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#15 the Earl of Aikenberry: a man of character and Naughty by Nature

Couch Tomato

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    • Love that sweet "Hunk of Southern Comfort" who brought us all together!
    • Yet when we get together it's like I'm with my sisters - only without the issues. smile.gif
    • Clay is successsfully running with the big dogs.
    • And oddly, we all manage to share the same boyfriend, with only minimal hair-pulling and name calling.
    • Pass the koolaid, I'm thirsty.
    • The Eyes Have It!
    • he's soooo photogenic...almost sinfully, unfairly so: laughing, smiling, crying, looking pensive or naughty or goofy -It just doesn't seem to matter, does it?
    • Just can't keep a good man down.
    • "Clay wants to see your bushes".
    • Hopefully, he was out having fun or buying more new jeans, writing some new kick-ass songs, recording some kick-ass songs, having some kick-ass super-sex.
    • veins flowing with personality, thighs dripping with character.

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You know, I am beginning to think I may just become a weekend poster. By the time I get home, change my clothes, feed my cat, feed me, wash the dishes and sit down at the computer and catch up, the world has moved on without me!

Why even bother??

But, since I'm here.....

My shameful admission du jour: I have never seen Titanic. Yeah, I'm the one person in North America that never saw that particular flick thats like the highest grossing movie of all time.

I've never seen it either. Never wanted to.

I guess I'm going to the heartland..I'm going to try for Omaha and Merrillville. There, I decided.

Aren't they awfully far apart? Like 8 hours - if there is no snow??

I fell asleep in the theatre the first time I saw "Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom."

Sitting here tonight trying to wrap my mind around something HUGE! Sure wish it were my legs but ya' gotta take them as they come, eh? John got a call from "head office" this afternoon and he was offered a new position with his company. The formal written offer should be crossing his desktop within a few days and then.....barring some hitch we aren't really anticipating.....we'll be getting ready to move again. At least this time, it won't be superfast.... January for me....I will NOT miss this Christmas tour. Him...probably sooner. We took a drive up the coast and talked about it for a while. We've pretty much decided to take it assuming the numbers etc. are right. Anyway, I doubt Clay will ever play Baku, Azerbaijan but if he does I'll go down to the Box Office and get us all front row seats. Pinky swear. I hope I don't have to turn in my membership to the eHP. I will have furniture stored in Fort Bend County. Is that good enough? I have so much to think about and can't wait to find out how many pounds we are allowed to ship. There outta be a movie called Karen's Choice......she sits and chooses which Clay magazine covers are making the trip and which are going to Metro Mini Storage. I'm hoping we can squeeze a preliminary trip over there to check things out.......find a place to live and order the internet hook-up. Pray there isn't something like a waiting list!

That's it. I just needed to type something since I haven't told any of these family members I've been hanging with for the last few weeks. I think there are a couple of mama's who are going to freak a little.....or a lot.

The blond in the balcony is Regina?

Thanks, aspiegirl, great montage!

I think I'll start now downloading every piece of clack I can get my hands on from this tour.....just in case I end up on dial up for the next two years.

Baku, Azerbaijan?????? Is that a real place????? And do they have interent???

Karen, I'll miss you! I only met you this year but it seems I followed you around the country this summer and it was fun!

And selfishly I will miss your beautiful pictures.

It must be a great honor for your hubby, though. He is such a nice guy. Anyone who would drive a car load of Clay fans from Dallas to Houston with a smile on his face has to be a nice guy! Congratulate him for me.

Sad movies? Anyone see the original "Brian's Somg" with Billy Dee Williams and James Caan? I have never cried so hard in my life! And "Bang the Drum Slowly"??? Cried my eyes out. "Gone With the Wind" and "The King and I" too.

And what about my all time favorite Disney movie - "Dumbo". My goodness, when they play "Baby Mine" and the mama elephant is rocking Dumbo with her trunk outside her jail cell...... :cry4:

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I guess I should let ya'll know...

The admins are doing massive reorganizing... we'll give an update when we're done.....in a few days...we hope. heh.

In the mean time


Yeah CG I think they are far apart and I'll have to fly BUT because our company shuts down it just works better. New Jersey is my other option..the problem is our co Xmas party sort of mucks things up. Of course if the logistics or expense is way out of line I'll have to rethink my final plan heh.

No just weekend posting for you! I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed you.

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Whew! Just got caught up after a long day at work.

