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#22: Which brings us to Clay Aiken, as most good conversations should


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  1. 1. What should be our next poll title???

    • Lordy. He is one more hunkalicious dude!
    • Brown hair and red hair and blonde hair, OH MY!
    • Is He Harboring Weapons of Mass Seduction?
    • "God help us with the dancing part."
    • I love the new hair, and the hair from last week, and the hair from next week.
    • I can pretend he's the little Shetland pony I wanted to play with as a child.
    • He is a man of many parts and all of them can park on my couch anytime!!!
    • When I pushed the Clay button, his voice pushed all of mine.

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What I definitely do not want is to see the entire system upset over Spamalot. But I agree with you on your other points you raised. Maybe we just go back to the innocent times when the Clayboard reports were all we got. Those used to be fun. I still remember how I felt getting the reports from IT. So I look forward to the reports if that's all we get.

Ah, a return to innocence. Born-again virgins who eschew any Spamalot-tinged clack. A virtual Spamalot chastity belt where a thousand words must take the place of one picture? Can brazen hussies :17f71c4d: return to a life of purity? :25:

Regarding Spamalot, Clay said exactly what needed to be said and the only thing he could say.

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Maybe he just doesn't have the same taste we do? Doesn't mean his taste is any better or worse - just different.

Well, taht would bew fine if he was talking about fine dining - oh,that is what he usually does- now seriously - it would be fine to say it is taste, but he said Clay sang quietly and similarly on almost every song, and, well, he didn't. He either didn't listen had had an MP3 player on or he just forgot - like it wasn't his job or anything.

he also gave a rave review of Elliott recently. Which could be taste, except Elliott doen't talk al lot in his shows and doesn't move around very much and has no set. So, basically, Clay is held to a higher standard. Why are some things taht are acceptable for otehrs (Daughtry on his box and Elliott standing still) not discussed as an issue in their concerts, yet it is described as Clay just throwing anything out there in his? A good reviewer is consistant in their standards, even if they do have some bias. Sorry, this guy is not a good reviewer and I have just as much a right to have that opinion as someone does to like him whithout feeling accused of picking my reviewers only because they use flattery. Sean's blog is a fan blog and I recognize that and have not discussed his review.

Off to bed to pick up my sister, maybe I will find my 3.5 foot lipstick red laundry basket when she gets here.

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Cute pic, CG! Do you happen to remember which song he was singing when you took it?

Looks like Jingle Bells when the girls do the loud 'way' or 'hey.'

Heee, Thankful, you must be watching more than a little bit of the Jazzy Medley clack!

Anyway, wish me luck..interview tomorrow. I really really want it..but it will be very competitive.

Good luck, Couchie!

I've just realized that I haven't posted this picture lately:


and I really, really like this picture. :hubbahubba:

Oh, yes, you like the raised arm, and the profile of his face, right? :21: :cryingwlaughter:

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I love good reviews....and I don't care if they are written by some ancient half-blind demented escapee from a top-security correctional institution. I like what makes me feel good. And I consider all bad reviewers tin-eared assholes.

So shoot me.

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Maybe he just doesn't have the same taste we do? Doesn't mean his taste is any better or worse - just different.

Well, taht would bew fine if he was talking about fine dining - oh,that is what he usually does- now seriously - it would be fine to say it is taste, but he said Clay sang quietly and similarly on almost every song, and, well, he didn't. He either didn't listen had had an MP3 palyer on ro he just forgot - like it wasn't his job or anything.

he also gave a rave review of Elliott recently. Which could be taste, excpet Elliott doen't talk al lot in his shows and doesn't move around very much and has no set. So, basically, Clay is held to a higher standard. Why are some things taht are acceptable for otehrs (Daughtry on his box and Elliott standing still) not discussed as an issue in their concerts, yet it is described as Clay just throwing anything out there in his? A good reviewer is consistant in their standards, even if they do have some bias. Sorry, this guy is not a good reviewer and I have just as much a right to have that opinion as someone does to like him whithout feeling accused of picking my reviewers only because they use flattery. Sean's blog is a fan blog and I recognize that and have not discussed his review.

Off to bed to pick up my sister, maybe I will find my 3.5 foot lipstick red laundry basket when she gets here.

Play, you still haven't found that laundry basket??

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I love good reviews....and I don't care if they are written by some ancient half-blind demented escapee from a top-security correctional institution. I like what makes me feel good. And I consider all bad reviewers tin-eared assholes.

So shoot me.

I'm PWing tonight, but god I love this, wanda, and to be honest I think this is me too!!

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Oh, yes, you like the raised arm, and the profile of his face, right?

Gibby! Don't be silly....of course not! I like that protuberance in front...

you know the one I'm talkin' 'bout..... :whistling-1:

that cute little tummy.... :DoClay:

Protuberance??????? What's that?? Where is it?? Spell it out for me, please, Muski! :hubbahubba::cryingwlaughter:

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Cindi I meant to tell you...love those wallpaper and thanks soooo much for the Christmas Banner. I was actually thinking of doins something similar...blue with snowflakes, you read my mind, hee...Will put your banner up next week...

anymore Christmas banners??? we can go up to January with them...

