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#26: "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"


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    • I'm considering running for President!
    • Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!
    • The man's a joy magnet!

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Oh I know it got bad out there Claygasm..which made it all the more interesting when people didn't know whose side to be on --Kelly or Clive heee. It was quite funny. But I think a lot of times Clay fans get the jealousy thing lobbed at them unfairly or aren't allowed to have opinions about other idols. But yep I've also seen some that seem to enjoy attacking everyone not Clay.

AH, yes, the idols wars - but, there are more than just Clay fans participating. Need I mention one board owner who was nice during the IT when Clay fans went the extra mile and risked their memory cards to video Kelly and give them copies of her but the day after they got the last of it, she went right back to being a super bitch. Nope, there are enough others that make all the Clay fans almost seem clean by comparison. I think this predated some of the fan policing or ettiquette rules that make me question some emotional choices for Clay fans.

As to her relationship with her friend's husband Bo, I believe complaints were passed on to a friend of hers that posted on some unrelated board and he got a message to her that caused Kelly to request Bo leave the popular board, it was after a major Clay hate night where he was posting and flirting with teenagers and telling them he was in his underwear. I admit to looking at the board that night before it all went bye bye. But the board owners did allow him to post again to say goodbye and to tell members he created a new Clay hate board with limited membership. I believe Kelly finally dissolved her realtionship with him and maybe his wife and her very good friend? and employee when he posted a picture on his public myspace of Kelly next to a hooka. Mind you she was not smoking or using it, but was in the same room with one. and it was picked up by some bloggers.

I have posted on other idol fan boards and the only one that never tolerated Clay hate would be the Kim Locke one. I have not checked lately. The second most hateful one was, surprisingly, a Bo Bice one populated by recently disenchanted Clay fans. I wonder what they will do now that they are no longer Clay fans and well, there is not much to hope for. I won't get into the current arguments on the Bo board but there are different factions now dividing some fans but it has to do with his illness and is it over.

I always thought that if there really WAS something that happened on that AI Tour bus with Kelly, it was because of need and proximity and familiarity and affection (see kitchen chapter of Clyra) because she just doesn't seem to be 'enough' for Clay; Angela is a hot babe and she's very comfortable with being a hot babe on stage and that turns Clay on because he's a horndog and so he likes to play with her. If there was more, I say, "You go, now, Clangela!"; if not, then I still say, "You go now, Clay and Angela! Coss you two look hot together and seem to enjoy rubbing body parts together and giving and getting eyefucks and whatnot on stage and that means it's good for MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

muski... agree about all you said above... especially about KAndre's family!

One of my favorite Clay interviews was Clay and Kelly on MTV. They had sooo much fun that day together. It was probably just deep affection of shared experiences, but it was fun to watch. I participated in a Clelly thread for a while. My opinion only, but I think she would have gone for something with him (or maybe did), but he just wasn't there, so they went their separate ways as just friends.

What I find interesting is the Kelly and Tyra are the only two I have heard about that have both said in radio interviews that Clay is not gay. So, that gives me a deep affection for both of them being in Clay's life.

Kim Locke constantly defended Clay and she did a whole heck of a lot of radio promotion, way more than Kelly and Clay combined, she does not get much TV. Julia DeMato also said Clay is not gay in a print interview, as I recall. I dont' really save articles, I suppose I should have. Too late now. Kim Caldwell put Clay out there - well, I could see where he would not be interested in her, probably amazed her and she neededto rationalize.

Kelly is extremely talented, I was astounded that she wrote "Because of You" when she was only 16.


I was so touched when I saw the vid of the Season 2 guys on tour, and when they had a day off they went to the White House. Clay, on the other hand, used his day off to raise awareness to the autism cause. That really got to me, that someone would use their new-found celebrity status to help a truly vulnerable group of children rather than indulge in what it could do for him.

