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#55: My Eyes Adored You


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59 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Lots to look forward to. Clay being Clay. It's all good.
    • His heart's big enough for the whole world
    • Big heart, big feet, big......Man
    • Clay's going to sing. Life is good.
    • It's going to be the Summer of Clay
    • If Clay's happy, I'm happy. I don't care shit whether he rocks, sways, or jiggles.
    • What more could a girl (or guy) want?
    • Clay will sing, he'll sound great, and I'll be a happy camper.

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So, anything new in Clay land? Being in the rink all day is like being in a different world. You kind of forget about real life for a while. It's fun but exhausting. I had a blast (and it was pretty cool to share it with a few Clay fans too!) I only got one decent picture the whole time but I am extremely in love with it. It is our Olympic team carrying the Olympic flag around the arena. I was able to high five some of them, it was so cool!


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I don't think I get what you're saying, LadyJ. Why does there need to be blame for anything?

Because, IMO, some people need to keep up the "Clay as victim" idea. As you know, I'm NOT one of those people. It just seems so strange to me that Clive Davis got soooooooo much blame, when we really had no idea what was going on behind the scenes. Still don't really, and that's OK with me.

As for the rest of your post kf, I loved it, especially this section:

I am so sorry for people who worry that Clay is over and done because they've bought into some theory that he has to do X, Y and Z to be a big hit. The truth as I see it is that Clay is incredibly magnetic and attractive to a segment of the population who are his fans, online and off, who love him and care about his career - that is as much or more than any artist in the world can have. No matter who the preceived superstar giants are at any given time, whether Elvis, MJ, The Beatles, U2, whoever, there are literally thousands and thousands of people who can't stand them. I mean who can't abide them in ANY way. It's human nature. To let that sort of thing affect my enjoyment of what I love, it's impossible. So I do not commiserate with people who are afraid for Clay's future success, and I will scroll over angsty remarks when they become repetitive and freaked out or bored and burnt out, because to me it's just damned unfortunate that they don't grok that invisible magic Clay walks around with. I can't see it, but I'm inspired by it and thrilled by it and all kinds of stuff, and I need not know why. Because it just doesn't matter.

It's kind of like -- "why ask why?" I just enjoy the magic.

Ldyj is smart, y'all. :wub:

Awww....thank you. I'm just one of those people that when I start posting on a message board, I just start pushing buttons and dropping down menus just to see what they do. I did that one once, and went..."whoa." But I know I've helped a few people with that one besides today! Thanks jmh!

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OT, but... haven't logged in here in a while, but still reading! I hope someone can share some thoughts with me - it might produce a benefit for us all (thinking ahead to hopeful Clack gathered at GFI)!!!


I'm in the market for a new camera for use at GFI and have been "studying" a lot. I think I've narrowed it down to one of the following:

  • Canon PowerShot SX10 IS (replacement for the S5 so many have)

Canon PowerShot SX20 IS (upgrade from SX10, includes 720p HD video capability, reviews indicate photos aren't quite as good as SX10)

Canon PowerShot SX1 IS (upgrade to above, includes 1080p HD video capability, I think photos were improved--read so much I don't recall, a small number of reviewers had fatal

mechanical problems with their camera)

mblovesclay shared her experience (and some video, which is gorgeous) with me from the SX20. Thank you so much!!

Anyone else? I need to order soon to get it in time! I'll be in Dallas tomorrow for annual Doc. appt's. and hope there is time to swing by one of the larger Wolf Camera stores to hopefully see/feel/hold one of these in person!

Thank you in advance!!!

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:hello:AnAmeraikenInTX. Good luck with the camera hunt. We have some amazing clack hunters here. I'm looking forward to the GFI clack. If my tax volunteer work didn't get in the way I'd be heading out to there also.

I hope Clay is getting a little break after recording and before GFI. But for all I know he's busy working on promo and pictures.

Here's to a great day for all. The sixties temperature yesterday made it feel like Spring and gave me a little energy boost. :dancetom:

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:hello:AnAmeraikenInTX. Good luck with the camera hunt. We have some amazing clack hunters here. I'm looking forward to the GFI clack. If my tax volunteer work didn't get in the way I'd be heading out to there also.

I hope Clay is getting a little break after recording and before GFI. But for all I know he's busy working on promo and pictures.

Here's to a great day for all. The sixties temperature yesterday made it feel like Spring and gave me a little energy boost. :dancetom:


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13 Days until GFI!


39 Days until Clay Speaks at the HRC Convention!


61 Days until The First Day of Spring!


4 and 1/2 months until June and the New CD/PBS Special!


Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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When it comes to cameras .... I want a camera like the one Kareneh uses, whatever it is. Although I'm sure it's the photographer herself responsible for all those incredible photos of Clay and not necessarily the equipment. Okay, I want Kareneh's camera and LESSONS from Kareneh!

And I want LadyJ's troubleshooting expertise.

