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#40: He simply makes me smile when I see him.


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45 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • He looks great, he looks happy and healhty...me likey, me happy!
    • He makes me go broke with a smile on my face!
    • He is excessively, endlessly, adorably CUTE!!!!!!!!
    • God the voice is gorgeous. I'll never take it for granted.
    • Break open those piggy banks! Remember - if you choose to rob a bank, just don't wear a Clay Aiken t-shirt!
    • Clay Aiken Makes His Triumphant Return!
    • Clay has some serious mojo!!!
    • He sings. He dances. He talks. He wears PANTS! verra, verra niiiicely. The rest is just noise!
    • Someone take the measure of that man!
    • Who CARES? He's hot!!!
    • But in the final analysis - he could be bald and I would still love him.
    • Is there ever enough Clay?
    • He's Clay, you know. The hotness intensifies as time goes by.

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Well, the way I remember the “absentee father” discussion is that some (Iseeme being one) were automatically assuming that Clay would fall into that category based on the *assumption* that Clay and Jaymes wouldn’t be living together and/or that Clay would be traveling all the time, thereby making him somewhat absentee. I have not bothered to look it up, but this is how I remember the conversation. In THAT context, everyone making the comment that fathers work all the time and are still good fathers still makes perfect sense and doesn’t even really relate to the current conversations.

BUT, in the context of the reality of Parker and Clay’s comments regarding him, that whole conversation is irrelevant. Some of us actually adjust our opinions based on new evidence. BECAUSE of what we know of Parker’s conception, etc, I see no way that Parker isn’t going to be in NYC with Clay at least most of the time.

Sure, there is no reason to assume they will be together in NYC the whole time; but what is it to you if people believe that? I think the anecdotal evidence points to them in NYC together – just like there is no reason to assume they will be there, there is no reason to assume or believe or suggest that they WON’T be.

I thought we were all just stating our opinions.

Can an opinion be right or wrong?

Around here they can! :cryingwlaughter:

Just because being disagreed with a lot feels like you are being told your opinion is wrong, doesn’t mean you’re actually being told your opinion is wrong. It means people disagree.

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I thought we were all just stating our opinions.

Can an opinion be right or wrong?

Yes - apparently. I never said Parker would never be in New York. My thought process was that he was too young right now. I was merely responding to many posts that were sure (use whatever word or phrase you want here - it's all semantics) he was going to be with Clay. I don't agree that all an infant wants is to be fed and changed. I think very early they get familiar with their surroundings and react when those are changed. That's also why I kept stating that Clay and Jaymes would decide what's best AT THIS TIME for their child. I don't think the fact that Clay was lacking a father or wanted a baby so badly that he would put his needs ahead of his own child's. But that opinion isn't shared and that's okay. I was suggesting something Clay could do to see his little guy IF he was still in Raleigh while Clay was in NY. My guess is as good as anybody else's.

But if someone says anything that goes even slightly against the grain it's like heresy around here sometimes. It's too bad it's that way because I think alot of good discussions go by the wayside because some won't even consider the alternative. I was VERY careful how I stated all of my posts. I don't know squat about Clay and his family - just like the rest of you don't. I never read where Faye was going to New York when Parker was 6 weeks old but somebody did so it was probably true. I don't think anyone would deliberately make it up. Clay DOES interchange I and we regularly and usually speaks of himself in the third person - so, I have no clue what he meant in his blog either.

For the record.....I'm sure if Parker isn't with Clay for even a part of the NY gig that Clay will miss him dreadfully. It would be really sad if he missed out on some of the "firsts" that will be happening in the next 4+ months!

Heidi - I realize you can't remember the exact context but I NEVER automatically assumed anything! And I don't see any anecdotal evidence pointing toward anything...just alot of conjecture. And I have certainly gone on record MANY times that I don't care if I'm disagreed with - a fact you always seems to conveniently forget.

And yet again - stating an opinion has created a mountain out of a molehill. I'll sure be glad when Spamalot starts so that there's something really important to talk about. It will be alot more fun around here.

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I thought we were all just stating our opinions.

