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#52: "He doesn't need the spotlight. He just glows."


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • I am so grateful for a board that is celebrating The Clay!
    • We have no idea in hell what Clay is up to. We hope he's happy.
    • God, I love that man. He rocks my socks.
    • He's made a changed woman out of me!
    • Clay Aiken - Better than burnt weinies!

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That's one of the reasons I am glad Clay deliberately moved away from that insane level of stardom even as a possibility. Did anyone here ever read the book Idoru by William Gibson? I used to think a lot about the concept of Idol and Clay, when the show was fresh and new. This year was the 8th season, the 8th!! And Clay was the 2nd season. I firmly believe that Clay and Ruben and the Season 2 contestants (except Corey) had much to do with the success that American Idol became. Every year that goes by without him being on amplifies the effect an appearance by him would have if he ever did it again.

Clay's career? He has to float ideas and projects constantly, I'm sure, and knowing him, that includes various media and multiple diverse projects simmering at once. He doesn't seem to have ever been one to just be working on one idea at a time. I'm sure that's why he doesn't like to have these things known in advance, because I'll bet way more things fall through than pan out, but it was his agent that leaked this book thing. I thought that agent was kind of smarmy so I'm kind of glad that didn't materialize. It didn't feel right. I can relate to that "floating out there" type of employment--and to many things not panning out but only needing one of them to work, floating many to get that one. It's not the same kind of job security that people are used to, but it isn't totally insecure either. Very few people in entertainment are in the spotlight day in day out, year in year out. And everyone has years they are in and years they are out. We all know Clay is capable of that kind of reinvention that sustains a career, and that he has a phenomenal talent.

I was listening to the TV classics audio the other day and was struck (again) by his voice. With an entire orchestra and Quiana and Angela behind him, he just lets loose and sounds so good. Same with that montage today. Man can flat sing.

I think Clay should just record a few songs and put them on iTunes. Don't wait to put together an entire album.

jmh... I like what you wrote! Thanks!!!

Thanks Scarlett..and I think you might enjoy this tidbit. Well first of all when he came over this morning he was still wearing his Storm jersey. But when I go over this evening to celebrate my niece's 7th birthday -- what do I find the 10 year old little league champ doing? KNITTING!! He loves it. He's making a blanket. LOL. I love that kid.

Couchie... what an interesting person your nephew is. That is so cool!

Again I am home waiting on the electrician and I have not turned the tv on either. Don't want to see the circus I guess.

I am actually a little glad those London concerts didn't happen...not sure if he could really capture what was.

I saw Frank Sinatra at the end of his career with my MIL. She was thrilled because she remembered him "when"! I was not impressed at all. He had to read a teleprompter for My Way and even then didn't get the words right. He was just old. She was a huge fan of his and this was her first time to see him live. She was so happy at the end of the night but for me it was meh!

Will we be like that with Clay?

I have thought about that; the idea of a 50 0r 60 year-old Clay singing "Invisible" just sounds creepy to me. I have a problem with celebrities, whether it be an actor, singer or athlete trying to re-capture their hey day...sometimes it is better to just bow out gracefully.


aikim... it depends. Tony Bennet can still perform wonderfully and I could see Clay being that kind of performer... As for older performers... I am 64 and love to rock out and don't care if the performers are at their peak or not if they are performing decently. I believe Clay would know what was appropriate... he's a classy guy!

Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times is an incredibly gifted writer. This is his Michael Jackson memorial:

jazzgirl... that was an awesome tribute to MJ. I have always like Roger Ebert!

00lsee... very nice tribute writing yourself! It is a shame about Farrah and Ed's death being overshadowed by MJ's. Farrah was an awesome actress! Ed was the perfect sidekick!

I LOVED Thriller and Billy Jean made me gasp along with the rest of the world. He made music videos that were works of art during that era. I bought "The Making of Thriller" and watched it many times. He was so talented and sang so many songs I love. His life was sad. I hope his kids have a better life than he did.

