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#37: Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.

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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man just oooooooooozes awwwwwness.
    • He is so sexay when he's following his Passion!!!
    • He looks really, really, really good while exuding all that good stuff.
    • One hawt hunk of packin' perfection!
    • He's a man of character and integrity and talent.
    • Kurei Eikun? I LOVE that guy!
    • Sometimes Clay is just the sex, YKWIM??

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Watching the Food Network and they just had a crawl on the bottom of the screen that the new season of Paula's Party starts August 2...possibly Clay?


I've been keeping an eye on the Paula's Party page on foodnetwork.com, and nothing with Clay has been announced yet (although I haven't checked today. *g*) I'll keep on keeping on with the search, though.... ETA: just checked, and nothing yet...

Actually, I was watching Food Network today, and Emeril was on. I don't normally watch him (actually, he's one I usually turn OFF), but for some reason, I left it on this afternoon. And where did he go visit? Juniors. As in Junior's Cheesecake. Which reminded me of Spamalot and Clay.


aikim, sorry to hear about the....the....person.

:thbighug-1: IIRC you are a Library Director? She is about the 5th one we have had in the 12 years I have been there and probably the worst I have to work with...she did not start out being a librarian...she was actually a teacher believe it or not, just not very professional and her people skills are pretty non-existant...can't imagine her teaching children.


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Just so we can say last rites over couchie and the rest of the FCAers, I have taken all the mosaics and put them together on a webpage......... :dead-1:


Some of these made me gasp!!! He is so beautiful! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

cha cha They sure made me gasp...thanks for putting them all together.

luckiest1 I admire your fortitude in braving that crowd of fans.

I have just returned from a wonderful weekend sitting under a blue sky, in the park at Jericho Beach listening to a wonderfully diverse selection of musicians at the Vancouver Folk Music Festival.

Even tho' I was soo tired by the end of 2, 14 hour days of music I still had to check in at FCA each night. I am not feeling very articulate right now. My brain is so tired.

Being there hearing all that amazing music and those many beautiful voices helped put things into perspective for me. I think I am feeling a little easier about Clay and his career path. There is no sense in my worrying. The best thing is for me to enjoy whatever he brings us. Que sera, sera.

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Cha Cha It isn't that she didn't understand; she just will never, ever admit she is wrong!

Last week we had a staff meeting and she was upset because patrons were bringing in drinks other than bottled water...according to her the policy stated "clear liquids in sealed containers" which to her means bottled water. Except that is not what the policy stated and my boss, who just loves to point out when she is wrong...mentioned that the actual policy said "all liquids must be in sealed containers". Well; she disagreed with him and he offered to show her the policy manual and how it was written which caused her to yell at him "I know what it says, I wrote the policy!" as we were all squirming in our seats. Not one to let a challenge go by, my boss went and got the policy manual after the meeting and showed her what it said. She didn't say a word to him, but sent him an e-mail saying she was re-writing the policy. Needless to say, she does not like confrontation nor being showed up.


So, if she rewrites it and makes is sealed clear liquid, are you all going to bring in vodka bottles and put them on the tables?

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Cha Cha It isn't that she didn't understand; she just will never, ever admit she is wrong!

Last week we had a staff meeting and she was upset because patrons were bringing in drinks other than bottled water...according to her the policy stated "clear liquids in sealed containers" which to her means bottled water. Except that is not what the policy stated and my boss, who just loves to point out when she is wrong...mentioned that the actual policy said "all liquids must be in sealed containers". Well; she disagreed with him and he offered to show her the policy manual and how it was written which caused her to yell at him "I know what it says, I wrote the policy!" as we were all squirming in our seats. Not one to let a challenge go by, my boss went and got the policy manual after the meeting and showed her what it said. She didn't say a word to him, but sent him an e-mail saying she was re-writing the policy. Needless to say, she does not like confrontation nor being showed up.


So, if she rewrites it and makes is sealed clear liquid, are you all going to bring in vodka bottles and put them on the tables?

:cryingwlaughter: What a great idea! Somehow I don't think she would see the humor in that!

I imagine she will be much more specific with the re-write.


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:cryingwlaughter: What a great idea! Somehow I don't think she would see the humor in that!

I imagine she will be much more specific with the re-write.


yep! What a beyotch..can't stand people like that.

Thanks for all the pics today ChaCha. It was truly a monday. I wanted to leave work so bad and have fun with the eHP but I'm such a goody two shoes.

Clay..father of text messenging? That is funny in more ways than one. :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

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Clay..father of text messenging? That is funny in more ways than one. :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

Yeah, rather ironic, isn't it? :hysterical:

Adding my thanks to cha cha for bringing over those mosaics. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I don't think I've ever seen someone so photogenic. :flirtysmile3: And with that statement, allow me to add further proof...