Apropos of nothing, but what could this be about? Yesterday I was at the drug store to pick up a prescription. There was a girl walking down the aisle in front of me -- tiny, great figure, tight black jeans with silver studs down the seams, a tight little black denim jacket and a spangled black newsboy cap over long blonde hair down to her waist, high-heel shoes, and she walked with a sexy strut. You'd think this chick was 18-19 years old, and probably a knock-out. I saw her in the store again when I was leaving, in the face, and she was at least 80 years old. I truly mean she was at least 80, no exaggeration, and in no way attractive for her age. My mother is 87 and looks at least 20 years younger than this woman. It shocked the crap out of me, because she couldn't really have that ass at her age, so does somebody sell fake butts for old ladies in tight jeans? I was just shocked at this woman trying to make herself look like a teenager with a face of heavy, criss-cross wrinkles and false teeth. I don't know why this stayed with me until today, but goodness I thought I'd seen it all, and obviously there's more to see out there. I'm all for staying and looking young, but ... GOOD LORD!

As for Clay's whereabouts, maybe he's rehearsing for the PBS tapings. Are there any rumors about time and place yet? I wonder if seats will be available, or if there will be a "stealth" audience?

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After what Aron (or does he spell it Aaron?) said about Clay producing the Gala, my bet is that Clay is up to his eyeballs in work for the GFI. Producing one of those things is like planning a wedding plus making all the travel & housing arrangements for the bridal party and special guests.

Just scheduling all the foursomes and lessons and photo ops and silent auctions and on and on, not to mention being the entertainment for the evening.

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So sad and a great loss.

Canadian folk and roots music singer Kate McGarrigle, best known for her work with her sister, Anna, as the McGarrigle Sisters, has died at age 63.

McGarrigle, born in Montreal, died Monday night after battling a rare form of cancer, confirmed her brother-in-law, journalist Dane Lanken.

The mother of musicians Rufus and Martha Wainwright through her previous marriage with American singer-songwriter Loudon Wainwright III, McGarrigle is a music industry icon in her own right.

The McGarrigle sisters recorded 10 albums in French and English, and their songs have been covered by artists such as Linda Ronstadt, Billy Bragg and Emmylou Harris.

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Great pictures of Reed and Clay on vacation in the tropics up on Openly Clay in the Shipping News.

Clay looks WONDERFUL and so happy.

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I'm thinking about the 2007 DCAT in Tampa, the pre-TWYMMF banter, when Clay made the "be proud of your instrument" comment to the french horn player and the audience went crazy and Clay said we had dirty minds. Just after that Clay called out for the oboe player and said, "Put your reed in" and Jesse looked at Clay with the funniest look on his face. In retrospect, could that have been an intentional double entendre there? Makes me imagine that Clay and Reed could have been seeing each other more than two years. Of course, he could just be saying "put your reed in" for no meaningful reason. Still, I haven't forgotten that from sitting in the audience that night. Maybe things just got serious two years ago. Ahhh, shipping! I've missed it!

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I do think they've been together for some time. I saw a tall dark-haired young man with Clay's cousin (Jamie?), the one who did his hair, at several of those concerts. At the time I thought it was her boyfriend, but now I wonder.... There's some other reason I thought they'd been together pre-Spamalot, but I can't remember what it was now. :04:

ETA: Now that I think about it, I think I saw them at the summer tour, as I only went to one of the Christmas shows in 2007.

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Graphic by cindilu2, photos by Kareneh

Today's 400th Carolina On My Mind entry salutes Clay's 1/18/08 Broadway debut as Spamalot's Sir Robin with a reprint of the blog appearing the morning after his celebrated opening.

Thank you for your support, visits, comments, retweets, graphics, etc., throughout the 400 entries. Come remember the ovations via photos, graphics, and recaps following opening night. Parts of several fan recaps were quoted in that blog two years ago, and there's a paragraph (with art) about the FCA "Spamalot" pins. :wub:

I love all the info and art that comes through FCA. The skating weekend sounded like fun. :)

Have an awesome new week, FCA! :BlowKiss:

Caro :listen:
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I do think they've been together for some time. I saw a tall dark-haired young man with Clay's cousin (Jamie?), the one who did his hair, at several of those concerts. At the time I thought it was her boyfriend, but now I wonder.... There's some other reason I thought they'd been together pre-Spamalot, but I can't remember what it was now. :04:

ETA: Now that I think about it, I think I saw them at the summer tour, as I only went to one of the Christmas shows in 2007.

Maybe Reed was at the Tampa show in August, hence the "reed" quip that night. I do know that Clay was over the top with the risque-for-Clay banter at that particular show. Remember when he said someone "didn't have the balls" to tell Ruben he was gaining weight. Could the CREED relationship be one of the reasons Clay hooked up with Spamalot in the first place, so he could live in NY for a few months, advance his career, record OMWH, and live with his honey? Gee, I'd like to think so.

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By Jove, I think you've got it, wandacleo. It's exactly the same. Good work!

They could be (or have been) island-hopping: Martinique, Barbados, Trinidad. I'm just thankful they didn't go to the Eastern Caribbean. I hear there was a quake in the Caymans earlier today.

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I think the waterfall in the picture of Clay and Reed looks like Diamond Falls

Diamond Falls

Hee!! Good work!

Gosh, it's ridiculous how happy those pics make me. Talk about opposites attracting - and they make such a gorgeous couple. :wub:

I have my theories on how long they've been together (*waves*) and I'd bet that Reed helped him make/inspired more than a few decisions along the way. I hope one day Clay will feel like he can 'share' him with us a little. GAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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