Kelly is talented, but Because of You had the touch of the professional songwriters that Clive asked her to do for her new album and she decided she did not need them.

Clay did not spend the Ai2 tour day talking up Autism to Senators, he was representing the learning program at the AFI - American Film Istitute, the one major red carpet he walked in 2003.Would you like a link to the video of his speech that day? Or the news coverage?

I admit, some of what contributes to my "I don't see the Kelly thing" is from the AI2 Xmas special, where she came across as frankly neither entertaining nor singing well to me - and apparently too good to actually like, sing with the season 2 people, Clay included. She's said one too many thoughtless things, and frankly I think at least two of her "friends" before Idol totally suck and were complete assholes about Clay - and if someone has any real spark of romantic interests, they would have shut that down toot sweet. Hell, my friends don't even talk about my ex like that.

And the guys Kelly says she likes (at least what I remember, which isn't much because I had very little real interest in her) were more the bad boy types (Steve Tyler)...so very not Clay.

I don't know if the song writer and the opening act guys were bad boy types, they seemed very nice and worked with Kelly first. What was interesting was that they both had girlfriends when they started to work with Kelly, the problem with the song writer is that he left Kelly and went back to the girlfriend without talking it over with Kelly, he just left. The opening act relationship just ended amicalbly when the tour was over, a romance of convenience.

I think the thing with Clay and Kelly was that she was 21 and he was 25 when they toured, but Clay seemed much older than her. Maybe it was all the different things Clay was involved in and his ambitions were outside music and Kelly is focused on her career to the point of defining the whole of her. Both are valid choices and Clay might have had more success if he just concetrated on his career (I know some fans who think this), but I don't think it is enough for him. They both made choices which made them happy and that is the good thing, but I thinkthis is what makes me thinkof Kelly as so much younger..

Are "we" really that scary?

I'd say "Yes", some of us are that scary. Sometimes there's an undercurrent of need, or even more distressing, a sense of entitlement in some fan posts. Clay doesn't generally have such a fixed schedule when he tours. With Spamalot, he's going in the same door at the same time almost every day for several months, so he'd be pretty easy to find.

I agree that what we know about the "Crazies" is probably sadly only the tip off the iceberg of what is lurking around out there.

Whatever the reason, I'm glad Clay has a familiar friend with him in NYC.

Jerome checks out the people with a quick look over and there is usually security on the outside, so I do believe Clay is safe on the line, he has just gotten used to it. I wonder if he misses us when it is cold and rainy or just wants to go home? I think his role is so physical, he must be exhausted.

I remember reading that Hannah Waddington said they don't do 8 shows aweek in London and that might explain her absence, she was wonderful this afternoon, but the 4th show in 2 days might be too much for her, she does sing and project quite a bit.

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Giant carrier pigeons in the Fed Ex commercial - now those suckers could probably carry a coconut. I'm just saying... :whistling-1:

bottle.... :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

Oh, crap, there's some plot going on and I'm not even part of it!


wanda... :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

You guys are a riot! Thanks for the laughter! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I read the critque and went... huh??? Was very happy with the replies that debunked her view and very nicely, too. To each their own opinion.

I LOVE that latest stagedoor picture. Since I know the liner is just from the stage it doesn't bother me and I like the blonde hair, especially tousled. Better get used to it, cause I'm betting that sweater photoshoot was for the album and that's the look he will maintain for awhile to promo it. However, I do wish he'd just grow his natural color out, since I think it is a strawberry blonde and would look great. Maybe that is his intention... we'll see what the heck he does when he does it! LOL

Happy for the Giants/Eli! They have several very young/rookie players and have really jelled together as a team this year and it was just exciting since hardly anyone gave them a chance. Their defensive line was awesome!!!

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Just thought I would share info with all:

Some Clay friends are coming to visit and we are seeing Spamalot March 13 & 14. I had booked a room tentatively for Thursday night at the Travel Inn. The cost for 3 of us with taxes, etc was $247.

