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#43: Even more beautiful now, inside and out!


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    • God we have it so bad...yet it feels so good!
    • That man just doesn't have quit in him.
    • Lordy, this guy makes me smile so hard. I love him
    • What boyfriend wants he gets!
    • We think we'll keep him!
    • Resistance is futile and once I heard that voice all was right with the world.
    • He's back. We're back. We're home again.
    • Yes, Clay, we still think you are sex on a stick! Southern Fried Sex on a Stick!
    • God we have it so bad...yet it feels so good!

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Luckiest, - Bwah!!!! Sometimes it is perceived tone based on history that grates and not just a word standing all by itself. Anyways, I believe the quite unrepentant "firing squad" had its say and moved on. Just a shrug thing now!

Yeah. <g> It’s rarely just the word, but the TONE and how you put a given word together with other words. I’m guessing no one questions Clay’s tone when he says “kid” and for a good reason. He’s the daddy. :::swoon:::

And yes, “unrepentant” is a very good word. <g>

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Right now...I'm a puddle of goo.

You see, I subtly hinted to my husband a few months ago that a spa day would be a good present for me for my birthday. ("Subtle" is pretty much a joke here...) Anyway, he did so present me with that a few months ago...and today was the day I picked. Oh man. I am now totally in love with getting a massage, and a facial is quite nice too. Plus, I have pretty hands and feet.

And then...hubby suggested that since I'm all gussied up, he should take me to dinner too.

I think I'll keep my husband.

All through the massage, I kept thinking about how Clay has been reported to enjoy a massage or two. Heh.

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From Zipppy888

My recap from the Saturday matinee, Nov 1, 2008:

- The whole cast is now back together! What a show! Rick Holmes is now back. Yay!

- Launcelot said "Sorry?" instead of "What?" during the door scene.

- Clay swishes up his tabard when he's get excited about the announcement of "musical theatre!" and jumps up and down excitedly.

- YES!! Clay did STAGE DOOR!! He was wearing Roots Canada Sweatshirt and blue track pants (I think.) My mum got a picture with Clay. I took it and he even signed our MOAM CD Cover. What a guy! Clay forgot to give back the CD cover and my mum got distracted and he put it on my mum's head when her back was turned to him. If you don't know my mum, she's really short!! Stage Door was packed with people, about 3-4 rows deep.

- Yes, clayheaven and I have videos and a pic. Please wait for them.

- Clay was laughing so hard during the guard scene when he's on the floor; we can see him 'cos we were sitting in the front row. He was shaking with laughter on the floor. He was watching Launcelot and Herbert and Herbert's father up on the stairs.

- Clay did an interesting dance in the finale no. He did a stomp, lift the leg and do a half-twist, repeat on other leg. Repeat action. Very cute!

- Clay widened his eyes at us when he was singing "KOTRT" - we were dead centre, row A!!! First time ever!

- Got spat on by the King! Watch for it if you ever sit in the front row.

- The Knights of Ni did the Sarah Palin joke and also the lipstick on the pig.

- During the Tim the Enchanter scene, he said "Oh, Tim. What a silly name!" LOL I soiled my armour and I was so scared...." He then took his tabard and rubbed his bottom furiously. LOL

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Thanks for the Spam report, aikim! It's great that he's still having fun with his part (heeeeeee), and that he did the stage door again. It makes me happy to think of him having a great time with his fellow actors, and enjoying being with fans afterwards!

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Saying hi from Boston where I am attending a professional meeting.

Checked the Obama montage numbers this morning and the montage is still picking up speed.

Both of these totals were from about 8 AM:

Friday 356,651

Saturday 363,241

ETA Edited for amazingly awkward grammar.

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yeah....every time I hear Clay use the word "kid" in reference to his son in interviews, I think....



Is it just me or does Clay seem entirely fascinated by the sword in this one??!!!
Honey, who WOULDN'T be fascinated by Clay's sword? :hubbahubba:

I left a dark and rainy Bay Area early this morning, lucked out on Southwest with my fave exit row window seat and nobody in the middle seat! :yess: Landed safely in Clay Aiken's hometown to find a very warm and beautiful Fall day. Just checked into my hotel...near the airport, by the way...but quiet. I've decided not to go nuts re: trying to "see" Raleigh in one evening and part of one day. I'll drive around, maybe hit the flea market and an outlet store or two and maybe I'll drive to Charlotte via the scenic route and go see my ole' Alma Mater in Winston Salem and then drive south to my destination...haven't seen the campus in a few years.

But I'm gonna chill tonight...by myself here in my comfy room. Get immersed in "Eclipse", the third part of the Twilight series (I just started reading this one on the plane.), sit around in my Clay Aiken Jukebox Tour tee shirt and just.relax. I've been sooooo stressed this past week, working twelve hour days as a matter of course before leaving for the conference. I'll be doing the same thing starting Tuesday of next week---having to be constantly ON! to make sure it all goes well until next Sunday.

So. I'm just gonna do nuthin' tonight.

