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#39: "The little man is healthy, happy, and as loud as his daddy"


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • New car...See Clay in Spamalot...New car...See Clay in Spamalot..
    • Clay makes spending money on him so enjoyably easy ... and irresistible.
    • I am still here and I still adore this man and have no idea why.
    • Clickables and lickables!!!!!!!!! Life is good again.
    • He's this wonderful mystery. With a great package.
    • With Clay Aiken we've already won the Lotto!
    • Never boring. Always expensive. And worth every cent!
    • He simply makes me smile when I see him.
    • Its not that I don't have a life, its just that these Clay things are so much damn fun!

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On the hospital stay topic, did you all really leave that quickly? I remember that my first was born on the 23rd and went home on the 27th, and just about the same number of days (3-4) for the other two.

Nope- my water broke on a Saturday morning, I didn't have my son until Sunday evening by emergency C-section, and we didn't go home until Thursday.

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Thanks, annabear and Thankful! In the interest of full disclosure, I didn't create the baby emotie - found it ages ago (during my fanfic days, lol). I just added the hat and the Dad Rocks! bubble. :-)

The hat made it all work, cindilu! :clap:

On the hospital stay topic, did you all really leave that quickly? I remember that my first was born on the 23rd and went home on the 27th, and just about the same number of days (3-4) for the other two.

I didn't have a C-section, Mike was born on a Thursday (early 7:21 am) and my doc said I could go home on Saturday - my insurance rocked at the time and they let me stay until Sunday so I did! So I was there pretty much three full days...

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My son was born at 8:00 pm Friday and we went home at noon on Sunday.

My daughter was born at 9:30 am on Monday and we went home at noon on Wednesday. I got one full day. Or, I should say, the baby got one full day at the hospital and they allowed me to stay with them.

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Thanks, annabear and Thankful! In the interest of full disclosure, I didn't create the baby emotie - found it ages ago (during my fanfic days, lol). I just added the hat and the Dad Rocks! bubble. :-)

The hat made it all work, cindilu! :clap:

On the hospital stay topic, did you all really leave that quickly? I remember that my first was born on the 23rd and went home on the 27th, and just about the same number of days (3-4) for the other two.

Scarlett I know here in Canada they do encourage moms to go home early, if possible the next day. But they do have nurses that go to homes to check on mom and baby. I was C section and always had 4 days stay. Longest was cait...but that was because we only found out about the DS on the third day so the next two days were mostly for extensive tests on cait.

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Dude, just don't spike the baby as part of your touchdown dance...


Damn! Bottle stole my line!

Shows you what I know about babies. I LOVE baby animals, but have never really liked baby people.

Now be honest. None of you are surprised, are you! :P

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Clay and Money, I am sure he has wisely invested what he has. He does not just do stuff, he seems to think about it for a long, long time.


Here's another ignorant set of questions. For a Caesarean you have an incision, don't you? Doesn't that take awhile to heal? Like more than a couple of days? Do you go back for checkups or do they just throw you out the door and say "call us"? What was it like taking care of a baby and trying to get the care and rest you need to heal from the Caesarean?

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There's a contest to win a signed OMWH on the main fanclub page!

All you have to do is submit an email to win - random drawing.

If you read the rules, you are supposed to wait until Aug 15 to send the email but you wouldn't know that if you didn't read further.

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4 Kids..

Oldest was born on a Saturday afternoon, but I had been in the hospital since 11:00 Friday night...went home on Tuesday.

Second was born on Sunday, went home on Tuesday.

Number 3 was born on a Tuesday, went home on Friday

4th and last was born on Sunday, went home on Tuesday.

Aren't you glad you asked, LOL!


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My first baby was born at 32 weeks, so he was not going home with me, my doctor felt bad for me and let me stay 5 days so I could be with him as much as possible. The other two boys were full term and I went home in 2 days. I really felt great after all of their birth. Took forever to loose the weight, even though I gained between 30-38 pounds. Thought if I nursed them I would loose weight faster. Never did work. I nursed them all for a year each and it still tooks months to get into my clothes. Jaymes reminds me of my sister, she had her first baby two weeks before I had my second, and she left the hospital in her size 5 Calvin Klein jeans. I left in maternity pants.