Can an opinion be right or wrong?

Not in my opinion. Oh wait, that was my opinion...this is gonna turn into a viscious circle real fast, ain't it?

The thing is...it may SEEM that some think an opinion is "right or wrong." But opinions are really just that, opinions. Own them. And then, be prepared if someone doesn't hold the same opinion. Or a lot of "someones."

I personally don't know what is going on with Clay's personal life. Having said that, my suspicions are that Parker (and Jaymes) will be joining Clay in NYC very soon, if they aren't there now.

Some fathers get back to work almost immediately after the birth. Some fathers keep close contact with the new baby for a year or more. Some fathers balance between the two. Some bring their new babies along with them right away on trips. Some don't. IMO -- it's Clay's choice, and we'll never know.

And that's my opinion. Heh.

I just finished watching "Jon & Kate Plus 8" on TLC. If you don't know the premise, this is a RL set of parents with one set of twins (age 7) and one set of sextuplets (age 4). The episode this evening had them flying to Salt Lake City from their home in Pennsylvania. I would NEVER have done that. And yet, the Mom chose to take these kids on the trip. My point? Every family makes their own personal choices about what is right or wrong for their family.

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I'm kind of laughing here. Months ago when this news first broke I shared my feelings about absentee fathers, etc. and many of you, MANY of you commented on the fact that many fathers are not with their children 24x7 because of their jobs and that doesn't make them any less loving or nurturing. And then there were scenarios cited to back up that opinion! It's interesting to me that now many of you can't picture Clay ever being without little Parker. I personally think Clay will do what's best for Parker - not what's best for him. If that means he drove up from Raleigh with child, so be it. IF it means he spends some time in NY by himself because he doesn't want to move Parker around - so be it. It just bothers me somewhat when people are soooooo sure that something is going to happen - when they really don't know for sure. But I do think the child's comfort will be foremost in his mind. As much as Clay has wanted to be a father, I can imagine some scenarios where it would be difficult to have the little guy with himall the time. Can any of you mothers imagine a toddler on a tour bus for an extended period of time? I expect Clay and Jaymes will work it out for the best.

In any case - it's nothing to argue about. I don't really care as Clay will do what he thinks is best.

I agree, it's nothing to argue about. I believe you are the one who is talking about laughing at people and bringing up old arguments. I can only speak for myself, because I am way too disinterested to look up other people's posts on the subject. My initial thought when the TMZ report came out was that IIT Clay was doing Jaymes a favor, and might not be involved on a day to day basis. Subsequently, my opinion changed when the baby was born in Durham, and Clay made the announcement and was very proprietary in doing so--from the name given the child to the attitude expressed. And had his mother and Jerome present leaving the hospital. Tonight I expressed the opinion that they might drive up, rather than fly, thereby eliminating concerns you had expressed about flying, which in your opinion, might mean that Parker would not be with Clay in New York. I was simply expressing my opinion, as you expressed yours. I am no more sure this is the case than you are sure of your opinion.

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I haven't been around much lately, but I just wanted to jump in and and say hi to everyone.

I also wanted to share some recent experiences I had with OMWH. The past couple of weekends I've been traveling back and forth between Ohio and Mo., so I've been in several stores and have been eating out quite a bit. In a two day time period, I heard OMWH 4 times. Once in a well known department store in Ohio, Once in a Tumbleweeds restaurant, twice in a Big Lots stores (one in Ohio and one in Mo). So I came to the conclusion that Clay is a favorite with Muzak programmers, and that even though he may not get much radio play, people are getting to hear that marvelous voice.

It made me smile.

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I'm kind of laughing here. Months ago when this news first broke I shared my feelings about absentee fathers, etc. and many of you, MANY of you commented on the fact that many fathers are not with their children 24x7 because of their jobs and that doesn't make them any less loving or nurturing. And then there were scenarios cited to back up that opinion! It's interesting to me that now many of you can't picture Clay ever being without little Parker. I personally think Clay will do what's best for Parker - not what's best for him. If that means he drove up from Raleigh with child, so be it. IF it means he spends some time in NY by himself because he doesn't want to move Parker around - so be it. It just bothers me somewhat when people are soooooo sure that something is going to happen - when they really don't know for sure. But I do think the child's comfort will be foremost in his mind. As much as Clay has wanted to be a father, I can imagine some scenarios where it would be difficult to have the little guy with himall the time. Can any of you mothers imagine a toddler on a tour bus for an extended period of time? I expect Clay and Jaymes will work it out for the best.

