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#44: We think we'll keep him!!!!


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51 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • I'll connect with this man in any way at any time.
    • He could sing me the Invisionfree terms of service agreement and I'd love it, so any new songs are obviously going to be coolness squared.
    • He owns us.
    • Just sing to me, pretty boy!

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BTW, using a metal spatula as a scraper on the bottom of the oven does....kind of....work. I think in several weeks I'll be able to get the crusty layers off enough to do a sweep with the oven cleaner. :huh:

I have a super easy, simple solution for you - baking soda. You make a paste with water (not too dry) and completely cover the charcoal coating. Let it sit overnight and you should be able to slide the remains off with the spatula. No damage to your oven either!

I haven't been around much lately. Between dental appt. No. 6 a week ago (hugs for jazzgirl) and trying to get my Christmas shopping done (I'm claustrophobic in malls), I don't get online at home at night or much on weekends.

aikim - Love your Oz tree - it's adorable!

For those of you with work woes, I'm relieved it's not just me! The boss I've had for nearly four years has gotten just miserable lately. I asked one of managers, who's a friend of his, what the problem is and he thinks our boss is letting the stress get to him. He better get over it bloody fast, or I may be submitting a request for a transfer in January when a new section is getting staffed in my division. I really hate the attitude that one day your work is great and the next you're treated like an idiot, especially when I've been working for senior management for 16 years. End rant now...

I have to add that I'm "owned" too, like all the lovely company here. :thbighug-1:

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Clayzycoffin won't be visiting anymore.





ETA: ET interview funny, pretty... sorry guys for your work problems... tooth woes... I'm really not trying to glance over it, just don't have anything original to add...

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I sympathize with all of those with work problems. The last five years that I worked at Citibank made me wonder if the management are all composed of people who were too incompetent to do anything else. It wasn't that way in the beginning but the Bush years were not good for businesses. Greed and arrogance took over and look at the mess that got us into. Maybe now those idiots will suffer the consequences of their bad decisions instead of everyone else. One can only hope.

I loved both interviews, especially the online one, and love how he said Parker owns them. And Muski, thanks for going ahead and giving the other side. Couldn't have said it better myself.

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Ahhh I didn't get to know THAT Galahad. I know everyone loved him but I only have my Galahad and I loved him.

Hugs to everyone who needs them...looks like a lot of us. I'll have to look up Goodpasture Syndrome. I've never heard of it. But good thoughts heading his way.... and LOL on the hair brushing. I've been through that!!

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and my head hurts from my 4 and 7 years niece and nephew's "brushing hair" this weekend. I think I can have them charged with assault...

It could be worse....one of my nieces got the grand idea of adorning my hair with jewerly cases, the ones that have a hinge and snap closed. It was many years ago, and I can still hear the snaps. :blink:

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NYC City Guide

Monty Python’s Spamalot: Riding High Into The Home Stretch With Clay Aiken

Monty Python’s Spamalot: Riding High Into The Home Stretch With Clay Aiken

December 2, 2008 - by Ellis Whitman

You know that a musical based on a movie is special when theatergoers who know nothing about the material going in become die-hard devotees by the show’s end.

Monty Python’s Spamalot, 2005’s Tony-winning musical scheduled to close on January 18, is a Broadway phenomenon whose new fans include Clay Aiken, the break-out “American Idol” finalist who’s appearing in the show as Sir Robin (and, in typical Python tradition, several other roles). In fact, Aiken hadn’t heard of the innovative British comedy troupe before joining the cast.

“I thought Monty Python was a person and that Spamalot was about unwanted emails,” he said. “But now, I’m a big fan. It’s a silliness that’s not slapstick. It’s very smart.” And, he could add, attracting repeat visitors.

“Probably just big Python fans came in the beginning, but now we’re seeing people who just are curious… then they come back because it’s so funny,” he observes.

Based on the screenplay “Monty Python and the Holy Grail,” by original Pythons Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones and Michael Palin, Spamalot features a book and lyrics by Eric Idle, music by Idle and John Du Prez, and direction by the iconic Mike Nichols.

The show chronicles the quest for the Holy Grail by King Arthur (Michael Siberry) and the Knights of the Round Table. Naturally, along the way there are dancing divas, befuddled knights, obnoxious Frenchmen, a killer rabbit and the mermaid-like Lady of the Lake (Merle Dandridge).

