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#14 We were all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"


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    • I'm easy....I will take Clay any way he wants to give it to me!
    • Clay's instrument is full and especially soul-piercing the deeper it goes.
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    • We were all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!" (redux)

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Honestly compels me to say that I have from time to time thought, "What in the hell did he do to his hair??" but I've avoided posting such things because I didn't want to be part of a 20-page thread on how he should fire his stylist and doesn't care about his public image, etc. etc. etc, ad nauseum, especially since my hair usually looks like shit. I have no problem with differences of opinions, just meanness. I haven't seen any sign of that here--and believe me, I've looked.

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I loved ATDW and couldn't believe the trashing it took from his fans. It was a shameful time.

Look what I found.............




Talking about being on one's knees. Where do you think Clay is headed? :eusa_whistle:


ETA: Oh rcknrllmom I forgot about that. Maybe I will put it in my will for that picture to go to you. {{hugs}} Isn't it gorgeous?

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You know I don't think any of us really think that it's all puppies and roses here. I think it's just that there is so obviously no Group Think going on here. Yes, it's okay to not like Clays hair. But it's also okay to actually like it too. I can say I like ATDW or Clay's choice in clothes/hairdresser/songstylin's without being accused of just blowing smoke up Clay's ass. And yes that has happened to me and others I know.

Really...smoke? Not what I'd be blowin' if I had the chance to be that close to his ass.

Did I just say that? I think I need to go mow the lawn and say a few Hail Mary's.

BWAH!!! Jamar smutted BIG TIME!!!!!!! :clap:

Honestly compels me to say that I have from time to time thought, "What in the hell did he do to his hair??" but I've avoided posting such things because I didn't want to be part of a 20-page thread on how he should fire his stylist and doesn't care about his public image, etc. etc. etc, ad nauseum, especially since my hair usually looks like shit. I have no problem with differences of opinions, just meanness. I haven't seen any sign of that here--and believe me, I've looked.

You can actually say his hair looked like shit here! It will usually just lead to something smutty - or a pictorial comparison, which will also usually lead to something smutty!

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My avi on another board is from the first row video she took at the Des Moines concert. Clay smiled at me. :wub: That smile went clear down to my toes. With a detour to the girly parts.
Hi and thanks very much for the nice mention. However, I think that was taken by theheidis, a dear pal I haven't seen in a while, whom I sorely miss & hope to see at Minneapolis this December.

(btw, before she left the boards theheidis left me her DVD of Des Moines and it is just beautiful. I don't have time to make lots of copies (mainly because Solo will kill me if I don't cough up Fort Myers today and WPB after that), but if anyone is willing to provide for others, PM me)

Oops! You are absolutely right! My memory sucks big time. Even still, though, I have many, many of your vids on my harddrive (and burned to hundreds of CD's stuffed in the bookcase where books used to be) and they are wonderful. I have such admiration for you Clackgatherers who risk life & limb to bring us videos. I tried....once. Got busted by Jerome...scared the pee outta me and I didn't try again.

So, thanks!

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ETA...woolovereyes = I Survived You, not woo!! lover eyes!! :cryingwlaughter:

BWAH! I don't know..I think I like Woo! lover eyes more heee.

Claygasm for you:

First thread: 80 pages July 10, 2005 - March 4, 2006 (NOT A TYPO heee)

Thread #2 80 pages March 4, 2006 - September 14th (ALSO not a type)

Thread 3 82 pages - September 14th - November 5, 2006

Thread #4 80 pages - Nov 5, 2006 - Dec 1, 2006

Thread # 8 March 24, 2007 - April 18, 2007

settles into about a month per thread until current thread which is on torrid pace..

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ETA...woolovereyes = I Survived You, not woo!! lover eyes!! :cryingwlaughter:


Woo! Lover Eyes! How family-friendly. :lol:

I am SO stealing that! LOL!

ETA... WooT... second!

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What I used to read as wool over eyes will now be permanently etched into my mind as woo lover eyes!!