I was looking around at a couple of other places, and just for a check I went back to Tower Inn. Put in the EXACT same info and got the room for $174.00- so I cancelled the first reservation.

I was reading reviews and they all say that the rooms are good sized- 41 out of 45 reviews were positive. Its on West 42nd Street by 10th Avenue. So not that far from the theatre on 44th between 7th and 8th avenues

If you are still looking for a room, I think this is pretty reasonable.

So get thee to Spamalot(tmCA)


This page at CB has sendspaces for stage door videos for 1/25 and 1/27

photo thread

The one for 1/27 MATINEE is very interesting because at .56 there is the exchange between Clay and "Tina Claystein". It shows Clays reaction. He also signed a womans cast and said"You broke this arm just for this, didn't you??"

I love watching the videos of stage door. I have those that I can find saved.

I am missing any from 1/30- which is a Wednesday- does anyone know of any video's taken that night?

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I have to stop falling asleep at 9PM and waking in the middle of the night.

Anyone with spare time and can help vote Clay to the next idol level here

it is close and he can use a vote. One vote per computer, not cookie driven.

It looks like idol wars come back. more voting against some one than for them.

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Ya'll probably don't even need to guess why I like the picture used for the CH banner at the moment, do you? I mean, c'mon....that smile is KILLER. As muski said, he looks sooooooo happy, he radiates joy to me. He's having fun there, don't ya think? CG, you know what they say -- viva le difference?

pax made a wallpaper of that picture that is fantastic (clickable):


One other thing....

I wear rose colored glasses quite frequently regarding Clay. I know that; many people around me know that. Having said that, though....I guess my definition of that could be very different than others. For example -- yeah, I noticed the eyeliner in the picture above. But my mind immediately focused on the killer smile. Same with the "review" from yesterday. I read it -- didn't focus on the truly critical aspects of it at all, and instead picked up on a lot that this person wrote that was great about Clay and the performance and the play. I guess I can very easily dismiss a few critical things in exchange for some good things; they don't make my blood pressure go up, they just make me say "whatever" and then "hey, that section was pretty good." I truly do think that everyone has a right to their opinion, and yes, it's all subjective; it's just how I react to said opinion that should be my focus.

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Good Morning Everyone,

90 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

92-99 Days until The New CD! :whoohoo:

Everyone have a great day!


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Morning--up early to watch Clay on the local news talking about UNICEF. Squeeee. From the CH:

I just saw the WRAL news clip with Clay talking about Mexico. Very nice piece, he talked about how devastating floods were and Lynda mentioned his previous work with children with disabilities and how he now works worldwide. She also mentioned how the kids would come up and point to the shirt, not because he was Clay Aiken, but because it was UNICEF. Clay mentioned that there was almost an apathy about giving to Mexico, and how sad that was, these kids just wanted shoes. After the clip, Lynda and the news guy talked and were very complimentary towards Clay. He called Clay a giving soul. Lynda said there's another part for next week, talking about NY and his CD that he would be recording, how busy he was.

I caught most of Clay's interview on TV. I'm rarely up this early, and I had the wrong channel on. I thought I'd missed the local news and then I thought to check Fox 50, as I knew WRAL news is on that station sometimes, and sure enough--there was Clay. It was the image of him holding the little boy, while his voice was telling the story of the boy seeing the word UNICEF and running to hug him. He talked about the children being grateful just to have new shoes for Christmas. Yes, there was some footage of him talking, in the Harry Potter glasses--which I love. Maybe that's why my subconscious woke me up this time. There was more video of Clay with the children giving them something from a blue bag--we're seen this before. After the clip, Linda Loveland said Clay is currently on Broadway in Spamalot, and there would be more from Clay over the next few weeks talking about his current activities. Bill Leslie said something, and then said, and I wish I could remember the exact words but I don't, but that Clay was a giving person before he ever became famous, and now that he is, he's just spreading the wealth. geekette's in NYC, so even if this repeats in the next half-hour, I'm not sure we're going to get it vaulted. So I'm excited to know that they plan more segments on Clay soon.

