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#11 I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks *g*


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    • A big MWAH! and muchos gracias to a globe-trotting, lazy-ass, dog-loving, soft-rocking dude!
    • Clay is Clay. His instrument is undefinable
    • Indeed they are, my child. Clown feet." (Make me laugh, clown.'
    • *moan* *whimper* *thud*
    • An Evening With His Royal Highness of Fantasy Fodder. Coming to a venue near you soon.
    • Refresh, read, click the next tab; Refresh, read, click the next tab; lather, rinse, repeat. Insert random EEE's. Yeap, it's cellcert time again!
    • Aw, that man can blog me any ole time!
    • He's a unique treasure, no doubt. A pain in the ass sometimes, I'm sure. A blessing, plain and simple and one hawt man
    • Yes, I live under a rock....with Clay Aiken.

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The boot pics are some of my faves but that GN one just does me in. I already knew I was going to hell years ago..that is if I believed in one......so I feel I am free to lust over a picture of Clay, singing a religious song, without compunction.

It's less than two weeks to the best 4th of July evah!!! I don't usually celebrate the 4th. Something to do with you beating us at some little war or somethin'. Anyway this year I will make an exception.....I will be with my best buds, Clay and a few thousand other folks who had better behave while he is singing. Ha they will have no idea what will hit them if they don't. The wrath of a crazy..err..enthusiastic Clay Aiken fan is nothing to be sneezed at!

Two weeks eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Oh and I think I will just leave of the word concert and just put virgin on the name badge. Yup that should make for some interesting conversation. Yes sireee bob! :eusa_whistle:

FYI. I heard the Daddy thing was a joke!

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Yeah, the feet...last night I was looking at the thread here and my 12 year old plopped down next to me as I scrolled over the boot pics. She said, "Whoa! wait a minute! Are those CLAY'S feet?"

I stopped the scroll so she could get a good look.

"He has BIG feet! God! They're like CLOWN feet." And she BWAHed...

I smirked and said, "Indeed they are, my child. Clown feet." (And inside I panted, 'Make me laugh, clown.' :hubbahubba: )

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I never did Emoticons until I came here. Bottle was a real inspiration to me. I am lookig to create some when I have time (where does the time go? catching up with Post whores perhaps?)

Boots - I am always shocked at the faltness in the front if the shoes - does anyone have toes that thin or was gasp Simon really right?

OK, I see I one one birthday wish, but people really should not age so much!! ClaytonAikenFan86birthday3.gif

Got to run - all those wanting to visit at the beach, just bring shoe horns - we are talking 8X20 and that includes a ful bathroom, kitchen, dinette set, couch, chair, full bed, bunk beds and clostes! With the dog, even I get claustrophobia!

Edited by playbiller
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Yeah, the feet

My one and only front row experience was at the Iowa State Fair. When he stepped out of the spaceship, almost right in front of me, my first thought was ...

OMIGAWWWWWWWWWD! His feel really ARE huge!



The Vet really put me at ease about boarding the dogs. He'll even be the one on call that weekend.

Now I can start packing! :RedGuy:

But first I have to go buy a new washing machine. Mine has officially croaked. I hate spending money on practical stuff. Sheesh.


I don't even go to my own adult kids myspace pages. :shrugs:

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First off I'd like to say THANKS to all the "welcomers". (probably not a word)

Secondly, I wish to thank couch tomato for her feedback on how to accomplish what I'm about to do. Reply to multiple posts. I'm a slow learner so bare (how I prefer to think of clay) with me :)

Hey treenuts...glad you can join us. There are a few FCAers in N cali...you guys should get together.

We will be attending the Greek so we should be able to set up some meeting...I am looking forward to that since the eHP will be there too. YAY

I will be at the Greek as well. Holy crotch shot batman, I hope I survive this! If I can keep from shaking and screaming in front of my mom & SIL I will consider it a good concert. If I get an ef I will consider it the greatest day of my life. Well maybe second to my child's birth.....mmmaybe.

btw what is eHP?

