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#11 I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks *g*


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    • A big MWAH! and muchos gracias to a globe-trotting, lazy-ass, dog-loving, soft-rocking dude!
    • Clay is Clay. His instrument is undefinable
    • Indeed they are, my child. Clown feet." (Make me laugh, clown.'
    • *moan* *whimper* *thud*
    • An Evening With His Royal Highness of Fantasy Fodder. Coming to a venue near you soon.
    • Refresh, read, click the next tab; Refresh, read, click the next tab; lather, rinse, repeat. Insert random EEE's. Yeap, it's cellcert time again!
    • Aw, that man can blog me any ole time!
    • He's a unique treasure, no doubt. A pain in the ass sometimes, I'm sure. A blessing, plain and simple and one hawt man
    • Yes, I live under a rock....with Clay Aiken.

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I swear if I ever find the person in charge of Clique, I will beat them to death with my file folder full of credit card receipts.

Bwah..that means you're coming to California. For a price..I'll go right over there right now. I live about 15 minutes away.

Yeah, but I'm pretty sure they are like the man behind the curtain - all smoke and mirrors. Or just an evil little troll sitting at the control panel, cackling like mad at all the people refreshing their screens. Jump, my pretties! Jump!!!!

eta: maybe they meant 8:00 pm Pacific Time?

Edited by cindilu2
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Could be. I figure I'll stay up until just after 11 pm EDT and then say to hell with it. Maybe I'll have a surprise waiting for me in the morning. In the meantime, I am having fun watching JBT clack. :medium-smiley-070:

ETA: I wonder if they had a dress rehearsal today? EEEEEEEEEE less than 48 hours now!

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Cindy, that is an amazing morph! I just may have to RIGHT-CLICK and SAVE. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

All the best to everyone on the M&G's. I didn't sign up because, at that time, I didn't know if I would be able to attend. Not very smart, but I'll cheer for everyone else. Clique does seem to be cutting it close. Some fans have already left for Texas. :whistling-1:


Welcome home, Maddy! Sweet dreams, all! :wub:


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There are two winners reported for Frisco now. Makes me wonder if they just sent out the Frisco emails tonight and are leaving the rest for tomorrow.

ETA: And now someone for Tulsa. YAY! The emails are going out! :Tour3:

ETAA: This from butterflyshine on the OFC:

I spoke to admin, more emails to go out tomorrow, they needed to iron out a few details...

Night, all! Sweet dreams of M&G's and our hawt sexy singer man. :TourExcite:

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Would anyone be interested in making a crossroads deal with the devil/weatherman that it can rain all he wants during the day Wednesday, as long as it clears up about 8PM for Clay and fireworks? I'm all for compromise.

As long as the storms aren't so bad that my flight into Dallas doesn't get canceled!!

By the way, I checked the Freedom Fest website just to see what they said about inclement weather....

Q. Is this event still scheduled as planned?

A. Yes. Frisco Freedom Fest is a "rain-or-shine" event. The Party In The Plaza, soccer match and concert will only close if the weather becomes severe with heavy downpours, flooding, lighting or tornado warnings.

**Must pack ponchos...**

Before someone makes that deal with the devil, I'll leave you with this thought:

Mosquitos from hell. They will carry your butt off!

Does this mean I better buy some toxic chemicals to spray on my body??

I have no clue about the ten day gap, but I am eyeing the four day breaks between Newark and San Diego and then again between Indio and Cary. Yeah, I know logically, it gives Clay and crew enough time to get across the country and then back without killing themselves. I just like to speculate that the proximity to NYC and then LA leaves time for a TV appearance or two. Prolly won't happen, but I'm hopeful.


Don't forget the 10 day gap between Tulsa and Philly! I can't help but wonder what he's up to next week.

Ok, almost all my errands are done. Found my binoculars. My camera is out. Clothes selected. Just have to run to the drugstore tomorrow and pack. Now I am doing laundry. I haven't done any in awhile and since some things don't go in the dryer and have to hang out, I have to do it all tonight. Oh, I have to remember to print my boarding pass tomorrow morning!

Now, I just need to find that nice safe place where I put my Houston concert ticket.....

I cannot believe the day after tomorrow I will be getting on a plane to see Clay!!!


:Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3:

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Claygasm, I'm glad things have worked out for your dad and YOU as you have a new job coming up soon! As far as packing the chemicals for the Frisco concert -- don't forget that Clay mentioned in one of his blogs "BUG SPRAY, PEOPLE!" Hee.

*sob* No email for me yet. *sob* Someday, my prince will come. Heh.

Tomorrow, I'm on the road again to get back home....in order to do my nails, give myself a pedicure, shave my legs (Clayzor, my husband always notes that I shave my legs and paint my nails for Clay, but not for him, good thing my husband loves me a lot -- and I love him too!), do laundry, and pack!!! EEEEEEEE!

Tickets are packed already....I have a nice neat folder with all my flight instructions, tickets and such.

Can't believe it's almost here!

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OMG...It's Monday before the Wednesday that I see Clay! But I have to work tomorrow and find a way to get all the stuff done in one day that I would've used three days to do if I hadn't decided to go see Clay. And I'm swamped! :scream: And I haven't been able to wash clothes---no use of washer at home, no time to go anywhere... :scream:

However, I did find enough time to go to Mervyn's to buy a few little skirts on clearance and a cool top. Gotta have my red, white and blue, donchaknow...for the Freedom Fest. :medium-smiley-070: Red skirt, blue tee, white shirt...

But wait!


Which color flip flops should I wear? Red? White? Blue? HELP!!!!!!! :RedGuy:

I'm going to go to a nail place for lunchtime tomorrow and get that manicure/pedicure (priorities, people--I also found time to get a haircut last Friday afternoon. :whistling-1: )...Guess I need to pack tonight? Since we'll be heading to the ballpark as soon as I get home---hey, Couchie! YSRN! Looks like we're going after all. But it also looks like there's not going to be a crowd...haven't heard anything from most of the people I asked...oh well, that's okay....Kenny and the girls and I will be there and if you show up, you'll be there! We'll sit and drink some cold brew and shoot the breeze. I'll let you know what time we're planning to get there if you still want to go.

AAAAGGHHHHH! I'm stressed! But I have the four Frisco tix in my hands, CG, merrieee and keepingfaith! And I have my Houston ticket, too! Woo Hoo!

Congrats to AAIT! She's been a very loyal, faithful reader of my...uh....stuff since the beginning. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

AAARRGGGHHH! post-98-1158235369.gif


And here is what will be seen when they open the gates to the field before the concert----


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Congratulations to the M&G winners! I hope someone from this board wins one, but it's begining to look like only folks that "live" in the state of the venue will win one. Hmmmmmmm...............

Nnnnnnnyway! I wanna know where the hell are the pod people with that pod cast?


It's now -----> Less than 48 hours peope!!!!!!!!!1!!!!


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I really hope that they have found a way to allow people who haven't had meet and greets before to get them this time. I have my fingers crossed for all of you.

I'm actually knee deep in planning my clayventure...finally! 2 days to go!! whooot

Safe travels to everyone!!

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OK, all packed - Three pair of shoes, three pair of pants all for 4 days - why so many? I expect the pants to get wet every night, and the shoes I am bringing - 1 huge pair is for the much - tall and plastic Quarks (no holes like those famous plastic shoes, keeps the water and mud out), I pair of decent comfortable sandals, and 1 pair of the most comfortable airport wearing easy slip off shoes. I used to pack less for sailing a week - two pair of pants- one spare in case I fall over board. Never got a hair cut, my hair looks like crap. Oops, need to look for barrettes I bought and head for bed to get up at 7 and drop off the dog - at least her stuff is loaded in the car already - her favorite bed, toys, 5 days of food, tranquiliers for the 4th, etc. Night.

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I got the biggest grin reading all of your travel plans, packing adventures, excitement, and stuff.... Have fun all you concert goers. Safe Travels and Good Weather and all the fun you can handle!!

:F_05BL17blowkiss: :Tour3: :TourExcite:

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OMG! artquest posted this at CH

What's on the Menu? Biggie Size It, Please!


That guy's got nothing on our man, though...and he doesn't have to borrow anything! :hubbahubba:

BWAH!! How funny! That guy's really got the balls to carry that off with a straight face. I thought the woman who confronted him was pretty funny.

Safe travels to everyone going to Texas! Come back with reports for us!

:Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3:

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Hmmmm, excuse me but yes, size matters. Clay is still the reining champ. :clap:

That video cracked me up. I confess to thinking his placement of it in his drawers was not quite right and I thought it was a little yucky to look at. However he had that one lady getting really hot under the collar. I do believe she was getting excited.

I'm thinking I might need to add an umbrella to my list....Glad Tulsa is an indoor venue. I just came from checking my email. No meet and greet for me. I went over to read the thread at OFC. I think there has only been 3 people posting for winning Tulsa so far. Maybe there is still a chance. I'm happy to see that the 3 winners are from the Oklahoma fans. They really do a lot for Wrapping for inclusion.

Good luck to everyone for their concerts..............Congratulations to all the winners so far.

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First, I just have to say.....

1 more day!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!11!!!!!!

:Tour3: :DoClay: :TourExcite:

Congratulations to the M&G winners! I hope someone from this board wins one, but it's begining to look like only folks that "live" in the state of the venue will win one. Hmmmmmmm...............

Seriously, that rumour was started by a well known shit stirrer over on the OFC and seems to have taken on a life of it's own.......just because the people who have come forward as winners so far seem to live in the same state as the concert they won for, does not make it a fact or even likely. I would guess that the percentage of people attending a same state concert is far, far greater than the percentage of people attending a concert out of state (or even out of country). I would also guess that any details that the OFC has to iron out before sending out any more emails pertain to background security checks rather than where the person lives.

I really hope that they have found a way to allow people who haven't had meet and greets before to get them this time. I have my fingers crossed for all of you.

As much as I'd love to win, the contest is open to every OFC member and everyone who paid their money should have an equal opportunity. I sure hope at least one FCAer gets lucky! Apparently they only sent out emails for the first 3 concerts last night, so today we should hear about more winners for Philly and the NY 3fer. Since I'll be at work (where I can't access either of my email accounts because of the stoopid filters), I won't know until I get home tonight. ARGH!

Have a great day everyone, and for those who are travelling, clear roads, on-time flights, and good weather!


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Good Morning! :nanalove:

New Clackity Clackity Clack will be here :soon:

That's one funny video, Artquest. :lol:

Wishing successful packing and safe travels to all. WOOHOO, I received my DCAT pin! Love it! :Tour3:

Have a great day, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:


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From hanapepe at CV:


I'm pretty sure she means the 9th and 14th of July.

ETA: Link to the Orleans Arena

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Red skirt, blue tee, white shirt...

But wait!


Which color flip flops should I wear? Red? White? Blue? HELP!!!!!!!

My fashion consultant (DD) would say Blue. Match the shirt (in this case the first shirt...hee.)

Glad to be of service! :RedGuy:


Sorry to have been so quiet lately...RL is just zinging along. I've got a possible job transfer on the horizon and as always seems to happen all of my young adult children seem to going through a state of flux also. Nothing major ... just changes. I keep waiting for them all to settle at the same time and it never seems to happen.

I guess I should stop waiting eh?


Oh and I rolled my ankle last week. Ouchie. Nothing broken but lots of pain. I'm such a klutz!


playbiller ... :F_05BL17blowkiss: I've been thinking about you.


I'm so excited for all the M&G winners. I don't put in for them myself. I'm perfectly content to gaze at Clay from afar ( & the occasional bus line *g*)

But I know AAIT! She's my buddy!

You may remember her as "Alice from Dallas" ....


I leave Friday afternoon for KC to meet up w/Creole and then Saturday is ROAD TRIP day baby! Off to see our guy! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


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On the BRIGHT side ... the sun is shining at my house in South Texas this morning. Of course, it's going to rain this afternoon again, but it's nice to see the sun breaking through the trees right now!

One thing about this Texas rain, it has been raining almost every day in Houston and in Dallas, but it doesn't rain ALL day, just sometime during the day. And it has been dry here at night ... so if it must rain, please God let the rain be confined to during the day. That will cool things off during the hottest part of the day, and Clay can heat things up tomorrow night! But .... I bought a rain poncho last night just in case, because I'm down for whatever!

My former DIL (we're still good friends) and 11-year old gdaughter are coming to Houston from Marble Falls, where the rain has been Biblical, for the Houston show. I'm so excited that they're going to be able to make it after all!!!!!!!!

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