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#56: Clay's going to sing. Life is good.


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36 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • A burgeoning roar of eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!
    • Behold the Allure of Aiken!
    • Guys, it was just so, so, so good.
    • The man is a star and we saw him go super-nova.
    • Oh yeah, he really is just. that. good.
    • Shoot, I'm still suffering from post-concert giddiness, and I wasn't even freakin' there!
    • I really think it is now his time and yes it is about damn time!
    • And we love every minute of his many talents.

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It's official! I'm employed!! And I had my choice of two jobs. Gotta love a company that lets you walk around with your ipod. The deciding factor was the health care plan. I'll get to go back to my old doctor who I haven't seen since I had to let my Cobra go.

Can't wait for the news... all the news like album drop date, tour, promotion and of course the special. whoo hooo

Good for you!! :hugs-1:

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Congrats couchie! And woohoo for health care plans!

Me? I think I had the day from hell today. I got up this morning at 6:00 a.m., to check to see if I had to go to work. It was snowing off and on since yesterday, and my husband at his college ended up with today off. I, unfortunately, didn't -- but enough people called in that I wasn't sure if the library would be open in time, so I quickly read Clay's blogs and went to work. Then, I had to deal with faculty members who insisted that our machine that grades those bubble tests (which, somehow, I ended up being in charge of) was totally wrong for several students, and it needed to be fixed RIGHT NOW. Except, that when I found the time to rerun the test, only one student's was wrong. I think the faculty want perfection, which, when you're talking about a machine....just doesn't happen! AAARGH! Plus, then, my library closed at 6:00 tonight (the snow has stopped, but the winds have picked up a great deal), and I had to make sure the night shift people didn't come in. Oh, and I managed to squeeze in two library orientations too.

Sorry, I just bored you all.

Needless to say, I barely had time to check the boards, so in a way, I'm glad there was "no news" today. His blogs and his post at the OFC are a hoot though, and I love him more than ever.

Off to figure out if I'm going to have to go to work TOMORROW...

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Just to pass the time, here's a cool story. One Christmas Eve (1970) James Taylor and Joni Mitchell stopped by to shop in a record store: Chapel Hill memories. They also went carolling with the Taylor family. (Read the comments for the memories of a few of the neighbors.) Be sure and also play the James/Joni duet of "You Can Close Your Eyes" on the player above the title. I know I've heard that before; I assume it was on an old album? There's also a photo there of a painting Joni did of James that Christmas season.

jmh123, thank you for the "Chapel Hill memories." Awesome story! :wub:

It's official! I'm employed!! And I had my choice of two jobs. Gotta love a company that lets you walk around with your ipod. The deciding factor was the health care plan. I'll get to go back to my old doctor who I haven't seen since I had to let my Cobra go.

Can't wait for the news... all the news like album drop date, tour, promotion and of course the special. whoo hooo

WOOHOO for you, Couchie! :yahoo:

Have a great evening, all! :snoopy:

Caro :listen:

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It's official! I'm employed!! And I had my choice of two jobs. Gotta love a company that lets you walk around with your ipod. The deciding factor was the health care plan. I'll get to go back to my old doctor who I haven't seen since I had to let my Cobra go.

:04: :04: :04: :04:

Congrats couchie! And woohoo for health care plans!

Me? I think I had the day from hell today. I got up this morning at 6:00 a.m., to check to see if I had to go to work. It was snowing off and on since yesterday, and my husband at his college ended up with today off. I, unfortunately, didn't -- but enough people called in that I wasn't sure if the library would be open in time, so I quickly read Clay's blogs and went to work. Then, I had to deal with faculty members who insisted that our machine that grades those bubble tests (which, somehow, I ended up being in charge of) was totally wrong for several students, and it needed to be fixed RIGHT NOW. Except, that when I found the time to rerun the test, only one student's was wrong. I think the faculty want perfection, which, when you're talking about a machine....just doesn't happen! AAARGH! Plus, then, my library closed at 6:00 tonight (the snow has stopped, but the winds have picked up a great deal), and I had to make sure the night shift people didn't come in. Oh, and I managed to squeeze in two library orientations too.

