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#14 We were all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"


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    • I'm easy....I will take Clay any way he wants to give it to me!
    • Clay's instrument is full and especially soul-piercing the deeper it goes.
    • Cut The Crap And Show Us Your Willy
    • [He's] a top quality human being
    • Clay Aiken: You are a Man of Character
    • Clay Aiken... bringing brainy back!!!
    • the Earl of Aikenberry: a man of character and Naughty by Nature
    • We were all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!" (redux)

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Keeping Faith... thank you!!! :Thud:

I come home from a VERY long day and those pictures you just posted put me in a wonderful state to go to bed and dah.ream. :Thud:

QUOTE(muskifest @ Aug 27 2007, 10:34 AM)

All I know is that Clay's instrument is full and can reach both high and low and is especially soul-piercing the deeper it goes. Also, when allowed to extend to its fullest, the overall effect on those on the receiving end is quite....pleasant.

Muski... you are indeed the master aka. mistress (don't you wish... :Thud: ) of smut! I bow to you!!!

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And have we been nominating any pearls of wisdom for thread titles cuz at this rate we'll need some good ones in a few days. Quick, say something witty. :cryingwlaughter:

You Asked!

QUOTE(muskifest @ Aug 27 2007, 10:34 AM)

All I know is that Clay's instrument is full and can reach both high and low and is especially soul-piercing the deeper it goes. Also, when allowed to extend to its fullest, the overall effect on those on the receiving end is quite....pleasant.

Muski Answered!

Clay's instrument is full and especially soul-piercing the deeper it goes.

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Have a great time at 5th Grader Couchie! Can't wait unitl you get back with some news.....even if it's only an estimation of the length of his bangs.

keepingfaith, my road is long...with many a winding turn. Keep those purdies comin', darling.

I gotta get my ass to bed. Night folks..... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

ETA: Now I'M on top! And it isn't the first time for me either. What's this all about, anyway? Am I special or just plain on top.

Edited by Karen Eh?
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It's always special to be on top, no? :eusa_whistle:

AAIT those pictures are beautiful...as well as all the others! You guys might have been trying to make for nice dreams last night, but it's a nice way to wake up too...thanks!

Oh wow, what was going on in Atlanta?? How fast did it take Clay to go from this ....


to THIS !?!?!?!?!


I'll have what he's having....k?

Have FUN couchie! :RedGuy:

Edited by laughn
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Right-Click and Save As, Right-Click and Save As, Right-Click and Save As...

Y'all Rawk! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Clay, show Foxworthy and those smart-alecky 5th graders who's the MAN! Couchie, have fun and take notes! Every detail! MUST KNOW!


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I hope this is OK to bring this here...it's just so cute. If it's not, mods please delete. This is a portion of the M&G recap posted by ClayizzaQT:

I had hoped the poster would be a conversation starter and perhaps he would get a chuckle at the memories it held and share some behind the scenes info about working with Jimmy, but it was not meant to be. He signed it with the “Use your Voice” quote, personalized with my first name. Many items were passed under his pen and he had to take questions as he wrote, so I don’t think the mosaic registered. The following night in Ft. Myers a friend had a M&G and also had one of my mosaics signed. As Clay began to sign it, he told her he loved “these things” and that he had never seen this particular one. Jaime, Mary and Clay searched for the hidden photo of Raleigh and Mary found it first. He told my friend he hoped to meet the lady that makes these one day. He went on to say that they always had so much fun looking for the hidden photo of Raleigh. He said it was like playing their own version of “Where’s Waldo” which left my friend blushing and wondering if he was snarking with her or if he really had no idea what he’d just said. LOL! My friend told him that he HAD met “the woman who makes these” just the night before at the Atlanta M & G. But because I hadn’t had the chance to say anything when he was signing mine, there is no way he would have known. So I will remain Clay’s mystery woman. Yep, I like the sound of that and I’m happy in my delusional world.

The thought of Clay and Mary and Jamie all playing Where's Waldo just CMSU! I bet it takes those girls all of 3 seconds to find him. :cryingwlaughter:

:cryingwlaughter: I bet he was as serious as a heart attack.....

I'm in the dark about the mosaics being referred to, though. Anybody got pictures of any of them?


Caption: Scratch where it itches, if it is in your britches!

For those who can't see CV to see AAIT's pix, here's one. WOAH!!


BWAH--then there's this from cloopy at CH:


Thank you jmh . :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Couchie, enjoy the "fifth grader" taping

Ditto. Have a great time, couchie. Oh and to answer your question about the blue ink. It is used quite frequently at OFC. :eusa_whistle:

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Posted by ClayZ4AikenNtx at the CB:

New info...

Clay Aiken, Kellie Pickler, Regis Philbin, Billy Bush, Tony Hawk and Miss America Lauren Nelson will test their knowledge in special November episodes of Fox's Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? The new season starts Sept. 6.

I figured it probably would be sweeps when we'd see this episode.

Have a great time today couchie!!!! Can't wait for your report!

