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#51: You go on with your bad self, Mr. Aiken

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62 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA

    • Clay is stil around, getting bigger balls, better hair, and broader shoulders.
    • "He doesn't need the spotlight. He just glows."
    • Simon Says: Shut Up And Sing 2 (Learning to keep mah foot outta mah mouth)
    • Clay Aiken: Just like Timex...takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'

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Happy Memorial Day one and all!

From getclayaiken:

Another person posted this yesterday on some random Raleigh forum:

Yesterday, 06:55 PM

Late this afternoon I fell into an enormous pothole while making a turn off one of the local highways. Unfortunately it blew out my front tire. As I slowly inched the car onto the shoulder with my emergency signals on, another car was following me slowly. It pulled in front of me once I stopped, then got back on the road, drove to a spot it could turn around and came back. We didn't pay much attention and just got on the phone to AAA. To my surprise the car drove up next to us and down came it's window. The driver asked if we were okay and if we needed help. I told him what happened, saying we were already on the phone with AAA, and thanked him for stopping. He looked and sounded familiar and when I took off my sunglasses to get a better look I was pretty sure who I was talking to. I said, "Aren't you Clay?" He replied "yes" with a bit of a sigh in his voice. I thanked him again, telling him how nice it was of him to stop to see if we needed help. Yep, it was Clay Aiken folks!

When the tow truck guy came we were telling him the story and at first he thought we were pulling his leg, but then got really excited and said how cool it was. I'm still bummed about the tire and what the repair is going to cost, especially if I find out there's any damage to the rim or axle, but refreshed by the kindness of this local celebrity! Pretty nice of Clay to offer his help when most ordinary people would just drive on by, wouldn't you say?

Thanks, Clay, for being such a good guy!

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So do ya think there's enough for a new book NOW, Clay? LOL

What shall you call it? Sooo many possibilities :wordpooper:


Simon Say's: Shut Up and Sing 2

(Learning to keep my foot outta mah mouth)

:whistling-1: I LOVE Clay Aiken and hope you know I'd buy the reqesite 10 copies baby!!


That's entirely too funny...I gotta steal that. Whomever is in charge of Thread titles...

Simon Says: Shut Up And Sing 2 (Learning to keep mah foot outta mah mouth)

I saw all of the emote talk and I have NO idea how I ended up with my own emote here (presumably Cindilu "appropriated" it, lol?

I have my own emote at RHT, The Shed and NNHB and here, lol.

:canfly: is pretty distinctive.

That reminds me...I've been meaning to post a picture of my airplane. I took this on the way to the last Toronto cluncheon.

I own 1/10th of it and don't ask which 10th because that joke is really old, lol. I bought my share of the plane in 1998 for $2,500, when it had faded out old paint and fugly 70s mustard yellow interior and an over-timed engine. It now has a new engine, new burgundy interior with lettering rubbed on by hand...letter by letter by yours truly over the course of a summer and nice shiny paint job. Luckily costs are split 10 ways, lol.


While I'm in this PB folder, here's my new Mustang...2008...and my cat...and a squirrel's nest in the engine of my old Yukon, lol.






canfly, you are welcome to steal words anytime :BlowKiss:

Wow you got a new car?! She's a beauty!!! My mom always wanted (still does) a red Mustang. I'm happy for ya but I shall miss your colorful stories of Clay roadtrips in your former deathtrap older vehicle :cryingwlaughter: I'll keep my fingers crossed that "someone" tours s00n so you can put it to good use.

LOVE the Good Samaritan Clay sighting from Raleigh too!!

That Clay Aiken fella is quite a man :Thud:

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Just because it's pretty...


Oh my....

Happy Memorial Day one and all!

From getclayaiken:

Another person posted this yesterday on some random Raleigh forum:

Yesterday, 06:55 PM

Late this afternoon I fell into an enormous pothole while making a turn off one of the local highways. Unfortunately it blew out my front tire. As I slowly inched the car onto the shoulder with my emergency signals on, another car was following me slowly. It pulled in front of me once I stopped, then got back on the road, drove to a spot it could turn around and came back. We didn't pay much attention and just got on the phone to AAA. To my surprise the car drove up next to us and down came it's window. The driver asked if we were okay and if we needed help. I told him what happened, saying we were already on the phone with AAA, and thanked him for stopping. He looked and sounded familiar and when I took off my sunglasses to get a better look I was pretty sure who I was talking to. I said, "Aren't you Clay?" He replied "yes" with a bit of a sigh in his voice. I thanked him again, telling him how nice it was of him to stop to see if we needed help. Yep, it was Clay Aiken folks!