In any case - it's nothing to argue about. I don't really care as Clay will do what he thinks is best.

Where are you getting that anyone is sure of anything. There are a million disclaimers going around so people will understand that it's just an opinion. Claytonic can you add Bookwhores disclaimer to the glossary cuz I love it.

My opinion on the subject is that I HOPE...which has nothing to do with reality and if clay chooses to go alone it doesn't mean he is a bad dad - Parker is with him. I don't see how a schedule can be broken in the course of one day and that friends and family are wonderful but not something that gets more consideration than the parents. I know my sister never consults me about her kids.

I just don't see what's so contradictory about saying good fathers not being with their kids 24/7 and believing or hoping Parker will be with Clay in New York. I'm sure there will come a day when some sort of separation will happen - maybe even now. But i just tend to doubt it too. Grandmothers and auties and friends are nice - but they are secondary IMO.

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ETA: His comments were a little vague other than the introducing of Parker in the coming weeks. He switches between we and I so easily that it gets quite confusing. Whatever is best for them. I don't have any hopes of seeing Parker at the stage door.


thanks for the updates Perusingone and Iseeme on our FCAers. Thanks for checking in OOlsee!! I didn't realize you were in the zone.

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I was not throwing anything in anybody's face. I was not laughing at anybody in particular but more the general sense. I did not say you have to be with a child 24x7 to be a good father. Using the word "sure" was as inflammatory as when I used the dreaded word "fairytale!" It would just be nice sometime if the overall feeling of a post was considered rather than keying in on one word and going off to the races with it. And if you read back through days of posts here and elsewhere - people are pretty convinced that Clay will not leave little Parker in Raleigh at all. Maybe that's true. Maybe he will drive. Maybe he will fly. Maybe he'll charter a plane or rent a limo. I.don't.know. and neither does anybody else - which is ALL I was trying to say when this started a few hours ago.

I have no idea how this got so out of hand. But I'm going to bed. This ain't fun. And I"m tired.

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And yet again - stating an opinion has created a mountain out of a molehill. I'll sure be glad when Spamalot starts so that there's something really important to talk about. It will be alot more fun around here.

I edited my previous post because it was snippy. I think you're going to have to take some responsibility for making a mountain out of this molehill. I'm sorry I reacted.

I think we've been having plenty of fun myself. I enjoy FCA pretty much all the time.

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BUT, in the context of the reality of Parker and Clay’s comments regarding him, that whole conversation is irrelevant. Some of us actually adjust our opinions based on new evidence. BECAUSE of what we know of Parker’s conception, etc, I see no way that Parker isn’t going to be in NYC with Clay at least most of the time.

Huh? What is this new evidence? What we know of Parker's conception is what we always knew - it was by IVF. The only other things we KNOW is Parker was born in NC - but we don't know WHY. Could be as simple as they felt it would be easier to keep it quiet in NC where the paparazzi don't spend as much time and where Clay wouldn't attract attention traveling back and forth or calling attention to himself in LA. That is one very logical and likely reason. Parker being born in NC or Jaymes staying there or Clay and Jaymes being dear friends (I include this in what we actually know since Clay actually told us this) or anything we actually KNOW about this whole thing gives a reason why Parker and Jaymes being in NY is definite and an actual fact!

The only actual fact is we don't know!

Sure, there is no reason to assume they will be together in NYC the whole time; but what is it to you if people believe that? I think the anecdotal evidence points to them in NYC together – just like there is no reason to assume they will be there, there is no reason to assume or believe or suggest that they WON’T be.