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There's a contest to win a signed OMWH on the main fanclub page!

All you have to do is submit an email to win - random drawing.

If you read the rules, you are supposed to wait until Aug 15 to send the email but you wouldn't know that if you didn't read further.

Actually, it says "on OR about August 15"; I'd say August 11 is "about August 15." I think those that have entered will be OK.

I didn't know that about the football hold, but I can see that it really does look pretty secure (at least by looking at Clay!). Learn something new every day.

And I'm guessing that Clay and Jerome's discussion in the video was the placement of Parker's car seat. *g*

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Here's another ignorant set of questions. For a Caesarean you have an incision, don't you? Doesn't that take awhile to heal? Like more than a couple of days? Do you go back for checkups or do they just throw you out the door and say "call us"? What was it like taking care of a baby and trying to get the care and rest you need to heal from the Caesarean?

If I recall, (and truthfully, I'm not sure that I do), they try to get you up and walking fairly quickly. I had my son at 5:35 in the evening, then went to the recovery (?) room to wait for the anesthesia to wear off, then finally to my room around midnite- and they got me up at something like 4:00AM to walk. When I stood up, it felt like all of my innards were going to fall right out. I wasn't supposed to go up and down stairs once I got home.

I went back to my Dr. for a check-up the following Monday- and I think that was the last follow-up I got.

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Here's another ignorant set of questions. For a Caesarean you have an incision, don't you? Doesn't that take awhile to heal? Like more than a couple of days? Do you go back for checkups or do they just throw you out the door and say "call us"? What was it like taking care of a baby and trying to get the care and rest you need to heal from the Caesarean?

Total speculation that she had a C-section at all - but if she did, I'd guess that was the reason for the pillow - a hugger. I've never had a c-section, but have had abdominal surgery - and that hugger-pillow was an absolute neccessity for coughing, etc.

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Actually, it says "on OR about August 15"; I'd say August 11 is "about August 15." I think those that have entered will be OK.

Well, crap, I hope so... I did read but apparently not very well... or I can read, but I can't comprehend? :cryingwlaughter:

Apparently between the baby and the Olympics, I'm over stimulated!!

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Clay and Money, I am sure he has wisely invested what he has. He does not just do stuff, he seems to think about it for a long, long time.


Here's another ignorant set of questions. For a Caesarean you have an incision, don't you? Doesn't that take awhile to heal? Like more than a couple of days? Do you go back for checkups or do they just throw you out the door and say "call us"? What was it like taking care of a baby and trying to get the care and rest you need to heal from the Caesarean?

I think that is whats tough about C section...its healing after. I think it really took me a whole month to be totally healed. My hubby was great about all the support. Its tough when you have kids, specially toddlers. Now they try to make you walk pretty early...like 24 hours later but its really tough to move. So I just really took care of the baby and hubby took care fo the house and the other kids. For the stitches...it really depends...one time for me the stitches just melted away I think other time they were staples and the nurse took it out before I left the hospital. That was a bit freaky for me I remember, I got all scared the first time that it would just burst open, hee...Then they just taught us how to take care of the incision.

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What was it like taking care of a baby and trying to get the care and rest you need to heal from the Caesarean?

It was not pretty!

As a matter of fact - I did too much - Laundry the day I came home from the hosp. And it contributed to my exhaustion and not producing enough milk for my DS.

I didn't know nuttin! Should have lay back in bed a LOT more.

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Who says you don't learn something new on a message board!?! I didn't know about the football hold either, and I thought Parker looked like he could slide right through!

I'm glad I"m not the only one! I've never seen anyone carry a child like that either. When I first saw the video and saw Clay holding Parker that way, I thought it was a 'decoy baby' to throw off the paparazzi, because no one holds a baby like that. :cryingwlaughter: Never heard of the 'football' hold either. I've been trying to imagine it all afternoon...I'll have to borrow someone's baby and give it a try someday.

Is it bad that I don't remember how long I was in the hospital with either baby? I think it was four days with the first and two and a half days with the second. But I wouldn't swear to it. All I know is that it wasn't long enough.

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Total speculation that she had a C-section at all - but if she did, I'd guess that was the reason for the pillow - a hugger. I've never had a c-section, but have had abdominal surgery - and that hugger-pillow was an absolute neccessity for coughing, etc.

