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#45: He Owns Us...


Thread Title Poll  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Avoid the crazy, enjoy the good, and chill.
    • How come I didn't notice before that he is so cute? Why didn't someone tell me?
    • Clay was a revelation, like fire and music
    • OMG...is this guy CUTE or WHAT?!?!?!?
    • Clay didn't just come out, he kicked down the door.
    • I think Clay Aiken is pretty special
    • Clay Aiken: High Priest of Hotness
    • Dear God: You do good work.
    • The man is priceless!
    • Clay really is a treasure.
    • Adorable times two!

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On days like this, how come I never answer a knock at the door, only to find a CUTE bundled up boy on my front porch, offering to shovel my drive? I can't understand why that doesn't ever happen... :noidea:

Is that what they're calling it nowadays? :clay:



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I guess the term "pure as the driven snow" would in no way ever describe you guys!!!

Hee! We just had our office party and the catered lunch include Aioli! When the one guy said what is that I piped up with "Oh it's a delicious garlic mayonnaise".

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I guess the term "pure as the driven snow" would in no way ever describe you guys!!!

Hee! We just had our office party and the catered lunch include Aioli! When the one guy said what is that I piped up with "Oh it's a delicious garlic mayonnaise".

merrieeee.... BWAH!!! :cryingwlaughter: It's so educational to be a Clay Aiken fan! :cryingwlaughter:

muski... thanks for the news about Clay being pregnant. I mighta missed it... NOT!!! :hysterical: Being as creative as you are, I imagine the big belly won't really get in the way for you at all... :hysterical:

That dog in the snow video was hysterical! That dog must have been related to the energizer bunny!!!

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Why I didn't even attempt to go to work today...our road runs along beside the trees in the background.


One of the girls at work made these, hubby and I are both in Grinch-mode this Christmas, so I had to buy this...the base is made from those glass shower tiles and has a string of lights in it...too cute!


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Great news about both annamomma and couchiemomma!

Belated congrats to all the birthday girls and for everyone's family achievements, including smitten's upcoming move. You'll have great company in California.

cindilu2 - What a gorgeous banner! :thankyou:

Claymatron - That centrepiece is a cute as you said it was! Yes, I finally made it home - good old Toronto is getting just as blasted as the rest of the province today.

Our municipal offices closed at two, but of course our commuter trains were late and they let as many people crowd on as possible, since so many offices where closing early. I finally got home before 3:30 and my dear daughter was almost finished the first round of shovelling at the front of our house. It's my turn next, but I'm waiting until the snow stops, even if the wind is blasting and it's freezing out there. :snowing2:

On topic? Think I'll watch the Ka'zoo concert from last year, while DD's friends hang out with her tonight.

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I don't fucking believe this....I just had a crown fall out! I swear hubby is going to start thinking I am having an affair with our dentist I have been there so much in the past 2 months. Looks like I will be spending my Saturday with him instead of WFI!


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I don't fucking believe this....I just had a crown fall out! I swear hubby is going to start thinking I am having an affair with our dentist I have been there so much in the past 2 months. Looks like I will be spending my Saturday with him instead of WFI!


aikim... I had that happen once. It took all of 15 minutes to x-ray it and then when it was found all was well, to glue it back on. I've had no trouble since. Good luck!

Are you???? :cryingwlaughter:

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I don't fucking believe this....I just had a crown fall out! I swear hubby is going to start thinking I am having an affair with our dentist I have been there so much in the past 2 months. Looks like I will be spending my Saturday with him instead of WFI!


aikim... I had that happen once. It took all of 15 minutes to x-ray it and then when it was found all was well, to glue it back on. I've had no trouble since. Good luck!

Are you???? :cryingwlaughter:

Yep! I hope it is that easy!


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I don't fucking believe this....I just had a crown fall out! I swear hubby is going to start thinking I am having an affair with our dentist I have been there so much in the past 2 months. Looks like I will be spending my Saturday with him instead of WFI!


aikim... I had that happen once. It took all of 15 minutes to x-ray it and then when it was found all was well, to glue it back on. I've had no trouble since. Good luck!

Me too! The second time it happened with the same tooth, he used Crazy Glue :hysterical: No problem since!

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Good Evening and Happy Weekend, FCA!