Clay was little more than a blip on my radar a year ago. I've never belonged to any boards before.

Welcome! Please tell us more about this next time you post in the Main thread. I love hearing about new discoveries of Clay. Keepingfaith was captured by Clay on AI5 and is going to her first concert this summer too.

Okay, you asked for it:

Oh yea, AI5! That's my story too. I replayed that moment on my dvr countless times and said to my family, "look at that, that's that Clay Aiken guy. Wow, he looks hot and actually sounds fantastic. I didn't know that was how he looked now." And I had not seen him sing anything on the tv shows aside from holiday songs so how was I to know? Oh yea, Prince was on that show too wasn't he? fffffttt

He went back off my radar until September when I saw him on GMA, then Kimmel and theeennn.....LKL! Larry King Live cooked my goosey ass!! He was so cool and charming and "handsome" on that show. And he seemed to have so much integrity. I went out and bought ATDW asap. I must admit it was not my cuppa at first, but after listening to it just a few times I fell in love with the production, the talent and power on that cd. I know it's not what "the fans" (whomever they may be) wanted but I for one think it will become, one day, a very well respected and in demand piece of artistry. A true catalog item to be purchased in retrospect. Hmmm, my ramblings......sorry :P

I have also come to lurve "suited" studdly grown-up Clay!

and now on to more important things



Yeah, the feet...last night I was looking at the thread here and my 12 year old plopped down next to me as I scrolled over the boot pics. She said, "Whoa! wait a minute! Are those CLAY'S feet?"

I stopped the scroll so she could get a good look.

"He has BIG feet! God! They're like CLOWN feet." And she BWAHed...

I smirked and said, "Indeed they are, my child. Clown feet." (And inside I panted, 'Make me laugh, clown.' :hubbahubba: )


yeah, that!! :Thud:

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Ok...let's play 'Name This Disorder'...

I'm at a docs apt, two hours before the class I teach is scheduled to start. No problem. I figure that's plenty of time. Then, through a series of doc. emergencies, I don't get in to see the guy for more than a hour, crappity, crap,crap...Now the doc decides he needs more x-rays and I have to wait even longer, crappity, crap, crap again. By this time I'm calling work and telling them I may be late. Doc gets the results and turns me loose 30 minutes and another whole town away from my job...true crappity, crap,crap. I'm on the phone calling work again to tell them I think I can make it on time, but since I'm driving my husband's POS car I'm afraid to take it on the highway so I'm driving straight through the city, more crappity, crap, crap. Luck seems to be smiling on me now. I hit all the lights and swerve around the summer's crop of orange barrels and I'm making my turn into the parking lot with 5 whole minutes to spare, and if I hoof it fast enough into my classroom, I will be on time!

And then I hear it....On my radio...The first notes of Invisible. And I know then that I am screwed. I pull into my parking spot and I sit. I...can't...leave....I can't make myself shut it off, not while it's playing, while he's singing.

So, how crazy is that? I mean really? *sigh*

Toronto? Drove up from Detroit for the JBT and then on to NH via Niagara Falls. All I remember is that Yonge street is the longest effin' street in the known universe and nobody on it knew where Clay Aiken was! :lol: I mighta asked a few hundred of them out the car window. LOL! Good times!
Yes indeed!...and I seem to remember illegal U-turns as well "bwahhh'

muskifest...you know what they say...There's a little clown in all of us....(or so we wish)

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Damn. I saw that pic CG posted and actually tilted my head just enough so that if I were with the man in the flesh, I'd be able to just lean in and let our lips fit perfectly...

you know?


