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#46: Avoid the crazy, enjoy the good, and chill.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Ain't it grand? We've come a long way babee!
    • I love quirky Clay Aiken
    • Fascinating, outrageous Clay. Give me more. I want more.
    • The twisty tie confuses me EVERYtime
    • Still hotness after all these years!!
    • All that said - Orchestra, Band, Kazoo, Bongos, a capella - I'm there. Just sing for us, baby!!
    • If he's singing, I'm there, no matter what, no matter where!
    • As long as he wears his smile all is well
    • That's not just any man... That's OUR man! You're a GOOD MAN, Clay Aiken!

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Totally off-topic but I have a request from canfly. Couchie, she wants to know why Tomato and not Potato.

Lord, we need a blog or something.

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:BlowKiss: to FromClaygary and anyone else that's feeling poorly! Feet up, plenty of Aiken, and some chicken soup! Been making me feel better! :lol:

Thanks to everybody that offered their condolences on my laptop issues... Apparently, it worked! The "denim" spot of dead pixels is gone! HOORAY! :nana: :04:

Yay for Clay being shown on Idol! Any showing is better than no showing, right? Of course, an actual appearance would still be best, but... *hopes/dreams*

Hey, random question, did anybody know that there was a string quartet tribute to Clay? I saw it on walmart.com and I'm considering buying it... even though I really can't afford it :whistling-1:

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FromClaygary, I'm glad your friend won the autographed print of Clay. I'm thinking I'd better back off from Ebay for a while. The cd that I won on Saturday evenig came in on Monday. It is a 2 disk promotional cd with various artists from eight countires. Clay's song is Grace of God. The contacts on it are executives involves with movies and tv. It's dated August 2008. Someone is doing promo for Clay. By the way the label is Chrysalis.
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Totally off-topic but I have a request from canfly. Couchie, she wants to know why Tomato and not Potato.

Lord, we need a blog or something.

with regards to my screen name? I got it from the oh so pretty Luka on ER - the gorgeous croation doctor who got drunk one night and tried to say couch potato but said couchtomato instead./

I knew about the string quartet but dont know if I ever heard any of the songs...although I can't believe we wouldn't have clack of it somewhere.

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Feel better to all who are ailing!

Haven't watched AI since Season 2; cannot stand the show; but glad they showed clips of Clay.


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:BlowKiss: to FromClaygary and anyone else that's feeling poorly! Feet up, plenty of Aiken, and some chicken soup! Been making me feel better! :lol:

Thanks to everybody that offered their condolences on my laptop issues... Apparently, it worked! The "denim" spot of dead pixels is gone! HOORAY! :nana: :04:

Yay for Clay being shown on Idol! Any showing is better than no showing, right? Of course, an actual appearance would still be best, but... *hopes/dreams*

Hey, random question, did anybody know that there was a string quartet tribute to Clay? I saw it on walmart.com and I'm considering buying it... even though I really can't afford it :whistling-1:

YAY!! It's a miracle.

I wouldn't waste the money on the string quartet tribute unless you happen to love any and all string quartet music. It's just OK.

FromClaygary, I'm glad your friend won the autographed print of Clay. I'm thinking I'd better back off from Ebay for a while. The cd that I won on Saturday evenig came in on Monday. It is a 2 disk promotional cd with various artists from eight countires. Clay's song is Grace of God. The contacts on it are executives involves with movies and tv. It's dated August 2008. Someone is doing promo for Clay. By the way the label is Chrysalis.

Hmmmmm, interesting.

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djs, MHO (and probably a boring one)... I've done the same thing before -- used an hp recovery disk that came with one computer to recover another that wasn't exactly the same but a similar model. Not guaranteed to work but it often does. Sometimes though, there are quirky cases where even slight differences in the mobo could cause issues. There have been rumors that recovery disks were tied to mac addresses but this hasn't been proven afaik and would probably be only on the disks that you create yourself, not the generic ones. At one time hp even sold a recovery disk that worked on any of about 50 models. So, as long as you were using the same computer and OS (ie. not upgrading a laptop that came with XP to Vista), I think it should be ok.