Aiken, who shares the spotlight with the talented Tom Deckman (Prince Herbert), Rick Holmes (Sir Lancelot), Bradley Dean (Sir Dennis), and David Hibbard (Patsy), says he especially enjoys the production’s spontaneity.

“One of the great things about the show is it’s not always the same. When something breaks down, or someone messes up a line, we incorporate it. There’s a scene where the Knight of Ni, says ‘We now say….’ and he changes it every night.” (Notably, in the performance following the presidential election he added “Yes We Can” and a comment on gay marriage.)

Such improvisation stems from the genius of director Nichols who emphasized keeping the show fresh by having the actors vary their reactions performance to performance.

“When I’m in concert, it’s pretty much the same every night and I never understood why people come back,” notes Aiken who will be with the show through January 4th. “But I get why people return to Spamalot; it’s never the same.”

Every night at the Shubert Theatre, Aiken, whose recording career has netted him six million albums and half a dozen sold-out concert tours, stops the show with “You Won’t Succeed On Broadway” – a particularly apt song when you take into account that Spamalot (on Broadway) marks his professional acting debut. After an initial run that ended on May 4th — during which he bonded with the supportive company, comprised mostly of Broadway veterans — he had no problem returning to his Spamalot family this past September.

As for the future, he says he wouldn’t rule out another stint on Broadway, but has no concrete plans. For now, in these final weeks of the run, he is simply proud to have been part of a great show.

“There’s pride that it’s lasted so long—we’ve probably had one of the lowest turnovers of cast. And it’s changed the landscape of Broadway because its one of the only shows that got men and women excited about theater,” concludes Aiken, adding, “Many women might want to go to Broadway but they can’t talk their husbands into it. But bring him to Spamalot and he’ll thank you for it!”

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Can't think of any other reason to hold this particular contest other than to collect information.

Hee my first thought was they are getting rid of their leftover crap! And yes I entered too even though I already have a lot of it.

Maybe they will have some new "stuff" for us to support Clay buy?

You know I might just stay here today!

Since the contest is also announced on Clay's My Space maybe they are looking for more people to become members of OFC. Makes for a pricey raffle ticket!

Man, this has not been the best weekend...anyone know anyone with Goodpasture's syndrome? My musician BIL ended up going to the hospital Saturday and just now got this possible diagnosis...

I looked up Goodpasture's Syndrome and I'm so sorry to read that that your BIL might have it.

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BWAH! Yep...I tell ya, smutting is a universal proclivity...I clicked on a google alert since it was clearly another posting of the yummy ET interview. It was on popdirt.com. Anyway, right before the actual video, here's what they wrote:

Watch it below the fold.


Oh....we do.....we DOOOOOOOOO---both below and above it! :sleezy:

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muski... :cryingwlaughter: NO ONE has the smutting proclivity like you do, tho... you is the queen of smutting proclivity in the universe!!! :whistling-1:

merrieeee... FCA is a nice place to be almost any day! Escape from the madness out there anytime to our balmy, relaxing shores (can you tell I live close to the left beach). LOL

Since she thought I was ashamed to claim her last time we got together and I didn't tell everyone, I am announcing beforehand that I'm having dinner with Permaswooned tonight so I can pump her clean dry about her trip to the Gala enjoy her company! :whistling-1:

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You know I've had a pretty good time going to Clay's concerts, Spamalot and galas over the last five years. So I'll never understand why his telling a lie one time would make me hate him. I did my best to understand other's positions but I have officially given up.

So now I must confess that I told my kids that there was a Santa Claus. I have never apologized to them for misleading them. I deserve this :thdom2:

As a result I wouldn't recommend anyone holding their breath for Clay to apologize, just as my kids are not holding their's waiting for me. Life is just too short.

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Fear... I don't think it is his lying that gets to those that say his lying is the problem... it is his not apologizing abjectly for lying by word or by actions that they are upset about. In his blog he did say he was sorry if anyone felt misled, but that was not pointed enough or abject enough for most.

