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#18: He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!


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43 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Cheerful snark, cheerful criticism, cheerful smut, cheerful acceptance, cheerful sporking, cheerful threats, cheerful maniacal laughter....
    • There are so many different kinds of beautiful...
    • He's blossomed from a confirmed nerd to an international bon vivant.
    • You never know when that rush of emotion will hit you when it comes to Clay!
    • All it says to me is that Clay's critics are full of s***, six ways from Sunday.
    • Clay Aiken:glorious voice, excellent comic actor, master of character and man in tights!
    • This guy is not only a star, he is a lot more...

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FCA, thank you all again for the birthday wishes. It means more than you know. All day I've been sicker than Dick's dog, had to cancel my birthday plans, and haven't moved too far from the bed. What do you call a malicious allergy/hayfever attack with fever and chills? Please don't say the flu because it's too early for the flu, isn't it?

I'm not usually the first one to send congratulations or wishes in posts, because I can be quite unsentimental about things that everybody on earth experiences -- like birthdays. For the most part, universal things don't get a big reaction out of me. And yet, while I've felt so punky, all the sweet words sent my way have totally brightened my day and forever changed my experience. It has really mattered a lot to me today. Yes, I've learned a lesson. Thoughtfulness always matters. It's something I've known but needed to have dusted off. For all the different opinions and perspectives in this fandom, there's one common denominator that I've found ... lovely people.

In May of this year I met my first Clay Aiken fans ... and was embraced by the eHP. What a way to start, huh? Merrieeee, KAndre, Karen Eh, Solo, Scarlett, 00lsee, and Perusing One, I've never laughed so much in my life. I met so many more people in Houston and on the road this summer, and feel like I already know so many more that I've yet to meet in person. And I've seen Clay six times. It has been a VERY good year. Muski and CG ... if you guys hadn't offered me the Frisco ticket because you wanted to witness my virgin experience, I may not have gone to Frisco. But you did and I did and I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world. Not only did Clay knock my socks off, but my first Clay Aiken concert was followed by the best fireworks I've ever seen. Or were those stars in my eyes? Oh yeah, I guess it was the 4th of July! And I loved driving all over Texas with Playbiller, who definitely kept me entertained and could teach a course in fandom history. OMG I never could have imagined coming into this fandom that the previous three years had been so rich, exuberant, and controversial! My kind of place.

Warmest thoughts and best wishes to Clayzorback, who has been a real friend and is going through an awfully tough time. I love ya, babe, and I am thinking of you. You and LadyJ -- my first roomies! And to someone who somehow kept me sane all those months at OFC, thank you lightmyfire. You are a wise woman. And I loved meeting atinal (I looooove my Clay Aiken keychain) and sheiladownunder and hope to spend more time with you in the future. Yes, this was a summer I'll never ever forget. I'm awed by this fandom. I came here to find out all I could about Clay Aiken and to support him, and I never expected to find people I love like family. It's awesome. For all of you who seem to suspect that the fandom isn't what it used to be ... although I wasn't here for used to be, I believe I can assure you with fresh eyes that it still is.

Thank you Couchie, Ansa, LadyJ, bottle, jmh, luckiest (who gave me the ticket to get here) -- and I know I'm leaving people out but I'm sick dammit so please excuse the oversights -- thanks for making this an incredible place. Now I'm feeling so schmoopie when you guys KNOW I don't do schmoopie. I give up.

*rising to give you all a standing ovation and then back to bed* :clap:

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Just checking in real fast, just got home from work and got to get to bed as I have another 12 hour day tomorrow.

Keepingfaith what a beautiful post and Happy Birthday to you. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Hope you get to feeling better :hugs-1: to you Clayzor and merrieeee and just anybody who needs one right now. I wish I was better at expressing my sentiments but I'm not good at it, so hope that knowing that our thoughts are with you right now gives you comfort.

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KeepingFaith -- first of all I am so sorry that you are sick on your birthday. Get well soon and have a proper celebration.

