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#46: Avoid the crazy, enjoy the good, and chill.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Ain't it grand? We've come a long way babee!
    • I love quirky Clay Aiken
    • Fascinating, outrageous Clay. Give me more. I want more.
    • The twisty tie confuses me EVERYtime
    • Still hotness after all these years!!
    • All that said - Orchestra, Band, Kazoo, Bongos, a capella - I'm there. Just sing for us, baby!!
    • If he's singing, I'm there, no matter what, no matter where!
    • As long as he wears his smile all is well
    • That's not just any man... That's OUR man! You're a GOOD MAN, Clay Aiken!

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that gif thing is a little terrifying

I have always found that gif to be horrifying.

As for Clay and the increased tongue action on the last weekend, could he not have decided to give his fans an extra treat since it was obvious how much that tongue was appreciated?

And I don't believe that the only information he gets from fan boards is from the OFC.

That gave me a sudden image of Clay sitting in his pjs jammie.jpg reading stuff posted on fansites.


ETA: Sorry to horrify people with the gif. :o

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CF's such a prude. However, it's so much fun squicking you out that I can't help discussing it, so you are just going to have to get used to it.

Now I'm going to have to come up with different scenarios to put into your head. What fun.

Oh great. Are you here too???

Let's see...what appropriate emote does FCA have for this occasion... hmmmm...


CF! :big hug:

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I would like to hurt the person or people who were raving over the Twilight books. Thank you, I am now addicted. Losing sleep to keep reading. :::sigh:::

oh my goodness LOVE THEM!! :) Im already for the new Moon movie :) but if you go see the movie, go with low expectations, its not like the book, its low budget and there are a few eye rolling moments, I went with low expectations and didnt expect it to be super and I enjoyed it very much :)

lol im having a disagreement with myself..dont mind me.

take heart - you'll be done soon (sooner than you think) and then you'll be waiting (with bated breath) for the next movie, just like the rest of us!! :cryingwlaughter:

btw - be sure to go to the website and read Midnight Sun when you have finished, it's the beginning of the story from Edward's perspective. If you love the rest, you'll love this!!

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Couchie, I read your post in caregiver thread too. But I don't have much experience with medication to offer any advice. But I was and still am sending good thoughts your way. I lived too far away to help my mom very much when she had her strokes to know about her medication. However she did stay with us a month and I know with the coumedin she took we couldn't have certain green vegetables and she had to go to a specialist to have her blood teated monthly for diabetes.

My MIL, when she was physically incapacitated from her strokes lived with us six months and her daughter in MD six months every year. Because of all the physical work involved in caring for her, an aide was hired to stay with her from 8 to 5 every week day. It gave us the freedom to work out of the house and gave her a companion and someone to help her during the day. It is very important to make time for yourself.

I hope everyday is a better day for you both.

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Hee the tongue never did too much for me. Give me the eyes any day! The man had gorgeous eyes! They are so expressive.

Err aikim how many days to GFI? Too many!

I'm of two minds on the "too many" part. I can't wait for GFI to happen but then nothing'll be on the calendar afterwards. An announcement of something else to count days for will be great!

'course I'm still counting the days to tomorrow! *tossess confetti and then gathers up a handful and attempts to blow them into a cloud, like Sir Robin*


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Couchie, I can only imagine your relief in seeing the mom you know return.

Real life has been beyond hectic since attending Spamalot but I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed meeting fellow clay fans and posters at FCA. I apologize if I leave anyone out, but it was such a treat to hang out with couchie, annabear, justclay, playbiller, jamar, dolcepinza, cha cha trusty, duckyvee, jamar, itsteri, and saltie. I know there were others but I cannot remember your names.

I am very excited about the Clay events happening this week and next. Can't wait for the first hand accounts from tomorrow. I cannot imagine attending the concert without staring at Clay the entire time, despite my best efforts. I wonder if he will sit at the back of the box which will make watching him and the concert challenging. And can't wait for our golfers to report about the GFI and the miniconcert. What songs will he sing? Who will accompany him?

Can't wait.

I absolutley love the pic of Clay and Ruben. I read someone describe Clay as "dashing," I think on CH, in that pic. I have to agree that was my first impression in seeing him in that pic. Love, love the sweater-I like his hair too. And, if this makes any sense, Ruben (who looks great too) doesn't dwarf Clay as he did five years ago in the pics. Clay's physical presence is strong, confident.

I have the day off, sort of . Classes are not in session but I have lots of job related work to accomplish. Have a great day everone.

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Good Morning All,

Wow! 15 pages since I last was here on Thusday evening! Interesting discussions and pictures! Sorry I missed it all.

So, I can sum up my week-end in two words: COMCAST SUCKS! After many phone calls and one no show appointment on Saturday trying to get my internet fixed, I have now cancelled my service and am going with AT&T...I should be hooked up by Thursday...keeping all fingers and toes crossed. I have never seen such poor customer service in my life than what I have gotten from Comcast.

Couchie Glad to hear your Mom is doing much better...continued prayers and good thoughts for you both!

7 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! :yahoo:

Everyone have a great day!


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Why on earth were these never used?!?!?!

meh....I say photoshop.

There are even tags on them under the OFC logo. Kinda scary they used the logo on it. But was there even an OFC at the time he looked like that? Looks like right off idol pre-MOAM publicity hair to me. Not to mention in the first one his hands are too big and the second one his head is too big.

Gawd. Can't believe I just actually typed that *g*


:shrug: I don't get the whole photoshop Clay onto to someone else's body thing.

Just me I guess.

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I think the description of a woman in her 40s or 50s with short dark hair fits Jaymes. She probably cut her hair a bit. Maybe easier to take care of with a little baby. Maybe, Brett, Nick, Jerome, Jaymes and Clay. I doubt Nick's GF looks that old.

Actually, merryclay, I think the description said the woman was NOT in her 40's or 50's. OTOH, Jaymes doesn't look 40 or 50 either, so it still could be her! :)

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:shrug: I don't get the whole photoshop Clay onto to someone else's body thing.

Just me I guess.

I was just thinking the same thing. I like the blends and changing backgrounds and doing "artsy" things but putting Clay's head on another body I just don't get.

I think I am guilty of the "face" thing. When I first saw them I pretty much just saw Clay's face! Then I looked at the rest later. I did the same thing with the Flock of Seagulls pic the other day. lol Have to say as far as photoshops go, its quite good.

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And I don't believe that the only information he gets from fan boards is from the OFC.

Really where do you think he gets information from ?

I am not saying that Clay reads the fan boards other than OFC but I think any good support team including friends would read other boards particularly around important times such as opening and closing of Spamalot.

It would be really short sighted to get fan response from only one source.

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I think it was decided that they were photoshopped by a member of the OFC. Maybe one of the Korean girls. I think that's right. They're kinda cool, but if you look at them, closely, those are not Clay's shoulders or hands.

Whether the whole thing is Clay or not, the face is his and he was beautiful!!

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I think it was decided that they were photoshopped by a member of the OFC. Maybe one of the Korean girls. I think that's right. They're kinda cool, but if you look at them, closely, those are not Clay's shoulders or hands.

Really? I was just thinking "I would know those hands anywhere". :cryingwlaughter: I don't see photoshop, but I'm not enlarging them and looking too closely either (since I'm at work). :P

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