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He went back off my radar until September when I saw him on GMA, then Kimmel and theeennn.....LKL! Larry King Live cooked my goosey ass!! He was so cool and charming and "handsome" on that show. And he seemed to have so much integrity. I went out and bought ATDW asap. I must admit it was not my cuppa at first, but after listening to it just a few times I fell in love with the production, the talent and power on that cd. I know it's not what "the fans" (whomever they may be) wanted but I for one think it will become, one day, a very well respected and in demand piece of artistry. A true catalog item to be purchased in retrospect. Hmmm, my ramblings......sorry :P

I have also come to lurve "suited" studdly grown-up Clay!

This? ^^ Is awesome. Thanks for sharing!

And then I hear it....On my radio...The first notes of Invisible. And I know then that I am screwed. I pull into my parking spot and I sit. I...can't...leave....I can't make myself shut it off, not while it's playing, while he's singing.

So, how crazy is that? I mean really? *sigh*

:cryingwlaughter: Not crazy at all. I've done the exact same thing....it sure doesn't happen often, but if and when it does, it's thrilling.

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Just have to vent:

I am so sick of the Kelly hatred by some of Clay's fans I want to scream! I was reading on another board and every other post was about how they are happy she's being targeted by the tabloids, or having problems of any sort, that her problems are nothing compared to the problems Clay has had and that she never did anything to support Clay - just the opposite (I think this is a reference to the small number of her fans who have been Clay haters from day one). Their posts are just filled with such hatred and venom toward her - even when they say they don't wish her harm.

What is wrong with these people? When has Kelly done anything to hurt Clay??? Not some of her fans, but Kelly herself? Didn't support Clay during the crap? Well, I bet there was a lot of support in private, but in public what did they want her to do - hold a press conference to say she knows he's not gay because they spent all their time during the IT screwing on the bus??? Seems to me whenever she has been in an interview where she was asked about his sexuality she defended him. Don't think that was during the crap, but still. If she wasn't asked was she going to bring it up? You know, Clay's philosophy is to IGNORE THE GNATS. So maybe he told everyone who might be asked to not bring it up. Did that ever occur to them??

These fans with their obvious hatred of Kelly should just be ashamed of themselves. You don't have to like her music. But to be so spiteful toward her? Maybe they should ask themselves what would her good friend Clay say if he went to their board and read page after page of people ripping Kelly and sounding gleeful over any of the troubles she may or may not be having. Do they think he would be pleased???

Whether you like her and/or her music or not, the fact is Clay and Kelly ARE good friends. If they care about Clay, can't they just respect that and keep their big mouths shut? Don't they know what it feels like to be with people who insist on ripping apart someone you care about in front of you?

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YSRN, I found that article! It was actually an early Foxes on Idol piece....

Clay Aiken’s Stardom: The Real Way People Measure a Man!

Yeah, the feet...last night I was looking at the thread here and my 12 year old plopped down next to me as I scrolled over the boot pics. She said, "Whoa! wait a minute! Are those CLAY'S feet?"

I stopped the scroll so she could get a good look.

"He has BIG feet! God! They're like CLOWN feet." And she BWAHed...

I smirked and said, "Indeed they are, my child. Clown feet." (And inside I panted, 'Make me laugh, clown.' :hubbahubba: )

Sounds to me like you need to train that daughter of your's in the ways of big feet. OTOH, maybe you don't want to get into that with a 12-year-old. (What can I say, I don't have kids, I don't know whether a 12-y-o would want to know about that or not....*g*)


Holy hell, Batman! Stick a fork in me, I'm cooked.

First off I'd like to say THANKS to all the "welcomers". (probably not a word)

Secondly, I wish to thank couch tomato for her feedback on how to accomplish what I'm about to do. Reply to multiple posts. I'm a slow learner so bare (how I prefer to think of clay) with me :)

You did quite well....

I will be at the Greek as well. Holy crotch shot batman, I hope I survive this! If I can keep from shaking and screaming in front of my mom & SIL I will consider it a good concert. If I get an ef I will consider it the greatest day of my life. Well maybe second to my child's birth.....mmmaybe.

