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#53: God, I love that man. He rocks my socks.


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67 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA

    • I've never liked anything as much as I like Clay Aiken.
    • Is it "yet" yet?
    • How do you compare wonderful to awesome?
    • Clay is like a box of chocolates? (with a pickle on the side)
    • He's gonna look hot for decades.
    • I don't care what he sings. I just want a concert.
    • I love when he's in the mood!

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bottle... I LOVED the flower garden pics. Especially the dragonfly, which I love!!! My BFF has a thing for butterflys. For me, it is dragonflys. They are just sooo totally cool! Thanks!

clayz... ouch! My DD is dreading when my DGS has to buy his books. It only cost $335 to register him and she expects the books to be more. That is totally ridiculous, in my book! heh!

I am now the proud owner of a new teal 2010 Corolla and at a payment I am happy with. It only took me 3 hours.

I test drove a Prius, but they are just not very comfortable to sit in and when you drive the SoCal freeways, you sit a lot. :cryingwlaughter: Boy, they sure are quiet, tho.

I can't wait for it to be delivered. Wed or Thurs they said. The hardest part is that I cannot use cruise control for the first 1000 miles. I wonder if a post-it will stick to the dashboard... LOL

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I am now the proud owner of a new teal 2010 Corolla and at a payment I am happy with. It only took me 3 hours.

I test drove a Prius, but they are just not very comfortable to sit in and when you drive the SoCal freeways, you sit a lot. :cryingwlaughter: Boy, they sure are quiet, tho.

I can't wait for it to be delivered. Wed or Thurs they said. The hardest part is that I cannot use cruise control for the first 1000 miles. I wonder if a post-it will stick to the dashboard... LOL

On what LA freeway do you drive that cruise control is feasible?

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Congrats, liney on your new Corolla. We have a 2 year old Prius we bought because of the comfort. Mr. Fear has long legs and that was one of the few cars where he can sit in the back seat. He does complain about the milage all the time, it's never good enough. I'm guessing our next car will have to be electric as it has infinite gas milage. :tongue09:

Here's hoping we get some tidbits of Clay news next week. :rainbowsmile:

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90 Days until The BAF Gala!


Everyone have a great day!


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It may not be relevant to Clay whereabouts, but you never know. According to Reed's facebook (per elaineforclay), Reed is now back in NYC from wherever he was before. (Not-NYC, presumably Europe somewhere.) Take that for what it's worth.

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Did ya miss me? I see nuthin' happened while I was gone. :cryingwlaughter:

I took son #2 to see the John Cleese "Britcom" gala last night, part of the Just For Laughs festival at Massey Hall in Toronto. John opened the show with a sketch about his most recent divorce, which he says is costing him $20,000,000 dollars. He then went on to mention who he could have married how many times for that amount of money....there were quite a few, including Loni Anderson 3 and a quarter times, IIRC. Someone from Hamilton (showed a hideous picture) about 250 times. Then he said he was taking donations to his cause, or would do requests for money. There was a small Spamalot mention when he opined that Eric Idle was a cheap bastard. :hysterical: He teased us with mentions of the Parrot sketch and the Ministry of Silly Walks, but the sketch involved only people wanting to beat him up for their miniscule donations. His "aunt" even tazered him on the stage. Even at his age, he can do some great physical comedy. In the end, he did a Bachelor sketch with 3 women, none of whom would sign his pre-nup agreement, so he took a volunteer from the audience, 'married' her on stage, only to find out her name was Leo, not Lia as the 'minister' misread. He married him anyways, complete with a kiss, because he felt that at least child support would not be an issue. :cryingwlaughter:

There were about 6 other British comedians as well to round out the bill. Son #2 really enjoyed it. It was a fun night.

Anyone want to start a contest to guess when Clay will make his next big announcement? I vote for August 13th, and I think it'll be a Christmas concert or play or something to that effect. :lilredani:

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Anyone want to start a contest to guess when Clay will make his next big announcement? I vote for August 13th, and I think it'll be a Christmas concert or play or something to that effect. :lilredani:

Glad you and #2 ( :lol: ) had fun! I love John Cleese.

My vote goes to July 21st.....and it'll be BAF's new name. :hysterical:

My vote also goes to fans stepping away from Reed's Facebook, but that's probably just me.

