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#36: It ain't my life, just my passion!


New Thread Title Poll  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you like our next thread title to be?

    • Whatta man, whatta man, whatta mighty good man...
    • And the biggest protection of all will be love
    • Tell me another person that's ever gone through the Idol mill with such gifts.
    • Clay is the master lemonade maker
    • If you don't get Clay, no explanation is possible, and if you do, no explanation is necessary.
    • And--just on general principles--I love Clay.
    • muchos gracias to a globe-trotting, lazy-ass, dog-loving, soft-rocking dude!
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • the class clown got to be the star
    • Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.
    • FCA - An anarco-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync nomadic omnivores
    • when the sweetsingerman finds a style he likes he buys a dozen!!!!

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After sleeping on it....I thought of another word that Clay sings that makes me drool like a baby: any time he sings a low, low, low "go" in HYCA. OMG -- those low notes give me the shivers.

Basically agree with everyone who says that we will NEVER know what happened in those board rooms at RCA, between Clay and Clive. We all have our theories of course (and I actually do believe there was probably a pretty good stand-off during the time when ATDW came finally came to be -- IMO ATDW was a compromise, and a damn fine one too), but that's the thing -- they are all THEORIES. Too much in my mind became FACT -- I want them to stay theories, and as long as someone doesn't try to force their THEORY down my throat as FACT, I'm OK with it.

couchie, we will be going back to the beginning of the alphabet soon, so you're favorite song will be there...

And that leads me to...

SONG OF THE DAY: Weight of the World

And I'll start, because I know I'm one of the few that loves this song. I love the song sonically -- I think the instrumentation is stellar, the guitar solo rocks, and Clay's vocals are fantastic. I love the beat, it's easy to dance to, I give it an 85. As far as the lyrics, I find them VERY relateable, thinking that you are the only one around where life is being totally unfair -- only to discover that so many others are feeling the same way, and that's the way life is. In other words -- deal with it. Hee.

Breakfast time....

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SONG OF THE DAY: Weight of the World

And I'll start, because I know I'm one of the few that loves this song.

I love it, too! It's in my top 4. I love what sounds to me like someone talking to themselves. I'd love to write more, but I'm having trouble typing this morning - arm thing. Maybe later.

And the topic of favorite words, phrases from Clay... my favorite topic. Maybe later I'll be more able. :(

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My favorite Clay sound, word, whatever - that little Elvis-growly-grunt at the end of Blood Will Never Lose Its Power.

I would love it if Clay did a gospel album - not a pretty songs sung perfectly CD, but a full-out shouting growling CD.

I base this wish entirely on that little grunt.

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And there is always the part where I believe a lot of the RCA "inside" information came from the FC people and was spread around as fact and some people are so invested, they would rather mock the people involved then do some introspection and review how they were personally influenced.

Yes I believe that also. Isn't it interesting that so many won't back away from it even tho' they know full well where it originated? Play I got some of those we-know-stuff-that-you-don't-know pm's at another place too. And yet ... not one that said gee maybe we we're wrong. Go figure.

I think Clay has a business relationship with RCA. Is it perfect? Probably not. But what relationship is? I think Clay is smart enough to know that there is no "perfect" situation out there. He's said so himself.

MTRR ... The Hitmakers was weeded from our library system 15 years ago. We don't keep any book based on any industry longer than 5 years since things change so much.

those who drank the fake Clay kool-aid.

Hee. I just like this turn of phrase.

Sidenote....E (my DD for the newbies) is dating a guy who is in his final month of residency. After he's done he'll be doing a short stint in Guyana (Doctors Without Borders?) When she told me where he was going I mentioned something about the Jonestown mass suicides and she didn't have a clue. She had heard the term drinking-the-koolaid but didn't know where it came from.

At that moment....I felt old.


:hysterical: <----is an old friend from way back.


I love all of Clay's phrase and syllables. I just do. :wub:

So I suppose I'm not a critical thinker then?


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You're not alone. I love WOTW also. Love how the music starts out. And when he does the round, round, round and then down, down, down, I love it, love it, love it. I missed most of the other song reviews, however I can say that I don't skip any of them. I think this is a great cd.

I'm in the camp that says we don't know nothing about Clay's business so we should just butt out and be fans. It saves a whole lot of stress. Doesn't mean that I don't think Clive is an evil bastard, but I'm not the one who has to deal with him. That is Clay and Clay's teams job and they know more than I do on how to hande things. For me, I don't see that he has made many "mistakes" because even when he did shows that I didn't enjoy as much, others might have, and it's all about trying new things. I don't angst when he says something politically incorrect because that is part of why I like him. I stick my foot in my mouth all the time and sometimes it catches up with me, and then I deal with it, but I'm not going to continually stress over whether someone is going to take things the wrong way because sometimes that is more there problem than mine. Some people love to look for the hidden meanings even when there are none and that is not my problem.

