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#40: He simply makes me smile when I see him.


Thread Title Poll  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • He looks great, he looks happy and healhty...me likey, me happy!
    • He makes me go broke with a smile on my face!
    • He is excessively, endlessly, adorably CUTE!!!!!!!!
    • God the voice is gorgeous. I'll never take it for granted.
    • Break open those piggy banks! Remember - if you choose to rob a bank, just don't wear a Clay Aiken t-shirt!
    • Clay Aiken Makes His Triumphant Return!
    • Clay has some serious mojo!!!
    • He sings. He dances. He talks. He wears PANTS! verra, verra niiiicely. The rest is just noise!
    • Someone take the measure of that man!
    • Who CARES? He's hot!!!
    • But in the final analysis - he could be bald and I would still love him.
    • Is there ever enough Clay?
    • He's Clay, you know. The hotness intensifies as time goes by.

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It was another lesson for me in board etiquette, not to react so quickly and to contact a moderator if I have any questions about the appropriateness of a post.

Yeah, Lotus...I think you're 'nicer' than I am. I post and then wait for somebody to delete it for me!


Then, of course, I beat their ass.


see I like your style in coming over here and posting. That's how you do it people. Not little whispers about how mean we are!!

Mean? Who says we're mean? Just because I beat asses of people who delete me doesn't mean that we're mean.

Who says we're mean? Give me a name! I'll beat their ass!

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It was another lesson for me in board etiquette, not to react so quickly and to contact a moderator if I have any questions about the appropriateness of a post.

Yay Lotus. I think today was good refresher for everyone. I think not knowing "fan history" is proably a good thing.

Bwah Muski... whoa baby. hee

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Contest rules up at the fan club - we have a deadline people! Get those pens scratching.

Hey, Lotus beware of posting and running - I did that and left a big spelling blooper that had people ragging on me for hours before I got back to see it. had I stayed on, I could have corrected it quickly when the first PM arrived.

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Oh good grief. If anybody thinks my stupid post was a swipe at Clay, that's ridiculous. If anything, it's a parody of MY fangirliness, which is at times over the top.

I'll post it myself:

Maybe his bio should read like a CH recap:<snip>

Jemock, welcome to FCA. I liked your post's giddy stream-of-consciousness style. This was my favorite part:

Go to the Gala with a nice dress and $80000 in pocket money!!! GAWD I HATE BEING POOR!!!!


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Poor picked on Christmas stories is right, I enjoyed a lot of them, was touched by so many of them. The thought of the writers being on message boards and reading about thier stories being mocked made me feel so sad, It can't be fun putting your self out there, exposing your heart and having people not like what you write and post about it on a board you read or hear about.

Oh, my memory is fuzzy - I thought I read somewhere that anyone who would write a Christmas story for that contest was just an embarassing famewhore, trying to get Clay's attention???????????

It was another lesson for me in board etiquette, not to react so quickly and to contact a moderator if I have any questions about the appropriateness of a post.

Being relatively new to this board I am really conscious of not wanting to offend and there is a lot of fan history that I have yet to learn. I would hate to become one of the posters that others routinely skip over or have on their ignore list.

Oh, for sure - don't delete stuff! It is just that it should be expected that not everyone will find it funny, and will say so. That's how a board works!

(This message inspected and approved for all boards).

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It seems to me as though we have too much time on our hands.

Unfunny jokes.

24-hour rules.

Bio guides.

Why don't we all just rip off our clothes and do a naked I-love-Clay dance and forget all this shit and have a good time??

Now that I could get behind.

Well, the contest rules have been posted at the OFC. Only US residents need apply. Deadline is Sept. 19th at midnight. Good luck to all!

US residents only? *hits delete* Sighhhhh.

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Numbers are out for this week from Barnes

Clay's On My Way Here sold 500, down from 600, total 151,000. A Thousand Different Ways stayed at 100, total 528,000, and (bonus update) Measure of a Man sold 100 for a total of 2.78 million.

The international estimate should be out tomorrow.

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Speaking of sales...I found this today at getclayaiken.com. The whole article is interesting, but I'll pull out the Clay parts here...

Shopping Channel QVC Sees Music Opportunities

NEW YORK (Billboard) - As CD sales shrink due to the ascension of digital, store closures and music space reductions, cable shopping channel QVC sees an opportunity and is stepping up its offering.


So far this year, QVC has broadcast only two music shows -- for Clay Aiken's "On My Way Here" and Randy Travis' "Around the Bend" -- with a third one planned for September 12 on James Taylor's "Covers."

A QVC spokeswoman says the channel strives to feature one artist per month, although "depending on artists' schedules, release dates and our own programming schedules, things often change." She adds that QVC is "working on several new deals for the fall of 2008."

Aiken's QVC appearance seems to have inspired 25,000 scans through the nontraditional nonstore Internet/mail-order/venue category, which accounted for 27% of his album's first-week sales of 94,000 units in the week ended May 11, according to Nielsen SoundScan. Year to date, it has sold 150,000 units. Meanwhile, Travis' album sold 14,000 units through the Internet/mail-order/venue category, which was 45% of the total during the debut week ended July 20 of 31,000 scans.