I see no indication anyone cares if you or anyone else believes they will be together. But some here have stated it as almost blasphemy to think otherwise! It seems it matters more to some that some of us believe there is a possibility that they may not be with him in NY all the time than the other way around!

Besides, the simple point that is getting lost in all this one upsmanship is Iseeme and I have both stressed that we are sure Clay will do whatever he thinks is best for Parker. We just left the door open to the possibility that may mean Parker remains in NC for some of the time at least.

It seems to some even leaving the door open to that possibility is cause for an argument. I mean, why is there an argument anyway? Is there anyone here who disagrees that Clay will do what is best for Parker? Of course not, and that is what was being said.

Thing is, none of us know what that is. And there really is no evidence one way or the other - only personal interpretation of the few facts we know and how what we personally imagine Clay would do - all run through our own filters.

I thought we were all just stating our opinions.

Can an opinion be right or wrong?

Around here they can! :cryingwlaughter:

Just because being disagreed with a lot feels like you are being told your opinion is wrong, doesn’t mean you’re actually being told your opinion is wrong. It means people disagree.

Seems I am not the only one around here who needs a lesson in joking. See, I used this :cryingwlaughter: to make sure people would see I was kidding!

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jmh - your response WAS snippy and that's what set me off! It's always cause and effect and disagreeing with someone is fine as long as the disagreement is courteous. We've said many times that it's all about tone. I don't believe I was discourteous to you. And as I said before, I wasn't laughing at particular posters but more how attitudes and opinions changed when the TMZ story was proven to be true.

I've been told that it's healthy to have a different opinion and state it. It doesn't feel very healthy! In fact it gets damn uncomfortable to buck the trend here. I honestly don't know why I bother sometimes.....and I don't disagree with most of you MOST of the time.

And to defend your opinion or yourself is not making a mountain out of a molehill. It's the apparent need to defend yourself that creates that mountain.

And I truly am exhausted and I really need to logoff.

Clay sweetie, I hope you're gettng some rest and are able to get up from the toilet!!!

Goodnight - again.

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My parents moved when I was 3 weeks old. We moved multiple times before I was 1. Then we stayed put for a long time. :cryingwlaughter: My dad was finishing up graduate school and getting his first jobs, and they moved first to my grandmothers' in Statesville, then to Washington, DC, then to an apartment in Raleigh, and then to a house in Raleigh. All before I was 1. It happens.

Just saying hello from Georgia! Just got back from a trip to NYC-talk about bad timing! Going the week BEFORE Clay! The Shubert Alley just didn't look the same without the "Clay Aiken" sign! Can't wait for reports from THIS WEEKEND! Wish I could be there BUT I WILL be there in December. Went to see "Young Frankenstein" and enjoyed it. Not grand theater by any means but funny and some good female singers. I watch most every play these days with an eye for a part that Clay could perform. He is so great at comedy. Wonder if we'll see a dramatic role one day?

Good luck with the iPod! My old 30 GB one is full. Whenever I add anything, I have to delete something! Talk about a "catch-22". I have to "delete" something Clay to "add" something new. VERRA VERRA hard to do!

Hope the midwest fans are doing fine after Ike roared thru. I was flying standby home and I had to spend an extra night before I could get on a flight.

AND don't forget I'm a TarHeel, too, and have a brother at the beach so if you North and South Coastal Carolinians get together, let me know!

Just wanted to say hey! :hello: My iPod is full too, and it's an 80 GB. I'm always having to remove stuff. I deleted most of the videos. :cry:

I haven't been around much lately, but I just wanted to jump in and and say hi to everyone.

I also wanted to share some recent experiences I had with OMWH. The past couple of weekends I've been traveling back and forth between Ohio and Mo., so I've been in several stores and have been eating out quite a bit. In a two day time period, I heard OMWH 4 times. Once in a well known department store in Ohio, Once in a Tumbleweeds restaurant, twice in a Big Lots stores (one in Ohio and one in Mo). So I came to the conclusion that Clay is a favorite with Muzak programmers, and that even though he may not get much radio play, people are getting to hear that marvelous voice.

It made me smile.