And this :013085001176249046: has to be my favorite emoticon right now.

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KAndre...ok chick flicks..The Truth about Cats and dogs? Sense and Sensibility?aha Imitation of Life? I'll get you yet.


It is not a chick flick per se but one of my favourite "women's" movies is Shirley Valentine. If you have ever been married and at any time wanted to just escape from the mundane things...this is it.

As for what Clay does behind the scenes, I really don't care. Not that I wouldn't like to know but it really is none of my business. I love it when we get little glimpses, like the Linda Loveland tour of his house, but I get the feeling those things will be few and far between now if not totally gone.

We get to see Clay on tv this week and I bet there will be more stuff from UNICEF to make use of the timing.

:thsmilies-6728: I love this one

:peace: And where I'm from there is no way this means peace...just sayin'. :whistling-1:

Gee now I have to listen to WOTW. Ok I'll sacrifice my valuable time and listen to it. Now I'm not saying I will comment but for the good of the board I will listen! :F_05BL17blowkiss: The things I have do ...oh well!

And I'll start, because I know I'm one of the few that loves this song. I love the song sonically -- I think the instrumentation is stellar, the guitar solo rocks, and Clay's vocals are fantastic. I love the beat, it's easy to dance to, I give it an 85. As far as the lyrics, I find them VERY relateable, thinking that you are the only one around where life is being totally unfair -- only to discover that so many others are feeling the same way, and that's the way life is. In other words -- deal with it. Hee.

So ldyJ tell us how you really feel. I mean you seem sort of on the fence on this one! A big smoochy hug...... :thbighug-1:

Well off to finish my kitchen. Thank god for iPods and good speakers! Clay everyday helps make your cares go away! Dang Shirley should have listened to Clay!

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Love Weight of The World...down, down, down and unbreakable are my favorite parts...it is such a great song to crank up while you are driving and sing along to!

Oh and I agree with all the posts regarding RCA, Clive, etc...I always say there is more we don't know than we do and we will probably never know the real story behind ATDW...we all have theories, even me, but unless Clay writes a tell-all book...it will just be theories and speculation.


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And yeah, it is kinda funny to see the scrabbling way history is rewritten by those who drank the fake Clay kool-aid. Like the rest of us got zapped by the Men In Black flashy thingy. Or believed them in the first place.

djs... I laughed out loud at the bolded part... I LOVED that movie!

Good Morning Everyone,

7 days until Clay is on CNN for UNICEF!


Everyone have a great day!


aikim... how nice to see your red ink again!!!

I love this newbie emoticon...


Fear... have a great one!!!


Play... how could you forget to get your sister a b'day card.... oh, by the way... my brother's b'day was the 27th and I didn't send him a card either (we talked on the phone instead)... LOL

Oh, forgot to say how much I LOVE WOTW!!! I think it actually has the fastest beat of any of the songs and LOVE the "down, down, down" and "unbreakable" parts! And, I like that there are no electronic parts in this one. I am a "fast song" lover and this is one of my faves!

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I think Clay has a business relationship with RCA. Is it perfect? Probably not. But what relationship is? I think Clay is smart enough to know that there is no "perfect" situation out there. He's said so himself.

Yes, that's it exactly! One of the truly frustrating things for me at my old haunt was that if someone didn't believe that Clive/RCA/Roger was totally out to "ruin" Clay, then the relationship was all sweetness and light. There was only two options, "evil Clive" or "saint Clive." Not so -- in my case, I was just saying that we don't know diddly squat.

Wheeeeee! More than a few WOTW lovers! merrieeee, I have no idea how you knew that I love this song. *g* Yes, "unbreakable" is one of the best things of this album, bar none, IMO. Followed immediately by the girls singing "don't you wish you were..." That is just soooooooooo cool.



Ooooh, a new birthday emoticon!

And my two new favorites:


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One of my favourite Clay sounds ever. Sorry, I just don't hear "well, well". I hear "well, now". In every version!

I was surprised at a difference of opinion on "well, now" and "shadows of" as both are loud and clear to me. Reminds me of the guy who always tried to tell me that Hendrix was singing "'scuse me while I kiss this guy" instead of "'scuse me while I kiss the sky." But, I think we can hear what we want and enjoy it the way we want to. I will always sing "douche" in Blinded By the Light!