Hee! But won't your Mom and SIL be shaking and screaming along with you? *g*

btw what is eHP?

Evil Houston Posse. KAndre and her band of renowned. The sultans of bling. The masters of style.

*Do you think this will get me a pass into merrieee's house for a party after Houston and then on to the Tulsa show?*

Okay, you asked for it:

Oh yea, AI5! That's my story too. I replayed that moment on my dvr countless times and said to my family, "look at that, that's that Clay Aiken guy. Wow, he looks hot and actually sounds fantastic. I didn't know that was how he looked now." And I had not seen him sing anything on the tv shows aside from holiday songs so how was I to know? Oh yea, Prince was on that show too wasn't he? fffffttt

He went back off my radar until September when I saw him on GMA, then Kimmel and theeennn.....LKL! Larry King Live cooked my goosey ass!! He was so cool and charming and "handsome" on that show. And he seemed to have so much integrity. I went out and bought ATDW asap. I must admit it was not my cuppa at first, but after listening to it just a few times I fell in love with the production, the talent and power on that cd. I know it's not what "the fans" (whomever they may be) wanted but I for one think it will become, one day, a very well respected and in demand piece of artistry. A true catalog item to be purchased in retrospect. Hmmm, my ramblings......sorry :P

I have also come to lurve "suited" studdly grown-up Clay!

That's very cool. I know a number of people who didn't like the LKL interview (particularly one section which needs not be named), but I think it's great that at least one person saw that and went "he's good." I really think that that interview showed a great side to Clay Aiken. I loved it too treenuts!

Ok...let's play 'Name This Disorder'...

I'm at a docs apt, two hours before the class I teach is scheduled to start. No problem. I figure that's plenty of time. Then, through a series of doc. emergencies, I don't get in to see the guy for more than a hour, crappity, crap,crap...Now the doc decides he needs more x-rays and I have to wait even longer, crappity, crap, crap again. By this time I'm calling work and telling them I may be late. Doc gets the results and turns me loose 30 minutes and another whole town away from my job...true crappity, crap,crap. I'm on the phone calling work again to tell them I think I can make it on time, but since I'm driving my husband's POS car I'm afraid to take it on the highway so I'm driving straight through the city, more crappity, crap, crap. Luck seems to be smiling on me now. I hit all the lights and swerve around the summer's crop of orange barrels and I'm making my turn into the parking lot with 5 whole minutes to spare, and if I hoof it fast enough into my classroom, I will be on time!

And then I hear it....On my radio...The first notes of Invisible. And I know then that I am screwed. I pull into my parking spot and I sit. I...can't...leave....I can't make myself shut it off, not while it's playing, while he's singing.

So, how crazy is that? I mean really? *sigh*

Name the disorder? This is a disease? I thought it perfectly normal. :medium-smiley-070:

ETA: merrieee, if you label me as a virgin -- heh. I like it. That just means I'll be deflowered later in the evening.

ETA2: CG, I think I would start treating the situation as Clay does with the gnats -- ignore them. I know, I would want to fight them too, because I can't see hating someone just for whatever she's done (or not done). But it seems that somehow, they are getting enjoyment from people paying attention. and IMO the best bet is to let them drown in their own sorrow.

ETA3: the presale button and password are up for the Fort Myers show on the OFC. If you're going to this show, PM me and I'll add you to the representing list.

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Ah, Claygasm - I don't hate Kelly but I don't have to enjoy her either and that is a personal choice. I must admit that i appreciate that her fans are no longer supporting PH, they have a no click on his site pledge, too bad it took something about Kelly to cause it. I wish all boards of any type would have the same pledge.

I do believe that there is a lot of residual fan wars and it goes both ways. I don't know of any of the Clay fans running hate kelly sites, but we do know the opposite exists. I could be wrong about that, but I think the nastiest anti-Kelly stuff is limited to one board with few members and I doubt you have seen it. I used to fight with these people on BOI asking just what they thought they were going to prove, useless, as is all discussions with people and their fixed ideas - there are all kinds of fixed ideas, you are not change them.