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Hello, FCA! :BlowKiss:

Like everyone else, I am reliving the musical highs of MJ's life. At least the breaks on cable news feature MJ videos and/or songs. One interview I enjoyed was Quincy Jones, who produced Michael's albums. Some interviews/statements definitely have gone too far. Today people want to remember the man and his music.

I had to turn off the TV and get rid of the news stations, out of simple respect for his memory. I truly am surprised at how saddened I am, the grief that I feel. As for once the idiot anchors shut up and stop focusing on the latter years of his life, will it be the music that lives on? Will it get the respect and the fond memories it deserves? I think so, if this is any indication -

The iTunes Main Page as of 11pm:

1) Thriller - Michael Jackson

2) The Essential Michael Jackson - Michael Jackson


6) Thriller - 25th Anniversary Edition - Michael Jackson

7) Off the Wall - Michael Jackson


9) Number Ones - Michael Jackson

10) Michael Jackson: The Ultimate Collection - Michael Jackson

That's what people want now - his music. To listen to him sing. YouTube has called in emergency backup to handle the traffic and insure that the site doesn't go down. People want the see energy and the magic of his performances. The official videos of Billie Jean has 12+ million views, Beat It - 23+ million, Thriller - 37+ million and all are rising fast.

What an amazing list, strummer6! Thnx for sharing. :)

Thank you for the welcome and thank you about the montages!! I'm going to try to post more often (fair warning all).

My DH saw Roy Orbison right before he passed away. While he was not at his peak (that would be Roy, not my husband) my DH was so thankful he got to see him. I think if you truly love someone, age doesn't matter. I think sometimes you sit there and relive the past. While I have zero desire to go see The Rolling Stones, I can understand people wanting to see them to try to recapture that special something.

When Bruce Springsteen performed this year at the Super Bowl, my eyes didn't see a 60 year old man, my eyes saw the same performer who I had the pleasure of seeing in 1978, in a 3,000 seat venue, about 10 rows back back from the stage (and I've seen him many times since, but that one just holds a special place in my heart).

Unfortunately, I'm not sure if I'll be around when Clay's 50 or 60 and still touring (it's a sad sad situation), but if I AM I'm sure I'll be right there and enjoying every second of it (plus the fact I've never seen him perform Invisible live)

:lol: I just know you won't be "dog walking" very long, SueRue. My husband grew up in West Texas not far from Roy Orbison's home. He attended local concerts/gigs before RO became famous.

I wonder if all the new sales/downloads will make a dent in the debt MJ had hoped the tour would cover. It's for sure his music videos were more like blockbuster movies when compared to what record labels support now.

The new Carolina On My Mind blog takes a virtual look back at the 2006 JNaT with a "Best of" montage by Chardonnay (featuring video by Scarlett and jojoct, btw) photos, and backstage info from the G'oro finale. The entire set of musical terms is also included.

Hope you enjoy -- and thnx for your visits/comments. Google is still featuring the entry about my mother, but you can pull this new blog up by searching for Clay Aiken AND JNaT. Of course, the direct link works, too. :friends:

Have a great weekend, all! :imgtongue:

Caro listen.gif

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Thanks, caro! I absolutely floved the JNaT of '06! FLOVED it :cocktail:

My favorite headline of the day from The Province (Canadian paper?)

The Thriller's Gone


...and there's my BB King tribute for the day as well. :hysterical:

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I see so many similarities between Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson: They were supersonic stars, led crazy private lives, abused drugs, were surrounded by enablers, and died on the verge of a comeback. Michael was 19 when Elvis died, and walked right into those empty shoes. Michael let it be known that he wanted to be the next "King" and he very napoleonically named himself, "The King of Pop."

I have never for a minute thought Michael Jackson was guilty of molesting children. That his life was strange is settled, but he had a singularly strange upbringing in that he never remembered a time when he was not famous. Never had a moment of childhood when he was not being pushed to work harder to support his family, including singing in strip clubs at the age of 5. I heard someone on TV last night say that as he grew older and looked in the mirror, he saw Joe Jackson, and thus began his quest to change his face to never look like his father as he grew older. In that, he succeeded. He didn't have a normal life -- but then neither did Howard Hughes or Albert Einstein. It seems that genius, in any field, leads to isolation.