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Oh, yes, you like the raised arm, and the profile of his face, right?

Gibby! Don't be silly....of course not! I like that protuberance in front...

you know the one I'm talkin' 'bout..... :whistling-1:

that cute little tummy.... :DoClay:

Protuberance??????? What's that?? Where is it?? Spell it out for me, please, Muski! :hubbahubba::cryingwlaughter:

Hmmm....perhaps Clay's tunic will blow askew during a Sir Robin stage moment and your education will happen without words.... :cryingwlaughter:

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I love good reviews....and I don't care if they are written by some ancient half-blind demented escapee from a top-security correctional institution. I like what makes me feel good. And I consider all bad reviewers tin-eared assholes.

So shoot me.


Hey Play usually when I lose my sunglasses they're on top of my head....

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Hey Play usually when I lose my sunglasses they're on top of my head....

Hee. Now I have this picture of a cute little reindeer w/a lipstick red laundry basket turned over it's cute little antlers.

Yeah I'm odd...so sue me. Couchie gives away pretend private Clay shows when she wins at Spider Solitare. So there.



am I supposed to stifle the EEEEEE!!!11!!s? or am I actually supposed to change my mind?

Good question. I know that I will be doing neither. *g*


How'd it get to be Monday again? :cry4:

eta...gadz I can not spell. Sorry.

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I love good reviews....and I don't care if they are written by some ancient half-blind demented escapee from a top-security correctional institution. I like what makes me feel good. And I consider all bad reviewers tin-eared assholes.

So shoot me.

:cryingwlaughter::clap: I think I love you!

Just not sure why I should read or care about negative stuff when i feel positive - am I supposed to stifle the EEEEEE!!!11!!s? or am I actually supposed to change my mind?


I don't know, it's pretty cut and dried for me. I have enough stress in my work life and family life to want to bring stress and tension into something that is SUPPOSED to be enjoyable, and a stress-reliever for me. I am happy with pretty much everything Clay has done on stage- maybe I'm lucky in that regard- but I ain't no sheep, or Little Mary Sunshine, shooting rainbows out of my ass. My preference where Clay is concerned- always- will be go where there is positive, and steer clear of the negative. Makes my life happier in the long run. Constant complaining tends to rub me the wrong way, anyway- and when it's about something that I have no control over, what's the point- except to blow off steam? Thankfully, I have people in my personal life I can do that with, which is much more effective for me than using a message board.

Guess that's why I lurk much more often than write.

Off to work- which sucks! Now THAT I can bitch about all day long!) :cryingwlaughter:

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I love good reviews....and I don't care if they are written by some ancient half-blind demented escapee from a top-security correctional institution. I like what makes me feel good. And I consider all bad reviewers tin-eared assholes.

So shoot me.

wandacleo, I think I love you! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

ETA: I swear I did NOT read laljeterfan's post before I wrote that. Great minds and all that....

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Good Morning Everyone!

12 Days until Christmas in Merrillville!

15 Days until The Skating Special Airs!

28 Days until The BAF Golf Outing!

39 Days until Clay is on Broadway!

Everyone have a great day!


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I love good reviews....and I don't care if they are written by some ancient half-blind demented escapee from a top-security correctional institution. I like what makes me feel good. And I consider all bad reviewers tin-eared assholes.

So shoot me.

wandacleo, I think I love you! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Me three!

I wonder why it is that great reviews are easily dismissed with 'oh, but he/she's a fan'. As far as I'm concerned, you should be a fan before start reviewing something. Or at least not hate it (as so many 'critics' seem predisposed to do with Clay). Do they send vegetarians to review Stan's House of Beef? And would you give credence to their opinion if they did? As far as this guy goes, perhaps he just read the first night 'reviews' of the fan boards and cribbed his opinions from there. *shrug* In my experience, the nastiest critics haven't said anything worse than I've read on his own fanboards. I guess the difference is, I expect it from them.

As far as Spamalot clack goes, for me it's as simple as this. If Clay asks us not to (directly, not through meet and greeters), then to do so, discreetly or not, it's tantamount to saying, screw you Clay. I do believe the true definition of 'Clack' is going to rear its head over this, and it ain't gonna be pretty.

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OK, just gotta join the love parade this morning, cuz this

I love good reviews....and I don't care if they are written by some ancient half-blind demented escapee from a top-security correctional institution. I like what makes me feel good. And I consider all bad reviewers tin-eared assholes.

So shoot me.

and this

I don't know, it's pretty cut and dried for me. I have enough stress in my work life and family life to want to bring stress and tension into something that is SUPPOSED to be enjoyable, and a stress-reliever for me. I am happy with pretty much everything Clay has done on stage- maybe I'm lucky in that regard- but I ain't no sheep, or Little Mary Sunshine, shooting rainbows out of my ass. My preference where Clay is concerned- always- will be go where there is positive, and steer clear of the negative. Makes my life happier in the long run. Constant complaining tends to rub me the wrong way, anyway- and when it's about something that I have no control over, what's the point- except to blow off steam? Thankfully, I have people in my personal life I can do that with, which is much more effective for me than using a message board.

put a big smile on my face this morning. :F_05BL17blowkiss: to both of you!