I found the drama interesting for a while, but you can only hold my interest so long when you start repeating stuff. I listened to her leaked album and it just didn't interest me enough to even talk about it. I did like Carmen's video though. - yup. I do tend to look and listen to a lot of idol stuff out of curiousity.

I do reserve the right to react indignantly each time she compares her self to other performers I know, though.

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Claygasm, I can understand where you are coming from. Really, I do.

But, I put a post on another board today, and it might be described as one of those you have referred to. I voted for Kelly during AI and tried as hard as I could to make her win -- as I did for Clay. IMO, she was the BEST that year That said, that was the end of my interest in her; never owned a CD, enjoyed some of the IT set, and my feelings toward her are pretty neutral these days. And, yes, I do believe she and Clay ARE friends.

What did I expect Kelly to do? Oh, maybe jettison the personal friends who were revving up the anti Clay sentiment on a certain message board. Or at least tone it down. But she didn't. She continued to publicly support them.

What did she actually do? Through pictures (e.g., vacation pictures) and statements to her fans, she publicy supported those friends dedicated to destroying Clay and it served to fan the flames of people who believed what those people wrote and asked her fans to do. She took these people on vacations with her, and told those fan board members it was her "favorite" board. All of us know what took place there, it was an open secret that they were out to destroy Clay's career. Not all of them, granted. But the owner of the site and Groucho sure did what they could in that regard.

Kelly has dedicated her new CD to the person who established that message board and led the charge there against Clay. The person who nourished the atmosphere that acted like a cancer against him over the last few years. The person who allowed the Chief Gnat to plan the childish pranks Clay has had to contend with since Day One. The woman died suddenly -- at a fairly young age -- that didn't change her character or make her an automtic saint IMO. She led a pretty lame and dark existence so far as I am concerned and I would not want my life to be remembered in such a way. But that person made her own decisions and her actions speak for themseves. She left a legacy that could never be described as "making the world a better place."

So while I have no interest in Kelly's new CD or what happens to her or her career these days, I am not gleeful about her problems, but not that upset with her current situation or lack of support for a cd whose dedication really seems like someting "in your face" to me.

It's just a personal reaction. I hope that makes some sense.

ETA: Muski, my reasoning as well. Just felt an explanation was in order and, for me, this is the end of the subject.

I'd rather be talking about CLAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!!

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I swear. It's really gotten to the point that I don't WANT to click on any board except this one (and maybe CH to see if there's any cool sumpin' sumpin' to smut on or download :whistling-1: )...I'm not comfy walking barefooted on eggshells, if you get my drift, and it seems that I feel that I need to tippytoe around people's potential reactions to posts elsewhere.

That's too much work...and energy. Got too much of the first already and not enough of the latter. :cryingwlaughter:

So I'm just gonna :TourExcite: and :DoClay: and :hubbahubba: and :me0: here, if you don't mind me throwing in my two cents from time to time...and if you do?

oh well. :medium-smiley-070:

ETA: Oh, joy. Last night my hubby and I came home to interesting substances oozing up through the seams of the laminate flooring in the downstairs bathroom and laundry room. Seems our water heater's been slow leaking for some time---we thought it was our washing machine and it seemed to get better after we made some hose and leveling adjustments to the machine. But....

Crap. We're talking major $$$$$$$$$$$ here---new water heater, of course. But more importantly, we're going to have to rip out the flooring, dry out the subfloor, repair any mold and mildew damage and then put down new flooring...not to mention new paint and....

:what_d_fuck: Glad all my concert tix and plane tix are already bought. B)

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clayzedover, I guess I'm living in a fog...I have absolutely no idea whom or what you're talking about! :huh:

I've never gone to Kelly sites so I just don't know what's been or is being said or who's saying it. And somebody in this drama DIED? wow. vacation pictures? cd dedications? Man....I mean it...I just don't have any idea.

