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#27: Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!

Couch Tomato

What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly
    • He goes sweetly and deftly Medieval on Broadway.
    • What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.
    • Good Lord, is that man cute.
    • Sir Aiken - a triumph in SPAMalot!
    • He's a triumph in the show.
    • The man's a joy magnet!
    • Reach into that golden grab bag!
    • His smile just lights up everything.

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All I can say about the ET and Insider picture: If they insist on giving us full frontal, they should at LEAST focus lower.

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I just don't like the song, Here, There & Everywhere...no matter who sang it. He shoulda sung "She Love You, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah." I like that one. Ask keepingfaith. I'm a heathen. I don't like Imagine either. Never have.

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((((Muski)))) Good vibes going your way.

I think the problem with the EW review...I think they are having a hard time to give Clay his due...hee. Cos really they are saying that he will probably succeed in Broadway...which is a very good thing indeed. Its just funny we need some decoder ring to see that they actually thought Clay was good...

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:F_05BL17blowkiss: to muskifest and your job unease. Layoffs are happening everywhere. If it does, you accept what you cannot change. And sometimes, these changes do work out for the best.

I thought the EW review of Clay was ......................tolerable. Faint praise is better than no praise and generally means the writer has an unspoken bias they don't want to acknowledge. I loved H,T, & E better than the original!

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I just don't like the song, Here, There & Everywhere...no matter who sang it. He shoulda sung "She Love You, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah." I like that one. Ask keepingfaith. I'm a heathen. I don't like Imagine either. Never have.

*makes sign of the cross at KAndre*

I would list both of those songs as probably within my top ten Beatle-related favourites of all time. She Loves You? Not so much. *g* And Clay's version of HT&E, horrid lighting aside, was glorious.

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am thrilled he is shaking down a new tour in New York in March (I think). That would be my perfect weekend, Spamalot and Eddie Izzard!

Ooo Ooo, djs111, would you be so kind as to post or PM me when you have/know more about this...pwetty pweese!! I LOVE Eddie and have since he appeared here in San Francisco many years ago. I am planning to be in NYC for Spam at the end of March and would be crazymad if I missed an opportunity see Mr. Izz-ard live. TIA :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Clay....new CD....I'll buy it whenever it comes out and I'll probably sleep with it, take it to dinner and pet it from time to time. (when DH is outta town on business that is) heh

(((((muski)))) sending good vibes your way!!

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Ooo Ooo, djs111, would you be so kind as to post or PM me when you have/know more about this...pwetty pweese!!

eddie izzard tix

He will be appearing at Union Square Theatre almost every night at 10:30 from Feb 21 through March 8. Tickets seem to be $135 and $165. Typically he does his shakedown for a tour in a theatre after whatever is playing there for the evening is through, that is why the 10:30 times. If I could go, I would!

I would like to hear Clay's take on Rocky Raccoon. I kinda got weary of the Beatles long long ago, but that song cracks me up, I love it!

eta - good grief! Orchestra tickets are $245 each!!!!!!! but they seem to be selling, they are not available for the first show at all, it looks like.

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Aww, {{{{Muski}}}}. Job woes SUCK. Sending positive vibes :F_05BL17blowkiss: your way.

And a whole lotta handsome, too....


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Muski, best strategy in that situation is a pre-emptive strike. Start putting out feelers now so that if the day comes, you can hit the ground running and you won't be in shock. Besides, you might just find something great.

I was blind-sided once and that was enough. Ever thereafter I always had something in reserve. Of course, I spent most of my career working on 3 to 5-yr. contracts. Certainly keeps one agile!

Good luck.

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from ellenpoppy at the CH...


March 3, 2008 - Tori Spelling on cover. Page 26 - "Scoop" page. "Dishing With Clay Aiken". Small but good interview, similar to online one, and it's getting the publicity out there about Spamalot AND the new CD!!!

Chicken picture from Spamalot, takes up bottom right 1/4 of page.

"Dishing With Clay Aiken"

The Idol singer, 29, is starring on Broadway in Monty Python's Spamalot. He chatted with Scoop about:

SPAMALOT: It's smart, intelligent and almost highbrow humor. The punch lines don't slap you in the face. But for someone who's not a dancer, it's kicking my rear end!

HIS NEW CD: We're hoping [to release it] May 6. In the past five years, I've learned a lot about life. I would like to wrap a lot of the music around that theme.

A NEW IMAGE: Last time I came out with dark crazy hair. We don't have any plans this time. But I've got the red wig...

AMERICAN IDOL: It's something I wouldn't be here without. But I haven't watched it in three years. I've got other things to do!

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All I can say about the ET and Insider picture: If they insist on giving us full frontal, they should at LEAST focus lower.

Wanda... :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: Naughtly girl!.... me, too!! I hates those Jenna Bush pictures... hates!!!

{{{{muski}}}}} Could your boss be testing you? Sending you vibes for a good outcome that pleases the heck out of you!!!

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I just don't like the song, Here, There & Everywhere...no matter who sang it. He shoulda sung "She Love You, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah." I like that one. Ask keepingfaith. I'm a heathen. I don't like Imagine either. Never have.

I know, I know, I know ....

but how do you feel about ....


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Muski Sending good thoughts your way!

The EW article didn't bother me at all...not all bad.

Loved that People blurb.

Oh, they changed the format at the OFCMB...I like it, but there is something hinky when you scroll...it scrolls too slow and jerky...enough to make you seasick.


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Oh, one of those they really worked on the lyrics, huh...

As far as I know, that's the first time I've ever heard it.

I think I might like it a tad bit better if I were, ahem, under the influence...

I'm pitiful...I'm now annoyed about Clay talking about the album...



I am also a tad bit impatient.