IMO, he has floated over the issue since cause he is not one to go deeply into his feelings... ever. In the interview with Diane, he tried to make out like it had not been an ordeal for him, yet later said that he was not comfortable enough with it himself to tell anyone else. He wants to make people laugh, not go into deep emotions. In the interview he made light of telling his mother, yet in the People magazine he did say he cried and cried until his mom made him say what was wrong.

He's a man... the majority of them make the sign of the cross at going into deep emotions. :cryingwlaughter: It frequently gets them into deep dodo, especially with women. Just sayin'

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I don't understand why there is such a problem with this lie either. It was like someone else posted, he has told other lies or fibs or whatever, and many times it was to protect others, like the deal with Ruben and the Rolling Stone cover. This is no different because he was telling a lie to protect not only his privacy but also to protect people the people he loves. We have all told lies or fibs at one time or another, and if there is one person out there who says they don't or never have, I wouldn't believe them.

I swear, it seems like for some of these people who keep getting stuck on the fact that he lied, it wouldn't help if he took out advertisements and billboards to say he lied. They seem to want something to show everyone that there was a reason they didn't see that he was gay. I think some of them are so hung up on it because they feel like they were made a fool of and I really don't understand that. Why can't they feel proud of themselves that they looked past stereotypes and didn't just assume he was gay because he had a certain look or acted a certain way. I still get mad at people who say they knew he was gay, or anyone else for that matter, because they don't. Until someone identifies themself one way or the other, there is no possible way anyone else can "know" anything. And just because Clay is gay, does not mean that others who act or look like him are so I'm going to continue not assuming someones sexuality until they say one way or the other.

liney23, I agree with what you posted too. And I think the one's who are wanting more from him are going to be left wanting because even if he does talk about his feelings with someone (which I hope is the case), it sure aint going to be us. We are important to him, but we aren't family, or if he considers us as family, its more in the extended family kind of way, and we aren't close friends, and those are the ones that he will turn to. As it should be.

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Since she thought I was ashamed to claim her last time we got together and I didn't tell everyone, I am announcing beforehand that I'm having dinner with Permaswooned tonight so I can pump her clean dry about her trip to the Gala enjoy her company! :whistling-1:


Nope, no more hiding in the dinner closet for us!!!! We will sit there proudly eating dinner for all to see!!

You know, I have never found any benefit whatsoever in sulking and clinging tightly to slights and resentments, real or imagined.

Life is just too damned short. KWIM??

It's nasty out there. Thanks to all for keeping the warming hearth lit here.

Oh, and in previewing I see I am echoing the very wise FearofH20. I'm definitely in good company.

Back to work.

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Fear... I don't think it is his lying that gets to those that say his lying is the problem... it is his not apologizing abjectly for lying by word or by actions that they are upset about. In his blog he did say he was sorry if anyone felt misled, but that was not pointed enough or abject enough for most.

IMO, he has floated over the issue since cause he is not one to go deeply into his feelings... ever. In the interview with Diane, he tried to make out like it had not been an ordeal for him, yet later said that he was not comfortable enough with it himself to tell anyone else. He wants to make people laugh, not go into deep emotions. In the interview he made light of telling his mother, yet in the People magazine he did say he cried and cried until his mom made him say what was wrong.

He's a man... the majority of them make the sign of the cross at going into deep emotions. :cryingwlaughter: It frequently gets them into deep dodo, especially with women. Just sayin'

I understand liney, but I'm guessing that he could apologize until the cows come home and it wouldn't be enough. I had a feeling.

I don't understand why there is such a problem with this lie either. It was like someone else posted, he has told other lies or fibs or whatever, and many times it was to protect others, like the deal with Ruben and the Rolling Stone cover. This is no different because he was telling a lie to protect not only his privacy but also to protect people the people he loves. We have all told lies or fibs at one time or another, and if there is one person out there who says they don't or never have, I wouldn't believe them.

I swear, it seems like for some of these people who keep getting stuck on the fact that he lied, it wouldn't help if he took out advertisements and billboards to say he lied. They seem to want something to show everyone that there was a reason they didn't see that he was gay. I think some of them are so hung up on it because they feel like they were made a fool of and I really don't understand that. Why can't they feel proud of themselves that they looked past stereotypes and didn't just assume he was gay because he had a certain look or acted a certain way. I still get mad at people who say they knew he was gay, or anyone else for that matter, because they don't. Until someone identifies themself one way or the other, there is no possible way anyone else can "know" anything. And just because Clay is gay, does not mean that others who act or look like him are so I'm going to continue not assuming someones sexuality until they say one way or the other.