Much better imagery, by the way.

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Comes from years of ignoring my dad while looking him straight in the face.

It's a great skill to have.


Dude, keepingfaith, that picture is exactly like the AI5 face... isn't that weird? I was somewhere watching Clay sit and listen to Diane Bubel once and for a split second his face looked exactly like one of my favorite pictures of him at the time. I almost eeeee'd out loud, which, of course, would have been highly inappropriate. But yeah, it's a trip when he looks like himself. Heh. :lol:

This one... EW_Clay.jpgClayOrlandoHRC63.jpg

Yes, I have no substance... you'll get used to it. :lol:

Post ho-ing. Sorry, I don't know how to do multiple quotes.

These two faces don't even look like the same man. I remember during AI2 he changed so much I kept comparing pictures from the start of the show with the Mack the Knife and Anomaly Night show, and convinced myself that it really wasn't the same person, that FOX has pulled a switcheroo on us. Weird, that he has so many faces.

And while I would never say that he's 'fat' by any stretch of the imagination, he certainly has filled out nicely in four years. In more ways than on.e :medium-smiley-070:

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*Waves back to CarolinaClay*

There sure are ALOT of familiar names here! *g* Well I am Desertflower. When I joined the CH, I wanted a name that was not Claycentric. I'm not terribly imaginative unfortunately. I live in the Desert, and like a Flower in the Desert I can be sweet, but prickly at the same time...hence Desertflower.

I have been a fan since Movie Night....I would have been at "Take", but I didn't watch an episode till Movie Night. I have been involved with the Message Boards since the Summer of 2003. I still watch AI...but as my son says...to insult it. I like several others from AI....like is the key word. Clay I love. This is the first and only fandom I have been a part of.

I see LOTS of Smut, Smutters, and Crotch Shots here.....but hey Queen of the Smut Musifest is here! He does have a very ample crotch. I gotta wonder sometimes how he fits it in his pants. Maybe that is why his butt is always sagging...he's got to get jeans large enough to accommodate his package.

I notice KAndre thinks IYDKMBN belongs to her. I got news there is a new player on the scene and that is my favorite song (after LAA) that Clay has sung. I just love Clay singing Motown-he has such a soulful voice.

Hair? Usually could care less. I figure it will change soon anyhow. The only style that really made me cringe was the fauxhawk and he immortalized that one in merchandise. I wonder if he forgot to look in the mirror for that one? Favorites? AIW, ATDW Promotion, JBT, Raleigh 3-fer. But please no more spikes, that is so 2003.

I agree rcknrllmom, he has grown into one damn fine looking man. I do think early on, they made a concerted effort to make him look younger than he really was.

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YSRN, thanks for finding the information on the second lady in the picture. I just had enough time before church this morning to pull the picture from the CH news thread, not research who else was there.

Karen Eh?, yes I plan on being the "crazy aunt" as well, the one who spends all her spare time and money going to Clay Aiken shows. Heck, if my cousins can spend all their spare time and money playing 18 holes of golf, why can't I do something I enjoy? Fortunately, my husband and I have worked this all out really well...I get to go to Clay Aiken shows (but not TOO many), he gets to buy guitars (but again, not TOO many....).

This one... EW_Clay.jpg

OMG, I'd almost forgotten about those pictures. That was a pretty cool day early in the fandom...and he was so....so....freckly. I'd love to kiss all those freckles.

Speaking of the cute...


Adorable. Simply adorable.

And one minute we may be discussing something deep and heavy and the next talking about wayward zippers! :cryingwlaughter:

That's what I love here....it's almost whiplash inducing to be sure, but it makes it very interesting!

Hey couchie, ansa, ldyj - any of those in POWER! Once upon a time someone posted the time it took to get through one thread on main from the first thread on. Can you post that again? I thought that was very telling on how this board has picked up!

Our first main linear thread ever, "Ready for Your Constant State of Celebration," started on July 10, 2005. It ended on March 4, 2006 -- a span of almost 9 months. (With two concert tours thrown in there, no less). The second thread finished on September 14, 2006 -- down to 6 months.