About the message saying that they need new PCI-E cards, I think it's a driver incompatibility issue. Does it still connect to the network ok? Current laptops usually come with an Intel 5100 Wifi A/B/G/draft Ncard in the mini PCI-E slot. If a new driver was installed it might expect one of these and burp if it finds a different one.

Oops, I forgot about aikim being on the green sweater rotation. I was hoping to get it back in time for GFI but I guess it'll be the week after when it comes back around. Any chance of swopping weeks?

What a day I've had... 3 major things to say thank you for!!! (will write & whine in a bit)

Topic: :loveclaysbutt:

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Totally off-topic but I have a request from canfly. Couchie, she wants to know why Tomato and not Potato.

Lord, we need a blog or something.

with regards to my screen name? I got it from the oh so pretty Luka on ER - the gorgeous croation doctor who got drunk one night and tried to say couch potato but said couchtomato instead./

I knew about the string quartet but dont know if I ever heard any of the songs...although I can't believe we wouldn't have clack of it somewhere.

That was my first thought too, but I couldn't find any in a quick glance around. :shrug: I'll probably do a more thorough scour before buying it. If I decide to buy it... :unsure:

jmh123--Oh. I do like string quartet music--as long as there isn't any singing. I listen to string quartets for the strings, interestingly enough, not for them to actually, you know... sing. :P

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Clack Unlimited has the string quartet album here. I remember downloading it way back when, but laughed through most of it. It's really silly, IMO. And I too like string quartet music!

Hah! Thanks for finding it for me! I think I'll download it , just to try it out--I mean, if I really hate it, I can always delete it. :)

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Oooh, which string quartet cd are we talking about?

{{{all those who are ailing}}} Would a visit from Dr. Clay help?

About that laptop I recommended, just wanted to warn people that it doesn't come with bluetooth. However there are some cheap ways to get it including an under $10 usb dongle.


Completely OT whining... but I just needed to get this out of my system...

I started out bright and early with a 6am meeting. Then had good news about a position I was seeking -- both my old and new departments approved my move. The new job will involve about 30% travel (on the company) so I'm hoping to accumulate lots of flyer miles for the next tour/show/anything. that was the 1st thing to be thankful for. I also hope that's a sign that I'm not getting laid off within the next year or so. Because of the early start, I left the office at about 4:30 and was able to get some errands done, swinging by Kroger's and the cleaners. At the cleaners, I switched off the car, jumped out, picked up my clothes, unlocked the car, put the clothes in the back, jumped in, closed the door, and then everything went dead. The battery had died and it was too dark to see the manual latch that opened the door. I couldn't do anything, not even unlock and open the door or the sunroof because the power was out. I was banging on the windshield but everyone seemed oblivious to me (turns out it was because of the tint and also because it was dusk). Talk about completely helpless!!! Finally the owner of the laundry saw me and went to see what was wrong. With sign language, he showed me where to look for a manual latch. Then he checked the car and told me it was the battery. He said that he would bring his van over to jumpstart it. Told me to go inside as it was v cold. Meanwhile, another laundry customer drove in and took the slot beside my car. I went to explain that we needed to free up the space and she said, "Oh, I understand. The exact same thing happened to me the other day". What were the odds? Then she told me exactly where and how to get the battery changed. The laundry owner then came by with the van, told me not to worry as it was a "normal" thing, shooed me inside again. He got the car charged and started, confirmed the info that the other customer had given me, gave me his cell phone in case the car stopped between the laundry and the battery place. Wow! I'm so glad the battery didn't die at Kroger's. I guess I should renew my AAA card. So anyway, my last thank-you's are for the laundry guy, the other customer gal and the nice lady at the battery place who took one look at me and said I'll take care of everything... :)

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I guess I should renew my AAA card. So anyway, my last thank-you's are for the laundry guy, the other customer gal and the nice lady at the battery place who took one look at me and said I'll take care of everything...
Most definitely renew the AAA card. I pulled into a gas station once for a fill-up. Pumped the gas, got back in the car, and the engine wouldn't turn over! Called the auto club to get a charge (this was about a 16 bay gas station with no repair services). It was late on a Sunday afternoon, but I got to Sears for a new battery before they closed at 5. Then, there was the time my credit card got stuck in the outdoor pay at the pump. I had to hike to another place to borrow some pliers and extricate my card!

