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#54: Clay is like a box of chocolates (with a pickle on the side)


Thread Title Poll  

67 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA

    • Clay Aiken: Inner Cool
    • My Eyes Adored You
    • What joy to see him; time flew by on golden notes -- moon river echoes
    • Swoon River

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ldyj... good luck. Maybe half a day. I have a rule at my office. If you're contagious and come in... you're going right back out that door. Now, the recovery stage when you're just feeling like crap but are no longer contagious, your call. Half day's are encouraged in that stage. JMHO

Talk about bad PR... all that about Fantasia being a diva when she was on Color Purple. All they had to do was let people know about her throat and she would have gotten kudos for sticking it out instead of crucified for being out so much. Geesh!

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KAndre looks around FCA and decides to vent....

Whine! Whine, whine, whimper, whine about my job. Mainly because we just got our reviews back from May (they love me except those who fear me, yadda yadda yadda) just in time to do our October reviews! Why the hell are we reviewed twice a year? Why? Why, why, why??!??! It's not like anyone does anything different - I've been using the same reviews for the same people twice a year for the last five years.

Hmph! Clay has a better job than me. I need to learn how to sing.

And I clearly can't remember to do formatting right either!

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Maybe it's the cold meds...but you know what? I hope Clay's happy and doing what he wants to do. He doesn't need to entertain me all the time. Yes, I miss him. Yes, I'd love to know what he's up to. But I'm patient.

I'm right here, waiting for him.

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Maybe it's the cold meds...but you know what? I hope Clay's happy and doing what he wants to do. He doesn't need to entertain me all the time. Yes, I miss him. Yes, I'd love to know what he's up to. But I'm patient.

I'm right here, waiting for him.

Doesn't need to entertain me all the time either.

Sometimes would be nice though.


(course... if he's busy with the sexy dude in the tutu, then I can live with that *g*)

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Maybe it's the cold meds...but you know what? I hope Clay's happy and doing what he wants to do. He doesn't need to entertain me all the time. Yes, I miss him. Yes, I'd love to know what he's up to. But I'm patient.

I'm right here, waiting for him.



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I hope Clay's happy and doing what he wants to do. He doesn't need to entertain me all the time. Yes, I miss him. Yes, I'd love to know what he's up to. But I'm patient.

I'm right here, waiting for him.

Amen. Yeah that & :loveclaysbutt:




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I have been voting on that Tweeterwall poll ever since we found out about it. Will be so glad when it is finally over.

Me too, but I'm proud to do it. Haven't had this much fun voting since 2004!

It was kinda fun reading the enthusiastic "Go team!" comments in the OFC thread and looking at all of the pictures and videos posted by people waiting for their timers to ring, lol.

(The day I set a timer to tell me when to vote, you can shoot me though, K? :cryingwlaughter: )

But when Clayfans started staying up all night and losing sleep to vote and a certain fanbase enlistened other fanbases to vote for their guy vs voting "fair and square" once they "felt threatened", well that's just a weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bit obsessive. JMO.

Doesn't need to entertain me all the time either.

Sometimes would be nice though.



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I can type again. I don't know what's wrong with this darn laptop. I have a code 24 error which is a registry error. I just don't know how to fix it. :breakpc1:

To fill some time I actually went shopping today. It was raining and had a friend from out of town visiting. Hooray, I'll have new underwear for the Gala. Now I need some clothing.:moon2:

I'm with you guys just waiting for Clay. At least we know he'll be at the Gala.

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Actually,Clay does entertain me any time and all the time I want him to.


There are so many photos I love --both old and new. I still really enjoy putting on a fulltour audio and going through pictures and recaps and occational videos.

A new tour or something I could afford to go to, would be nice though.

It makes me wonder sometimes why I still have so much of it with tons of songs on my computer and video on dvds thanks to so many talented fans. But then I remember that I have it all because I still enjoy it. It entertains me to go back.

Thanks to all who make this happen :thankyou:

And I enjoy sharing my latest rediscoveries too, so heres another picture I played with:

[i wish they had used this photo for promo though] ---go ahead, click it to get close.


Looking forward to lots of new BAF/Inclusion clack of Decca-boy singing.

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*Sees gg and waves!* :hello:

Are you done with Christmas Serenade? Where are you now? -- Thx! :BlowKiss:

I'm on HYAMLC. Just started. BUT these aren't taking me too long, if I just applied myself. I think probably I will seriously apply myself this weekend SO I might even finish the first set by Sunday. Which would be great if I could.

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