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#50: He puts a happy face on my heart

Couch Tomato

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Happy Easter FCA!!!

{{{{Fear}}}} Bummer.... hope it clears up quickly!

Honeybaked ham, polish sausage and macaroni salad here... nothing fancy - not even using the dining room table - just grab your plate, cop a squat and dig in.. no fuss, no muss, keeping in simple... (although the Indian food sure sounds yummy...)

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Happy Easter from another heathen! I don't even worship the chocolate... although I did get the best chocolate bunny I've ever tasted today. It's earless now and I need to hide it out of sight before I decapitate it too. I've got a ham in the oven and am working on my first macaroni salad *crosses fingers*. Surely a macaroni salad is hard to ruin?

Can't wait until Clay reveals what's what--if anything is, at least!

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we just had Hamburger Helper lasagna...

are we heathens because we didn't have a ham?

we love it!!! all the flavors of HH!

know what? don't care!! it's FOOD!!

Happy Easter, FCA!!

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Stealing from {{{{Scarlett}}}} because it's sooooo pretty.... :bloomingflowers:

Happy Easter, FCA!!!
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Happy Easter everyone! Time for hubby and I to hit the road for home!


ldyj... BWAH!!! I think there is a wabbit under all that fur somewhere! :cryingwlaughter:

I have no idea who did this, but it has been in my photobucket for years...


And, in keeping with the day...


I found this on my way to the Easter pictures... GAH!!!





H A P P Y E A S T E R !!!





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Happy Resurrection Sunday to all!

For those who missed out on any spiritual Holy Week celebration and are 'heathens' like me, why not try desiringGod.org? That's where I go when I need to consider other views on various topics.

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I hope everyone had a Happy Easter and ate at least one piece of chocolate. I had at least one piece...maybe more but who's counting right. I swear I'm going to start an exercise routine tomorrow....well, at least next week or sometime soon. :cocktail:

My daughter's here with the two grandchildren and the house looks like a herd of elephants passed through(egads!!!!)..........I'm SURE they had more than one piece of chocolate.

I'm so glad to see Scarlett checking in ......this is a GOOD Easter gift. Now if someone could just send some warm weather to the maritimes, I'd be abosolutely beholdin' to ya!!! we have a minus 5 windchill and snowflurries........Karen eh if your heading home bring your longjohns or at least your snuggies...it's freekin ' cold here....brrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!

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I had a pretty good Easter... cooked up a storm! (Well, for me, anyway.) Unfortunately, since it's just me and my parents at home, I'm probably going to be stuck with the dishes too. Ah, well, the ham was worth it. I think I might run off to the recipe thread though to tweak my macaroni salad... which I didn't ruin, but wasn't enamored with either as it seemed to lack some pizazz... Sorry, I'll stop rambling now! :laugh2:

:hello:Scarlett! I hope you keep feeling better!

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Ahhhh, finally checking in after 14 hours of packing up my kitchen into boxes, whilst cooking a turkey dinner. No ham for me.....thanks to cindilu2 for helping me eat some of it, and for helping with the dishes. :BlowKiss: Damn that easter bunny, bringing chocolate into this house again! :P Doesn't she know I don't need it? But it sure is yummy. So is black forest cake. God I've eaten more this weekend that in the past 2 weeks, I think. :o

So, I saved the Indian left overs for tomorrow. :) It will help break up the monotony of turkey left overs all week. :cryingwlaughter:

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This is an interesting article in today's NY Times about Mike Nichols: Mike Nichols: Master of Invisibility.

Still boyish looking, Mr. Nichols retains an impish grin and the deadpan, quicksilver wit that for a while made him and Elaine May the most innovative comedians in the United States. Paragraphs spill out of him as if outlined: the three reasons for this, the four most important examples of that. And Mr. Nichols’s greatest improvisation is still himself. He wakes up every morning in his Fifth Avenue apartment, collects himself and, wearing a wig and paste-on eyebrows, plays a character called Mike Nichols.

This line reminded me of Clay's comment to the models:

“Semiconsciously I was thinking all the time: ‘How do they do it? Let me listen,’ ” he recalled....

The whole second page is fantastic, but too long to quote. Here's the ending:

You can see things happen to the faces of people that were neither planned nor rehearsed. This is what Garbo was such a master of: actual thoughts that had not occurred before that particular take. And you can see this taking tremendous leaps with Brando and Clift and then with Streep.”

He added: “The greatest thrill is that moment when a thousand people are sitting in the dark, looking at the same scene, and they are all apprehending something that has not been spoken. That’s the thrill of it, the miracle — that’s what holds us to movies forever. It’s what we wish we could do in real life. We all see something and understand it together, and nobody has to say a word. There’s a good reason that the very best sound an audience can make — in both the theater and the movies — is no sound at all, just absolute silence.”

I can see why he appreciates Clay. Clay is so expressive, his face is fantastic. And the quick wit, the intelligence. I can see why Clay, Diane, and Mike Nichols have had this long relationship, at whatever level it exists.

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I can see why he appreciates Clay. Clay is so expressive, his face is fantastic. And the quick wit, the intelligence. I can see why Clay, Diane, and Mike Nichols have had this long relationship, at whatever level it exists.