Reading before I post--Ah, "giving soul," that was it. I don't remember her mentioning the CD, but maybe I missed that. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE - they just opened the 8 am segment with more footage--Clay with many, many children, as they talk about Clay. Bill says to Linda, you talk to him a lot, don't you? She says, yes, every time he comes to town we sit down and chat. Bill also commented on how Clay is always busy, always up to something new.

ETA: Same segment, one hour later. Yes, she did mention that they would talk about the CD, which he's recording in NY. It opened with them talking about how before American Idol he worked a lot with kids with disabilities. In the interview he talked about how devastating floods are--you lose everything. There was some footage of him touring the area that was being rebuilt and the footage of him with a bunch of kids. A little of him singing, was it White Christmas? in a funny-sounding voice. Then began the segment at the point I tuned in last hour.

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I think Clay probably wouldn't want to be the only one in the play adverse to stage makeup because his fans "wondered" why he wore it. Geesh, Louise.

Maybe Dudley wouldn't want Clay to get bigger than her girl, Carrie. Sometimes it's hard to keep your real feelings in tow.

Regarding Hannah W.- LOTL: In one of the stagedoor videos, someone tells her she has a great voice and she said, no, that in England , she never had to sing on Sundays and it was hard on her voice. That might be part of why she seems to take these days off. I wonder how she feels about Clay. On opening night, she didn't seem too happy when the King came out and pointed at Clay.

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Well, it took a couple of weeks longer than I thought it would, but I see it's started. I have no problem avoiding other boards.....not that I don't think everyone is entitled to an opinion, just that I don't find it much fun to weed through all the arguments and counter arguments, etc. I'd much rather just squeeeee over new stage door pics, and read fangirly recaps. More fun.

I hope someone manages to get the WRAL interview capped this morning, I'd like to see that.

I couldn't keep my eyes open last night, waiting for the post game show to end, so I threw in a DVD, hit 'record', and went to bed. I plan to watch House tonight. Was it good?

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Still not liking that picture. Love his smile, but it all looks rather freakish to me. Even the smile. And its more than just the eyeliner. Kind of gives me the willies.

I don't know, but I just don't think the sweater photo shoot was for the CD and its because of the sweater. He'll be promoting this album in summer so I just don't think they would use pictures of him in a sweater. I also don't think we would be seeing the pictures yet.

But I do think the blonde hair is here to stay for awhile. It needs more red in it, IMO.

But he never asks me!!!!!

Silly boy.

Now must go to work. I don't want to go to work. I hate going to work.....

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YAY! Can't wait to watch it later.

OK, I took a peek around, and you know what? There are TONS of fangirly recaps being posted. I brought a few over, because they make me smile.

I'm baaaa-accck! Loved the show! Even with all the recaps I was just not prepared as to how Clay made this role his own. I had totally spoiled myself with the DHP videos, but Clay's interpretation of the role is quite different, I think. I loved his big "Broadway" voice in the "Idol of my age" verse he sings.

The Knights who say Ni gave the half-time score for Giants-Patriots, and that horned flying creature in Act 2 updated it.

There was a young Jewish couple (the man was wearing a yarmulke) sitting a few rows ahead. They were hysterically laughing during Clay's big number, especially the bottle dance.

I thought the crowd seemed a little subdued. It may be that a lot of people didn't realize when they bought the tickets or committed to attending that the Giants and Patriots would be in the Super Bowl.

I have been a Python fan since they first arrived on the scene and have seen just about everything they've ever done including solo ventures by the various members (Fawlty Towers, The Rutles, etc.) so I was well prepared for the type of humor. I never thought Clay could pull something like this off, and was very nervous when I first heard that he was going to do the role. It's why I put off attending so long as I did, even though I'm just a subway ride away from the theater. But I am thrilled to pieces by his performance!