I feel badly about Michael Jackson, but not devastated as I was when John Lennon was murdered at the age of 40. That John was killed returning from the recording studio is something that hurt me for a long time. The man who sang "Give Peace A Chance" shot dead in front of his residence in the presence of his wife, with a 5-year old upstairs. Sometimes I still have a hard time believing it. And for years I couldn't listen to the last verse of "God" where he sings:

The dream is over

What can I say?

The dream is over


I was the dreamweaver

But now I'm reborn

I was the Walrus

But now I'm John

And so dear friends

You just have to carry on

The dream is over

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00lsee, I saw your post at CH and was hoping you would bring it over here. It was beautifully written and expressed what I felt, except I didn't feel the relief. I still feel sad for that sweet little boy who had such a tragic life, but I hope that people will mainly remember him for the good things. I know that I am one who has been turned off in recent years by his personal issues, but watching and listening to him perform has made me want to go back and remember the Michael that I grew up with, and unfortunately, since his death, I can again appreciate his talent without all the negative.
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don't come here in a while and there are 7 pages (I think??) of pages to go through.

I missed something & I am okay with that. I wanted to share with you a friend who came back. She is a college aged Clay fan. has been since AI2. She is also a Christian. She said she never stopped being a fan but the support thread at the OFC confused her greatly & did not help her at all. She recently starting posting again at the AI boards. She said she just needed a little time is all & she loves Clay & all that he is :)

Micheal Jackson, Farrah and Ed McMahon all in what a week? So many at one time.

The radio stations have been playing so much of Micheal's music. I have forgotten how much I liked his music.

I do hope the press leaves his family alone & lets him RIP.

One reporter from Rolling Stones yesterday said MJ's music is live on but it would take a 50 years for people to just appreciate his music (the Legend he is) & forgot all the other stuff that over shadowed his music in his later years.

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Regarding Roy Orbison -- I went to high school with his brother Sam in a suburb of Houston. I remember that their dad was called "Orb" and that the family moved to Tennessee, where Roy had been living for a while. Sam wore the same style of glasses that Roy wore -- but there the similarity ends as Sam could not sing a note.

The only other thing I remember about that year was the horror that my best friend died suddenly of meningitis. She was the first and last best friend I ever had, beginning in the 5th grade when I was the new kid and she "adopted" me. When I was in the 4th grade, they put me into the 5th grade during the term -- on Valentine's Day for some reason. The 5th graders were not welcoming, except for Leah. We were opposites. I was tall, she was tiny. I was bookish and pianoish, and she was athletic. She was outgoing and I was an introvert. She was a cheerleader and I was a twirler. And this is tied together in my mind right now because of the song "Leah" by Roy Orbison.

Now, on another matter -- how do you like THIS!

Perez Hilton's money refused by Matthew Shepard Foundation

When Perez Hilton filed a $25,000 lawsuit against Black Eyed Peas' manager Polo Molina, he announced he'd be donating the proceeds to the Matthew Shepard Foundation. Turns out that not only was the foundation never informed of such a donation, they don't want his money because he called Will.I.am a "fucking faggot." Here's the official statement from Judy Shepard:

The Matthew Shepard Foundation was surprised to learn this morning via media reports that blogger Perez Hilton (Mario Lavandeira) has announced he plans to donate, to our organization, the proceeds of a lawsuit he is contesting over an altercation which has been widely reported in recent days.

We had no advance notice or contact from Mr. Hilton or his representatives regarding this proposal, nor any communication since he posted this plan to his website.

We do not know the details of the lawsuit, whether it has been filed, the nature of his claims or the likely outcome. But because the lawsuit presumably involves the physical attack prompted by Mr. Hilton's admitted use of an anti-gay slur, the Foundation will be unable to accept any funds obtained in such a manner.

We very much appreciate the generosity of the offer to support our continuing work to memorialize Matthew through activism in defense of sexual minorities and in favor of understanding, compassion, and acceptance. But because so much of our work involves education to reduce the use of hateful language against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered persons, or those so perceived, it would be inappropriate for us to benefit financially from circumstances in which such a verbal attack was involved.