I went to bed last night when I could sense that things were going to go from bad to worse. I think my feelings on the Spamalot clack taking issue are quite simple. I will not participate in anything that Clay deems embarrassing or detrimental to him, or anything that he states is going to piss him off. To me, it usually comes down to an issue of respect, and this time is no exception. No, I can't control whether or not others take clack, vault clack, or distribute clack discreetly. Based on Clay's words, I have decided I will not participate in any of it. I hate back channel shit, so if that what this going to come down to, count me out. But I think that maybe, it's important to look at the big picture this time. Not just think "oh it can't hurt if I do it" because it's never only just you. It's you and whoever passed it to you and whoever you pass it on to. And eventually, it's gonna fall into the wrong hands and it will end up hurting Clay, IMO. So he's asked, and I've answered what feels right to me. I do hope that if he feels very strongly about this (as it sounds like he does), he makes a definitive statement, either on the OFC proper, or in a blog, so that no one is unclear about how he feels. Right now we are only going on a second hand report of a M&G. I hope we get more reports from that M&G too, just because everyone filters things differently.

ETA these quotes from the CH that are relevant to the Spam clack discussion.

From Donnamom's post concert M&G recap. Clay is quoted as saying

I am going to be hurt and embarrassed if people take pictures and video at Spamalot.

So to me, this about more than clack being put up on youtube or put in vaults or even shared discreetly. It's about cameras in the theatre. It's pretty black and white to me.

And this one from neverstopaiken:

.....it was also mentioned in our M&G but he said, "I will be furious." Then about 2 breaths later he said, "I will be embarrassed and furious."

As far as vaulting quietly, here's the thing, as I was saying to someone just a few minutes ago... the vaults (here, at CU and CV) exist because of Clay and/or his people haven't seen fit to slap us with a Cease & Desist order. So far he's played nice with us and I think that ignoring one of the few times he asks us not to vault something would be both disrespectful and very, very short-sighted in terms of the future of the vaults. IfyaknowwhatI'msayin'

I have to agree with this.

I had a ton more quotes saved to use in this post, but I think it's all been said already. So I'm ready to move on and get back to enjoying that sexy singer man. Any more fan recaps from last night? laljeterfan, I loved yours!

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I went to bed last night when I could sense that things were going to go from bad to worse. I think my feelings on the Spamalot clack taking issue are quite simple. I will not participate in anything that Clay deems embarrassing or detrimental to him, or anything that he states is going to piss him off. To me, it usually comes down to an issue of respect, and this time is no exception. No, I can't control whether or not others take clack, vault clack, or distribute clack discreetly. Based on Clay's words, I have decided I will not participate in any of it. I hate back channel shit, so if that what this going to come down to, count me out. But I think that maybe, it's important to look at the big picture this time. Not just think "oh it can't hurt if I do it" because it's never only just you. It's you and whoever passed it to you and whoever you pass it on to. And eventually, it's gonna fall into the wrong hands and it will end up hurting Clay, IMO. So he's asked, and I've answered what feels right to me. I do hope that if he feels very strongly about this (as it sounds like he does), he makes a definitive statement, either on the OFC proper, or in a blog, so that no one is unclear about how he feels. Right now we are only going on a second hand report of a M&G. I hope we get more reports from that M&G too, just because everyone filters things differently.

ETA these quotes from the CH that are relevant to the Spam clack discussion.

From Donnamom's post concert M&G recap. Clay is quoted as saying

I am going to be hurt and embarrassed if people take pictures and video at Spamalot.

So to me, this about more than clack being put up on youtube or put in vaults or even shared discreetly. It's about cameras in the theatre. It's pretty black and white to me.

And this one from neverstopaiken:

.....it was also mentioned in our M&G but he said, "I will be furious." Then about 2 breaths later he said, "I will be embarrassed and furious."

As far as vaulting quietly, here's the thing, as I was saying to someone just a few minutes ago... the vaults (here, at CU and CV) exist because of Clay and/or his people haven't seen fit to slap us with a Cease & Desist order. So far he's played nice with us and I think that ignoring one of the few times he asks us not to vault something would be both disrespectful and very, very short-sighted in terms of the future of the vaults. IfyaknowwhatI'msayin'

I have to agree with this.

I had a ton more quotes saved to use in this post, but I think it's all been said already. So I'm ready to move on and get back to enjoying that sexy singer man. Any more fan recaps from last night? laljeterfan, I loved yours!

I have the same opinion about Spamalot, or any Broadway recording. It's just not done, and I believe it would probably cause Clay embarrassment. I also hope he posts about it further on the OFC in some fashion. That said, I don't think it will stop people. I imagine some people will want to do it now more than ever. Some people just can't stand constraints being put on their actions.

I also think what GBB said makes perfect sense. If people think 4 months is a long time to go without Clack, I hope they think about what it would be like for the coming years...

btw, luckiest, where did you get that M&G quote from neverstopaiken? I'm not a CH member but I'd like to read the rest if it's public somewhere.

ETA...thanks luckiest... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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