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#50: He puts a happy face on my heart

Couch Tomato

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    • You go on with your bad self, Mr. Aiken
    • Clay Aiken - Luxuriously Enticing
    • The House of Aiken de la Clay
    • I'll take Clay any day
    • Our cool boyfriend and his thudworthy thighs
    • Those boys!! Double the CUTENESS / Double the FUN!

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Whoohooo.... I'm A positive, too! First time I've ever cared a flying fig about my blood type... :cryingwlaughter:

00lsee... S.W.O.O.N. That banner is lethal!!! Niiiiiice buttons! :hubbahubba:

So Clay went to visit the set of AI with Parker. hmmmmm very interesting. Stayed tuned for the next chapter of Clay's Wild Adventure, starring Clay Aiken with occasional guest appearances by Parker Aiken and Tyra Banks. :cryingwlaughter: International coverage by Reed Kelly.

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Little bit of information: A positive is the most common blood type in the US--34% of the population.

ETA: I lied. I AM a vampire.

you sure do know a lot about blood :lol:

Whoohooo.... I'm A positive, too! First time I've ever cared a flying fig about my blood type... :cryingwlaughter:

00lsee... S.W.O.O.N. That banner is lethal!!! Niiiiiice buttons! :hubbahubba:

So Clay went to visit the set of AI with Parker. hmmmmm very interesting. Stayed tuned for the next chapter of Clay's Wild Adventure, starring Clay Aiken with occasional guest appearances by Parker Aiken and Tyra Banks. :cryingwlaughter: International coverage by Reed Kelly.

sounds like a movie I would watch :)


love that banner!! Clay looks like a movie star

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So Clay went to visit the set of AI with Parker.

Yes. He's making a surprise AI appearance to sing "One for My Baby and One More For the Road" (*could not resist*). :hahaha: It is Rat Pack week on AI and would be a perfect Sinatra selection. (*dreams on*)

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I have a totally off-topic question...I finally joined that freakin' Twitter thing so I could get timely Woots and now strange people are FOLLOWING me! As far as I know, I've never even twitted something. Man. And some person who name isn't even in Roman script wants me to add them as a contact. Why is all this social networking going on? Don't they realize I'm am NOBODY'S target demographic? I'm blaming RCA.

Clay is up to something. I like that in a man.

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Looking forward to a report from luckiest1 and crimson ice after the show!!!

Just an FYI, currently Taylor Hicks is scheduled to be this week's guest* for Rat Pack and Daughtry is scheduled for next week, when the theme is rock or Guns & Roses (no one is sure yet which). So if Clay does appear it will be for Top 3 or later. I'd love for him to be on the show, or on the finale. I always love seeing Clay on my TV, and AI has a huge audience, among them many people who love Clay. The fact that he was there today might not mean anything, but it sure can't hurt.

*ETA - the guests are on Wednesday's shows, so Clay will not be on this week or next unless something changes. Sometimes they do tape performances to be shown later--Cook, Jennifer Hudson, and others were taped weeks ahead of time.

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Clay is up to something. I like that in a man.

(*the spirit of Mae West lives*)

Maybe we will get an audience shot of Clay tomorrow at AI (*dreams on more*). The Idols are supposedly doing two songs each tomorrow so that doesn't leave much time for anything else. Maybe Wednesday. I would like to think Clay has some method behind all the unconnected dots that have been appearing lately.

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jazzgirl... I agree with you! I wonder what he's up to. I have absolutely positively no doubt he's going to surprise us with career news soon. He sure is re-connecting with his fanbase nicely.
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I have a totally off-topic question...I finally joined that freakin' Twitter thing so I could get timely Woots and now strange people are FOLLOWING me! As far as I know, I've never even twitted something. Man. And some person who name isn't even in Roman script wants me to add them as a contact. Why is all this social networking going on? Don't they realize I'm am NOBODY'S target demographic? I'm blaming RCA.

Clay is up to something. I like that in a man.

Depends on what he's getting up... to. :laugh2:

Love the new banner! Nothing like logging onto the internet and being greeted with Stubble!Clay! and a zoom in on his crotch!

Uh, I mean, his buttons.

Like hearing the little tidbits about Clay answering questions from fans--tempts me more and more to find the moolah for an OFC membership. *ponders*

Oh, and today I counted up the ink cartridges I've collected--50 even! It seems like a small amount, but I'm pretty pleased with it. I intend to keep it going next semester, which means plastering more flyers and making up some more boxes since the ones I have up now will probably get tossed by housing. I'm hoping to save some of the ones that don't look too ratty.