Hope I remember how. :unsure:

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Oh, I definitely subscribe to the "Do Nuthin Philosophy"!

Probably a little too much!

:cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter:

But I hope you enjoy your well deserved break!

Thank goodness for muski! At least one person noticed the Sword Pic!!!


I knew I could count on you, Honey!

*For the record, "kid" didn't bother me. It was "The Kid" that got to me.

Clay saying, "Now that I have a kid" is not quite the same. IMO.

I'll shut up now.

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I read the Secret Life of Bees and loved it. Haven't seen the movie.

I DID see FLOW--for the love of water this morning, and it was fascinating.


I've been busy getting ready for a big O election celebration party on Tuesday--it keeps expanding. We're going to eat, drink, watch CNN, and cheer lustily. (That is, if I don't have a nervous breakdown before the election.) Wish you could all join us!! I'm going to actually drive to the Dollar store and buy party noisemakers!! LOL.

I've been out picking apples like mad as they are starting to fall off of my trees because of wind and rain. I took bags of apples to all my neighbors. I feel like Wanda Appleseed.

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Hey, has anybody seen "The Secret Life of Bees"? Maybe I should go see a movie?

Excellent movie - be prepared to cry A LOT.

Wanda, I will be having a nervous breakdown on Monday. If not Monday, Tuesday by about noon. I am planning on partying as well - either in celebration or in relief that it's OVER, one or the other. I'm busily knocking on wood for even *thinking* of the word "celebration".

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I saw the Secret Life of Bees, and liked it. It's a tear-jerker though - a 2 hanky one, minimum. I read the book a long time ago and loved it, so that sort of affected my take on the movie. Books always seem better for some reason, maybe because they allow you to create your own mental images. This movie was done well, though, and the casting was excellent, IMO.

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Just got back from the matinee...great show..entire cast was present..full house..lots of laughs...the audience showed everyone the love and Clay was wonderful, as usual! Here are some stage door photos where there was a big crowd and lots of excitement!






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Dropping off a review

I looked at the bright side of life this afternoon. Meeting with a San Francisco crew and Austenfan and RVZ lady. So many of them had the Aiken fog after the show, it was hard to talk to them. Ha!

Yup, everyone was back and the show was pretty good - guess Rick likes his Palin line so much we will have to wait to after the election for it to change. Tom go so excited in his scene as Prince Herbert, he did not do the body C curl, but collapsed to the floor (laughing a bit) when his father shook him. ClayisSunshine pointed out that Ruben and Frenchie were sitting in the box on the right side (more comfortable seats than orchestra) and he smiled and waved to CiS when she waved at him.

Poor Clay, no touching the Camelot girl, the LOTL did not touch him when entering Camelot and he did not even catch the arm. He did get to ogle all the girls though.

I thought Clay had a more serious look today when he was doing the bottle dance, no tongue wagging. Everyone in the bottle line was serious except the female musician who was grinning like mad.

The house was very filled for a matinée on a beau-ti-ful day in NYC - I didn't even need my jacket. There were fans, but not as much as spring, and you may remember I went with great frequency before and had a good sampling. The SD was about 3+ deep and few barriers, so it was good, but not so hard to get an autograph - I stood back and tried to get pictures - heh, not a good idea. many people got pictures with Clay - he was fast, but thorough.

The one startling moment for me was when Rick blew a like in INDY - sang the same line twice instead of reordering them. it seemed to throw him for just a moment.

Everyone really seemed responsive and the actors gave their all in return. It was a wonderful sight. The orchestra audience was standing at the end, but not the mezzanine. The bouquet was thrown so high, I thought we had a chance of catching it in the Mezzanine - close, but not quite, so it went far back.

Special thanks to Amazed in NJ for the ticket upgrades. She needs to not live so far away and be able to attend these shows for herself.

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yeah....every time I hear Clay use the word "kid" in reference to his son in interviews, I think....


:whistling-1: Indeed.

*For the record, "kid" didn't bother me. It was "The Kid" that got to me.

Clay saying, "Now that I have a kid" is not quite the same. IMO.

I'll shut up now.

So glad you made that clear...... :tongue09:

That picture of Clay makes me laugh! What an outfit!! :cryingwlaughter:

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he was fast, but thorough

gah :Thud:

I saw the movie....whoa, I was crying like a baby. Good thing I wasn't seeing it with older daughter---she's always trying to be so stoic and looks over at me to see if I'm crying when we watch sappy things together. Younger daughter and hubby would've been boo-hooing right along with me. Excellent movie...

And about the book vs movie thing. I, too, enjoy reading a book before seeing a movie. Once I've seen the movie, I can't help but see the actors in my head---and the scenes, music, etc.---when I'm reading the words. And that takes something away from the experience for me because those actors and scenes and music---they're all other people's interpretations of the story, not my own.

For example, the Twilight series. I know the upcoming movie is supposed to be only a telling of the first book, right? But even seeing the actors in trailors and posters....I'm kind of skeeved out by some of the casting choices. I think (just from the pictures) that the girl for the lead seems right on, but the guy they picked for Edward? No way---not from the images I created while reading the book.