While we applaud Mr. Hilton's apology to the LGBT community and their loved ones for his use of such a slur, we also feel compelled to point out that use of epithets can often lead to physical violence, as it appears it may have in this case, and that the Matthew Shepard Foundation has worked for more than 10 years to bring to people's attention the consequences of hateful or intolerant language.

Judy Shepard

Chair, MSF Governing Board

PH's career, if you can call it that, must be over by now.

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Wow. Thanks for posting that aikim. What a story from Lisa Marie:

Our relationship was not "a sham" as is being reported in the press. It was an unusual relationship yes, where two unusual people who did not live or know a "Normal life" found a connection, perhaps with some suspect timing on his part. Nonetheless, I do believe he loved me as much as he could love anyone and I loved him very much.

I became very ill and emotionally/ spiritually exhausted in my quest to save him from certain self-destructive behavior and from the awful vampires and leeches he would always manage to magnetize around him.

As I sit here overwhelmed with sadness, reflection and confusion at what was my biggest failure to date, watching on the news almost play by play The exact Scenario I saw happen on August 16th, 1977 happening again right now with Michael (A sight I never wanted to see again) just as he predicted, I am truly, truly gutted.
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I know...just so sad and heartbreaking...to have to deal with that twice in one life...I can't imagine.


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Okay, I have to brag...I made a rhubarb/strawberry pie this afternoon...rhubarb from my garden and it was just yummy! Just the right amount of sugar so it wasn't too sweet nor too tart and the crust came out perfect (my pie crusts are always hit or miss!). Reminded me of the pies my Mom used to make.


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Okay, I have to brag...I made a rhubarb/strawberry pie this afternoon...rhubarb from my garden and it was just yummy! Just the right amount of sugar so it wasn't too sweet nor too tart and the crust came out perfect (my pie crusts are always hit or miss!). Reminded me of the pies my Mom used to make.


Sounds delish! Are you going to pass us a slice? :lol:

Caro listen.gif

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Hey aikim, way to go! I haven't attempted a pie yet...but I'm hoping to pick some strawberries tomorrow.

Puppy is on the mend, thanks to some fluids and antibiotics at the vet's. YAY! :)

BTW congrats to couchie's nephew! It's so great that you are so involved with both your niece and nephew and you can enjoy their successes along with them.

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Okay, I have to brag...I made a rhubarb/strawberry pie this afternoon...rhubarb from my garden and it was just yummy! Just the right amount of sugar so it wasn't too sweet nor too tart and the crust came out perfect (my pie crusts are always hit or miss!). Reminded me of the pies my Mom used to make.


Sounds delish! Are you going to pass us a slice? :lol:

Caro listen.gif

Why of course.....just make sure you return the plate!


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00lsee, I saw your post at CH and was hoping you would bring it over here. It was beautifully written and expressed what I felt, except I didn't feel the relief. I still feel sad for that sweet little boy who had such a tragic life, but I hope that people will mainly remember him for the good things. I know that I am one who has been turned off in recent years by his personal issues, but watching and listening to him perform has made me want to go back and remember the Michael that I grew up with, and unfortunately, since his death, I can again appreciate his talent without all the negative.

Your last sentence incorporates all I was trying to say. Maybe relief was the wrong word? Hm...(reaches for Merriam-webster)...Well, it says: relief: feeling of ease from grief or trouble; reduction of or freedom from pain. So, maybe that's the meaning I meant, after all?

Anyway, that's probably a word to describe what I felt about Farrah, too. As much as I admired her battle to live, she was so battered by the end that her death represented a release from that pain. I hope Redmond can get his act together.

I have to say, y'all, that since the deaths of Anna-Nicole Smith and Heath Ledger and now, possibly, Michael Jackson, I have become very vigilant about the medications I take! I kind of hope it was ordinary coronary disease, but the people close to him sure are raising some red flags, aren't they? Sad.