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Out there? Where? Are you guys saying that people are still going on about this? What is going to change at this point? JUST. GO. AWAY, or get over it. There are plenty of other singers and actors and whatever to spend your time on if you don't like him any more. Good god - just go away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are you still doing on a fan board three months later?

What exactly do these people want? To take others with them? I don't understand. They don't just want to be pissed at him, they want everyone else to be pissed also? They want him to fail in order for their pound of flesh to be exacted? Seriously - what do they want? It's actually laughable - I'm sorry, but it's just stupid and petty and frankly, quite bizarre. Unless of course it's just the satisfaction of shitting in other people's cornflakes they enjoy. Or maybe just the attention it garners them. That, sadly, I do understand.

Personally, I fart in their general direction.

Heheh, Clay may be thick-skinned and forgiving - but I think a nice big bag of flaming dog poo can be a pretty effective tool. Even if it's only a virtual one. :-P

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Nah - I just accept the fact that some of Clay's fans are amazingly intolerant (not necessarily homophobic, just intolerant for whatever reason). Just as Clay is a liar (they might as well say "BAD EVIL MAN" because that's how it comes across), they are emphatically intolerant but for some reason seem to think that some other fans should be more accepting of the intolerance. Doesn't float my boat, and frankly I see it as more of character flaw of them than anything I know that Clay has done. You are known by the company ya keep, and I'm afraid there's a lot of nasty on the intolerant side, and I have yet to be persuaded there is enough good to separate from the ick.

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I swear, it seems like for some of these people who keep getting stuck on the fact that he lied, it wouldn't help if he took out advertisements and billboards to say he lied. They seem to want something to show everyone that there was a reason they didn't see that he was gay. I think some of them are so hung up on it because they feel like they were made a fool of and I really don't understand that. Why can't they feel proud of themselves that they looked past stereotypes and didn't just assume he was gay because he had a certain look or acted a certain way. I still get mad at people who say they knew he was gay, or anyone else for that matter, because they don't. Until someone identifies themself one way or the other, there is no possible way anyone else can "know" anything. And just because Clay is gay, does not mean that others who act or look like him are so I'm going to continue not assuming someones sexuality until they say one way or the other.

justclay....yeppers! You said it! And I know that when I told my husband about the leaked People cover, I appreciated his first words, "Good for him!" but I kept very silent at the next ones, 'I KNEW he was gay." I kept quiet because we'd already had this conversation---remember, Gibby, in that bar in NYC after the show last March? I made the argument based on the same premise in justclay's post that I bolded. My husband was then and has always been of the opinion that Clay's gay and that he just hadn't come to that place where he wanted or could declare it to the world. Yeah, hubby ended up being right...but I didn't like that he felt so SURE of it, you know? :glare:

Anyhoo...I'm with the 'life's too short' folks. :yess: I would hope that any of my various white and other color of less-than-100% truths won't be forever and always remembered and allowed to fester in anyone's mind or heart. Lawd Jesus! I'd be doomed, fo' sho'! :scream:

....not that I make telling little white lies a habit, mind you.... :whistling-1:

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Well, if you want to fight with people about this over and over, you too can watch the fan base just disappear. It seems like only perfect people should be allowed to stay for some.

What amazes me is the ignorance on both sides where no one is listening to what the others say. This whole issue seems to ignite into unreasonable and angry posts, for what? Most people agree on the whole but have little minor differences and apparently they rankle so, that people would just as soon end Clay's career by fighting amongst themselves, rather than just let it go? Trust me ignorance is rampant on both sides. Like people who think they will get a tour after they drive out most of the fans. And this fighting is going to be so attractive that there will be new fans, or will they just turn around and leave? Clay's last blog got 130 replies - fewer and fewer all the time, maybe if you throw out a few more fans, you can be the only reply.

I was coming to post something that would make people happy, but forget that, I have already been judged by a few here and don't need to go through all that crap again. Sorry I even tried.

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Hmmmm, lovely weather we're having.