And merrieeee, regarding :peace: are you referring to V for Victory, or V for Vendetta! As we used to say back in the day .... "Peace on Ya"

.... and as I say now ..... :237:

I'm so excited that Kareneh will be back in July. YAY!! Hmmm, that made me think of something ..... :013085001176249046:

Basically agree with everyone who says that we will NEVER know what happened in those board rooms at RCA, between Clay and Clive. We all have our theories of course (and I actually do believe there was probably a pretty good stand-off during the time when ATDW came finally came to be -- IMO ATDW was a compromise, and a damn fine one too), but that's the thing -- they are all THEORIES. Too much in my mind became FACT -- I want them to stay theories, and as long as someone doesn't try to force their THEORY down my throat as FACT, I'm OK with it.

I thought that RCA crap had finally died. The people who tried to influence me about it were charter member FC and minions, and I told one person she was straight up :crazy: to her face.

I had an advantage though, being new to the fandom and not a respecter of screennames and moderators of whatever. :italianflick:

Lack of logic and common sense, and a blind acceptance of wild speculation was clear to a newbie, probably because it wasn't filtered through the coronations of certain fans and mods as The Deciders. And peer pressure was alive and well among grown-ass women. Sometimes people go off the rails like a Crazy Train ......... All Aboard!

SONG OF THE DAY: Weight of the World

And I'll start, because I know I'm one of the few that loves this song. I love the song sonically -- I think the instrumentation is stellar, the guitar solo rocks, and Clay's vocals are fantastic. I love the beat, it's easy to dance to, I give it an 85. As far as the lyrics, I find them VERY relateable, thinking that you are the only one around where life is being totally unfair -- only to discover that so many others are feeling the same way, and that's the way life is. In other words -- deal with it.

"Has anybody else but me ever felt this way before?" .... hmmmm maybe The Beatles?

And anytime you feel the pain

Hey Jude, refrain

Don't carry the world upon your shoulders

For well you know that it's a fool

Who plays it cool

By making his world a little colder

Love Weight of The World...down, down, down and unbreakable are my favorite parts...it is such a great song to crank up while you are driving and sing along to!

Yes, from the Slovenian Snippets til today I love his voice on ...down, down, down. This is a great song, IMO. I love the instrumentation, the lyrics, the beat, but most of all I love his voice from beginning to that last big "Wooooorld."

This is the Clay Aiken Factor writ large -- that insanely fabulous incomparable voice!!

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:hb2: to Fear!

My favorite word that Clay sings? "Baby"- in just about any song! But my favorites are in RHW (Oh, can't you see it bay-bee) and The Way (You, bay-bay). Gah, guh, and other assorted unintelligible sounds! Then again, I also love the way he says "darlin"! I'll have to sit and listen uninterrupted to OMWH to come up with other specifics.

WOTW- This is probably one of my favorites of the "faster-paced" songs. I love the deep "I know deep down, they're right", the "unbreakable", and the final verse (or is it the bridge?) "I know it's hard to see.....".


Now, this is just a challenge!




Happy Sunday, everyone! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Heh, out of a whopping 37 pictures in my photobucket account, 10 of them are butt shots. Wonder why? :laugh2: I'm actually a "chest" lover!

Regarding the discussion about the peace sign (or "V" sign, below)- didn't Clay talk about that once- that when he was on AI, and when he was holding up 2 fingers (as in "vote for #2"), he was told by some Brits in the crew that that was a "rude gesture" over there?

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And merrieeee, regarding are you referring to V for Victory, or V for Vendetta! As we used to say back in the day .... "Peace on Ya

No, how about V as in "up yours". Hee, hee You don't think Churchill was really flashing the peace sign...do you?

Yeah! The kitchen is done but the problem is now that everything I don't want, in my nice newly decorated kitchen, is now scattered throughout the house. I never realised I had so much "stuff"!! I don't know how I will ever get rid of it! Anyone have a match?*g*

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Yoo hoo, couchie, YSRN...from CH public access:


Popping in to post links to a couple of montages I made to Falling and Everything I Don't Need.

I used favorite characters from General Hospital. Thought I would bring them over in case anyone is on a soap board or knows someone who is on one that could post them there. Would be a great way to make those fans aware of these songs. Here are the links:



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Clive was at GMA because Clay sold 600K albums in a week. That was pretty huge and Clive was there to get his face time and take some credit. Clay was probably just another guy in the stable that Clive wanted to continue making the company a boatload of money. Unless one of them writes a book and fill in the blanks that's probably all we'll ever know. I just don't think the man gave Clay all that much thought but again something else we'll probably never know..unless Clay writes a new book... Learning to Dance? Clive was making a fortune off Rod Stewart and probably thought he can make even more with a guy who could actually sing. That decision could have been just a business decision that contained no malice whatsoever. Iseeme I agree with what you said. Clay isn't alone on an island surrounded by sharks. He does have people and a voice of his own. It's what all of us in life have to deal with on our very own jobs - now they may not involve millions of dollars but we all know how business works. This isn't an extreme, Clive is innocent post and Clay has no issues with him.... I know all about the man but the amount of stuff being attributed to him got to be ridiculous.

