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#57: Oh yeah, he really is just. that. good.


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • My, my, my...my boyfriend is making me feel all cougarish and slinky and growly
    • I'd better hold on to my fedora cos I ain't seen nothing yet!
    • He exhilarates me!
    • Unremitting Fangirl reporting for duty. I'm easy and I'm proud of it!
    • The man is made of awesome.
    • Clay Aiken can still curl my toes.
    • Clay Aiken = happy sigh
    • I'm a satisfied Clay fan.

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If the truth be told, and some day it will be, probably a good half of the male stars in Hollywood over the past 75 years were at least bi-sexual. Longstanding rumors include the sexiest men ever on screen. Notable exception: Warren Beatty. One possible reason why there have always been serial divorces in Hollywood, and why Warren Beatty took so long to get married -- all those women, so little time!

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Not to be a downer, but I find it quite derogatory when I see the question "are we sure he's gay?" asked repeatedly.....it's like saying a sexy man shouldn't be gay, or it would be better if he was straight......I think what is probably meant is "I wish he wasn't gay so I could have a chance at doing him", and I know it's probably meant as a compliment, but that's not the way it reads to me. It pushes my buttons. Sorry.

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Man, he looks TASTY!

Well, people, I am off to the Hawaiian islands for a few days! And San Diego. And Portland. It's all PerusingOne's fault.

KAndre... have a great time with PerusingOne on your travels... more travelogue, please!!!

Awwwwww, I wuv wonky foot! :wub:

That is such a "come hither" look! Are we sure he's gay?

I believe with those looks he can attract males, females, plants, animals, and inanimate objects.


keeping... BWAH!!! He sure attracts me. I LOVE that one with the mic. The bar one, not as much... I think he gets lost in there. Now the white tux would have made him more yum in that one I think.

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I LOVE that one with the mic.

Me too, liney, me too. Those eyes go right through me. I don't think he could have pulled this off without the enhanced jawline, but with this look and attitude he reminds me of Bond, James Bond. Cue the music ...


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One word - Shoulders! Gaaahhh

Ok, technically that's two but one is more a bodily function in my case IYKWIMAITYD :whistling-1:

Yoohoo, Penny, you'll need to speak a little louder hon. Whatchya wanna say? :thbighug-1:

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I'm thinking that the photographer's website pictures are ones NOT being used in Clay's promotion. Am I wrong to think that the pictures selected by Decca and Clay for the Tried & True campaign would be used exclusively for that purpose? Maybe they gave permission for the photographer to include certain pics in his "celebrity" portfolio. I don't know. But as much as I like these pictures of Clay, I'm having doubts they will be seen elsewhere. It's also possible these photographs could have something to do with the microphone commercial I've heard about.

But I've got them saved, so I'm happy. :flirtysmile3:

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30 Days until June 1st and The New CD! :04:

50 Days until Clay Brings Broadway Home to NC!:yahoo:

67 Days until Clay Addresses The Key Club Convention!:yahoo:

82 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins! :09:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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One month I can not wait. Drooling over the pictures last night and I love the bar one and the microphone one. Wish we had more. I want some information on some TV spots so I can see how my work schedule fits in.

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Heading to our local nursery today to get flowers..rain last night, but the sun is coming out so perfect day to do some planting! Veggies will have to wait a couple of more weeks until the night time temps even out a bit...still too cold at night.

I am so looking forward to seeing Clay on TV...hope we get some dates this week that I can add to the countdown!


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damn, I lost a post.

Clay is clearly listening to all my preferences. Y'all can all express your admiration of the scruffy, unshaven, 10-year old badly fitting Wal-Mart cargo short and mandals - I'll take Cary Grant Clay in any shape, form, fashion, position, etc. etc. etc. And he looked red-headed in those pictures, and y'all also know the darker Clay's hair gets, the hotter he becomes.

PO abandoned me for this trip. And y'all might not believe this but Honolulu so far hasn't actually been really warm. Not sayin' its cold, but definitely not hot. Its barely 5 in the morning here. In another 3 hours, I'm going to rent a moped and hunt up a goddamn jacket. It is freakishly pretty though.