Hey, atinal!!! I heard Clay in my grocery store--it was cool. I think you are right, Clay gets a lot of Musak play. I only wish people knew who they were listening to. Maybe someday they'll find out! I've had that experience a few times in my life of buying an old album and finding out I knew most of the songs, even though I wasn't aware of who I'd been listening too.

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jmh - your response WAS snippy and that's what set me off!

Hey, I'm not going to take all the blame!! :hysterical: My post was at 11:26, but you were already annoyed, I think, when you posted this at 10:50:

Nevermind. You're right. Of course.

And this at 11:19:

I thought we were all just stating our opinions.

Can an opinion be right or wrong?

Yes - apparently. <snip>

But if someone says anything that goes even slightly against the grain it's like heresy around here sometimes. It's too bad it's that way because I think alot of good discussions go by the wayside because some won't even consider the alternative.


Heidi - I realize you can't remember the exact context but I NEVER automatically assumed anything! And I don't see any anecdotal evidence pointing toward anything...just alot of conjecture. And I have certainly gone on record MANY times that I don't care if I'm disagreed with - a fact you always seems to conveniently forget.

And yet again - stating an opinion has created a mountain out of a molehill. I'll sure be glad when Spamalot starts so that there's something really important to talk about. It will be alot more fun around here.

I was snippy, I admitted it, I edited myself, I apologized, but let's not get carried away and blame me for the whole mountain. :hysterical:

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I just wanted to make a comment on the statement that the environment is important to a baby. From what I have been learning in my classes, plus my own experience with my kids is that it's not the environment but the people in that environment that matter to a baby. For most families, that is the parents or the caretakers, and what little we know of Clay, I'm pretty sure that he is definitely a hands-on parent. That is what cannot be replaced. Hearing the voices of your parents, feeling secure in their arms, and knowing that when you cry, your caretakers will be there to take care of you. And that is my way of giving my opinion that I think Parker will be with his mommy and daddy in NY. If Clay was just going to leave Parker in NC, he may as well have gone on tour, which is what many of his fans would have loved. I know that as much as I love Spamalot and will be there as often as I possibly can afford, my first choice would have been seeing him sing those beautiful songs on that cd.

Forgive my post if it seems like rambling, I've been up too long so now I have to go to bed because I have to face a class of 2nd graders tomorrow. Thank God I'm still only observing or they'd be screwed.

Night all.

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Here is a serious question - have some not been on message boards before Clay? Have you experienced a non-Clay minority opinion? I know some people have been on Star Trek boards and others have been on baseball boards.

I ask this because some piddling disagreements seem to be taken as attacks. Now I have seen attacks, very professional level attacks (political boards). I also have been posting on message boards since before the first big brother show. It used to be on the Cnn chat, which I don't think exists anymore, then on the big brother boards where I learned about community and how fitting in does not mean that you have to change your opinion, just ways of stating it to show that you can accept others opinions while keeping your own. This brings me back to inflamatory words again, such as stating only one opinion is allowed, duh, no, if that was true, this would be a very different place. I don't think there is anyone on any board I have not disagreed with at one time and a lot of the time I was in the minority opinion, frequently holding the single opposing opinion, yet I don't think anyone was joining against me. I haven't been banned anything but TWOP, where they tend to ban your on the stupidest stuff in an uneven way. I have made friends with people who have the strangest (in my eyes) political opinions because in their hearts they are good people, you don't have to agree to be friends, life would be boring and you would have nothing to talk about if your friends echoed your every thought.

I still think we need to have that discussion on how some people tend to post in hot button ways and others not so much. How sometimes you let stuff roll off your back for the greater good and other times need to point out an obvious attack.

Saying that only one opinion can be heard here is not only false, but an accusation, not an opinion. If I disagree with someone I will tell them I do, this does not mean I want them drawn and quartered or silenced. Whichever seems worse to them.

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amen Play!

I've been doing the message board thing for a very long time and FCA is a freaking peice of cake. My first message board was back on Prodigy (left in mass when they started trying to charge by the hour to read the message board), then Genie..and then when the new kid on the block came along..AOL.. we turned up our nose in disdain. But ever before that there was the newgroup thing where I came to relish being the minority opinion. I was always on the soap boards (rec.arts.television.soap) and I always hated the people every body loved and loved the people everybody hated but I learned to enjoy the lively discussion.

