Japan, everyone studies English and has for decades, everyone--it's a school requirement.

That is a good story about the fan and her husband studying together.

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This is so cute! :Iluvclaysbutt: (I haven't been around for a while and didn't know what it meant until I clicked on it)

I wonder how our wide-eye wanderers are doing. From Reuters:

Typhoon Nuri shuts down Hong Kong By James Pomfret

Fri Aug 22, 7:47 AM ET

Typhoon Nuri churned through Hong Kong on Friday, shutting down most of the financial hub with gale-force winds and disrupting hundreds of flights.

The tropical cyclone signal was upgraded to a relatively rare No. 9, one short of a direct hit, as Nuri closed in on the city after wreaking a path of destruction in the northern Philippines.

The last time a storm of such severity hit Hong Kong was typhoon Dujuan in September 2003. Around four hundred flights were cancelled or delayed by early evening, including those of the city's two major carriers, Cathay Pacific and Dragon Air.

It wasn't immediately clear how the city would cope with the backlog of over 400 flights. A spokeswoman for the Hong Kong Airport Authority said arrangements would be made with the airlines, with flights likely to resume after midnight.

Much of Hong Kong ground to a standstill on Friday with the closure of financial markets, schools and offices. Howling winds swept across the former British colony, uprooting trees and churning white-tipped waves in Victoria harbor.

Streets were largely deserted and shops shuttered, with trees and scaffolding being toppled by winds of up to 94 kph (58 mph) recorded in parts of the territory.

The typhoon weakened to a severe tropical storm as it headed northwest along the Guangdong coastline towards the gambling hub of Macau, where flights and ferries were also cancelled.

In China's Guangdong province, tens of thousands of people were evacuated from coastal areas and fishing boats called back to port. The Guangdong meteorological bureau warned it might be the strongest typhoon to hit the province this year.

Hong Kong's Olympic equestrian events, however, were spared the worst of typhoon Nuri, with the last showjumping event successfully concluded on Thursday night as the weather began to worsen.

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