Because Hannah wasn't there this evening, Clay was the second to last performer to come out for the curtain call.

There were about 60-75 people at the stage door. Jerome stuck his head out a few minutes ahead of time and everyone was asking him what the score was. He said it was Giants 10, Patriots 7, in the 3rd "but it won't last." HA! Clay then came out and signed the autographs. He looks gorgeous! It's the first time I have ever been that close to him, and it comes as a shock how tall he is.

Designing1, RunningFree and I know the secret knock for getting back stage, because designing1 happened to be looking at Jerome when he did it. We would tell you, but then we would have to kill you.

Eerie moment of the night: Walking down to Broadway and seeing hundreds of people all over Times Square standing in dead silence looking skyward. When I followed their gaze I expected to see a War of the Worlds-type of visitor, but they were just watching the big teevy screen broadcasting the last minutes of the game. Yay, Giants!

I am a very happy Clay fan tonight!

Waves to dancermom! Sorry we missed you!

Back from the show....NYC is going nuts since someone just WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had a hard time walking through Times Square to get back to the subway station because everyone had stopped to watch the game on the jumbotron.

Anyway, tonight was an interesting experience for me. I was disappointed when I saw on the white slip of paper that Hannah was not performing tonight. Hannah is amazing in her role...and I while her understudy was adequate and okay...she had no oooomph. The orchestra was pretty filled from what I could see...the Mezzanine where I was sitting was about 50% full...I could not see the balcony at all. Just a note on the Mezzanine..I think past the 3rd or 4th row the balcony overhang comes into play and it cuts off the top of the set. Anyway...there were Clay fans in the audience but it was overwhelmingly NJU. I had a great seat to take in the whole show...2nd row Center Mezzanine. I was in the orchestra opening night...row H center.

I found the energy and feel in the theater to be a stark contrast to opening night. The energy of opening night was an elixir and magic in and of itself that I think won't be duplicated again until closing night. Opening Night had the energy of a Clay Concert. This felt like well...a Broadway show. What was great about this was that Clay I think could just be his parts on the stage and there wasn't the applause and reaction to every little thing that he did. You know...entrance...mad clapping and screaming...raise foot to start dancing...mad applause and screaming...there's his head...mad applause and screaming. I actually heard him sing the lines in the All For One song and the yodeling and actually even a glory note that totally got drowned out on Opening Night by the enthusiastic applauding and screaming that met the Idol of our age line on opening night. I didn't even hear it that night...either that or my own mad screaming and applauding put me in the Aiken fog. It was nice to be able to hear it. I think perhaps that is what dudley is talking about...waiting for the balance to shift from Clay fans to NJU...it does make it easier to well...hear him? *g* I was like...oh that's what the line is...and that is the yodeling..and hey...there is a glory note too. There was a part in the You Won't Succeed on Broadway number too where he is singing these huge glory notes too that I didn't even hear on Opening Night. Is that surprising? Not if you were there Opening Night...you literally were awash in the applause and screaming for Clay...when I said we raised the rafters of the building that night I meant it. But I heard tonight what I missed that night.

I think Clay has relaxed into the part. It's hard to explain. You could see him on Opening Night actually thinking the dance steps...maybe because I am a dance mom I could see that in his concentration level...but tonight he was just dancing...he has it down. And he knows he has it down...and he just well...does it and that is good. I was just amazed he could do the steps opening night!! Now he has absorbed the dancing into his being and he can just do it. And yeah...the Bottle Dance...the look on his face...and they just well...do it...and oh my.

His first guard scene....I think he has added more nuance to the role in the way that he is using his body...his hands...and he kept playing with the strap of his helmet with those long fingers of his...and he was dead on again in the way he delivered his lines. I love this scene. The two drunken guards guarding Prince Herbert was priceless. Clay does this so well...and just dead on.