Compare to the previous thread to this current one, "The Aiken Experience. There's Nothing Else Like It," which started on July 31, 2007 and finished August 23, 2007 -- about three weeks. The way we're going, this thread will be done by the middle of this week! Yikes!

I see couchie beat me to it, but I'm letting it stand....

BTW, if anyone is interested in our "history" -- the main thread archives are here. I find it fun to just poke around and see what we were talking about on a particular day....

My cup (and Clay's) runneth over.

After perusing several pictures...I really don't think Clay wears a cup.


You know I don't think any of us really think that it's all puppies and roses here. I think it's just that there is so obviously no Group Think going on here. Yes, it's okay to not like Clays hair. But it's also okay to actually like it too. I can say I like ATDW or Clay's choice in clothes/hairdresser/songstylin's without being accused of just blowing smoke up Clay's ass. And yes that has happened to me and others I know.

I have to admit that my first knee jerk reaction when someone says "What did he do to his hair?" or "was that note a little off?" is to go "no, no, no -- you're wrong!" But, being here on this board in the past year or so has helped me learn to resepct the differences of opinions on things like this. The key word? Respect. I think that's what drove a bunch of us away from our other boards, the lack of respect. Well, that and the seeming gloom and doom over an album that so many of us LOVED (or liked an awful lot) and the sales of 500,000 (which, IMO are pretty damn good).

I've also learned that Clay Aiken doesn't need a protector in me. Things can be written about him that I cannot stand; I've learned to ignore. Things MAY have happened in the backroom channels at his record label. What can I do about that? Nothing. Allegations are made about his private life. I can't control those allegations, I can only ignore. And so on, and so on, and scooby dooby dooby. My life becamse a lot happier when I let go of trying to "protect" Clay.

Really...smoke? Not what I'd be blowin' if I had the chance to be that close to his ass.

Did I just say that? I think I need to go mow the lawn and say a few Hail Mary's.

*note to self: jamar made a smut comment on August 26, 2007. Will keep notebook for a long time*

Welcome again to all new people!

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I know there's a thread for recommending clack, but this one, IMO, deserves wide distribution ....

THIS is just one of the many, many reasons the West Palm Beach concert is first in my heart right now. OMG, KAndre, what a seat you had!

Man, if Clay had jumped off the stage on my side, I was right by the jumping off point. I could have caught him seen the "show" the "big show" -- I talked to a lady after the show who was sitting on the lucky side and was still in a state of shock. She said she got the clack. Wonder if this is it. The energy level was ecstatic. What a night.

West Palm Beach _ makinaiken1_TWYMMF

ETA: I doubt the lady I talked to provided this clack, because she told me the pants came DOWN. Down, I tell you. She said Clay didn't exactly "fall" but that his pants came down and he went to the floor with it. And she was an eyewitness. She said she had it. The moment is blurred on this video. Maybe discretion is the best part of valor. Maybe not. Can you imagine taking that clack!

He sings, "I've never been so embarrassed before" as he's getting back up on the stage. Such a doll.

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For those who asked (and even those who didn't *g*):

At the bottom right hand side of every post, there is a button that says "Quote." On this board, if you want to quote multiple posts, just click on the button in EVERY post you wish to quote. Then, when you click on the "Add Reply" button, all the posts are collected....you just need to add your thoughts! I do tend to cut down my quoted posts to reply to only a particular section...but then there are days when you think you've gotten all the quotes closed, only to find that the coding sucks. I proofread a LOT around here. *g*

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Really...smoke? Not what I'd be blowin' if I had the chance to be that close to his ass.

OMG! What have you people done to JaMar? I've known her for years, she's the only person I'll sleep with besides my DH, I talk to her every day, but I have never. never. heard her smut before! Yes! Mark the calendar!


ldyj - thank you so much for the quoting instructions. I wondered how y'all did that!