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So Kandre and Jemock both went to the school of no white spaces? My poor strained eyes!!!

Thanks for posting your Clay bio Jemock...

I am so out of touch with other areas of the fandom cos some of the references went over my head...but yeah, that pretty much characterizes the crazy nature of this fandom.

pretty interesting facts about Clay's QVC appearance...not shabby at all.

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Jemock, I always loved your blogs in the OFC and this ramble was no exception--I snorted unfemininely throughout this, and saw myself and saw God and saw dead people and....oops, off topic...

to say the least, you are still one of the freakin FUNNIEST people I've run across in a while-- I think Clay would love your bio--maybe not for Playbill but to read while munching on peanut butter and Gala apples (tm AYSTAFG), or Krispy Kremes, or whatevah--

Please keep 'em coming!!

A grateful fan!!

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Maybe MOAM's selling a bit because Walmart has restocked. I was pleasantly surprised on my monthly trek to Walmart for whipped cream to see that while the CD section had been downsized to one aisle, there was a fresh restocking of OMWH, ATDW and MOAM with three whole bins for Clay Aiken. Maybe Walmart will have a sole distributorship in the future. I recently read that Christina Aguilera's next album will be distributed exclusively through Target. Seems to be the way it's going. Fine with me, because if Walmart had been the sole distributor for OMWH I wouldn't have had to repurchase so many copies for the bonus tune, which is my most favorite song on the whole CD -- on odd numbered days.

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KAndre fondly pats Jemock, who clearly believes in the conservation of white spaee (hey! we're internet environmentally friendly! And yeah, I'm trademarking that before Clay does! Ha!)

I thought it was funny because I saw more old school mocking of the fandom (and lord knows, this fandom is eminently mockable) than of Clay. And, since there ain't nothin' but us chickens in here (fresh young pullets as well as broody old hens), Clay is a little mockable too.

And I keep telling you people - we're BITCHY, not MEAN! Mean is for wusses!

KAndre hands out sporks all around...

And fragging is NOT allowed! eyes Scarlett suspiciously...

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muski... :cryingwlaughter: for your asking for a raise and gettting turned down penis post.

And in summation, Clay was cut from his high school musical, but he's not bitter. Not anymore. Amen.

Jemock... I snickered, I snorted, I LOVED the ending sentence cause that made me laugh out loud and that's a good way to end a bio, right, with a laugh. I'll bet if you sent it in, Clay would understand most of it and chortle non-stop.

:welcome: to FCA!

I watched the video 3 times before I could drag myself away to check my bank balance. S.W.O.O.N.

cindilu... LOVE the new banner!!!

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150 words ain't many!

Y'all know I have trouble with succinct! :lmaosmiley-1:

I don't think I'd ever be able to write his Playbill blurb.

I sure would like to win that prize, though! :)


I don't always laugh at the fan humor others seem to think is funny. And I scroll by stuff that over-exaggerates Clay's Southern accent. Being Southern myself, I'm a little insulted, to tell you the truth.

I do miss the Cluppy diaries, though. She nailed the doggie behavior and that cracked me up.

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Does anyone know what happened to Clay's friend Kristie? Last I saw was BFS at the OFC shutting down a thread that someone started about her baby. With all the excitement about Parker, Kristie somehow found her way into my mind. Don't know why. Weird. Anybody?

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Thanks for all the nice words, y'all! Gosh. Well, the ones who said nice words, I mean. I know a lot of people don't share my sense of humor, and that's oh-kay. I probably don't think they're very funny either. Haha! Just kidding!

I gave myself written permission to make fun of my own Christmas stories. Those are the only ones I've talked about. Endlessly. Relentlessly. But generally not in a good way, so the famewhoriness and self-criticism all balances out, I think.

Personally, I liked all the Christmas stories, the ones I could hear through the garbled cellcerts, anyway. And I liked a bunch that were posted but not read.

According to the rules, it looks like I'm going to have to edit out "peepee". Shoot.

couchie, I thought about that too, since it was allowed for the Christmas thing, but the rules say this one is non-transferrable.

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Look, I don't consider my self funny at all, so I really don't care if someone does not get my sense of humor unless they actually try to assign some deep thought to any of my posts- that would be fans using their imaginations.

A lot of time a post will touch on a subject of past incidents or posts and I will go off on a tangent, does not mean I am referring to a recent post on this board, it is just the memories come back to my head and I want to talk about them. Putting someone out there cuts many ways. Once reminded of the Christmas stories I remember some that were seriously maligned by some, like people who thought that MLK's sister was afraid of appearing on stage, rather than the fact that the theater was not wheel chair friendly and she could not appear - it was "think the worst before you know the truth". I was really moved by her story and and sad that her sister had to read the nasty comments. It was not my job to call on the people posting this stuff, since there is a fair amount of free speech on the boards, but the comment on the Christmas stories reminded me of that sad incident. A lot of time we all participate in putting down other fans (mob think) for not being as good and I am concously trying not to do it, treat all posters equal, but it is hard when you disagree. You will have to admit there were many who mocked the Christmas stories, I can go into the archives and find them. It is find not to like them as a rule, but to call out a particular story for mocking is hard because some people really threw their hearts into them and lay themselves open for dissection - sad faced emoticon.

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