Congrats on the new job duties!

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I guess I should renew my AAA card. So anyway, my last thank-you's are for the laundry guy, the other customer gal and the nice lady at the battery place who took one look at me and said I'll take care of everything...
Most definitely renew the AAA card. I pulled into a gas station once for a fill-up. Pumped the gas, got back in the car, and the engine wouldn't turn over! Called the auto club to get a charge (this was about a 16 bay gas station with no repair services). It was late on a Sunday afternoon, but I got to Sears for a new battery before they closed at 5. Then, there was the time my credit card got stuck in the outdoor pay at the pump. I had to hike to another place to borrow some pliers and extricate my card!

Congrats on the new job duties!

Thanks!!! Note to self: Renew AAA first thing tomorrow, put a pair of pliers in the car (long-nose pliers?) and perhaps one of those battery charger systems(?) H anyone tried if those really work?

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Someone somewhere probably even liked how look at the Chicago book signing!


But you probably figured that, didn't you?

I did - but I love you anyway!! :D

It's fine to have differing opinions about Clay and his sartorial splendour but some of the posts that I have read have been downright ugly and hateful.

Which is why I don't read at the OFC.

Someone somewhere probably even liked how look at the Chicago book signing!


But you probably figured that, didn't you?

Wait, you promised to share! I'm part of the sisterhood of the traveling green sweater!

Oh yeah. Is it my week with the sweater yet?

*pets green sweater longingly*

Seriously, one of my favorite looks of all time!

scribbles down names of green sweater lovers

I actually like the sweater! It was the hair and glasses that I disliked intensely.

Ah, Clay looks so happy.

(And not a trace of guyliner.)

Woo Hoo!!! :clap:

Guess I just don't understand personal perspective that needs to express itself by being harsh and ugly. Or why opinions need to be expressed in such a nasty manner that it makes me recoil in distaste.

Why isn't it fair to diss people other than Clay who are ugly, then? And IMO they are ugly inside too.

Oh well, ugly posts can be skipped. Not like I would ever have any of the ugly-posters in my home or anywhere near my family. Even on their worst day, I would never dream of telling a friend or family member they look ugly or like a clown and that people laugh at them. That's subjective AND needlessly mean.

Yes, different strokes for what is considered unattractive, of course - but the means of expression is sometimes uglier than any look. Ugh.

Ah but calling those who speak in a way that makes you recoil in distaste names is just sinking to their level, isn't it.

And you would never want to hang with those disgusting ugly people, now would you? B)

For the record, I can only speak for myself, but when I express an critical opinion of how he looks on any given day, I am only referring to the outside of him. I am shallow that way. I like to be pleased with how he looks on the outside. As Heidi said, its all about ME.

Everything I have seen of him makes me believe he is quite lovely on the inside - albeit not perfect. So next time I say I don't like how he looks on the outside, remember that I am only being shallow. I have always generally had more fun in the shallow end of the pool! :thumbup:

On my way to work today I saw a sign that said "Couch Tomato Cafe." Cracked me up. Seems it's been in the Manayunk section of Philadlephia since the Fall of 2003. How could I have missed it? I've been to Main Street in that area where there are a lot of shops, restaurants, bars, etc dozens of times. It took a sign on a section of highway I rarely travel and a sign for the cafe sponsoring an anit-littering campaign to bring it to my attention. Now, I need to go there. If Clay ever comes back to the Philadelphia area, we need to hold an FCA get-together there! Love the logo!