Ah, yes, Denver. I live in a suburb of Denver. It's so nice to see the mountains in the distance when you're driving places. And we go to the mountains frequently for little get-aways. Here's one of my pics of a pond close to my parent's mountain house:


Gibby, that is a gorgeous picture... I love mountain reflected in water... actually, almost anything reflected in water.

Aspiegirl, great montage. How you get everything to sync up is amazing! Ya, Orlando Classics - Regina. Roared with laughter at Clay being "off the chain" :cryingwlaughter:

Karen Eh... Baku, Azerbaijan - what country did that used to be? Around Georgia, Russia? Around the Baltic somewhere? Sounds like quite an adventure. I have a dear friend who traveled around the world with her husband and I love to hear her adventures raising 3 kids in foreign countries. As long as you can get internet, you can be at home anywhere.

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Oh WOW, Karen, that's a LONG way from here!

Hey, with Clay, you never know where he's going to pop up! Who'd a thunk he'd be in Afghanistan....?!?

The way the internet keeps us all together, the miles can be meaningless at times. Sure hope you will be connected QUICKLY and with a reliable service.

We are going to MISS you. While we will still be able to talk, your talented camera work will be missed for as long as you are away. But maybe you can use that talent to show us the part of the world where you are. Am sure there will be wonders and adventures ahead for you. Hopefully you will share some of those with us.

What happens with the dog? Gee, so much to think about. Will be thinking of you often over these next few weeks and months...and hopefully we will get to sit near each other at a Christmas concert or two before you go.

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{{{{{{{Karen Eh?}}}}}}}}

Wow. What a move. What a culture shock. But I'm sure you'll be a one person Clayversion team over there. I'm glad I got to meet you this past summer, and will really look forward to seeing you in Waukegan in December!!!

Aspiegirl -- great montage!

:F_05BL17blowkiss: to Claygasm, just 'cause.

YAY!! couchie's coming to Merrillville!!!!

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Karen Best of luck to you and your husband on your new venture! :F_05BL17blowkiss:


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But, omg...what a life-changing opportunity! And yep, you'll soon be organizing a Pre-Concert party for a satellite viewing of a Clay Concert, I'm sure.... :cryingwlaughter:


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :cry4: I hardly know you and I'm gonna miss you so much!

You'll still post and sh..stuff, right? :lilredani:

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What an adventure, Karen Eh?!

Two announcements -

Anyone going to the Neil Sedaka 50th salute, can you post here , so far, I feel lonely!

Big sale on the BAF site - I bought the CD holders, that are now only 2 dollars, CHristmas ornaments only 3! - this is a great place to spend some money on future prizes and save some money - hint, hint.

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Oh, Karen, what adventures you will have! But you will be so missed at the concerts. But you could still fly to the states for concerts, just not as easily.

Quit waving goodbye! It feels weird. It's only across a few ponds. :RedGuy: I don't even have to fly Aeroflot! British Airways has service to Baku. Whew! I don't think I'll be missing any concerts.....emphasis on the "any" there. It's just too far to make multiple trips so........I think I'll just make one BIG one....twice a year. The only way I won't make that BIG trip twice a year is if there is no tour to fly off to. Ex-pat packages come with fly out money.....I know I can do something creative with that line if I just think hard enough. Then again, a hand off to muski always produces excellent results. Anyway, in my head this afternoon I decided I'd spend about four months back over here a year....two in the summer and two in the winter. I just couldn't do it otherwise, and that's fine with my husband.

Azerbaijan used to be part of the Soviet Union, it sits on the western Caspian Sea and is bordered on the north by Russia and Georgia, and on the south by Iran. Just think....if you come for a visit, we could drive to Moscow. Maybe.

If there ain't no internet, I ain't going. Period.

Edited by Karen Eh?
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Oh Karen Eh! what a blast! I envy you! You know you will have a place to stay when Clay comes back to Texas!!!

Hey eHP.................ROAD TRIP........Hmm How many Cheez Doodles to get to Baku???????

Movies? I got an all time favourie movie of mine for my birthday. I just watched it and yes it is still a fave!!!

Has anyone else seen Shirley Valentine?

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I just watched "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader" and if I had been a contestant and been asked where Baku, Azerbaijan was, I wouldn't have had a clue!!! (no news about Clay's show yet)

K'eh - it sounds exciting but what a long way away! Under things to do was listed a Carpet Museum. Please send us pictures OK? Here's a picture of the city.

this was listed on the VIRTUAL TOURIST PAGE OF INFO I found:

Pros: "Lots of interest and unusual sights"

Cons: "Still a difficult destination"

In A Nutshell: "A very different place to visit"

Is this a done deal? We definitely miss you!! I hope they have Internet!