I so don't want to go back to the 'he lied about lying' shit. I really had to step away from it the first time to keep my sanity. So I think I'll steer clear for a while.

Today at work was better. My boss kept to herself again, but emailed me and asked that I pop down to see her before I left. She just needed someone to talk to, so we chatted for a while. She is about at her wit's end with the big boss, but she always stands up for us, her staff, so I am trying to encourage her to stand up for herself too. Anyhoo, things are ok. My vacation is safe, I think. And even if it wasn't, my ass would still be on the plane next week. :lilredani:

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Bella I'm glad you liked my tree...been an Oz fan since I was a kid and we would wait for that one showing of the movie...we would always watch it at my Grandma's...I can remember all of us kids around her black and white TV...I collect Oz memorbilia and have quite a collection.


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Honest to gosh, I have NO idea what ANYone is talking about! :cryingwlaughter: I feel like I just stepped into never-never land! :lol:

Luckiest1 glad it wasn't as bad as you anticipated....Liney and Perma, have fun!....Bella, it's not charcoal, it's baked-on cheese, tomatoes, olives; would that still work? You know what cheese is like when it's cooked on. :(

Playbiller, I already AM happy, but I'd love it if you'd make me happier! :)

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Well, if you want to fight with people about this over and over, you too can watch the fan base just disappear. It seems like only perfect people should be allowed to stay for some.

What amazes me is the ignorance on both sides where no one is listening to what the others say. This whole issue seems to ignite into unreasonable and angry posts, for what? Most people agree on the whole but have little minor differences and apparently they rankle so, that people would just as soon end Clay's career by fighting amongst themselves, rather than just let it go? Trust me ignorance is rampant on both sides. Like people who think they will get a tour after they drive out most of the fans. And this fighting is going to be so attractive that there will be new fans, or will they just turn around and leave? Clay's last blog got 130 replies - fewer and fewer all the time, maybe if you throw out a few more fans, you can be the only reply.

I was coming to post something that would make people happy, but forget that, I have already been judged by a few here and don't need to go through all that crap again. Sorry I even tried.

Playbiller, maybe I'm just in my happy place of ignorance, but I really don't know who "you" refers to in the first bolded sentence. And "the people fighting amongst themselves, rather than just let it go"---Do you mean like....NOW? I don't know all the things you've read or have written or have dealt with on this issue, but from your own continued references and implications, it seems that you're still working on things and reacting to the situation....that you haven't let go? I just don't understand.

As for the number of responses to Clay's blog being a measure of his fanbase---I think I'll go with the # of responses being more of a reaction to how interesting or informative or response-generating his particular choice of subject matter is! Sometimes what he says in his blogs don't exactly spur ongoing dissection! :cryingwlaughter: The measure of Clay's fanbase has always been inflated, IMO, because of the intensity of the online community. I was just thinking earlier how incestuous most of the Clay Aiken message boards are! I mean there are so many places where it's the same 'core' groups of fans involved on a daily basis.

I really do agree with some (as I've posted already) who believe that Clay and his team truly need to do a re-introduction of Clay Aiken to the world. Re-create his career as a multi-talented man who is serious about his profession and is continually working toward a successful career. Not because he hasn't already been TRYING to do that, but because so much of the shit of the past years have been sensationalism instead of just the sensational, you know? I hope that the last years of his name being immediately associated with less relevant, yet evidently more 'newsworthy' aspects---real or fabricated---will be truly part of the PAST. I want those NJU out there, who are the VAST majority of people on the planet, to know of him and that voice.

Whom he sings to (and what kind of gentalia said person has) when he reaches that Madeline Kahn moment ala that Mel Brooks Frankenstein movie is none of my business (except in my fantasies, of course. :sleezy: I reserve the right to have him debacling and being debacled by anyone I damned well want to! ;) )

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Holy shit, I lie like a dog all the time.

I told my friend I was happy for her when she married a man in prison.

I told another friend I liked her soup (the one the dog wouldn't eat).

I told my sister I thought it was perfectly normal to wear a life jacket when driving over a bridge in their motor home just in case the motor home goes over the bridge and into the water.

I told my neighbor it was just fine that he left a toilet sitting in front of his driveway for 6 months.

Who the hell doesn't lie????

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