You words were so lovely. Yes, sometimes I need to just sit down and remember how much joy I've gotten because I'm a fan of Clay. I've met people that I would have never met otherwise and my life would have been lesser. Yes I had friends and family and a full life before but god, I've met such warm, enabling, wonderful, funny and generous women.

And I don't know..may have to remove the e from the HP.


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I'm having so much fun planning my Clay trip. Mall of America has 500 stores? Is that right or did someone add a zero.

Favorite memory of the Mall: My mom had just had a hip replacement and I found a store that had gadgets and whatnot, and I found a keychain of a hip! :cryingwlaughter:

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Okay, fingers on the scroll button all set? This is looking to be one long ass and very likely sappy post.

I've only been away for 48 hours and somehow 16 or so pages happened.... Wow!!! :clap:

Oh right, there was a blog....

Since coming to FCA has become my bedtime ritual of late, I arrived here tonight around midnight to unwind and a temporary respite from my own rollercoaster ride.

My only disclaimers to what ends up coming from my tired brain onto the page are K'Andre's words here:

I said all of that to say this: We expect you to speak your mind, both about Clay and the board, but would like y'all to post in a way to avoid defensiveness on all parts - yours and anyone else's - it makes real communication difficult. .

And, my signature line at the bottom of this post; hee, if you ever get there, that is. :imgtongue: Scroll baby scroll.........

I am fairly slow to voice my personal opinions on all/any things Clay in post form. Anyone who has met me in person though will know that this is not quite as true when I get to yakking face to face. Oh well.

The main reason for my reticence is not all that noble either; it is simply that I am constantly amazed at the unpredictability of my own fan-type behavior. I've never been a fan of anyone to one hundredth of the degree that I am a fan of Clay Aiken. It frightens me sometimes, and I am definitely not an over the top kind of fan. I mean, I totally DID NOT KNOW the fangirly character that sat in second row center at the Toronto JBT. I mean, I would never act like that, but I did. :blush: Unfortunately, there were witnesses....

I am surprised at the intensity of the feelings of defensiveness and indignation that arise in me when the muck get stirred around and at how easily I can get swept up into a molehill controversy on a messageboard. I mean, really, zena, get a life.

And the Unicef picture: it really wasn't a big deal to me, until I started reading. I'm such a sponge. Sigh. I realized as I was reading that sometimes I need Clay Aiken to be beautiful, and smart, and accomplished, and hawt, and awesomely talented 24/7 so that I can justify the wonderful insanity of this four year affair hobby of mine to myself and also to others. It's just not as easy to do when he looks and acts like an ordinary guy. I gave myself a good kick in the shin for this kind of thinking. You know why? Cuz he really is beautiful; inside and out. I got my Mikayla book from BAF the other day, and when I opened the pages, and read, and looked at the wonderful illustrations, and the picture of the real Mikayla on the dustcover, I cried a little. There are so many different kinds of beautiful.

I think I will submit my story, come to think of it! Not sentimental, it was just funny - Santa of the Corn! Thanks!

There is never a dull moment around here is there? Okay, I'll concede my Christmas story up there but otherwise.....

awwwwwwwwwwwwww.....great story karen

My daughter loved to sing, has never had a shy bone in her body, and tended to demand attention by being LOUD. Let's just say she's never needed approval in her life --- for anything. So when the songleader said to a group of children sitting in a group, "Who knows the words to Joy To The World?" my daughter jumped up and loudly intoned in the third row at the First Baptist Church:


Jeremiah was a bullfrog

Was a good friend of mine

I think this is a fabulous story, keepingfaith! You should submit this one. Who knows, maybe he could use it as a nice introduction to the Christmas version of the song.

BWAH!!!!! I can so relate. Reading and singing was always a big part of bedtime when the boys were small. When it was my husband's turn I have to admit I had to get out of earshot;I couldn't bear to listen. He took some very scary liberties with lyrics to familiar tunes when he couldn't remember exactly "how that one went", and his stories were always uniquebordering on bizarre. Everything ran fairly smoothly until one Sunday morning when Christopher's Sunday school teacher approached me cautiously and asked if we could have a little talk after the service. Apparently my little four year old singer, when asked to volunteer a favorite song, had enthusiastically burst into a chorus of Cigarettes and Whiskey, and Wild Wild Women, They Drive me Crazy, They Drive Me Insane, complete with his father's added intonations of insane-a-ane-a-ane. Unfortunately there were lots of witnesses there too. We could hardly stand it til we got home where we could laugh our heads off without scandalizin anyone else.