Thanks for bringing over all the pretty pictures. I love the smiley/cute/"he's doing adorable" ones. And the OPP picture is just simply cool because he's moving so fast during that time, I didn't think a camera could capture that moment.

Thankful, thanks for your clarification.

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Weeeee. It's TV show taping day! I love TV show taping days! Couchie...have a great time! Send smart vibes Clays way. And don't forget to remember the details. You know what we want to know. Hair, clothes, that sort of thing. :wub:

eta ...




Acck! Is isn't going to air until November? He'll have gone through 3 different hair styles by then...!!!!


Here's one for the Keystone Mods ... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Bless your hearts for being who you are and handling things the way you do.

It's a big part of what makes this place speshul.


Last night was one of those nights when I really wanted to go to bed at 8:30. I always make myself stay up until 9 cuz then I can pretend I'm gonna read until 10 and it doesn't sound so pathetic. So I crawled into bed at 9 and saw there was a new epi of The Hills on that kept me awake until 9:30 and I may have read 2 pages of my book after it was over.

Don't I lead an exciting life?

eta ... The Hills is one of my top guilty pleasures ever. I hate that I love it but I do. My daughter said it makes her feel tainted when she watches it but she can't stop. Hee. That's my kid.

Edited by jamar1700
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Just peeking in real quick before I have to get ready for work.

Play your peacock cartoon made me choke on my capuccino. I kinda like "Cut the crap and show us your willy" as a thread title. But I think y'all are going for something more subtle, aren't you?

Clazor I'd never heard of those mosaics, either, but apparently there are several and Clay is familiar with them. They're rather creative. Since it's too early in the morning for me to do something as technical as upload a picture to photobucket and paste it here, I'll just put the link to the M&G here and you can follow it. The picture of the mosaic is at the bottom of her recap.

Clayizzaqt's Claysaic

I wish I could join in on the intelligent discussion of music, but I don't know nuttin' 'bout no music. The extent of my knowledge is that I know there are no H,I,J, and K notes and that A Christmas Waltz has three beats to the measure. Please don't anyone tell my parents that all that money was wasted.

Couchie are you bursting with excitement? I am aleady. Have a great time and remember - We.Want.Details!


edited to fix the link....ldyj

Edited by ldyjocelyn
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:F_05BL17blowkiss: Thanks Bookwhore for the link. I couldn't get it too work for me, but it might just be my Firefox browser......

I agree with the suggestion for the thread title. Almost made the suggestion myself. Hee Great minds and all. There is a thread in this forum to put your suggestions for thread titles. For all the newbies who don't know.

I need to leave for work now. See all later........

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Good Morning Everyone,

Back to another 8 hours of shelving books today; my neck and shoulders are sore this morning; looks like the library won't be open on Tuesday after all, still so much work to be done.

5th Grader today! :whoohoo: Good Luck Clay! Can't wait to read the spoilers (I have absolutely no willpower and November is just too long to wait!)

59 Days until Clay is Live at Lincoln Center! :whoohoo:

70 Days until Clay Tapes The Skating Special! :whoohoo:

90 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts! :whoohoo:

116 Days until Christmas in Merrillville! :whoohoo:

Everyone have a great day! Have fun at the taping Couchie; looking forward to hearing all about it.


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Weee... have fun Couchie!

I got up early just for you. :lol:

Here's the mosaic thing ClayizzaQT got signed, clayzor.... I bet you've seen these before... they're pretty cool! They're made from 1000s of pictures of Clay.


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In the spirit of "equal opportunity," just because as much as everyone around here seems to like "orgasm face," I really get more turned on by smiley/puppy dog Clay...


But then, there's Mr. Sweet Face himself...


Good God, though, I'd love to be on the receiving end of this look...


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Is there any hope for someone who doesn't want to know how he did on 5th Grader? Like a seperate thread maybe? *crickets* Guess I'll see you guys in November...

Hmmmm...need to think about this....because I certainly don't want you to go away!!!!!

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I kinda like "Cut the crap and show us your willy" as a thread title. But I think y'all are going for something more subtle, aren't you?


uh... :unsure: psssst! :unsure: Would someone please PM me...what does 'subtle' mean? :blush:

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Morning y'all. I know I'm new and have no right to be pushy and demanding (although, frankly, you might want to get used to it.) :afteryou: However, it's for the greater good. I want to see a close up of Clay's eyes in Atlanta. I want to see those Paul Newman blues as described in the meet & greet. No, change that from "want to" to "got to."

PS - for those who also loved MST3K, I've come to the conclusion that Gypsy would have loved Clay even more than Richard Basehart.

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Is there any hope for someone who doesn't want to know how he did on 5th Grader? Like a seperate thread maybe? *crickets* Guess I'll see you guys in November...

We sure don't want people spoiled if they don't want to....

this is what we'll do...we will give a general report here of what he wore and how he looked and general impressions of the show.

for more details specially the questions and how he did we will put the report and discuss those details in the

spoiler thread.. Please put all reports you will quote from other boards with details...in this thread.


I am so excited!!!

all kinds of positive vibes...prayers...for Clay.

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