Sorry, I just bored you all.

Needless to say, I barely had time to check the boards, so in a way, I'm glad there was "no news" today. His blogs and his post at the OFC are a hoot though, and I love him more than ever.

Off to figure out if I'm going to have to go to work TOMORROW...

:ph34r: Sorry. Hope you get the day off tomorrow.

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Apparently there was a 4.3 earthquake in Northern Illinois at 4:00 a.m. this morning; I did wake up at that time, but I don't remember feeling the quake...usually I just wake up, check the time and go back to sleep. We got about 4 inches of snow, but no wind or blowing...looks like I will be heading to work. Congrats on the job Couchie!

17 Days until Clay speaks at the HRC Convention!:yahoo:

30 Days until The Magical Mystery Date!:yahoo:

39 Days until The First Day of Spring!


4 months until June and the New CD/PBS Special! :04:

Clay speaks at the Key Club Convention in July!


Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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Yeah Couchie! :lilredani:

You have to make the bucks this year because you don't want to miss seeing this guy on tour. I understand he sings pretty good.



We have had 8 - 10" of snow here, and may be getting a couple inches more. I told my boss yesterday I was taking a vacation day today, so it would be an excellent time for some Clay news.

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It's official! I'm employed!! And I had my choice of two jobs. Gotta love a company that lets you walk around with your ipod. The deciding factor was the health care plan. I'll get to go back to my old doctor who I haven't seen since I had to let my Cobra go.

Can't wait for the news... all the news like album drop date, tour, promotion and of course the special. whoo hooo

Great news, Couchie! Sometimes I think if we had national healthcare I'd just quit my job, but being diabetic I must hang in for the health insurance. I don't know how you've done it. I really really hope we cross paths again on the Clay Trail, whenever that is later this year. I fondly recall our time at the restaurant in NY enjoying good times and I want a repeat, or threepeat.

Hopefully, a tour will be scheduled for summer to accommodate summer break at the law school. The PBS thing didn't accommodate my schedule at all, since Friday, March 12, is one of three impossible days of the year for me workwise, and the following week is .... Spring Break. Yeah, one day's difference between 'no go' and 'free to go' for me. It's a bummer, man, because there are so many fans I look forward to meeting for the first time. So many of you right here at FCA I've never met ... but one day I tell you, one day!

HUGS, LadyJ. Do y'all use Scantron?

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Yay for the employment news, Couchie! Hope this is the start of something really great for you. Hopefully some of your mojo will rub off on me. I'm still lookin'.

Posted this at CH, but it applies here, too, y'all. Maybe more so.

I miss Clay. I miss this board. Somebody tell my real life to lay off so I can spend time on my favorite pasttime, will ya? I was reminded of my giddy Spamalot days this past week, with the local high school's most excellent presentation of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, the musical. As with Clay, even professional Broadway performances of same songs on YouTube seemed lackluster compared to the wit and energy of our talented high school players. If they don't win some Tommy Tunes awards this year, I'll be shocked. Great Big Stuff, y'all!

Sorry this latest development has stressed some folks out. I guess it's easier for me to relax and go with the flow since I know I have zero chance of attending whatever might be in the works. But for those of you anxious to 'get there, already', I wish for clear skies and happy travels and a golden pot o'clack at the end of the promised rainbow. I'm excited because Clay's excited...and I'll be interested to find out what all the fuss is about 'soon'.

Take care, friends.

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OOlsee :hugs-1: I miss YOU!!!

This is somewhat diversionary, but I heard it on the radio this morning and it absolutely blissed me out and I want to share. (Not to mention that I'm a great admirer of Oscar Wilde.) Following is a part of Garrison Keillor's Writer's Almanac transcript this morning:

It's Valentine's Day this weekend, and we're celebrating all week with literary love letters.