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Okay, you asked for it:

Oh yea, AI5! That's my story too. I replayed that moment on my dvr countless times and said to my family, "look at that, that's that Clay Aiken guy. Wow, he looks hot and actually sounds fantastic. I didn't know that was how he looked now." And I had not seen him sing anything on the tv shows aside from holiday songs so how was I to know? Oh yea, Prince was on that show too wasn't he? fffffttt

He went back off my radar until September when I saw him on GMA, then Kimmel and theeennn.....LKL! Larry King Live cooked my goosey ass!! He was so cool and charming and "handsome" on that show. And he seemed to have so much integrity. I went out and bought ATDW asap. I must admit it was not my cuppa at first, but after listening to it just a few times I fell in love with the production, the talent and power on that cd. I know it's not what "the fans" (whomever they may be) wanted but I for one think it will become, one day, a very well respected and in demand piece of artistry. A true catalog item to be purchased in retrospect. Hmmm, my ramblings......sorry :P

Thank you--how fascinating. LKL--he was amazing during that interview wasn't he? Such a classy guy. I agree about ATDW. The vocals and musical arrangements are amazing. I love the album myself!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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You know, if that picture of Clay singing about his Jesus were sent in to magazines and modeling agencies anonymously---without people knowing who he is---they'd fall over themselves trying to find the mystery man. His face in those pictures---the structure of every freakin' feature...there'd be a manhunt of

beautiful, humongous

proportions! Dayum. The cheekbones and that mouth puckered perfectly just for me.

Dayum. :Thud:

PS. I was actually referring to the GN pic that cindilu posted, but hell....I could be talking about most of those GN pics...He's so beautiful.

Oh I so agree muski. I've always said that Clay could be a model and should try it as a sideline sometimes. He has the perfect long lean frame for it. Nobody wears a suit like he does. He has the most beautiful nose and cheekbones. Gah His eyes and his lips. Oooooh those shell pink full luscious lips of his.

As for Good News? I think Clay sings his best when he is singing about his God. He always has. Even though I don't like CCM, he sure sings the snot out of it. His passion is on fire when he sings those songs.

ldyjocelyn.... I've never been able to find that article again. Sorry. I have no idea where it even came from. I looked around my files and I have nothing, nor does CNN at the CH. Apparently I liked it though. :lol:

Hehheh...I hope Brett's friends do shit like that just to screw with his brother's fans. I would. :whistling-1:

Hee. Look Claygasm, we took almost the same picture. It's the finger placement - none of my other MOAM medley shots have that finger placement. Your picture totally made me flash back to this --- after 4 years and eleventybillion pictures. Hell, I don't remember my own life details this well. HAHA!



Toronto? Drove up from Detroit for the JBT and then on to NH via Niagara Falls. All I remember is that Yonge street is the longest effin' street in the known universe and nobody on it knew where Clay Aiken was! :lol:I mighta asked a few hundred of them out the car window. LOL! Good times!

Have fun, KAndre !

:cryingwlaughter:YSRN that is the 1st thing I thought of when I heard the Brett having a baby story. It was put there just to mess with Clay's fans. Some fans are just so gullible they invite it. LOL I bet he gets tired of having his personal myspace invaded by friend requests from people who are Clay fans. It should be his for him and his real friends. He should make it private, really

You cracked me up with your story about "asking a few hundred out the car window" if the knew where Clay aiken was. You're so funny. Hee

Kandre I like your itinerary. It sounds like a full day of fun. Go for it.