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*ETA - the guests are on Wednesday's shows, so Clay will
not be on this week or next unless something changes. Sometimes they do tape performances to be shown later--Cook, Jennifer Hudson, and others were taped weeks ahead of time

That's exactly why I was certain that if Clay doesn't appear as a guest, it would mean they didn't ask him, because I just couldn't see them not accommodate whatever his situation may have been, and I couldn't imagine that Clay would refuse, knowing how much exposure he would get and how much it would mean to his fans to see him on television again.

As far as I know, Clay is still their highest selling male contestant and highest selling non-winner, although I feel Jennifer Hudson is likely to change the Idol stats somewhat, pushing Clay and Daughtry down, but that won't happen just yet as Clay and Daughtry have some big numbers. So Clay is still their most successful non-winner and most successful Wild-card contestant, that's good enough reason to show him off.

Clayzy, onya!! (Aussie for "good on you")

I just tried to look up the stats on American Idol and was amazed to see the list of ex-Idols in musical theatre:

Idols in musical theatre

Many American Idol finalists, though they didn't develop lucrative music careers, left their marks on the Great White Way and starred in many popular Broadway musicals.[citation needed] Some of those people include:

* Tamyra Gray - Mimi in Rent, Priya in Bombay Dreams

* Vanessa Olivarez - Tracy Turnblad in Hairspray

* Clay Aiken - Sir Robin in Monty Python's Spamalot

* LaToya London - Nettie in The Color Purple (National Tour)

* Diana DeGarmo - Penny Pingleton in Hairspray, Brooklyn in Brooklyn

* Fantasia Barrino - Celie in The Color Purple

* Constantine Maroulis - Robbie in The Wedding Singer, Drew in Rock Of Ages

* Anthony Federov - Matt in The Fantasticks (Off-Broadway)

* Ace Young - Kenickie in Grease

* Taylor Hicks - Teen Angel in Grease

* Ruben Studdard in Fats Waller's Ain't Misbehavin (National Tour)

* Frenchie Davis - Seasons of Love soloist in Rent and a performer in Fats Waller's Ain't Misbehavin (National Tour)

* Josh Strickland - Disney's Tarzan

* Anwar Robinson - Tom Collins in Rent

* Trenyce - a performer in Fats Waller's Ain't Misbehavin (National Tour)

* Amy Adams - The Narrator in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (National Tour)

* Adam Lambert - Understudy for Fiyero Wicked (Los Angeles)

Source: Wikipedia

On March 20th, Paul Grein at Chart Watch published an interesting list about American Idol artists. There are 15 former contestants that have sold 500,000 or more albums. Of the top five, only three won the crown of American Idol. The following is the list of top Idols in sales of albums.

1. Kelly Clarkson 9,836,000

2. Carrie Underwood 9,408,000

3. Clay Aiken 4,896,000

4. Daughtry 4,413,000

5. Ruben Studdard 2,487,000

6. Fantasia 2,309,000

7. Jordin Sparks 1,053,000

8. David Cook 1,029,000

9. Kellie Pickler 990,000

10. Josh Gracin 780,000

11. Bo Bice 735,000

12. Taylor Hicks 719,000

13. Jennifer Hudson 669,000

14. David Archuleta 665,000

15. Elliott Yamin 630,000

There are many more Idols that have recorded albums. Many have had moderate success and some have sold less than 5,000

There are some interesting facts that show up when you see a list like this.

Clay Aiken has sold more albums than any other male singer in Idol history. He has also sold more albums than any other singer that didn't win the competition.

Country artists seem to have had more overall success than any other genre.

Idol contestants have sold LOTS of albums and there are a lot of very talented young artist that have come through the the Idol Machine.

Congratulations to each musical star. They are seeing their dreams come true.


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Good Morning Everyone,

16 Days until Clay is Rockin' 30 Rock! :yahoo:

Everyone have a great day!


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From the CH:

Check out this interview with a personal trainer who was interviewed about her new pilates dvd. She worked with Clay during his run on Spamalot.


On today’s show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened the show with New York based Pilates Pro Kristin McGee. Kristin just released her new exercise dvd titled, Pilates for Beginners. Kristin explained that pilates doesn’t have to be for the rich or have to take all morning. She set out to give the beginner that taller, leaner posture, with slimmer waist and hips that working out with pilates gives you. Her dvd features 10 and 20 minute workouts. They work your core, back and butt. And as a bonus you get a booklet with 8 moves for making the most out of ones practice. During the interview Kristin shared some behind the scenes stories of training celebs like: Steve Martin, Clay Aiken and LeeAnn Rimes. You will not find an easier way to learn pilates. Check the third for Beginners dvd out yourself at Acacia Catalog at www.acaciacatalog.com or Kristin’s website www.kristinmcgee.com

And bottlecap, you've been holding out on us! *pout*

bottlecap at CV added this:

FYI - the Clay content in that interview starts at about 7:40. Essentially, Kristin says she did Pilates 5x a week with Clay for an hour at a time while he was in Spamalot. She also said he was very nice.