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Jerome looks like he's having a hard time keeping it together, here! Too funny.


oooooooo, this one too. And it's got a great interior shot of the venue. This was a beautiful theatre.


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Jerome looks like he's having a hard time keeping it together, here! Too funny.


Heh, I've been watching all the TWYMMFs from there (and everywhere - I'm totally obsessed it's my homework); Jerome is definitely cracking up. Very funny!

Thanks for the recommendations...I didn't know the maikenaiken clack was up... she's got a great view -- I wish there was more clack that was taken with a bit of a wider view... I love the closeups, but I also like to see the stage and what's going on around him.

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Honestly compels me to say that I have from time to time thought, "What in the hell did he do to his hair??" but I've avoided posting such things because I didn't want to be part of a 20-page thread on how he should fire his stylist and doesn't care about his public image, etc. etc. etc, ad nauseum, especially since my hair usually looks like shit. I have no problem with differences of opinions, just meanness. I haven't seen any sign of that here--and believe me, I've looked.

Thanks! That makes me schmoopie. :RedGuy:

These two faces don't even look like the same man. I remember during AI2 he changed so much I kept comparing pictures from the start of the show with the Mack the Knife and Anomaly Night show, and convinced myself that it really wasn't the same person, that FOX has pulled a switcheroo on us. Weird, that he has so many faces.

I used to think the same thing, after the show was over and various photos and screencaps of appearances started to surface on the boards. I just could not believe they were all the same person.

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Its a dreary day here - humid, hot, gray. I think that's a perfect day to get working on my half of the DCAT TOAs! But do we really have to evaluate the orchestras? I don't know nuthin about orchestras. To quote the nice lady at the winery, if I like it its good shit. If I don't its bad shit. Do I have to get more technical than that????

I haven't read all of the way through the thread to see if anyone answered you, CG, but I wanted to let you know I'd be happy to help in evaluating the orchestras. If you get maybe the top 5 or so, I could listen to them, too, and give you an opinion. It bugs the heck out of me when the orchestra isn't in tune or isn't in time, so I know what to listen for.

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I thought the Holy Grail shot indicated otherwise.... Oh wait, did you mean, like, a sweater? Never mind then.


(jamar1700 @ Aug 26 2007, 11:44 AM)

Really...smoke? Not what I'd be blowin' if I had the chance to be that close to his ass.

Did I just say that? I think I need to go mow the lawn and say a few Hail Mary's.

I'm afraid it might just be too late for the Hail Marys, but don't worry. I had a nun tell me at age 8 that I was going to hell and there was nothing I could do about it. (I went to communion at the wrong time) After that, I figured I had nothing to lose. Besides, if this was your first smutting, it would seem you've uncovered a hidden talent. :whistling-1:

YSRN, thanks for the info on Su. Much appreciated.

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Jerome looks like he's having a hard time keeping it together, here! Too funny.


oooooooo, this one too. And it's got a great interior shot of the venue. This was a beautiful theatre.


EEEEEEEE!! My first time ever to try and shoot video -- and it got quoted!!!!!!! Of course, I realize it was just for the subject matter, but that's also why I switched from pics to vid!! Wonderful few moments there - and he was sooooooooo close! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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ETA Well, then I take it back. I will not start rumors, I will not start rumors, I will not start rumors - where is that little work book, 97 more times.


I think my favorite thing that has been mentioned is the move on - on many boards you have to "respect others views". I never understood just how it was OK for the same person to post the same thing over and over and it still be considered respectful of other views - I disagree with people all the time, being a disagreeable person, but that does not mean I don't like them or that I want to discuss a point until we agree. Of course, the only person I really feel the need to respect and support on any Clay board is Clay, although that is not a popular notion, since my idea of support is to accept him as an adult with the rights to make his own decisions in his career. I can comment and talk about things, but I can not make him change to be what I want.

ETA - if you see this message25.gif, understand that it is just my way of disagreeing wtih your opinion, not that I am actively making fun of you.

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