Absolutely. When it got to Clive actively attempting to destroy Clay's career....I ran.

They looked very nice! Her dress is beautiful!....but did anyone but me miss "our" Southern gentleman in Ruben? Just me then? His mama didn't teach him so well.

Cool new emoties. I like it when they are in the little screen to the left. I'm too lazy to hit "show all" and search for more.

Yeah. That.

There IS no "well now" in EIDN :lmaosmiley-1:

Oh yes there is! :hysterical:

This, not so much. :hysterical:

I recently read this quote from an interview with Herbie Hancock.

“Human beings are not just one-dimensional. I’m a musician, but I’m also a father, a husband, a son, a citizen, a friend, an African American, an American—and at the root of all that, I’m a human being. My vision comes from my humanity, not from my being a musician. That opens it up, completely removes any walls.”

It made me think about the one-dimensionality of the narrow interpretation of "Rock-Star Clay". I prefer the multi-dimensional, always engaging real man even though I may not agree with everything he does or says.

Love that!!

I thought that RCA crap had finally died. The people who tried to influence me about it were charter member FC and minions, and I told one person she was straight up :crazy: to her face.

Me too...which started the trend of my multi-coloured green posts. All I had to do was say "good morning"...bingo!! Gone! :lol: You MUST have had the newbie advantage.

What makes me gag to this day is the people that were deeeeeeep into it that remain "pure as the driven snow", undefiled by the crap, unouted. Although I have no sympathy for the original perpetrators, I do have a (probably exaggerated) sense of fairness that is offended by that.

Love Weight of The World...down, down, down and unbreakable are my favorite parts...it is such a great song to crank up while you are driving and sing along to!

Although it's not in my Top 3, there is nothing on this CD I DON'T love. I've always seen WOTW as his message to (some of) the fans.

Favorite words?.....today, at this moment :lol:........"my-iiiiiiii hands" in ALAWH.....WOW.

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I was surprised at a difference of opinion on "well, now" and "shadows of" as both are loud and clear to me. Reminds me of the guy who always tried to tell me that Hendrix was singing "'scuse me while I kiss this guy" instead of "'scuse me while I kiss the sky." But, I think we can hear what we want and enjoy it the way we want to. I will always sing "douche" in Blinded By the Light!

What are they saying in that song? It sounds like "wrapped up like a douche, another runner in the night." It could be deuce, but that doesn't make sense either.

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Good morning. Must listen to WOW before commenting.

Happy Birthday Fear....


Challenge accepted:


(and there was some discussion about whether that little sneak peak was boxer briefs, briefs, or whatever......)



Back to Clive/Clay, etc. Clive may or not be an evil bastard but I don't think there are too many people who have been in the same business as long as he has that aren't considered much the same. When you have power - no matter whether you use it or abuse it there are always people who feel you abuse it. It would be nice someday in the far, far future if Clay divulged some details, but I doubt that will ever happen!

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I was surprised at a difference of opinion on "well, now" and "shadows of" as both are loud and clear to me. Reminds me of the guy who always tried to tell me that Hendrix was singing "'scuse me while I kiss this guy" instead of "'scuse me while I kiss the sky." But, I think we can hear what we want and enjoy it the way we want to. I will always sing "douche" in Blinded By the Light!

What are they saying in that song? It sounds like "wrapped up like a douche, another runner in the night." It could be deuce, but that doesn't make sense either.

Ha! I always sang douche too! I never knew what Bruce Springsteen was really singing. Anyone know?

Weight of the World is one of my favorites. I can relate to it because I have felt depressed and I used to worry a lot. About everything! I felt like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. So this song says a lot to me. I love the music too and the words, down, down, down.

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With all the YouTubes and montages and everything going around, I'm going to be brave enough to share the only montage I ever attempted, and it was at the end of 2006. The FC crap was raging, Clay had been ill during the Christmas tour, and all I wanted was to give him a great big old love hug. This is certainly primitive compared to the many professional quality montages I've seen, but it was from the heart.