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Today an associate came in to the office and told me about his new twins. His wife loved the name Clayton so they decided to name one of the babies that. Well it's a girl so they spelled it Klayton!

One of my friends went to the hospital last week. She is 41 and pregnant and anyone over 40 is high risk. Her blood pressure was 180 over ? and she had problems with her liver & kidneys. They told her if the BP did not come down they would have to take the baby! She is only 25 weeks!

She had no clue she was that ill, just swollen feet and a headache. Toxemia creeps up on you. Luckily her BP is coming down and they are making her have complete bed rest for as long as she can and no stress! The only cure is to deliver. It was literally life threatening for her.

It made me think of Jaymes and hope everything is going well.

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Today an associate came in to the office and told me about his new twins. His wife loved the name Clayton so they decided to name one of the babies that. Well it's a girl so they spelled it Klayton!

One of my friends went to the hospital last week. She is 41 and pregnant and anyone over 40 is high risk. Her blood pressure was 180 over ? and she had problems with her liver & kidneys. They told her if the BP did not come down they would have to take the baby! She is only 25 weeks!

She had no clue she was that ill, just swollen feet and a headache. Toxemia creeps up on you. Luckily her BP is coming down and they are making her have complete bed rest for as long as she can and no stress! The only cure is to deliver. It was literally life threatening for her.

It made me think of Jaymes and hope everything is going well.

Yup ...lots of possible complications. Lots of care needs to be done. So I am sure Jaymes did this because she really really wanted a child.

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So what's going to happen when August comes and goes and nothing is said. I actually think that's a real possibility. Guess we'll know soon enough. But the health issue is my only concern right now, for Jaymes and the baby IIT. heee I'm not even sure I believe what my eyes thinks it sees anymore. LOL.

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WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I have not met any Stones fans among the Clayfans. I love the Stones!!! Have you seen them in concert? I saw them in 1972, 1978, 1989 (I think). And I saw then a couple years ago during their last tour. That was a great concert!

I used to like the Stones.......still like their early stuff, up to about Some Girls, I guess. I saw them in the late 70s at the "concert for the blind" in Oshawa, ON. Something they were ordered to do because of Keith's drug conviction, IIRC. Whatever the reason, it was cool.

I'm sorry, I don't have any Clay content, I will get my mind back on track tomorrow once I get home LOL. Thanks for all the pretty pictures. Spent a quiet evening watching TV tonight. Did anyone else want to smack Ben Mulroney on Canadian Idol? OMG could he be more blase or disrespectful (IMO) about artists who are deceased? I think I need to throw in a few votes for Theo, Amberly and Drew (Collingwood boy) before I hit the sack. I also thought Mookie did a great job tonight. He's surely an entertainer, even if I don't think he's all that as a singer.

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Waves to Kareneh down there at the bottom of the screen. :hello: Thanks for weighing in the other night about your experience with online courses! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Early day tomorrow... good night, all... :offtobed:

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Today an associate came in to the office and told me about his new twins. His wife loved the name Clayton so they decided to name one of the babies that. Well it's a girl so they spelled it Klayton!

One of my friends went to the hospital last week. She is 41 and pregnant and anyone over 40 is high risk. Her blood pressure was 180 over ? and she had problems with her liver & kidneys. They told her if the BP did not come down they would have to take the baby! She is only 25 weeks!

She had no clue she was that ill, just swollen feet and a headache. Toxemia creeps up on you. Luckily her BP is coming down and they are making her have complete bed rest for as long as she can and no stress! The only cure is to deliver. It was literally life threatening for her.

It made me think of Jaymes and hope everything is going well.

Ooooh, been there done that. I was only 36 but still high risk for numerous reasons. I even lost my eyesight for a time and they told me the same thing. Only I was much further along. But I improved, was put on bed rest as well and was very very lucky. I will keep your friend in my thoughts along with Jaymes.

I am a Stones fan too (early stuff) but not nearly as much as the Beatles. I prefer the driving beats of some of the Stones music but always floved all of the Beatles songs. I think it has to do with harmonies, blends and their cuteness. hee

Besides, I may have been merely a wee pup but I was madly in love with John. In a way, like Clay, I was really drwan to his sense of humor and slightly quirky looks.