Bringing the funny is one of the perks of the board. And while people can express personal dislike of certain phrases {especially ones that aren't really derogatory in most contexts, any more than asking if someone is really married, really straight, really not a chubby chaser, when the expression is clearly an expression of sexual interest) or things, or entities or even people (I confess, I don't like that Kate plus 8 person mainly because her "dancing" makes Clay look like Baryshnikov and the way she freakin' whined like a bottle of cabernet), let's not inhibit others expressing themselves as well.

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Speaking of being funny, I offer y'all the following video.....it is a brilliantly constructed montage! I spotted the Knights from a Famous Broadway Musical in there, too.....

I find those new pictures of Clay extremely hot.

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I'll take Cary Grant Clay in any shape, form, fashion, position, etc. etc. etc.

Cary Grant Clay

James Bond Clay (is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just etc. etc.)

Rick's Cafe Americain Clay (Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine.)

I was watching Good Will Hunting this afternoon and enjoyed seeing Matt Damon, how cute he was with his boyishly thin face and youthful demeanor. But he moved on from Will Hunting and is now best known as Jason Bourne. That's somewhat how I see Clay's transformation. Whether he sings contemporary or retro music, he'll be doing it as an adult, with taste and distinction, and always the element of surprise. Whether he has long hair or short hair -- combs it back, forward, or sideways, he'll always be a knock-out. I'm enjoying the show.

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First photograph from the shoot from Clay Aiken's "Tried and True"

First photographs from the shoot for Clay Aiken's "Tried and True"

May 1, 12:13 PM · Randy Hamilton - Durham Photography ExaminerVincentClayTrey(1).jpg

Clay Aiken, by Vincent SoyezReaders of a previous article in this column, about the photography shoot for Clay Aiken's next album, may be delighted to learn that the first of those photos have been released. These initial images are representative of the three locations for the day-long session.

The album cover has been available for a while, and you can view it on any number of the usual merchant sites. The album cover photograph was taken in the Mecca Restaurant in Raleigh, in the upstairs dining area.

In addition, other images are approved and are now or will soon be posted on photographer Vincent Soyez's web site. Whether or not any of these photographs (other than the cover shot) will appear in the CD package remains to be seen.


Above we have a picture in the bar at Treyburn Country Club, and below is one of those taken at the 18th green on the Treyburn golf course. As you can see, the sky was very dramatic that day. At least one other shot from the golf course shows Aiken perfectly framed by the cloudy sky. That one has not been released; perhaps Decca is saving that for the CD package.

The photograph at the right shows Aiken on the deck at the south end of the train car at the American Tobacco Campus. In the slideshow accompanying this article are two publicity shots taken at the end of the Treyburn session.

If you compare these photos to the location photos in the previous article, you get a sense of how transforming is Soyez's work. You can see this more clearly by viewing these images in a larger format, as well as many other samples of his photograpy, on his web site.


According to Soyez, we can expect additional finished photographs to be posted, as they are approved, over the coming days and weeks. Readers who want to be kept informed can watch Soyez's web site for new images or subscribe to this column to be notified when new articles are published.

© All

images in this article are copyrighted by Vincent Soyez and should not be copied or used without his permission.

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Not only does Clay have the nerve to go into a bar. :27: Now he is on the rocks. :drinking71: What were they thinking? :wizard:

When we get these photos in HD, Clay on the rocks might be my favorite. Is there a theme here?

Interesting they did not appear in the N&O first.

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Apparently no one else shares my concern about the question "are we sure he's gay?"....sorry if I ruined anyone's fun. I just thought that maybe y'all might want to know that to some people (not just me), what you think is an obviously innocent expression of sexual interest comes off as derogatory, and possibly condescending....but hey, if it's in the name of fun, who am I to knock it? Never mind the people that find it offensive. I'm sure they know how to scroll as well as I do.

Anyways, moving on.........nice new pictures! Thanks for bringing them over, ldyj.

I wore my black On My Way Here t-shirt to work yesterday (casual Friday) and you'd think everyone in the building was interested in my boobs or something, they were checking me out so much. Heh.

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Good point Luckiest. Although the sentiment has been posted over and over many times on various boards, I guess I never really thought about it. It seems like a cutesy comment implying that the person wishes Clay were straight. Clay is a good looking man who appeals to people both gay and straight so a little wishful thinking is to be expected, I guess.

I've been scrolling like crazy from some off the wall comments I've been reading about these new photos. Is it time to start the teefy talk again. Yikes! Some don't appear to want Clay to grow up and make his own choices.

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