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Hello, FCA! :hello:

The new Carolina On My Mind blog honors the legacy of memories of xxx4clay with art by Ashes, AmazingCA, and Aspiegirl. I hope those who knew Susan will share some of your experiences in the comments.


Clickable graphic by Ashes,

photo by xxx4clay

I forgot to tell Ashes I was writing a blog when she sent me the graphic last night, so you may have already seen the lead picture, which really is beautiful. :wub:

I'm off to transfer the blog to the OFC. Have an awesome day! :friends:

Caro listen.gif

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Thank you for that great Tribute. I never met xxx4Clay but she sounded like a terrific person. I have downloaded some of her video and it was wonderful.

It was a beutiful morning here but the afternoon has become cloudy and raining of and on. We were able to ride 50 miles yesterday in a one day organized ride that had about 500 people riding. Today I was lazy, we rode this am to our sons house to see me grandson who will be 4 months shortly, and now weighs 18#'s then just rode back home. So we only did 26 miles today. I needed to get some work done. Most of my house and laundry is finished and we about to sit down and watch a movie.

Clay where are you? I need just a HI.

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Technical cry for help!

I have an HP Compaq 6710b laptop - I have an extra monitor attached, thank goodness, because the laptop screen goes black, I can get it to work if I jiggle the microswitch thingy that gets pushed in when the laptop is closed. Jiggling that thingy makes the screen come on for about 5 seconds. And now I need to keep the laptop closed all the time, and work on the extra monitor.

Anyone have experience with this problem????

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I've had a quiet day...did pretty much nothing all day, it was fabulous! I could get into this having-weekends-off thing! Played on the computer....worked on my jewelry for the Gala...read most of Janet Evanovich's Fearless Fourteen and laughedmy butt off....and watched this little visitor in the backyard. We see lots of little ani-mules, but I've never seen this guy before. He's teeny! Maybe 8" long and 6" tall, including ears! He loves the clover in the lawn! :)




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Aw, how cute! I don't get to see much cute wildlife in our yard seeing as we have two mid-size dogs that like to chase the cute wildlife away. :(

ETA: I was going through my photobucket album and found this! clay10x10-43.png?t=1248054188 He looks a touch like Seth Green there, IMO.

Oi, and has anyone ever seen The Bishop's Wife with Cary Grant and David Niven? It was on TV today... Odd timing. Clay content? Um... I'd like to see him in a black-and-white movie? :lol:

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There actually is a Clay connection, clayzy. "The Bishop's Wife" was re-made as "The Preacher's Wife" with Whitney Houston. Whitney sang "Who Would Imagine a King" on the movie's soundtrack. Angela sang "Who Would Imagine a King" during Clay's Christmas concerts in 2007.

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Stealing the idea shamelessly from FCA we are going to have a listening party for ATDW on CV tomorrow evening. Something to do in this slow time. Here are the details:

Welcome to the A Thousand Different Ways Listening Party thread!

Who: If you like talking about Clay's music and would enjoy a discussion about each of the ATDW songs.

What: The songs from ATDW including the two bonus tracks.

When: Monday, July 20th, 9:30 PM EST

First 7 songs including a bonus track (will announce as soon as we choose which one!)

Monday, July 27th, 9:30 PM EST Remaining 7 songs including the second bonus tracks.

Where: Clay Matters thread

Why: Several weeks ago, Lakelady suggested that we might revisit ATDW which was met with disappointment by some fans when it first came out because of the covers. We didn't remember too much discussion about the individual songs and so thought it might be fun to listen and comment on each song, nearly three years after its release.

How: At approximately 9:30 EST, the moderator for the party (me on 7/20 and lakelady on 7/27 will instruct those attending to listen to the first song, Right Here Waiting. You will need to access the song whether it is on a cd, hard drive, mp3 player, or a youtube with the cd version available. We will try to find some links to youtubes using gthe cd version of the song. After about ten minutes, we will move on to the next song, Lonely No More, etc

Hope you can join us!

I so enjoyed our listening party here at FCA for OMWH. I am assuming you did one for ATDW here at FCA. I joined FCA in 2007 so I missed it if you did one.

If you care to join us, I would love to see you.

Luckiest, I am guessing we will here something on August 4th. What it will be about I have no idea.