Speaking of Minneapolis... I'll have to add a tab for who did I borrow winter wear from? Does anyone else get high just from planning a clay trip?

Christmas stories. It's SOOOO cut throat. Warms my heart just thinking about it.

Couch Tomato, I have five extra parkas. What color/style/size would you prefer?

That Christmas game; hee, we finally stopped doing it last year because my three sister in laws kept fighting over the same bowl and making each other bringing it back the next year. And if someone thought a particular gift was the one I had brought for the game, they were dead sure it would have something Clay Aiken in it, and avoid it like the plague. Gah!!!

Do you know what I like best about this contest? It will allow people a chance who have never had a chance to have some Clay time. ...where unexpected people, new people will get a chance to have a special moment. Everybody gets an equal chance. I like watching his mind work and I like him just being him. Hell I can't even imagine it not working because, well, it's Clay. He can't grow, with his art, or his imagination, if he isn't allowed the opportunity to try new things -- or even to lay an egg now and then. Go Clay!!

Personally, all that matters to me is that the story is a good one, regardless who tells it or how accurate it may be. And with all the entries that are likely to come in, my guess is that he'll be able to find ones that really bring something to the concert experience, whether it's a funny little anecdote or a quick, but touching tale. I do think Clay can make this concept work.

. I was reading an article recently about how important it has become for artists to have audience participation--people no longer want to just sit and listen. Anyhow, my point is that I think Clay understands that instinctually. At any rate, it's Clay's concert and he can damn well do as he pleases. (Thank God--his instincts have been pretty good so far.)

All I know is that Clay makes great lemonade. How he pulls things off, that wiser folks (you know the ones) have written off before the fruit is even off the tree is beyond me. But Christmas is all about miracles, and I can't wait to watch Clay do his magic, with Us ( :cryingwlaughter: as his raw material.

FCA, thank you all again for the birthday wishes. It means more than you know.

I'm not usually the first one to send congratulations or wishes in posts, because I can be quite unsentimental about things that everybody on earth experiences -- like birthdays. ... all the sweet words sent my way have totally brightened my day and forever changed my experience. It has really mattered a lot to me today. Yes, I've learned a lesson. Thoughtfulness always matters. It's something I've known but needed to have dusted off. For all the different opinions and perspectives in this fandom, there's one common denominator that I've found ... lovely people.

In May of this year I met my first Clay Aiken fans ... And I've seen Clay six times. It has been a VERY good year. Not only did Clay knock my socks off, but my first Clay Aiken concert was followed by the best fireworks I've ever seen. Or were those stars in my eyes? Oh yeah, I guess it was the 4th of July! . OMG I never could have imagined coming into this fandom that the previous three years had been so rich, exuberant, and controversial! My kind of place.

Yes, this was a summer I'll never ever forget. I'm awed by this fandom. I came here to find out all I could about Clay Aiken and to support him, and I never expected to find people I love like family. It's awesome. For all of you who seem to suspect that the fandom isn't what it used to be ... although I wasn't here for used to be, I believe I can assure you with fresh eyes that it still is.

-- thanks for making this an incredible place. Now I'm feeling so schmoopie when you guys KNOW I don't do schmoopie. I give up.

*rising to give you all a standing ovation and then back to bed*

Happy birthday from me too, keeping faith, and thank you for the lovely schmoopieness. I'm particularly fond of schmoopiness. I must have been standing in your aura at some point in time in Frisco or Houston.....I just didn't know it.

and to all the rest of you who keep faith, and laughter in perspective for me here, and letting me use my voice in this small place, :da_best:

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((((keepingfaith)))) sorry to hear you are sick! It's that ragweed, darnit! Air quality in Houston yesterday was wretched. I don't know if it is too soon for the flu, but whatever it is, I hope you get well soon!