When the tow truck guy came we were telling him the story and at first he thought we were pulling his leg, but then got really excited and said how cool it was. I'm still bummed about the tire and what the repair is going to cost, especially if I find out there's any damage to the rim or axle, but refreshed by the kindness of this local celebrity! Pretty nice of Clay to offer his help when most ordinary people would just drive on by, wouldn't you say?

Thanks, Clay, for being such a good guy!

I just love this! That is soooo... our Clay!

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That story just made my day! She's right... not everybody would have stopped, most especially someone who knew he might be recognized. He is a good man and being in the business he's in for 6 years has not slapped it out of him. :BlowKiss:

But... but... how can he be back from Paris already??? Is 4 days over already??? Well, if it's not true, it's a very nice lie! :cryingwlaughter:

Various and sundry Clays... S.W.O.O.N!!!






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Yelp! I picture I've never seen before? Where was this taken? Y-U-M.

Heheh, I think the gorgeousosity of this pic must've made your eyes go funny, 00lsee. Read the tag. :hahaha:

(CITH Dec/07 Red Bank)

I hope the 'when it's short I want it long/when it's long I want it short' hair connundrum means that he's gonna let it grow out again one of these days. Lurrrrrrrrrrrrve the long locks on him. :wub:

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Heheh, I think the gorgeousosity of this pic must've made your eyes go funny, 00lsee. Read the tag. :hahaha:

(CITH Dec/07 Red Bank)

When I saw the tag I thought Red Bank 2006 and was confused since that didn't look like the 2006 Christmas tour. Thanks for clarifying!

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treenuts and OOlsee, you two crack me up. I like when you two post here so that I can actually tell you that. I've read both of your posts at CH but can never comment.

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Hey Justclay!

Ya just now noticed me? My ego is bruised. And hey back. Missed it here but it has been a hectic couple of months. I'm almost done my fixing up my new place although there will be stuff crammed into a closet until I move again because I'm sick of trying to figure out where to put stuff. Once I get everything fixed and clean again, I will post pics of my new place. I painted and stuff, and by the way, painters don't get paid nearly enough. I like it, and it's bigger, and I have both my kids with me but my son has the entire bottom floor to himself so I don't have to kill him.

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treenuts and OOlsee, you two crack me up. I like when you two post here so that I can actually tell you that. I've read both of your posts at CH but can never comment.

'Hey' and also 'Yo'...Glad to see ya.


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treenuts and OOlsee, you two crack me up. I like when you two post here so that I can actually tell you that. I've read both of your posts at CH but can never comment.

Thanks for the kind words. Your $50 is in the mail ;)

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Geeze I have spent the last 3 hours reading phone reviews. I'm more confused than ever. What to do? What to do? Well at least the list is down to 6. The saddest part is that one of the phones that I want is too expensive so it's not on my list -- the same phone that my 9 year old nephew has. That's just ridiculous. He's got a rich auntie and it sure ain't me.

And...Clay has kept me company while I did it. Listened to Jukebox Atlantic City,night number 1.That was just such a fun show. Did y'all know that DLTSGDOM was a remake? :cryingwlaughter:

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Geeze I have spent the last 3 hours reading phone reviews. I'm more confused than ever. What to do? What to do? Well at least the list is down to 6. The saddest part is that one of the phones that I want is too expensive so it's not on my list -- the same phone that my 9 year old nephew has. That's just ridiculous. He's got a rich auntie and it sure ain't me.

And...Clay has kept me company while I did it. Listened to Jukebox Atlantic City,night number 1.

Let me know what you decided on phones. It is too confusing for me to figure out.

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Will do NCGurrl. The first hour was actually fun!

Has anyone ever bought a refurbished phone. I thought they were just old phones that people turned in after who knows how long but supposedly they are phones that were turned in within 30 days of purchase and they got the whole once over and were updated with all the latest stuff. So the more expensive phones become more affordable but they only let you have a 3 month warranty so that makes it all suspect in my book.

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I haven't gotten a refurbished phone (mainly because I'm a little bit of a phone whore - Man, I just freakin' LOVE my G1! Love it. It's like an iPhone without the stuff I hate [like dropped calls]) - but in general I've been fortunate in refurbished equipment. I would get the most recent thing possible though.

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Good Morning Everyone,

143 Days until The BAF Gala! :yahoo:

Everyone have a great day!


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You know I was thinking...dangerous I know. Clay is like that pesky favourite nephew. You know the one. The one that is so lovable, looks at you with those adorable eyes, says all the right things but always seems to get into a heap of trouble.

He is the cutest and you can forgive him anything but some times you just want to shake him and say what were you thinking?

He is like a trouble magnet! Even if he doesn't do anything he still can get blamed and when he does actually do it he looks at you with those puppy dog eyes and your heart just melts.

Oh well back to work....at least it is a short week! My DH is home for the week and he's painting our bedroom. Oh boy!

Oh yeah I almost forgot.......I still love Clay Aiken

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