Saying that only one opinion can be heard here is not only false, but an accusation, not an opinion. If I disagree with someone I will tell them I do, this does not mean I want them drawn and quartered or silenced. Whichever seems worse to them.

I agree with this. And saying that can only make people defensive. Really, if you disagree with an opinion and aren't free to offer your own, then that leaves only silence on the topic and then what would be the point.

Back to work. I'm feeling good about this trip to NY> Won't even have to eat off the dollar menu. Hey FromClaygary ..how is Carmines coming along. Count in me and Ansa!

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Thanks, luckiest... I'll download the Gala stuff when I get home tonight. I found mp4's for Pala, so got that. I really hope you have an mp4 of the Sterling Heights' Listen. I could go happy with that and Pala and the Gala (hey, they rhyme) and his music, of course. I do not have access to the CV/CH vaults. Just Clack Unlimited.

Here you go, an mp4 of mine & goldarngirl's Sterling Heights Listen montage:



Still no word from Desertrose?

It gives me the warm fuzzies to think that maybe Clay is back with his Spamalot family today. :wub:

luckiest... thanks so much for this. Now I can go to Hawaii with my favorite Clay (heck with the Broads contest stating which video is the best of all time...pffft! :cryingwlaughter: I loved their contest, just not the end result... LOL)

00lsee... thanks for checking in!

perusingone.... thanks for bringing news of the Ike affected ones. Desertrose concerns me and there is one other we haven't heard from yet. Sending good vibes their way!

I found this and loved it so much, I decided to try and link it here. :cryingwlaughter:

Monday's Suck!

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I love how this board can have conversations about everything. So I'm guessing what I always called a basement wasn't really a basement since it was ground level?

Lotus..no that crazy emoticon is not Clay related. I think some times when I went in search of emoties I was just in a bad mood. :cryingwlaughter:

ITA Couchie! I learn so much about topics I would never even think to ask about!

In the midst of this mess, I just received a very welcome phone call - I got my condo! :whoo:

YAY Anna!

In the midst of this mess, I just received a very welcome phone call - I got my condo! :whoo:

:nana: Stopped digging out from my muddy basement to say "woo hoo" to annabear. A little bit of hope in the midst of your no power situation.

The water receded on its own! At least, I didn't have to hire an extraction company. I'm surprised by that as so much stuff was floating around that I thought the two drains were blocked, but gravity must have worked. Tomorrow, I will find out how the furnace and water heater fared underwater. The next day, the washer/dryer/freezer. I don't have much hope for the later trio. I would love to have my washer so I could clean all the flood soaked laundry. I "had" (don't know if past tense is appropriate yet) a 15 year old Maytag washer. Never needed a single repair. I'm going to hate to lose it. Hope I can get hot water tomorrow, I miss the dishwasher and showers.

Thanks for the sump pump advice. That's on my "to do" list too.

Too bad about your washer Jazzgirl. I had a fridge for 20 years and very rarely some minor thing would need fixing and my repairman kept telling me to not replace it ( Or my old washer) because they just don't make 'em that sturdy anymore. Sadly they both gave up in the last 18 months. Fingers crossed for you!

I see lots of different opinions on this board, and lots of different women who are encouraged to express them. No guarantee that anyone will agree or disagree, or even care one way or the other on any particular topic, which is what makes interesting reading.

Babies: I love the baby stage because they are so portable. I know I missed that when trying to wrangle a cheeky stubbourn defiant uncooperative high spirited, intelligent, highly verbal, & goal orientated toddler !

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I really don't have an opinion one way or the other because other than the fact that Parker is Clay's son and was born in NC, and according to Clay is doing well, I know nothing. I am sure Clay will do what is right for him and what is right for his family.