Wacky movies that CMSU?? "There's Something About Mary" gave me an asthma attack! and "Young Frankenstein" is great too. I'll probably think of more later and chuckle to myself!


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I fell asleep in the theatre the first time I saw "Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom."

OK true confessions time....I fall asleep at almost every action movie I go to. I don't know why - it's too intense for my eyes or something. The more action, the quicker I'm snoring. Heh, just ask cindilu2. :RedGuy:

Wow, Azerbaijan? That's so cool. Thank goodness for technology, eh?

Sad movies? Anyone see the original "Brian's Somg" with Billy Dee Williams and James Caan? I have never cried so hard in my life!

OMG. Brian's Song - I hadn't thought of that movie in years. I used to play the theme song on the piano and even the tune makes me cry. Plus it was one of my dad's favourite movies.....and he's been gone 12 years this November. I miss him.

Funny/wacky movies? My favourites are usually the British comedies. Nuns On The Run, all the Monty Python movies, A Fish Called Wanda, and the sequel to it, too, called Fierce Creatures. Another true confession...I hatesssss Jim Carey movies. Can't stand him.

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Oh Cha Cha. It came out on DVD about a month ago! We got it at Frys. I love that movie. It is the secret fantasy of most women. Well it was until Clay came along. Hee

(Watch out for those stretch marks)

Err couchie are we supposed to have, like content? Good Luck on that*g*

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It is the secret fantasy of most women. Well it was until Clay came along. Hee

(Watch out for those stretch marks)

Err couchie are we supposed to have, like content? Good Luck on that*g*

well there's a topic...several actually

have you ever dreamed about Clay..

what's your fantasy

What's your dream for Clay

pick one heh

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It is the secret fantasy of most women. Well it was until Clay came along. Hee

(Watch out for those stretch marks)

Err couchie are we supposed to have, like content? Good Luck on that*g*

well there's a topic...several actually

have you ever dreamed about Clay..

what's your fantasy

What's your dream for Clay

pick one heh

You gotta be kidding? Of course I've dreamed of Clay. My dream for Clay is to be in my dreams more often. And I ain't telling nobody about my Clay fantasies. You'd have me locked up, wearing a scarlet "P" - for prev - on my breast.

Edited because punctuation does change the meaning of a sentence.

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God, I love the Internet!! I just swooped over to Amazon and ordered the DVD of Shirley Valentine!!

Thanks merriieeeee!!! I always found it hard to recall the name of that movie! :clap:

While I was there I noticed two things:

ONE - ALL IS WELL is available to order from Amazon!!

(on further inspection - there are 13 new & used available)

TWO - there is a new videocam available - it looks fun!

It's called FLIP and it only $119.00 - see it here!

It might be good for concerts - I might give it a try!

Fantasies? Dreams? I had a couple dreams where I was at Clay's house.

He gave me a really big hug and it was great!!

I LOVE :hugs-1:

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karen , wow a whole new experience... We will miss you. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Movies: I always cry in the movies that is why I want to see funny movies only. The movies I just saw is "Death at a Funeral". It is hilarious. :allgood:

I saw Titanic and darn it if that movie did not turn on the waterfall, I did not go for seconds.

I am watching "Are you Smarter than a 5th grader?" I am getting hooked on this game show. The kids are so cute and smart.

The questions so far are quite easy, but i am sure the being on the show itself is different.

The Marine is going up to $175,000.00

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aspiegirl, I loved it! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

And Karen Eh? -- Baku, huh? About ten years ago I worked with a British woman who was based in Baku. And she had high speed internet even back then. But they don't have everything. One of the muckety-mucks flew over for three days and took no money with him because he thought he'd just visit an ATM in Azerbaijan. He had to borrow $500 from an employee while he was there, and the joke lasted a good long time. No doubt you'll make it fun for everyone while you're there, and they'll miss you when you leave!

So, here's to new adventures! :bier:

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who was it around here that loves tongues??

here's a little tongue to go with that lipbite! :cryingwlaughter:



aspiegirl - loved your montage! Watched another one with scenes from "Night at the Museum"

What a wacky mind you have! Keep it up! :F_05BL17blowkiss:


btw - k'eh - hubby says you're gonna need some head scarves!!

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have you ever dreamed about Clay..

Oh, more than a few times. Wacky dreams. About watering lawns, hair extensions, dripping chandeliers and whatnot. My dreams betray my true wish to have a real life conversation with Clay.


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