((((Clayzorback))))) and (((((merrieeee)))))...hang in there. I'm sure there will be more hugs needed as I catch up on this thread.

Happy birthday to those who are celebrating today.

Clay Aiken? Love that guy.

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I am surprised at the intensity of the feelings of defensiveness and indignation that arise in me when the muck get stirred around and at how easily I can get swept up into a molehill controversy on a messageboard. I mean, really, zena, get a life.

Hee, I can SO relate. Sometimes it's hard to push myself away and NOT comment. But then I realize it's just not all that important in the grand scheme of things.

And the Unicef picture: it really wasn't a big deal to me, until I started reading. I'm such a sponge. Sigh. I realized as I was reading that sometimes I need Clay Aiken to be beautiful, and smart, and accomplished, and hawt, and awesomely talented 24/7 so that I can justify the wonderful insanity of this four year affair hobby of mine to myself and also to others. It's just not as easy to do when he looks and acts like an ordinary guy. I gave myself a good kick in the shin for this kind of thinking. You know why? Cuz he really is beautiful; inside and out. I got my Mikayla book from BAF the other day, and when I opened the pages, and read, and looked at the wonderful illustrations, and the picture of the real Mikayla on the dustcover, I cried a little. There are so many different kinds of beautiful.

What a wonderfully refreshing attitude. Thanks for your post. :clap:

Hugs to all who need them today!

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Good Morning Everyone,

22 Days until Clay is Live at Lincoln Center!

33 Days until Clay Tapes The Skating Special!

53 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts!

79 Days until Christmas in Merrillville!

82 Days until The Skating Show Airs :whoohoo:

Everyone have a great day!


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:7254: liney23!


And I hope keepingfaith is feeling better after some of this: :nightienight: Someone should make a note too, that on this date, she got schmoopie.

The main reason for my reticence is not all that noble either; it is simply that I am constantly amazed at the unpredictability of my own fan-type behavior. I've never been a fan of anyone to one hundredth of the degree that I am a fan of Clay Aiken. It frightens me sometimes, and I am definitely not an over the top kind of fan. I mean, I totally DID NOT KNOW the fangirly character that sat in second row center at the Toronto JBT. I mean, I would never act like that, but I did. :blush: Unfortunately, there were witnesses....

I am surprised at the intensity of the feelings of defensiveness and indignation that arise in me when the muck get stirred around and at how easily I can get swept up into a molehill controversy on a messageboard. I mean, really, zena, get a life.

I can totally understand this feeling, except that I've been the fangirly type all my life. Ironic that you should mention "get a life," because one of my biggies was Star Trek -- the hyper intensity I had during the last year or so of The Next Generation really surprised me. Same with this Clay Aiken thing -- except in my case, this one has lasted a lot longer, and will probably continue to do so. I think internet message boards have a lot to do with that -- in my case, friends to talk to and squeee over Clay; when I was a hardcore Trekker, I was the only one around here, and it was a bit lonely. Anyway, I find that even now, with Clay, my intensity still surprises me.

And the Unicef picture: it really wasn't a big deal to me, until I started reading. I'm such a sponge. Sigh. I realized as I was reading that sometimes I need Clay Aiken to be beautiful, and smart, and accomplished, and hawt, and awesomely talented 24/7 so that I can justify the wonderful insanity of this four year affair hobby of mine to myself and also to others. It's just not as easy to do when he looks and acts like an ordinary guy. I gave myself a good kick in the shin for this kind of thinking. You know why? Cuz he really is beautiful; inside and out. I got my Mikayla book from BAF the other day, and when I opened the pages, and read, and looked at the wonderful illustrations, and the picture of the real Mikayla on the dustcover, I cried a little. There are so many different kinds of beautiful.

zena, you are a wise, wise woman. I think your comments about needing Clay to be this "role" are something that, IMO, are exactly what many others in the fandom should be saying as well, but they cannot or will not for any reason. Instead, they claim that it's "what they want for Clay because it would be best for him." Well, maybe -- maybe not. Thing is, we really don't know what would be best for Clay. My point, though, is that some need that justification for spending all their time on Clay Aiken, and the only way they can see that happening is if Clay is acting like Mr. Rock Star God all the damn time. I don't know, but I would think that would be rather tiring for Clay...and maybe, it's just not him anyway.

aikim, thanks for your countdowns....love reading those in the morning!