I'm very curious about MJ's kids. I thought all his kids were biological, but they were saying this morning that Blanket, at least, was adopted in Europe...and the other two are mysteries. By all accounts he was a loving and engaged father, so I hope his caring extended to having instructions for their welfare set in writing in an ironclad will somewhere. My gut tells me there will be a battle over their custody, regardless, more shame to the grasping, greedy family members/leeches of all varieties! For their sakes, I hope not.

luckiest, I'm glad your Luckypuppy is doing okay. That is so scary! That reminds me that I never updated you guys about my dog vs car victim Jack. He returned to normal really fast, so fast that we were having to confine him to keep him still, as the vet recommended. I would love to see his x-rays NOW, since I was appalled by the break in his pelvis, because you'd never know he was hurt at all, the way he bounces around! So, yay to that! :)

aikim congrats on your lovely pie! My grandmother used to make rhubarb and also gooseberry pies. I never had her way with pie crust, unfortunately.

Anyway, I know there are many more people I want to make remarks to, but I'm so behind...and really, I need to spend some time reworking my resume and trying to make some sense of the bills. This has been a crazy month for my family and I have made discouragingly little headway in the job search.

So, ta for now! :)

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Hey aikim, way to go! I haven't attempted a pie yet...but I'm hoping to pick some strawberries tomorrow.

Puppy is on the mend, thanks to some fluids and antibiotics at the vet's. YAY! :)

BTW congrats to couchie's nephew! It's so great that you are so involved with both your niece and nephew and you can enjoy their successes along with them.

Glad puppy is getting better.

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Wow, so many good posts & links today. Thank you all!

luckiest, glad your little's one is on the mend.

Caro, thanks as always for the nice mention.

aikim, that looks too good to eat.

dessertrose, :thbighug-1:

ETA: Ooops! Sorry, I really meant to hug desertrose :thbighug-1: The lovely pie just made me type 'dessert'.

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:hello: It's time I said "hello" to everyone. I've been a member since 2005, so it's about time, :hahaha:

Believe it or not, I couldn't find the forum way back when a computer crash wiped out my HD. I found the picture gallery and the FCA media pages, but always ended up going in circles trying to find a link to the posting page. Better late than never, eh! I found it now via Caro :)

When I joined the OFC the first year, I became Ashes, started a blog there, then added Ashes Clay the Man to blogspot. So I have a split identity, Claysmelody at the CB and Ashes in a few other spots. I do try to confuse myself, and that condition really doesn't need any help. :whistling-1:

There are a lot of familiar names here, now that I've found the board--very good to see.

Scarlett, have to leave a special Thank You and :thbighug-1: So many times I've wanted to find you to tell you how very much I love your videos, I have every one of them.

Have a good weekend!

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Caro, thanks as always for the nice mention.

You are so welcome, Scarlett. What a great little "not a tour"! Chardonnay did a wonderful job on her "Best of" series. :wub:

Thnx for the pie, Aikim. I'll wash the plate and send it back. :lol:

Greetings, Claysmelody ... now that I'm used to calling you Ashes. This should be interesting keeping up with your aliases. You will enjoy this board. :)

Have a great weekend, all! :BlowKiss:

Caro listen.gif

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Hi there Claysmelody! Glad to see we don't scare everyone off :whistling-1:

It is hot again. Tonight my car registered 100 in the shade. We had really bad rain at work yesterday...couldn't even see the road but did I get any at home no! I was going to go out shopping tomorrow but I don't think there is anything I need bad enough to get out in 104 degrees. Now if it was going to see Clay Aiken that would be a whole different story!

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BTW congrats to couchie's nephew! It's so great that you are so involved with both your niece and nephew and you can enjoy their successes along with them.
Somebody has to take care of me when I'm old and in the Claymate Senior Center :cryingwlaughter: Actually I've thought of leaving the very expensive to live Bay Area many times -- even considered moving to another state -- but just can't leave them. 5 minutes away - I see them at least 3 times a week.

The blog post from Lisa seems so real. None of that "Michael was just fine" stuff that is so common to hear from his inner circle and family.

OOlsee I know what you meant. I have to say that although surprised to hear about Michael's death I wasn't at all shocked. It just seemed he was going to have a tragic end.

Hey Claysmelody.... glad you found us! Thanks Caro!

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