Song of Bernadette: http://www.sendspace.com/file/x6hitx

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I thought that RCA crap had finally died. The people who tried to influence me about it were charter member FC and minions, and I told one person she was straight up :crazy: to her face.

Hee, do you not remember the "blog that disappeared" at the OFC? Just one thing not being perfect is all it takes to bring back the RCA is screwing Clay talk by people who need someone to blame and it can't be themselves and it can't be Clay, well, not all the time.

Clay sounds - I can't explain it, properly, but Clay has a way of making his vibrato more of a looping circling sound than the usual goaty sound. I find it quite amazing and entrancing

For those that don't use the new posts button - I added something to the personal chichat/money money money thread that might interest you. We can all use more money, no?

Is Karen eh? the master of jetlag or what? I am amazed at her constant movement, it is hard enough to get into the car and go to the store some days.

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Cool new emoties. I like it when they are in the little screen to the left. I'm too lazy to hit "show all" and search for more.

The only reason they all aren't clickable is that it would make the posting window a whole page. Very annoying.

MTRR ...

Oh Claytonic... I looked for this one in the glossory because I forgot already. I went straight "to the right" heee and that's not right. Jamar? Help!

Sidenote....E (my DD for the newbies) is dating a guy who is in his final month of residency. After he's done he'll be doing a short stint in Guyana (Doctors Without Borders?) When she told me where he was going I mentioned something about the Jonestown mass suicides and she didn't have a clue. She had heard the term drinking-the-koolaid but didn't know where it came from.

At that moment....I felt old.

Oh god, and I'm feeling doubly old. My grandmother was a believer in Jim Jones. Thank the lord she didn't pack up and go with him and she was too smart to sign over everything she had.

I love all of Clay's phrase and syllables. I just do. :wub:

So I suppose I'm not a critical thinker then?


heee seems so :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Yoo hoo, couchie, YSRN...from CH public access:

knows someone who is on one that could post them there. Would be a great way to make those fans aware of these songs. Here are the links:


EEK Sonny and Brenda. Had to push stop immediately. Not even for Clay heee. Doesn't mean I can't share it with those I know that love them. heee


ah Lucy..they don't make characters like that anymore. a dying breed indeed.

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kf - that was beautiful! I had heard that song before but didn't realize Leonard Cohen had written it - that's quite a departure from his usual, isn't it? LOVED the footage from the Jaded Journalist or whatever his name was. Watching Clay's facial expressions, especially his eyes, without hearing the words was really something. His looks certainly have matured in 5 years.....and a little bit added weight! What a handsome man though - even then!

Thank you for sharing. The words to the song were really pertinent.

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With all the YouTubes and montages and everything going around, I'm going to be brave enough to share the only montage I ever attempted, and it was at the end of 2006. The FC crap was raging, Clay had been ill during the Christmas tour, and all I wanted was to give him a great big old love hug. This is certainly primitive compared to the many professional quality montages I've seen, but it was from the heart.

Song of Bernadette: http://www.sendspace.com/file/x6hitx

Awwww, that was lovely, keepingfaith! I think that any offering we attempt from the heart is certainly worthy of praise, and I enjoyed this very much. I was not familiar with the meaning behind the "Song of Bernadette", so I had to look it up.

Since you were brave enough to share your creation, I'll do mine as well- particularly as there was some quilting talk going on the other day. My only quilting experiece is two quilting classes- one where we made a pillow, and another where we made a small wall hanging. Mine started out as an attempt at a Clay-related birthday gift for my cousin. I made a two-sided quilt for her, in colors to match her "Clay-room", where she has all pictures of Clay on the walls. I'm not a "by-the-book" person- I just kind of make things up as I go along- and this was the result:



(they obviously need ironing!)

After completing this, and because I knew at that time that we were going to be having a M&G with Clay at Toms River (JBT), I decided to make him one too. What had been a workable size when I made my cousin's wall hanging started to grow ( :cryingwlaughter: ) in Clay's version, and became too large for a wall hanging, and too small for a quilt. I finished it at 2:00 am the day of the concert. We included a lint brush along with the with the quilt, because the fabrics I chose were flannel (all of the colored pieces) and velvet (the black trim). It picked up every piece of cat hair/lint/ etc in the house! It certainly didn't fit the criteria for a well-put-together quilt, but I was proud of it, and wish I had taken more (better) pictures.



I keep thinking I'd like to do another project of some kind soon. No grand ideas, however.

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laljeterfan, those are gorgeous quilts. My ggrandmother was a quilter and when she died she left every member of the family one of her quilts, even the babies. We still have them, and though she's been gone for over 50 years, they're still exquisitely beautiful and she couldn't have left us anything more precious.
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