I loved the view from the Mezzanine. I think I got a better view of his facial expressions that he uses so well to convey what he is trying to say. His song with the minstrels was a hoot. It's all in his face. I think last time I was laughing more for the song and the funny of the song than what Clay was doing..this time I was laughing for what Clay was doing. I had a better view...what can I say?

I think I liked Brother Maynard better Opening Night than I did tonight...I don't know what it was...maybe it was just that for this scene the Mezzanine makes it hard to see his face....he is looking down at the book a lot and from up in the Mezzanine you can't see that.

The white tux at the end...it's the fabric...the fabric...you can't help the view given the fabric. It's white...and it's clingy and heck...there is something to cling to you know?

The seat tonight was C101 and the person playing the peasant was a riot. I think she was a Clay fan but she had no idea what was going on or that she would get pulled up on stage...she was great!!! Got great laughs!!!

Tonight at curtain...King Arthur got the biggest cheers. Clay got a great response but it was Arthur who got the loudest. I think that Clay's applause was on level with the next highest...which went to Patsy and Prince Herbert. Only a scattering of a standing O tonight.

There was a husband sitting one over from me who was having trouble with the humor. Monty Python humor can be an acquired taste...it's not for everyone...although if you suspend the rational and embrace the silly while you are in there you can roll on the floor laughing. But I know that not everyone gets Monty Python...it even took Clay more than one viewing to see the humor in it.

Oh the Knights of Ni and the sorcerer both cracked me up tonight...they were giving the score of the Super Bowl...and they cracked a comment about not having a wardrobe malfunction tonight. The Knights were making Petty jokes and singing one of his songs?? They went on and on and on and on. King Arthur had such a hard time holding it together when he had to say...so you are now known as...he was trying so hard not to crack up....and he tried....and he tried some more...they audience lost it...and he finally did it after about 3 pregnant pauses. It was hilarious!!! I don't know how Clay kept a straight face...but he did!

I see Clay as part of the cast...there are moments when he is interacting with them that you can see that they have developed a good working camaraderie. I agree that you can tell that Clay has tamped down what he can do vocally as far as power goes...and that is in line with his part...and the fact the he is part of the ensemble...and to his credit. He has always had the ability to blend and sing in a group...that takes a special talent too. His voice doesn't overwhelm when he is doing group numbers and he is just supposed to be one of many.


Stage Door....

Jerome came out and he is talking on his cell...talking about the game. We asked him who is winning...he said...the Giants...but that won't last....he got a JEROME how could you when he said that kind of reaction and he just smiled and said...hey...I am from Atlanta!

OMG>>>>>>>>EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE The man is F*cking gorgeous. I wasn't going to do it...but it was well...so not crowded!!!!!!!!! It was maybe 3 deep? So I did. Clay should just let his hair be natural...just shake that head of hair out and go with it...because damm it's looking fine!!!!!!!!!!!! Just standing there watching him work the barricade is just worth the price of admission and hey...you can go do that without buying a ticket! I got his autograph...and fairly swooned seeing him there...you know...right there....

Toni and Invisible both got great pics and video!!!

ETA: kiermar...sorry to miss you too!!!

After surviving a less than carefree airplane ride home, which entailed unexpectedly landing in Long Beach, CA instead of flying nonstop to San Diego, so we could refuel and wait out the turbulence in San Diego since our plane apparently would not have enough fuel left to make more than a couple of passes over the airport before running out of gas. WTF!?!!!

We were able to see Spamalot three times, and still fit in a Jersey Boys matinee. My head is spinning, but I wanted to add a few sleep deprived thoughts.

Clay was wonderful. Very funny! If I hadn't known when to expect him, I might not have recognized him as the guard at the window. When the first fan reviews came in and we were hearing that he was terrific, handsome, funny etc. I thought sure, how could he be that good so quickly? He really was. I know what others have said about him fitting into the cast. He certainly did. I was so busy watching him and the rest of the play that I would have a hard time telling anyone about the order of events and the time line of the play. I remember the scenes and I can remember everything Clay did, but my feeble brain can only hold so much.