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Good grief...just finished watching "When A Stranger Calls" (the newer one) with the kids...brrrrr...I'll probably be having nightmares! And looking around dark corners in my house and jumping at shadows and screaming when the phone rings. Yeah. I don't do scary very well. LOL

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This is very OT - I was wondering if anyone here as seen the movie Mama Mia? I know my 7 yr old daughter would love the singing/dancing, but I wonder if the content of the movie is ok for a 7 yr old? I'd appreciate any thoughts on the subject.

As long as she loves the singing and dancing, I think you'll be OK. The girl in the movie wants to know who her father is--will she be curious about why that's unknown? I think there are some things that will go over her head, but it's a fun, feel good movie.

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Just wanted to say goodnight and thank everyone for taking this "virtual" trip with us. Couchie, it's been great to hang with you again! Lurker friend, MUAH!

Solo is already at the airport. KAndre and I will be leaving shortly and PerusingOne will be closing the room in the morning!

Bye-be to the Bay Area...


Talk to you all again from Houston!!! (with more pics and stuff)

And btw...


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Heading out shortly. Here are a few pics of the area before we leave.

Chateau Frontenac (cool trolley thing up the incline is called the 'Funiculaire'):


Cool store that sold native crafts (that were unfortunately out of ds' price range):



Street busker:


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Good Morning All,

Love the new banner! Safe travels to all who are heading out today!

Everyone have a great day!


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Love the pictures from QC, luckiest! Hee....was the store in the Chateau Frontenac? I BET they were out of his price range!!

WOW...it's quiet in here!

Maybe it's time to repeat my plea for information about Maine? I'm planning a trip there the last week in August....any must-sees from anyone who is there, or has visited?

Or....failing that....how about the (Clay or non-Clay) discussion of the day? He's taken us to some fascinating places; what was your favorite of the places you probably wouldn't have been if it weren't for him? And why? ....and what's your favorite vacation spot without Clay? and why?

I love to travel...had you guessed? :lol: Always looking for new adventures...but can't afford overseas.

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Just so we can say last rites over couchie and the rest of the FCAers, I have taken all the mosaics and put them together on a webpage......... :dead-1:


Some of these made me gasp!!! He is so beautiful! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

GAH, that link killed me dead! *thud* Once I recovered, I strained my right-click-and-save finger cuz I had to save them all. Thanks so much for uploading them to your webpage! It was so fun to look through all of those mosaics and remember all of the fun times. Heeee, I think I recognized very single one of those pics, and what happened during each of those appearances. No, I'm not obsessed at all, why do you ask?!?

Glad the eHP had such a great time in SF! I've enjoyed the pics you posted so far, Scarlett, and am looking forward to more! Especially that nekkid dancing pic. Heeee!

lucky, I'm glad that you and your son enjoyed the concert and your weekend. I enjoyed your pics, too!

ldyj - YAY for your surgery going well! It's good you have some time off from work to recover.

I'm off from work for a few days, too, because I'm having a minor procedure later today. I won't return to work until Monday. So I guess I'll be hanging around here a little more!

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Maybe it's time to repeat my plea for information about Maine? I'm planning a trip there the last week in August....any must-sees from anyone who is there, or has visited?

My SIL and BIL live in Maine.

Wanna go see them?


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:F_05BL17blowkiss: Gibby...hope everything goes well for you...

The weather here is actually pretty darn good -- sunny and 83 degrees F. And it's supposed to be like that through the end of the week.

FromClaygary, sorry I can't help you on Maine. It does look as if the Maine Office of Tourism has some good information, though.

Favorite place I've visited because of Clay? That's actually a hard question, simply because almost all my Clay trips have been "arrive -- go see Clay -- collapse in a hotel room -- go home." Even my NYC trip, I didn't get a chance to do as much sightseeing as I would really like to have. I'll have to say though...and I'm not saying this to suck up *coughyeahrightcough*...Houston is a really cool city, and I'd love to visit there and actually explore some more there.

Favorite travel city NOT because of Clay? San Francisco is near the top -- my hubby and I had a blast there, just walking and enjoying the sites. However, the top of my list is reserved for my one trip out-of-country -- Ireland. It was gorgeous, everyone was really friendly, and I want to go back!

Love the movie star banner!

Back to waiting for the next blog...

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FromClaygary I haven't been to Maine in a looong time. But over thirty years ago we stayed at Casco bay and Sebago Lake. Back then Portland was a small town where we did some shopping. It's a little more bustling now. We just enjoyed the scenery and the quietness. My husband did a little fishing. The coast was quite lovely and rugged. :8:

Scarlett and luckiest thanks for the pictures. Sounds like a great time. No vacation for us this year. We're staying home and working on projects. I'm looking forward to the Gala in October. It's nice to have one thing on my Clay calendar. Now if I only had enough money to bid on something there.

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