What you don't see in this picture, is me putting that smile of pleasure on his face..............Yeah I know. In my dreams.................Bwahaaaa

Isn't it an unspoken rule through out Claynation that you do not to turn the song off untill Clay finishes singing it? That would be blasphemy in my book. I just can't physically do it. My hands and fingers become temporarily paralyzed. :cryingwlaughter:

I just can't follow all the other idols and what fans are doing on their boards. I just don't have the time or desire to follow what one idols fans are saying about another and so on. I wish success for all the kids that come off the show, but my interest, time, money, and loyalty goes to Clay. I barely have enough time for him anymore. Hee That's why I post and run most of the time. HaHaHa

I do think it is a shame that some people seem to want to act like high schoolers, no let me change that to grade schoolers, because high schoolers behave better than that. Why they feel the need to try to tear someone else down to make someone else seem better is not time spent productively in supporting the idol of their choice. JMO and all.

I also know of grown, supposedly educated, women who have spent the last 4 years monitoring the "Haters" at Ruben and Kelly boards, and I have to just shake my head. I don't know whether to feel sorry for them, because of their apparent lack of a life, or whether to just hate them for their constant turd stirring. The turd stirring bu OTT invested fans causes Clay to be seen in a bad light. IMHO

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Clayzedover - it's ok to discuss and people can scroll or read or whatever. You post is valid too. I've been kinda surprised by the lack of gloating that I've seen thus far, yeah some of it is barely restrained, but still. But I don't get out much so am not suprised there is gloating in some circles Claygasm. I don't give Kelly much thought... I was just emailing with friends and told them that I lived through the Breakaway era only hearing her songs a combined 6 or 7 times. I've heard Daughtery's one song more than I've heard the total Breakaway album. :cryingwlaughter: I do find her story interesting now only in how it related to Clay as an RCA artist dealing with Clive. My feelings about TBE are about the same as Clayzedover. She's not exaggerating although it really was just a small segment of that board and not the majority. Unfortunately, when the board owners are the main ringleaders pretty much anything goes.

When the IT tour began I created an IT tour website on FCA for Clay AND Kelly. I enlisted help from fans at KCE just so I could do the Kelly half of the site justice. After only 2 weeks into the tour I just could not abide the extreme nastiness aimed at Clay by KCE (and her other sites are much better by far) so one night I just totally ripped her out, changed the name to Clay on the Road and gave her nominal coverage and never went back to KCE again. That's my experience. I don't much blame anyone for G R O U C H O. He's a sicko. But the door was opened and all Clay haters were welecome.

I think you've asked the question before and so did others..is she responsible for what that site does? I say, yeah she could have put n a word or two. They worship her. (won't get started on her best friend's husband). And at the start she only had like 4 or 5 functioning fan sites. She didn't have a responsibility to do it. But I know Clay at least tried to shut down the Ruben hate. I know Ruben tried to shut down the Clay hate. I give an A for effort to both those guys.

SO much to respond to on other posts but need to run.

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What you don't see in this picture, is me putting that smile of pleasure on his face..............Yeah I know. In my dreams.................Bwahaaaa

Oh. Do you tie shoes, too?


I guess, couchie, for me, it just goes back to that thing Clay said for his fans to do. IGNORE. If Clay fans did not go to KCE and engage those people there, and engage Groucho and other sickos like him, then perhaps they wouldn't keep up their shi* towards Clay. I dunno. It just seems to me that it takes two to continue a fued, so to speak.

Edited by Clayzorback
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Oh yea, AI5! That's my story too. I replayed that moment on my dvr countless times and said to my family, "look at that, that's that Clay Aiken guy. Wow, he looks hot and actually sounds fantastic. I didn't know that was how he looked now." And I had not seen him sing anything on the tv shows aside from holiday songs so how was I to know? Oh yea, Prince was on that show too wasn't he? fffffttt