Playwright, poet, and Dublin wit Oscar Wilde was married with two children when he met Lord Alfred Douglas, nicknamed "Bosie," an Oxford undergraduate student who edited the school's literary magazine, The Spirit Lamp. Bosie had written a glowing review of Wilde's play Salome (1891, Wilde first wrote it in French), and the poet Lionel Johnson introduced Wilde and Douglas later that year, in the summer of 1891. The first six months of their relationship wasn't physically intimate, but during that time Wilde wrote to Douglas letters like this one:

"My own dear boy — Your sonnet is quite lovely and it is a marvel that those red roseleaf lips of yours should be made no less for the music of song than for the madness of kissing. Your slim gilt soul walks between passion and poetry. You know that Hyacinthus, whom Apollo loved so madly, was you in Greek days. Why are you alone in London, and when do you go to Salisbury? Do go there and cool your hands in the grey twilight of Gothic things, and come here whenever you like. It is a lovely place; it only lacks you ...

Always with undying love, yours, Oscar"

The two went off on vacation in February 1895, and Douglas's father, who disliked his son and detested Wilde, left a visiting card at Wilde's social club in England accusing Wilde of being a "posing sodomite," though he famously spelled the latter word wrong. Douglas didn't like his dad and encouraged Wilde to sue for criminal libel. The trial went badly, and his dad's detectives hunted up all sorts of evidence against Wilde's sexual doings, even bringing forth male prostitutes to testify. Wilde dropped his lawsuit, but was then charged with "gross indecency." He was convicted and sentenced to two years of prison and hard labor. From prison in May 1895, he wrote this letter to Douglas:

"My sweet rose, my delicate flower, my lily of lilies, it is perhaps in prison that I am going to test the power of love. I am going to see if I cannot make the bitter warders sweet by the intensity of the love I bear you. I have had moments when I thought it would be wise to separate. Ah! Moments of weakness and madness! Now I see that would have mutilated my life, ruined my art, broken the musical chords which make a perfect soul. Even covered with mud I shall praise you, from the deepest abysses I shall cry to you. In my solitude you will be with me. I am determined not to revolt but to accept every outrage through devotion to love, to let my body be dishonored so long as my soul may always keep the image of you. From your silken hair to your delicate feet you are perfection to me. Pleasure hides love from us, but pain reveals it in its essence. O dearest of created things, if someone wounded by silence and solitude comes to you, dishonored, a laughing-stock, Oh! You can close his wounds by touching them and restore his soul which unhappiness had for a moment smothered. Nothing will be difficult for you then, and remember, it is that hope which makes me live, and that hope alone. What wisdom is to the philosopher, what God is to his saint, you are to me. To keep you in my soul, such is the goal of this pain which men call life. O my love, you whom I cherish above all things, white narcissus in an unmown field, think of the burden which falls to you, a burden which love alone can make light. ... I love you, I love you, my heart is a rose which your love has brought to bloom, my life is a desert fanned by the delicious breeze of your breath, and whose cool spring are your eyes; the imprint of your little feet makes valleys of shade for me, the odour of your hair is like myrrh, and wherever you go you exhale the perfumes of the cassia tree.

"Love me always, love me always. You have been the supreme, the perfect love of my life; there can be no other..."


Now THAT's a love letter!

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Now THAT's a love letter!

Diversions are always welcome, at least by me. Fascinating story, and a beautiful letter. Imagine (and it wasn't that long ago and still on the books in some places) going to prison for homosexual acts. Unbelievable!

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It's official! I'm employed!! And I had my choice of two jobs. Gotta love a company that lets you walk around with your ipod. The deciding factor was the health care plan. I'll get to go back to my old doctor who I haven't seen since I had to let my Cobra go.

Can't wait for the news... all the news like album drop date, tour, promotion and of course the special. whoo hooo

Couchie..... Whooo hoooo!!!!!!!!!!!1 That is the kewlest!!!!! Are you able to take any relaxing time before you start? After I got my job (after being unemployed for 8 months), I took a 3-day weekend to just let it sink in and let my worry parts relax. It is such an awesome feeling! Again, congrats!!!

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