MY Edward is so much more....

perfect. So....pretty. The actor--at least in the pix I've seen---doesn't do MY Edward justice. :tongue09:

Oh, and on the way home from the movie, I stopped to get a map of Raleigh so I can explore tomorrow. AND I bought a Moon Pie! Oh, my! I grew up with Moon Pies in North Carolina and Virginia but I usually can't find them in California... Yum!

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Muski... I hope you're enjoying yourself. It has been raining all day at home so you're missing absolutely nothing. Even got some thunder and lightening.

I think on Tuesday I'll be in the bed with my head under my pillow :cryingwlaughter:

Very few movies match the book for me. I used to read... a lot. used to..Wonder when that stopped. :lilredani:

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I use to read at least two books a week, and that was when I had three little ones. Now if I read one a month I am lucky. I have the new Robin Cook book sitting on my table that I got out of the library that is a short term check out non renewable and it is due on the 4th and I have not even started it. I think I will be a little late returning it and take it on the plane this weekend. Our library system does not fine unless you get a second notice which does not go out to three weeks after it is due.

Clay looks like he throws all his socks in one drawer and just grabs any two. We will probably be surprised if he matches them up again. He will not take the time unless someone who does his laundry does.

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Has anybody read Footprints of God by Greg Iles?

Very interesting read.

Footprints of God - Amazon

In this "alarming, believable, and utterly consuming" (Dan Brown) New York Times bestseller, Greg Iles probes the terrifying possibility that the next phase of human evolution may not be human at all....

Trinity. The government's top-secret supercomputer is an intelligence beyond comprehension -- and a nightmare beyond humanity's worst fears. At the heart of a maelstrom of limitless science and ruthless ambition, Dr. David Tennant, Project Trinity's ethicist, harbors a lethal secret: he knows who murdered a fellow scientist. Fleeing for his life alongside psychiatrist Rachel Weiss, the only hope for survival lies in revealing the shocking connection between Trinity's apocalyptic power and David's tortured mind. Mankind's future hangs in the balance -- and the price of failure is extinction.

Damned book kept me up til nearly 4 this morning!

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Muski... I hope you're enjoying yourself. It has been raining all day at home so you're missing absolutely nothing. Even got some thunder and lightening.

I think on Tuesday I'll be in the bed with my head under my pillow :cryingwlaughter:

Very few movies match the book for me. I used to read... a lot. used to..Wonder when that stopped. :lilredani:

Couchie, I wish I could spend Tuesday in bed. It promises to be volatile day no matter what the outcome. But it's also a very busy day for me, so there's no chance of hiding out at home.

Believe it or not, I don't read nearly as much now as I used to. BC (before Clay) I used to read about 50 books a year, now I'm lucky if I read 20 or 25. BUT....I can honestly say that I read a lot more now than I did three years ago when my fandom was at a such a frenzied high that Clay was at the forefront of my mind every waking minute. I'm proud to say that now I can actually concentrate on something for 30 minutes at a time without Clay entering my mind.

I still can't wait to see him though. And all y'all from FCA that happen to be at Spam for his final show. When Spam closes, what do you think he'll delight us with next?


ETA again because I think I missed a joke somewhere. Sorry, I haven't read back.

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I think it's sad that "we" can't seem to laugh at ourselves anymore. Next time I'll keep the things that make me chuckle to myself, since my sense of humour is apparently quite out of whack. :huh:

I had a fun evening watching A Clay Aiken Christmas and some gala clack as well (*waves to London ladies*). Then I came home and watched my taped coverage of Skate Canada. Woo hoo for Patrick Chan who managed to win it all!

Thanks for the Spam recaps. So glad to hear that Rick is back! And cool that Clay did stage door again. I love him. :wub:

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For example, the Twilight series. I know the upcoming movie is supposed to be only a telling of the first book, right? But even seeing the actors in trailors and posters....I'm kind of skeeved out by some of the casting choices. I think (just from the pictures) that the girl for the lead seems right on, but the guy they picked for Edward? No way---not from the images I created while reading the book.

MY Edward is so much more....

perfect. So....pretty. The actor--at least in the pix I've seen---doesn't do MY Edward justice. :tongue09:

Lol! I bet YOUR Edward has red hair... freckles... stands six-one... has gorgeous green eyes :flirtysmile3:... great cheekbones... a nose that defies description... and big feet!

*says the person who hasn't read the Twilight books and was in the process of being born in 1990*

Hey, I'm confused, what's all this about Clay calling Parker 'the kid' or whatever? :shrug:

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it's old news Clazy.... some scabs don't need to be picked. How's that for a metaphor :cryingwlaughter:better go to the dictionary and look up metaphor quick..no I'll let someone else correct me = ok it's not a metaphor ..sue me :cryingwlaughter:

Why am I watching apocalyto... jesus it makes my stomach turn... Actually my mom is watching it and I'm too lazy to get up and take my laptop to another room.

If ya'll keep talking about twilight, I might have to read it. Read...hmmm I'm familiar with that activity.

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