Clay is amazing me lately with his openness. Frankly, I never thought I'd see him be this open and receptive to fans before. He's always seemed like a pretty private person to me and would sometimes think some "requests" by fans would be intrusive. (And I did love his idea that Twitter is the devil. Hee). Having said that, I'm pleased as punch about it. It's been a load of fun, and I've learned so much about him.

Just hope that when he gets really busy again, and these "messages" get fewer and further apart again (and I certainly think they will), that some in the fandom don't blow a gasket.

Reports are that butterflyshine had a camera malfunction last night and wasn't able to tape Clay's segment of the Rosie benefit last night. She will be writing a full recap later today though...as I will expect luckiest1 as well!

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I can't wait for more answers! To heck with the questions.......I need answers demmit! Hee!

The weather here today is horrible! Flooding all over the place...of course not where go. Oh no I just got to drive in the torrential downpour! Yep I have to be at work cos you know how important golf is :hahaha:

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About Clay appearing on Idol, Simon is so childish sometimes, I have recently gotten the impression that he reacts to contestants comments negatively. For example, he said that they would not consider saving Megan because she said she didn't care so they did not care either. Given that, I wonder if Clay saying on interviews, when he is asked about Idol, that he never watches it, has anything to do with him not being asked to appear on the show? Would Simon hold that against him?

Clay always bring excitement to Idol when he appears. Maybe, that is why they don't want him, because he takes too much attention from the contestants?

Whatever, I am so hoping that Idol will have him on this season. He is so more deserving than most of the guests that they have on there. I could not understand Kanye West appearing on the show. The man is a rapper. not a pop singer which Simon keeps saying they are looking for.

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The man is a rapper. not a pop singer which Simon keeps saying they are looking for.

The guests are just to get different demographics to tune in, it is the ratings they are after.

Simon was cool about Carrie not being pop, and others being more rock - really, he just wants someone who can sell a crapload of CDs or downloads.

He wouldn't kick a Mongolian throat music singer off the show if he thought that was something he could make money from.

Hmmmmm.....the only thing that could induce me to watch AI, now that Anoop is not there to be kicked around any more (obscure Nixon reference!) is if Clay was a guest.

But I fear that if Clay was a guest, Seacrest would be oozingly oilily obnoxious with his 'banter", so it's all good, I can do without seeing him on AI.

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Although I'd love to see/hear Clay on AI, what would he sing? It's not as though he's really promoting anything--for OMWH that ship has sailed, I fear. My dime is on the probability that he visited the set to show off his son. It would be cool if I'm proved wrong, though.

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Idol Rankings and it's the competition among fan groups burned me out and tuned me out of idol years ago. Who sold more records. Whose tour grosses are the highest. Who has more awards. The bottom line for me is the measure of my man and all these idols will be decided in 20 years or 30 years, not some particular moment in time. And certainly the one sided view of success of record sales, which largely benefit the record company and not the artist, will be just one measure. And whether he appears on Idol this season or not won't be part of any measure.

My measurement:

1. Who can get on a stage and for 3 hours make me swoon, laugh, sigh and leave me smiling for hours after I leave the theater.

2. Who is more CUTE

I hope for the sake of this fandom and my sanity he's on idol this season. :cryingwlaughter: Other than that I don't care. And Clay is so right, twitter is the devil, cuz I think that tweet (that does sound silly Lucky) has raised expectations astronomically.

Yes I got up on the right side of the bed, why do you ask? :hahaha:

Last night I watched my favorite concert video - Atlantic City Jukebox. What I have absolutely NO PROBLEM whining incessantly about is my desire to see Clay on stage again. I kinda watch with a goofy smile.

I was surprised to see Run to Me was his favorite MoaM song. He didn't sing it much -- Gibby or anyone else who knows..is that a hard song to sing. The Jaymes story was cute. And he loves mac and cheese just the way I make it :cryingwlaughter:

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I just had a thought (I know, it shocked me too :lol: ) if Clay has been taking Pilates, that's a stretchy sort of exercise, right? And he has a stretchy sort of boyfriend...

Think Reed got him into the whole Pilates thing?

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clayz... congrats on 50 cartridges! That's a goodly amount to collect. :clap:

I think your theory about Clay taking Pilates is much better than my thought that he wanted to improve his dancing skills. :cryingwlaughter:

Although I'd love to see/hear Clay on AI, what would he sing? It's not as though he's really promoting anything--for OMWH that ship has sailed, I fear. My dime is on the probability that he visited the set to show off his son. It would be cool if I'm proved wrong, though.

muski... Clay said in one of the answers that WIDTL would have been his and Jaymes choice for the single from OMWH.... I'd like to see him do that song on Idol or anywhere. I love that song and think it would have been a much better choice myself.

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