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TV Guide picked up the story, too, but used a rilly purty picture:

TV Guide album story

I've been having fun today figuring out the GPS feature on my pocket pc. It kept my daughter really amused as I drove her home from school and she watched our little blue dot make progress as we drove! Fortunately, I can turn the volume off if I'm sure of the directions so I don't have to listen to some annoying voice telling me to turn here, turn there, etc. etc! It's pretty amazing what can be put in a rather small little electronic device.

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I just don't like the song, Here, There & Everywhere...no matter who sang it. He shoulda sung "She Love You, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah." I like that one. Ask keepingfaith. I'm a heathen. I don't like Imagine either. Never have.

I know, I know, I know ....

but how do you feel about ....


Agh!!! I LOVE that song!... :cryingwlaughter: ...always have.

I'm not sure what that says about me, but :P

...going back to listen again, trying to imagine Clay singing that one next summer...Yeah. Ain't gonna happen.

(but I can have fun imagining Clay hitting that wailing high note)

muski...I'll be thinking good thoughts for you.

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Muski, best strategy in that situation is a pre-emptive strike. Start putting out feelers now so that if the day comes, you can hit the ground running and you won't be in shock. Besides, you might just find something great.

I was blind-sided once and that was enough. Ever thereafter I always had something in reserve. Of course, I spent most of my career working on 3 to 5-yr. contracts. Certainly keeps one agile!

Good luck.

Me, too. My assist. princ. tried to warn me by talking in circles and telling me to read between the lines. Sadly - I was too dense to get it! :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter:

Two weeks after that I was told they weren't renewing my contract.

See? Renewing my contract would have meant tenure.


The world is so full of nasty people with a knife ready for your back!

Don't turn your back on them!!!

Any more news from BF?

I've been busy in the craft room - lovingly called the CRAP room by DH!!

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Just a fly post here. I have a pair of Row A tickets in left Orchestra for tomorrow night if anyone is interested. Scarlett and I have made other arrangements. I can email the tickets or hand it to you in person before the show.

See couchie...that's THREE posts this year! :cryingwlaughter:

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Ooo Ooo, djs111, would you be so kind as to post or PM me when you have/know more about this...pwetty pweese!!

eddie izzard tix

He will be appearing at Union Square Theatre almost every night at 10:30 from Feb 21 through March 8. Tickets seem to be $135 and $165. Typically he does his shakedown for a tour in a theatre after whatever is playing there for the evening is through, that is why the 10:30 times. If I could go, I would!

eta - good grief! Orchestra tickets are $245 each!!!!!!! but they seem to be selling, they are not available for the first show at all, it looks like.

Ack! Oh well, thanks for the info djs111. Too bad, so sad....but I will miss this date by a long shot. My god, those are some pricey tickets too! Just as well :(

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:cryingwlaughter: Lawsey, some of you people CMSU!! Kandre, I'm laughing WITH you, honest to God!

anybody curious how he will incorporate the last five years into his songs. For some stupid reason I keep thinking of that song..I always feel like, somebody's watching me... what sort of themes do you think he will explore? It's fun to think about.

I think so too! Even though he's said he hasn't... :naughtywag: I know he lies....so I'm hoping MAYBE he's written another one or two.

I'm guessing something along the lines of:

-finding your niche in the big, cruel world?

-how to ignore the bullshit?

-coming home?

-staying on the happy side of life?

-learn to appreciate what you've got, not yearn for what you don't?

Sure hoping he finds some better titles than those, though! :)

I do wonder how Clay will incorporate the last five years into his songs, but past experience tells me that Clay is pretty... what's the word...... loose comes to mind, but that isn't it...... maybe elastic ....in his conceptualization of such things. I'd love to hear something truly reflective of his experience the way that I imagine it to be, but that might not match his experience. <snip> No matter. Whatever. Whenever. With whichever look. I'm ready. :clap:

Yeah. That.

Sorry to be post-hoing and totally off topic, but this (probably politically incorrect) Gyne-obstretrican answering machine is SO funny.

Anwering machine message

I LOVE funny and often, politically incorrect! But that's an article about Michael Buble, who may be both... :lilredani:

ETC: the spelling of Michael, since I own one and should know!

(((((muski))))) Sucks, don't it? Been there! My first hint was when I looked around the office and realized I was the only one who was NOT blonde with big boobs and 23 like all the rest of the people my (new) boss had replaced the rest of the staff with.

It's an oldie but true-ey....the best revenge is success! Been there too!

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clayandkimfan at CB just posted this in the Spamalot thread:


OMG!! My best friend Lindsey aka Hobbitkitty from CV called me and said she was interviewed by Linda Loveland!!! She said the interview should be shown tommrrow I think. Im so excited for her like it was me hehehe!! And we were able to go to opening weekend and we are now offically gonna be going to Clays closing weekend! I enjoyed the show so much and I cant wait to see it again!! Thanks so much to all who are posting pics and recaps! If I hadnt been able to see it for myself I can imagine how grateful I would be to be living this experience through u all. Congrats Lindsey girlie!! Cant wait to see clips of you "embarssing yourself" lol hey Iwish I had that chance to "embrass" myself for Clay lol. These past several months and the upcoming months with the pending new CD release is such a exciting time to be a Clay fan. Im so happy to share it with you all. Luv D

For those that don't know, Linda is a reporter for WRAL...this is going to air next Wednesday. She is there to watch the show tonight.


Report from Butterflyshine at the OFC:

Report from bfs:


bfs just called me...she happened to walk by the theatre and noticed that the Naval Academy Prep School from Rhode Island are there to see the show tonight..she said there is about 75 of them and they are all in uniform...she thought it was pretty cool and wanted me to post it

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