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since i am going on vacation August 1 that will be my guess :)

for all David Cassidy fans he will be co-starring on a new ABC show



I went to Jackson Browne in concert this week. I got really lost in his music and although I am not a big fan of covers in general I think I would like to hear Clay sing some of the songs Jackson wrote (since both of them seem to really be about the lyrics)

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I think it's wonderful that CV is doing that. I love listening parties. LadyJ just mentioned coming up with a fun thing to do. I think we have one idea that will take a week or so to pull together but everyone should feel free to mention others.

I slept away most of today after my very hectic and stressful week. It felt great!!

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I haven't been here in so long...I wouldn't be surprised if no one even remembered me. Well, I know at least 2 of you do...FromClagary

and Annabear. I do read here often even though I don't have much time to post. You guys CMSU!

I thought I was going to be able to go to the Gala, but alas it's not to be...too many car repairs. Hoping for next year!

FC, you're not alone in your Facebook opinion.

My condolences to all those who knew xxx4clay. I never met her, but I know there are many who loved her.

Just thought I'd pop in to say hi...I'll try to be better at stopping by. :hello:

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I am now the proud owner of a new teal 2010 Corolla and at a payment I am happy with. It only took me 3 hours.

I test drove a Prius, but they are just not very comfortable to sit in and when you drive the SoCal freeways, you sit a lot. :cryingwlaughter: Boy, they sure are quiet, tho.

I can't wait for it to be delivered. Wed or Thurs they said. The hardest part is that I cannot use cruise control for the first 1000 miles. I wonder if a post-it will stick to the dashboard... LOL

On what LA freeway do you drive that cruise control is feasible?

ncgurrl... it's all in the timing. I drove from OC to El Monte (405 to 605 to 10) yesterday around 3:30pm and used cruise control about half the trip. More on the way back, cause it was 8:30 at night. Today I drove the 405 to 110 SB to my DD's and used cruise control about 2/3rds of the time both ways. I try to time my drives so that I can get up to 70mph and can use it.

Even with good timing and cruise control, everyone I visit except my oldest DD lives 45 minutes or more of freeway driving away, so I have to have a comfortable car with a cd player that plays that Clay Aiken cutesingerman. :cryingwlaughter:

bottle... wow... I'm impressed. Kevin Bacon has nothing on Clay for 6 degrees of separation. :cryingwlaughter:

tijala... :welcome22: glad to see you drop in and visit. Sorry about the car repairs.

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There actually is a Clay connection, clayzy. "The Bishop's Wife" was re-made as "The Preacher's Wife" with Whitney Houston. Whitney sang "Who Would Imagine a King" on the movie's soundtrack. Angela sang "Who Would Imagine a King" during Clay's Christmas concerts in 2007.

BWAH... we should all test bottle...let's see you get 6 degree from clay with ...let's see Harvey Keitel. (I'm watching Finding Graceland) :cryingwlaughter:

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There actually is a Clay connection, clayzy. "The Bishop's Wife" was re-made as "The Preacher's Wife" with Whitney Houston. Whitney sang "Who Would Imagine a King" on the movie's soundtrack. Angela sang "Who Would Imagine a King" during Clay's Christmas concerts in 2007.

:laugh2: Well, I've been duly shown! The things you learn!

That reminds me, I'm supposed to cull out the top 3 WWIAKs for the FCA recs... I might not be able to do it until I get my computer back, though.

Six degrees of Clay Aiken? I know I couldn't do that. I'm definitely not well-versed enough in the world of Clay to get from him to Harvey Keitel. Good luck, bottlecap! :lol:

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Tijala!!! :thbighug-1: So good to "see" you! How ARE things out there in the Wild West??

Ahhh, I'm sorry to hear your Gala plans have been side-swiped by the car repairs....since I bought my Hyundai I don't worry so much about that any more (knock on wood) but I remember the years well of just getting a few dollars ahead.....and then the ominous noises start. :( Crap.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhh, Couchie, I LUV surprises! No brilliant thoughts at 4 AM...but bring it on! I'm home for about a week, so if you need some help, just holler.

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First day of vacation and I am up at 6:00....guess my body clock didn't get the message! A little overcast right now, but hoping the sun will peek out later. Hubby will be spending the morning putting a new radiator in my daughter's car...right now it is parked at the Walgreen's up the street where she landed when it started acting up and she pulled in to discover all her coolant pouring out of the car. So glad hubby knows how to fix these things...saves us a lot of money.

Yesterday he pulled off the paneling in the corner next to our new closet where we are making a computer nook...that is what he will be working on this week.

89 Days until The BAF Gala!


Everyone have a great day!


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