I have finally been sucked into getting a Facebook account by my daughter and a few friends, and I've been spending far too much time setting it up and getting familiar with it. But it's helping me kill the time until Friday! :cryingwlaughter:

{{{Jazzgirl}}} I hope your insurance will cover the costs of at least some of the replacements or repairs you need!

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Hey I had a 15+ year old Kenmore that never needed one single repair. But it did die a rather messy death, just decided mid-load not to hold it's water anymore. Spin cycle. Eeek!

When the guys from Sears came to deliver my new Kenmore and take "old reliable" away. They asked how old it was and said "I bet you never had a single problem with it..." I told them they were right and the one guy kinda lovingly patted it and said "Yep .... that's a Kenmore...." It was so cute. :)


I try to always state my opinions using me language. I try very hard. But for the record...I never said that I was sure of anything. I used phrases like TO ME, and I DON'T SEE and words like PERSONALLY. Iseeme used her frame of reference (If it were my child...) I used mine with my own children. I owned every single thing I said as my feeling and my opinion. That does not make any one else's opinion invalid. There was no intentional "attack" on anyone in what I said. Or the "tone" I said it.

Except the bleepin' White Sox. :cryingwlaughter:

eta ... and I seem to remember being waaaaaaaaaaaay off base on the whole "birth announcement" thingy. Whoo boy. *g*

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My power came back on!!! :00000442: At 12:44 am, then 12:53 am, then 1:55 am, then 2:21 am. The last time, it was finally not followed just 30 seconds later by a big boom in the distance of a transformer blowing! My mom, about 45 minutes north, is still without power & phone this morning.

The water receded on its own!

Yay! :00000441: Sorry about the mess it left, but just glad it left. Hoping for the best for your appliance situation. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Off to get ready for work with a warm shower, light and the ability to dry my hair! Will have to catch up at lunch today. Hope everyone else is OK!

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Talking about washer and dryer. I had a Kenmore that we bought used when we were first married. They were 30 years old when we decided to change my laundry room and got a new kenmore with stackable to give us more room. It was sad to see them go, they were never much trouble, and when I needed any type of repair we were able to go to the Sears store near us and get the parts. I read somewhere that the average life of the new machines are like 10 years.

I have no opinion on whether Clay will have Parker and Jaymes with him. I read everyones point of few, see some good comments on both sides, and agree that no one knows so why get upset what is said. I know that I am not a great writer, so sometimes can not get my point across the way I want. I feel bad when people get upset with each other. If statements were said in person, the tone, facial expressions, and body movements would show how that person really feels.

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I really have no horse in this race but just to clear up what I said.


Playbiller, I also read somewhere that Faye said that they would be going up to NYC after Parker's six week check up. Maybe the time period is negotiable. I'm pretty sure Clay's blog said that "We" were packing up for the move.

May I just ask where you read that and who reported it? Did Faye give an interview saying that? Did she post on a board? Or did someone' best friend's sister's hair dresser over hear Faye telling the garbage man? I don't mean to be disrespectful but I am always suspicious of reports attributed to member's of Clay's family that don't come directly from them to us!

Claygasm, I was just responding to playbiller, who said she saw it somewhere. I saw it somewhere and don't have the faintest idea where. So definitely take it with a grain of salt.

Iseemee said

But if someone says anything that goes even slightly against the grain it's like heresy around here sometimes. It's too bad it's that way because I think alot of good discussions go by the wayside because some won't even consider the alternative. I was VERY careful how I stated all of my posts. I don't know squat about Clay and his family - just like the rest of you don't. I never read where Faye was going to New York when Parker was 6 weeks old but somebody did so it was probably true. I don't think anyone would deliberately make it up. Clay DOES interchange I and we regularly and usually speaks of himself in the third person - so, I have no clue what he meant in his blog either.

Just to clear up my fractured English comment- Jaymes, Parker and Clay would be going to NYC not Faye. My unsubstantiated quote was supposedly made by Faye to some unknown recipient. And that's how gossip gets started. :cryingwlaughter:

Hope everyone has a great day and that we hear from all those who were affected by Ike. After a few days of no power, no internet and no water, I won't blame anyone for getting upset. So come here and vent when you are able. :thbighug-1:

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