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53 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts!

79 Days until Christmas in Merrillville!

82 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts! :whoohoo:

Hee, I love the countdowns, too, but I think 82 is days until Christmas (and the airing of the skating special), no?

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I am surprised at the intensity of the feelings of defensiveness and indignation that arise in me when the muck get stirred around and at how easily I can get swept up into a molehill controversy on a messageboard. I mean, really, zena, get a life.

*sigh* This is me.

And why do I let it happen?

Once or twice a year...I seem to get sucked in...then I retreat to my safe place, regroup and vow to never again share my thoughts with bulldozers.

Thanks Zena.

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53 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts!

79 Days until Christmas in Merrillville!

82 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts! :whoohoo:

Hee, I love the countdowns, too, but I think 82 is days until Christmas (and the airing of the skating special), no?

Yeah, your right, I will go fix it.

ldy Thank you, I enjoy posting it.


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applauds zena...

Will be away from the boards most of today as I have a stupid very important seminar to teach me crap I know better than the instructor refresh my memory on policies that don't apply to a branch office might someday be useful if I transfer to New York. They will feed me a sucky free sandwich, and at the end of the day, I will be a pain in the ass and ask them questions that a) they don't know the answer too; b ) can't answer because so frickin' many of our procedures are written top down and the committees never have anyone on them that actual does the work or c) they will write down and claim they will email me later.


Don't have too much fun will I'm gone.

And my child may be home for Thanksgiving! I am starting to accept food donations now!

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I'm having a much better day so far today...only one person has told me someone has died! Seriously, one of my other co-worker's mother was found dead last night.

If I were you guys, I would make sure not to be even virtually around me right now*g*

I want some more news from Clay...I get antsy if I don't hear or see him. I mean what has it been at least 2 days? How can he expect us to remain fans when he leaves us hanging like this?*g*

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I am surprised at the intensity of the feelings of defensiveness and indignation that arise in me when the muck get stirred around and at how easily I can get swept up into a molehill controversy on a messageboard.

Great post, Zena. Yeah, you described my feelings perfectly. I, too, am amazed by my emotional responses to things I read on message boards. Sometimes, I just get so angry. Sometimes, I get so depressed.

I try not to post when I'm upset, because I worry I'll write something I'll regret later. When I'm mad, I may log off the board and do something else to dissipate those feelings before composing a post. When I'm disheartened by what I see online, I often just slink away and concentrate on real life. What these breaks give me is a sense of perspective. I realize that the dramas of the fandom are really, in the grand scheme of things, fairly minor blips compared to what else is going on in the world.

But still, it's so easy get pulled in...

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From raleighlady at CV via Notacanuck at CH.

We just got home from the Carolina Hurricanes Season Opener. This is the Canes' 10th anniversary year in North Carolina and they're doing a lot of special things all season to commemorate the anniversary. Tonight on the Jumbotron they showed a montage of the best highlights from the past 10 years. They showed scenes from the 2002 Stanley Cup finals when the Canes played the Detroit Red Wings (they didn't win the Cup), scenes from the first years, the first goal, the first game actually played in the RBC Center (the first 2 years were played in Greensboro while the RBC Center was being built), and of course they showed lots of scenes from the 2006 Stanley Cup Run, including photos of the Stanley Cup and the guys who won it.

And in the middle of all these wonderful memories of the MOST SPECIAL moments in the history of the Carolina Hurricanes in North Carolina, guess what they showed?

The most glorious wonderful fantastic photo, filling up the Jumbotron, of CLAY AIKEN singing the National Anthem. In all the moments that the Carolina Hurricanes hockey team thought were the most special, they included our guy.

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