He went back off my radar until September when I saw him on GMA, then Kimmel and theeennn.....LKL! Larry King Live cooked my goosey ass!! He was so cool and charming and "handsome" on that show. And he seemed to have so much integrity. I went out and bought ATDW asap. I must admit it was not my cuppa at first, but after listening to it just a few times I fell in love with the production, the talent and power on that cd. I know it's not what "the fans" (whomever they may be) wanted but I for one think it will become, one day, a very well respected and in demand piece of artistry. A true catalog item to be purchased in retrospect. Hmmm, my ramblings......sorry :P

Hi treenuts! You and me girl re AI5. Clayvatar-1.jpg

And LKL... 060927B.jpg -- he hooked my mother on that show and I don't think she's liked anybody since Dean Martin -- seriously! She called me that night to ask if I was watching Clay Aiken on Larry King (.. and I was ever so cool, "Ah, yes Mother, I do have that on") and asked me if I'd pick up the new Clay Aiken CD for her. Then she called back to ask me if he sang Bridge Over Troubled Water on the CD because she wanted that one, too. She asked me, "Why is Larry picking on this boy? Clay got her sympathy that night and she fell in love with his voice just hearing the bumper bits during the interview. I think it's completely unpredictable how new fans come to love him and that's why his fanbase is so eclectic.

In fact, I rather enjoy how this fanbase is all over the place -- musical taste-wise, age-wise, style-wise -- I know someone the other day (and I'm just too lazy right now to go back and look it up) mentioned cringing about Michael jumping up and down, and that it was almost unwatchable, and I can understand that point of view, but for me, it's Michael's over the top jumping that brought out what is, to me "the legendary smile." that_smileavi.jpg Yes, the large version of that was the first Clay pic that went into my PB. No surprise there, right?

And when I downloaded Scarlett's XviD version I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. Every second of it was bliss for me. I've shown that piece of Clack to more people than anything else, because this high-def video is a Clayversion Magnet! Scarlett, you'll always be my idol for providing that one! It still does me in.

And the boots .. the boots, this was the first time I actually noticed Clay's feet and the boots were merely mindblowingly hot, that's all, nothing more, just freakin' captivating and HOT! So that night, in addition to everything else I was loving about him, I became an addicted lover of Clay's feet/footwear!! OMG!!!AI5.jpg

And, jmh, my dear, I know you know that about me, and I'm late in thanking you for the fabulous footwear shots upthread. Why do I love those crazy hot feet, and long-assed toes and sleek boots, and the way he works the heels and toes and shifting his weight? Why? Why? Hmmmm, definitely meditation material!

Now this one from GMA this past February just kills me!!!!


One of my favorite AI5 stories that I posted on OFC just after I joined there comes from one of my best friends, Lisa, who, like me, watched AI2 and loved Clay, but was never an online fan. Anyway, the night of AI5 Lisa's mother calls her and says, "Are you watching American Idol? Who is that good-lookin' man singing right now?" and Lisa says, "I think that's Clay Aiken," and her mom goes, "No, no, no, that kid is impersonating Clay Aiken, but who is the tall, handsome man singing with him?" Yes, who is that man, indeed! As Lionel Richie said ... "Who is this guy? Who are you?"

Just have to vent:

I am so sick of the Kelly hatred by some of Clay's fans I want to scream!

I go along with you on this one. Kelly and Clay are friends and that's that. There's no Kelly bashing allowed on OFC for that very reason ... Clay wants no bashing of his friends and Kelly's included among them. I do believe that if you get to do a sleepover at Clay's house you must be a friend. Anyway, I've heard all the stuff about how she has fans who aren't very nice and say ugly things about Clay ... but the reverse is obviously the case as well. I'm happy for all the Idols who find success ... I've just never thought anyone else's success or failure affects Clay's career. He's the Marquee Babe!
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Oh I can deinitely understand if bashing is getting to people. I just haven't been out and about so haven't seen it - only really a couple of people who want to bust out laughing but are restraining themselves. And a few people is to be expected. If it's somewhere rampant I really don't want to go there to see it. When Kelly sells really well and opens at number one...I do think people will move on to other topics.

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