I felt the same way after seeing it for the first time, and so I was very glad to be able to see it again and watch the show as a whole. Clay fit in seamlessly with the cast, and look so very professional up there on stage. He really is an all around entertainer. I would say that all of our audiences were NJU. I loved hearing the girl behind me tell her boyfriend at intermission that Clay Aiken was in the cast and him replying, “Which character is he?” YEP! Clay is reaching a different audience and that was wonderful to witness. He was successful in embodying each of his different characters. I loved them all, and was amazed and impressed with his versatility., He sings, dances, and moves across the stage with such ease and confidence that you would never know that this was his first role on Broadway........sigh.......he is all that.

Now on to the really important stuff:

We had seats in Center ORCH Row E and Row C on the right side, and Row B on left side. The stage is not that big, and Clay is on both sides at different times, so we enjoyed them all. However, I would not mind sitting a bit farther back the next time I go.

Seeing it 3 times also allowed us, well me actually, to watch all of the cast members, and begin to recognize all the different parts that each cast member played. All I can say is “WOW!” They certainly earn their pay! Very, very talented group!

Stage Door Happenings:

First night, which was a Thursday, had the fewest people there and that is when I was able to get an autograph. There was this guy there with his girlfriend who kept rudely yelling at each person as they exited the door. He would yell “Clay” as they came out, and when it wasn’t Clay, he would loudly yell “ Oh, You’re not Clay, nevermind!” What a jerk! Finally, Clay did come out. Told the ladies at the front of the line that something like “I will probably see you out here EVERY night!” He only made one pass thru the line of people waiting.

Friday night there were a lot more people waiting. It was fun to watch the crowd. A couple from Germany walked by and asked my husband who we were waiting for. He told them, Clay Aiken, but they were from Germany and didn’t know who he was.....so, I guess Clay could safely vacation there.

Saturday night was VERY crowded! It was hard to say exactly how many people were there that night, but I would guess over 100. While the crowd was waiting for Clay, they would cheer when they recognized one of the other actors as they exited. That was fun and very refreshing. I do wonder how Clay feels about all the attention he gets every night after the show. Does it bother him? Hmmmmmmmmm.......

Now I'm off to catch up on some sleep.

Is it April yet?

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Maybe Dudley wouldn't want Clay to get bigger than her girl, Carrie. Sometimes it's hard to keep your real feelings in tow.


I am uncomfortable discussing a person's motivation when they really are not able to defend them self. If we are going to discuss other fans posts and behavior I rather the focus be on their opinion...or on how they acted rather than take them on personally. I really do believe everyone is entitled to their opinion without being accused of bias or having other agenda.

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Looking at the CH pic...well, he doesn't look at all like a girl to me in this picture, because lord knows I love me some femme Clay...his face is too angular and square jawed. Hell, I didn't even notice the eyeliner. My problem with it is that it looked like Stuart Smalley to me. And his eyes looks like two black olives. I like the darker hair because I can see the green in his eyes more, and it contrasts nicely with his skin. That picture to me looks like Cali beach bum turned motivational speaker! You know, he looks like a young-looking forty to me in that picture. I'd still pay for him to "motivate" me though. I'd pay him more to go chestnut though.

On Kelly, the mildly bad impression she made on me with someone I do really, really like (the Xmas special) simply outweighed the other information people provide, simply because I don't find her talented enough to change my opinion; and probably worse, I just based the "bad boy" thing on her expressed fondness for Steve Tyler because I had no idea she actually dated anyone. I saw more of her on Go Fug Yourself because she would make really unfortunate fashion choices. And I love GFY. Even with the Independent tour, honestly, I didn't find her any better that the Beu sisters, didn't particularly care for Breakaway and could only listen to a couple of minutes of My December. Don't dislike the girl, just don't care. The promo stuff for the IT? Hell, Clay seemed bouncy and young - but they were pitching to a bouncy and young demo.