Couch Tomato, sending hugs and good vibes for you and your mother. :friends:

I sent that to my daughter this week, and my grandson (all of 15 months) is having a blast with it. :lol:

Awesome banner, cindilu2! I love that picture by Cloopy, and your treatment is extra special. :clap:

Y'all check out the Carolina blog. You will get to hear Clay sing the MCWL greeting ... and see some snowflakes, too. This has been recital week, and I gave the students top billing. Scarlett, I wish you had been here to capture a certain piece of clack. There's plenty of Clay stuff, too. The snowflakes are new as of about 30 minutes ago, and the MCWL is in the previous blog. Guess that means Clay will be singing all the way down the page! :lol:

Have a great weekend, all, and stay safe! :BlowKiss:

Caro listen.gif

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A co-worker sent this to me today. Reminded me of those of you battling the snow right now and plus I love animals and its so cute to see this dog enjoying himself so much!!!


That's tooooo funny! I'll be sending that link to several people. Thanks for sharing it!

Is that what they're calling it nowadays?


He can call it any damned thing he wants to! :hubbahubba:

Heh. We have neighborhood boys offering to shovel our driveway and walks when it snows really hard, but they are 12-14 year olds. Not exactly the kind of cute boys I'd be interested in!

We've had a little bit of snow this year, but not all that much yet. We usually get a lot more snow, including bad blizzards, in the first three to four months of the year.

Stay warm and safe, all of you battling the cold and snow!

I don't fucking believe this....I just had a crown fall out! I swear hubby is going to start thinking I am having an affair with our dentist I have been there so much in the past 2 months. Looks like I will be spending my Saturday with him instead of WFI!


Aw, kim, I'm sorry! I hope it's an easy fix for you.

Caro, sounds like you had quite the recital! I wish I could have been there.

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My husband went and did ski patrol so after he left I put in my dvd of the Kalamazoo concert. I really miss that voice. It just brings me back to being there, and the fun I had. I want a concert so bad.

It stopped snowing but it is really windy. I do have ski patrol tomorrow and it is going to be really cold. I love skiing but hate being cold.

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70+ here too, but no complaints. We had a strong wind, so I took my walk in long sleeves and long pants. I've had enough snow to last me a lifetime!! I do not miss shoveling and cleaning off the car, and all the scary stuff that goes with trying to drive in it. I prefer snow down here, if we have it, because everyone who's smart just stays home til it melts.

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It's just so bizarre reading about how cold it is your end when I am absolutely sweltering in this heat Down Under. Apparently some elderly people go to the Mall just to sit in air-conditioning...

Wish I could get some of your snow to spread on my garden and have it melt and water my trees!

UK X-Factor fans were listing their all-time favorite contestants and several mentioned Rowetta, so I just had to do a search and she was unbelievable. See Simon's reaction to her boot-camp clip of Over The Rainbow. She is quite eccentric but her talent is undeniable. She came 4th (top female) in the finals. She sounds like a cross between Shirley Bassey and Dusty Springfield, effortlessly producing the most amazing vocals. I cannot find a full-version of her Over The Rainbow, but oh how'd I love to get it!

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, to keep you company in the (US) wee hours, here's a Youtube for ya:

WOW jmh123 that is incredible! Not just that he eats broccoli but that he possessively holds on to it with "both hands" while eating it!!! I know some people who will love this video! Thanks for posting!


HALLELUJAH for Leonard Cohen.... but looks like Jeff Buckley's fans aren't at all happy about the X-Factor single's imminent rise to #1.


And second place is almost within the posthumous grasp of Jeff Buckley. The American singer-songwriter, who drowned in 1997, recorded what some believe to be the definitive version of Cohen's Old Testament-informed love song for his 1994 album Grace.

Such is the awe in which Buckley's cover is held that horrified fans from all over the world embarked on a campaign to get it to No 1 as soon as it emerged that Hallelujah would be released as a single by the X Factor winner.



The double honour, albeit one shared by Buckley and Burke, would crown a triumphant year for Cohen, which saw him forced into his first tour in 15 years after his former business manager allegedly misappropriated the millions that he had put aside as his retirement fund.


The lucrative royalties is one reason I wish Clay would write songs. Besides the fact that it would make Claynation very happy and boost his already impressive credentials, it would also mean added padding to his financial security and put him in a powerful position, i.e. in a position where he can pick and choose exactly what he wants to do, including devoting his time to the causes close to his heart.

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