The Couch Tomato Cafe

OMG! I may have to check that out one of these days! :lilredani:

are any of my fellow plaguers doing better today. I think I feel even worse if that's possible.

I can't breathe and its very annoying!!

Other than that I think I'll live. Sorry to disappoint you all. :imgtongue:

I read at CV that Clay isn't listed at another place on RCA's site. I don't go there and have no idea what it would mean anyway, but I do wonder what it means for Clay's future. I'm no fan of RCA. Think they have done a terrible job at promoting Clay for whatever reason, although I tend to think a lot has to do with incompetency. Seems to be a trend in all segments of the business sector for quite a few years. That and greed. However, if Clay is no longer with them, I hope it is because there is something better out there for him and not more of the same. Sure hope when Jaymes said the best is yet to come, she knew about definite prospects in the near future and not as just a way to uplift the fandom.

You don't have to go far to find Clay's name on the RCA Site. At the very top of the home page there is a place that says "Featured Artists". Look at the drop- down menu. He's right there, between Christina Aguilera and Daughtry!

{{{all those who are ailing}}} Would a visit from Dr. Clay help?

Why yes. Yes it would. Can you arrange that?? :sleezy:

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*Paging Dr. Aiken, Paging Dr. Aiken. Please come to FCA, STAT!*

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are any of my fellow plaguers doing better today. I think I feel even worse if that's possible.

I can't breathe and its very annoying!!

Exactly. So glad you said that. :hahaha: I thought it was just me. It's actually better than a few days ago, when it was baaaaad.

Love your new avi!

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About the message saying that they need new PCI-E cards, I think it's a driver incompatibility issue. Does it still connect to the network ok? Current laptops usually come with an Intel 5100 Wifi A/B/G/draft Ncard in the mini PCI-E slot. If a new driver was installed it might expect one of these and burp if it finds a different one.

Scarlett - the message is coming from them, not their computers - they feel WOW will be better and faster, etc. Big babies. Although my grandson can't get Spore to run, so I think he does need the new card.

What a day you had!!!!!! Our day here sort of revolved around the use of a 50-foot sewer tape - which "fixed" the stoppage at 47 feet - cost $29, cheaper than a plumber.

AI was boring - needed more Clay!

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Scarlett - the message is coming from them, not their computers - they feel WOW will be better and faster, etc. Big babies. Although my grandson can't get Spore to run, so I think he does need the new card.

What a day you had!!!!!! Our day here sort of revolved around the use of a 50-foot sewer tape - which "fixed" the stoppage at 47 feet - cost $29, cheaper than a plumber.

AI was boring - needed more Clay!

djs, maybe they'll be happy with WOW tips from Permaswooned's DS or SIL Can't remember who it was exactly but someone close to her was working on WOW. Oh, that's a good alternative to calling the plumber! :clap:

I'm envious of everyone who saw Clay on TV -- any caps yet? (yes, yes, I know we have them all individually but, well, uh, they're in a different order so I'm treating it like a montage! Yes, that's it. A montage. And I want a copy!

Thanks for the dashing Dr. Clay pic, annabear! Have something to :claydreaming_ClayIzzaQt: now!

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yeah, about Clay on AI, 4 times, mind you!! at first I thought they were lumping him in with the train wrecks, but then they showed winners, and then they showed him 3 other times!

I guess they like him now!!!

they finally acknowledge that they HAD something there in him!

warmed the cockles of my heart, it did....

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yeah, about Clay on AI, 4 times, mind you!! at first I thought they were lumping him in with the train wrecks, but then they showed winners, and then they showed him 3 other times!

I guess they like him now!!!

they finally acknowledge that they HAD something there in him!

warmed the cockles of my heart, it did....

Mine too - but I think part of this is due to the reappearance of the Wild Card. Clay is usually mentioned whenever they talk about it, seems to me. I doubt they do anything without pumping up their show in mind.

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