I absolutely agree ... and believe that Mike Nichols and Diane Sawyer first saw the extent of Clay's talent and potential when Clay himself was still quite oblivious to it. Clay was then still relatively new to the business but Mike Nichols certainly wasn't, and I think his little wife was a Claymate long before I was....

I love all kinds of food- from every country..but
I just do not like curry at all. I know it's more than that but there are a lot of Indian dishes that I have to skip

:ruserious: Gees that's almost as weird to me as that guy, whatshisname, who doesn't like avocado...

Happy Resurrection Sunday to all!

For those who missed out on any spiritual Holy Week celebration and are 'heathens' like me, why not try desiringGod.org? That's where I go when I need to consider other views on various topics.

I had a look at that link, beryl. I grew up Roman Catholic but also grew up sharing the roof over my head - periodically - with people who were Hindus, Muslims and Buddhists ... so the only one missing from the big 5 is Judaism, which I find fascinating as a rich culture. Of the religions I am familiar with (to varying degrees), there are common threads which run through them. The principles of Buddhism make the most sense to me but usually, I think I am a shameless heathen. 'Shameless' because I sometimes feel I should not hide it, even though I've been vilified by fanatics who know nothing about me except that I "don't believe". My view is that I don't know how some people who believe in unprovoked/proactive military action, complete freedom to own guns and use them at will and hardened bigots can turn around and tell me I am going to hell because I haven't accepted the lord Jesus as my personal savior. :8:

BTW, beryl, those are just my mumblings, they aren't directed at anyone and most certainly NOT at you, I just quoted your post because it was convenient .. and I am hoping all the fanatics who were intolerant about Clay being gay and Christian have left the fandom... so that means no one will condemn me for having my own belief, or lack thereof.

Oh, and just because it's Easter, it doesn't mean you can be complacent about identity theft. Here's proof:





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Good Morning Everyone,

This was the first year I didn't watch The Ten Commandments; I decided to forego Moses and watch the Cubs...probably should have stuck with Moses! :cryingwlaughter: Went to my in-laws for dinner; had ham and all the fixings...it was a great meal and it was nice to see everyone and best of all I didn't have to cook!

Scarlett Good to see you, hope you are feeling better!

3, 4, or 5 Days until Clay Explains all!


8 Days until Clay receives his Family Equality Council Honor!


14 Days until Clay is at Rosie's Benefit! :yahoo:

31 Days until Clay is Rockin' 30 Rock!


Everyone have a great day!


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Good Morning Everyone,

This was the first year I didn't watch The Ten Commandments; I decided to forego Moses and watch the Cubs...probably should have stuck with Moses!

3, 4, or 5 Days until Clay Explains all!


Geeze..woke up to someone screaming the National Anthem. I'm not sure but I think it was the American Idol - young teen girl -- forget her name..who I have seen do it better.. maybe it wasn't her LOL. Who ever it was, tone it down a bit please.

LOL aikim at your post. I haven't seen Ten Commandments in at least 25 years (damn I'm old) and I remember my brother and I used to laugh at the acting and language but I enjoyed seeing it again. It used to be an annual thing..but dang it was so LONG.

As for Clay and his secrets.... la la la I don't hear you Clay. :cryingwlaughter:

Happy Monday.

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I really want BOCA and have finally given in and ordered it from amazon.com which means that I end up paying over Canadian $20.00 for something which is selling for US$7.99 in the US. It's a lovely day here and I'm sorry that I am feeling so pissy first thing in the morning.

I don't understand the thinking of RCA in supplying so few CD's to stores.

Amazon.ca refers me to 2 sellers for the only 2 CD's available both of which would end up costing me more, one of which is already priced at $30.81!!!

Meanwhile, I am anticipating this week's news...he does seem to enjoy having fun reading what, to him, is wild speculation as to what that might be.

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Seems to me we should develop a central clearinghouse of some sort between American and Canadian fans. It doesn't seem right to have to pay $20 for a BOCA when I got two at Walmart for $7 -- and one for $8.99 at Amazon. It just ain't fittin'!

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I drove down to Buffalo, and goldarngirl and I drove to Port Huron, MI on the weekend on a TVBOCA mission. We were able to find 11 in total (all of which are spoken for, sorry to anyone still looking) in two different Walmart superstores....sold out in all Best Buys (and not re-orderable there). We cleaned out the two Walmarts.

For anyone that IS still looking for it, I suspect it would be better to act fast; it doesnt' look to me as if they will be available indefinitely.

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Amazon's price is down to $7.99. Get a group together and order or is there someone right across the border that can order it? I enjoy it more than I ever thought I would. Right now I'm loving "The Way" and i didn't like it that much originally. Whoever selected the order that the songs play in is a genius. I'm hoping it was Clay. :lilredani:

ETA: Love the banner cindilou.

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Email from Aron Hall regarding the COC Benefit:

Just a quick note to say:

Check out www.bubelaiken.org for all the information you need concerning the 2009 Champions of Change Gala to be held October 17, 2009 in Raleigh, NC!

While you’re there, don’t forget to watch the rehearsal videos with our dedicated dancers for the upcoming Dancing Like the Stars event April 26 at the Southern Women’s Show in Raleigh.

Have a great week!

Aron Hall

Director Services

Individual ticket sales start June 30.

Niiiiiiiiice banner.

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