I'll get us a table for six at Birra's - if more show up, we'll get a bigger table!

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re : eye liner

I wear contacts and I have to take them out before to remove the eye liner when I wear some. So maybe Clay waits until he gets home to careful remove the eye liner. Anyway, he gets out very fast after the show for us and I am very happy he doesn't care if he still has make up on !

He looks gorgeous :hubbahubba: and happy, I am so thankful for all the recaps and pictures at the Stage Door ! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

off to watch the clip from WRAL....

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hee that picture is sure getting a varied reaction....at both extreme.

I like it but it isn't one of my favorites. I actually think he looks very contemporary since a lot of the artist my girls listen to have long tousled blond or black hair and a lot of them have eyeliners that they choose to wear or is part of their band image. I think what I find off in this picture is the huge smile on his face...cos usually these young bands would have a scowl or brooding look. But since this is Clay, I like to see him looking happy.

actually my favorite picture is definitely the one most prominent in our banner. The matinee idol shot is also gorgeous but it is a bit dated...and too posed. I really like the open and natural smile in my avatar cos it goes right into his eyes...sigh


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Since we're still talking about Kelly a little. I considered myself a fan before the IT, she was my favorite on AI1, but I would not have cared about seeing her in concert. I was one who was glad when it was announced that they would tour together. Upon seeing her in concert, I just thought she was ok, she had no stage presence what so ever and IMO, Clay made her look like an amateur. I still liked her though and felt like she would probably get better at performing live, which I think is a criteria that doesn't matter much to a lot of young fans

When I went to the NAT, I told the friend that went with me that I actually enjoyed Cherie's set more than I did Kelly's in the IT, that surprised me.

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Maybe Dudley wouldn't want Clay to get bigger than her girl, Carrie. Sometimes it's hard to keep your real feelings in tow.


I am uncomfortable discussing a person's motivation when they really are not able to defend them self. If we are going to discuss other fans posts and behavior I rather the focus be on their opinion...or on how they acted rather than take them on personally. I really do believe everyone is entitled to their opinion without being accused of bias or having other agenda.

sorry- I guess I got a little carried away with my Clay love.

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Since we're still talking about Kelly a little. I considered myself a fan before the IT, she was my favorite on AI1, but I would not have cared about seeing her in concert. I was one who was glad when it was announced that they would tour together. Upon seeing her in concert, I just thought she was ok, she had no stage presence what so ever and IMO, Clay made her look like an amateur. I still liked her though and felt like she would probably get better at performing live, which I think is a criteria that doesn't matter much to a lot of young fans

When I went to the NAT, I told the friend that went with me that I actually enjoyed Cherie's set more than I did Kelly's in the IT, that surprised me.

I had a similar reaction with the IT, atinal. I hdan't watched AI1, but I definitely knew who Kelly was & liked her well enough. I thought getting to see both of them on the same ticket was a great deal. Of course, not having seen Clay yet in concert, I also didn't understand why anyone would want to go to multiple concerts either - hee!

Sitting through the Beau Sisters was excruciating. Nothing against them, but the energy in that arena most definitely wasn't for them. When Kelly came out, I quickly realized the energy wasn't for her either. When Clay came striding in from the back, singing Kyrie, I thought we all might explode! I also couldn't believe: he was right there, how tall he was, how cute he was, how good he sounded and that his hair was really that spikey - heh! I also hadn't seen Jerome up to that point, but became quite aquainted with him since I had an aisle seat and he was standing right next me for a good bit of the evening.

At breakfast the next morning, all of us were worrying about if/when we'd get to see him again. We didn't yet know how much he liked to tour! Ahhhh, memories.....

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