Or laughing -- I remember saying to visitors, whatever you do don't make me laugh!

Here's another ignorant set of questions. For a Caesarean you have an incision, don't you? Doesn't that take awhile to heal? Like more than a couple of days? Do you go back for checkups or do they just throw you out the door and say "call us"? What was it like taking care of a baby and trying to get the care and rest you need to heal from the Caesarean?

I think that is whats tough about C section...its healing after. I think it really took me a whole month to be totally healed. My hubby was great about all the support. Its tough when you have kids, specially toddlers. Now they try to make you walk pretty early...like 24 hours later but its really tough to move. So I just really took care of the baby and hubby took care fo the house and the other kids. For the stitches...it really depends...one time for me the stitches just melted away I think other time they were staples and the nurse took it out before I left the hospital. That was a bit freaky for me I remember, I got all scared the first time that it would just burst open, hee...Then they just taught us how to take care of the incision.

Real stitches for the first one then on the 2nd and 3rd they just melted away. Wearing a girdle helped a lot.


So cute!!!!

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Thanks for finding these, Cotton! :F_05BL17blowkiss:


I just stole borrowed them from CV!!!




love all the new emoties!!

I just realized that little Parker may very well be taking his first steps on a black and white kitchen floor...remembering the house tour videos and Clay does have black and white floors...gave me chills thinking about it.


You mean this one .....


It gave me chills too when I read your post. I had forgotten those black and white floors. Now I'm really schmoopie!

This gives me chills too!!

And I was just picturing Clay getting bombarded with all kinds of baby clothes at the next concert!! We need an emotie for that too! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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LIney..thanks for the directions. It took 9 hours to get there...slightly less than 7 to get home...and wow have ya'll been posthos. But awwww it's a good cause. Love the pic of Clay smiling into the car..and LOVE that Jerome is there. the baby seems so teeeny in Clay's hands. And damn, he is so sure with that hold.

I'll add the emoticons tonight if they're in the thread.

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Had all three of mine by c-section, the first was an emergency and in those days once you had one that way you had them all. Back in the 60s, you stayed a whole week for a c-section. People used to tell me how lucky I was not to have gone thru labor, but it takes a full 3 months to recover from abdominal surgery and that is basically what a c-section is. Plus you're taking care of a newborn and others if it isn't your first.

I remember it being all I could do to get out of bed the first couple of weeks and getting in and out of the rocking chair was a major umph. For all three, they pushed on the uterus in the recovery room to get it to contract back into shape and it was the most painful thing I have ever experienced. Sadists... I had stiches for cryinoutloud!!!

I saw a picture with the leg/bootie hanging over Clay's arm. I really did. it was very clear. Had to have been here or CH cause that's the only place I've been. Honest! Love the one with the tiny glimpse of Parker's head. Awwwww! I told someone I feel like a gramma again... :cryingwlaughter:

LOVE the new baby emoticons, cotton and cindilu!!!

eta: couchie... glad they worked for you! 7 hours from Oceanside is pretty dang good!

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Well, if I stuck to my guns, I wouldn't have bought AIW at Walmart --- or several copies of OMWH w/bonus at Walmart. We all have our price.

Although I felt bad walking into Walmart, I felt really bad when I added a few other things to my purchases. I'm over it.


Okay, I'll stop!

Those are so cute.

Here's one of Parker's new outfits:

Those are so cute.

I don't remember anything about my kids other than kicking my husband out of the room when I was in labor. He thinks he's so funny and I didn't.

I waited for the video clack. I will never go to any of those sites either. I also hate when someone links to a gossip site and doesn't give you a clue. Someone did this on another board and I ended up at Perez Hilton with window after window opening up. I had to shut off the computer and clean up the spyware as soon as I turned it on again.

I'm probably the only one who think Clay looks cute in those cargo pants and plaid shirt. I love plaid and have quite a few myself. I never ever thought he was a slob. I'm quite messy myself.

The weather in NC has been so much nicer these last few days in the mid eighties and less humid. It was perfect weather to bring home a baby. I hope parenthood is all that they hoped it would be.

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FearofH20, I think Clay looks darling in that shirt and those pants--God knows we've seen them enough!!!!
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