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#53: God, I love that man. He rocks my socks.


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA

    • I've never liked anything as much as I like Clay Aiken.
    • Is it "yet" yet?
    • How do you compare wonderful to awesome?
    • Clay is like a box of chocolates? (with a pickle on the side)
    • He's gonna look hot for decades.
    • I don't care what he sings. I just want a concert.
    • I love when he's in the mood!

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Just popping in to say hi!

I'm loving the pics...that is one sexay man!

Things around my way are looking a little bit better and it looks like I will be able to go to the gala after all. Yeah!

Yeah! I am so happy for you :) and everyone who is able to go to the Gala. I can't not attend due to financial reasons but so enjoy all the recaps & little videos people post. Jesse, Brian & I have been saving all our spare change & we plan on donating in October. Which is the month of both of their birthdays.

Jesse will finally be a teenager 13 (just think she was in Kindergarten when she voted for Clay on AI). She said it took her so long to get there (teenager years). We were playing Monopoly the other night and she told me she is thinking she wants to be a chef. She said she loves to cook & especially bake. The made us dinner the other night. "Gourmet" tuna salad that she crushed almonds and some secret ingredients. Then she made a cake from scratch (it was really good). She even cleaned everything up. The next day of course Brian had his friends over & the kitchen was a mess again (he is 13 now). Jesse said "Who messed up my kitchen!" :lol: We are going to see Julie & Julia tonight. And some food network stars are coming to Foxwoods to do some demonstration cooking & book signings in October. Will have to check it out to see if it's something she will be interested since she seems so passionate about this cooking.

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I getting myself all hepped up on Decca Label Group. Actually they are near and dear to my heart for several reasons, beginning with one of my early and lasting musical loves -- The Moody Blues. The Moodies recorded Days of Future Past (with classics Tuesday Afternoon and Nights in White Satin) on Decca. Decca put the Moodies to work with the philharmonic on an experimental fusion of guitar rock and classic orchestra, and the result was a record that's still selling 42 years on, and began a still-thriving recording and concert career for the Moody Blues. They moved on to another Decca label, Deram, and then recorded under their own Threshold label, also part of Decca. So I've loved Decca for a long time.

I'm so-far impressed with the modern Decca Records as it seems to be recreating itself as a truly 21st century enterprise with a world music focus. This may be old news for those who have perused their artist pages, but I found the Gary Go page indicative of a robust promotion strategy -- and I'm very optimistic that Decca will want to introduce Clay Aiken to the whole wide world, at last! And their ensemble of artists seems to have one thing in common -- excellence, whether pop, classic, standard, avant garde, alternative ... it's all good.


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And ... I found something else of interest today. This is really something that Google was ordered to release the name of an anonymous blogger of hate speech. I'm seeing a free speech vs. decency issue here. That a federal judge issued the order means that hatemongers may be charged with slander, libel, etc.


Yesterday a U.S. Federal judge ruled that Google must turn over the name of an anonymous blogger who took a severe disliking to aging supermodel Liskula Cohen. The ripples emanating from the ruling could potentially wash over every member of the blogosphere (including those who delight in anonymously depositing nasty comments on blogs -- you know who you are).

The backstory: In August 2008, some soon-to-not-be-anonymous blogger (STNBAB) created a Google blog called "Skanks in NYC" (no longer available, but archived at Mahalo). The sole topic of this short-lived blog: Liskula Cohen, a zygomatically-gifted Canuck who has graced the covers of Vogue, Elle, and other magazines probably not in the bathrooms of most InfoWorld readers.

Among other things, the STNBAB called Cohen "a psychotic, lying, whoring, still going to clubs at her age, skank." He (she?) also called Cohen "an old hag." I bet that's the one that really stung.

(Note: This blog takes no position whatsoever on the relative skankiness of any supermodel, Cohen or otherwise. I'm sure they're all just sweet-natured gals at heart. Also: 100 percent virgins. But I digress.)

Cohen's attorneys sent a nastygram to the blogger, who immediately removed "Skanks in NYC" from Blogger.com. But it didn't end there. Last January Cohen sued Google, demanding it reveal the blogger's identity. Yesterday, the court ruled that Google had to hand over the only information it had -- the blogger's IP and e-mail addresses.

So it looks like STNBAB is about to be sued for defamation, libel, and anything else Liskanka -- err, Liskula's attorneys can dig up. Bad news for him/her, but potentially worse news for the rest of us. Because if anonymous speech on the Internet is no longer anonymous, some people will simply stop speaking.

This is not necessarily a bad thing. There is way too much nastiness on the Net hiding under the shield of anonymity. "Skanks in NYC" is a good example of this, but virtually every blog with any traffic suffers from the Anonymous D------ Commenter syndrome (fill in the blanks yourself). A lot of that would go away if people had to staple their own identities to what they actually said.


So word up, watch that hate speech out there, and for God's sake, STAY OUT OF WOOLWORTH!


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keeping... :cryingwlaughter:

I am so happy to see that! It would be nice if nastiness was cut down.

I wonder if the ACLU will challenge that ruling???

In my opinion, people should have the freedom to say whatever they want... other people should then have the right to call them on it and sue if they feel damaged.


An old favorite:


Wonder if this one will show up in the contest.... if not, it should (tongue hangs out)


Someone was talking about shoelaces the other day....


Not sure who this one is for.... wait... it's for me! :cryingwlaughter:


Ok, enough playing around in my photobucket... time to (reluctantly) get back to work! Dang!

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Thank you for posting the pictures up thread! It reminded me of many a fine thing, and helped me to understand why I stopped dead in my tracks at the grocery store today, and let a tear fall when I heard OMWH. For a while there, I feared I had grown some new hormones or something.

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tree.... S.W.O.O.N.... verra verra niiiiiice :cryingwlaughter:

katy... you're very welcome.

My friend who has the neat website about her departed cat Keeke, has updated with some neat stuff and I am posting it here for those who like cats and might like to check it out.

Please visit Keeke at:

Keeke's World

and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/keeke

Keeke on Facebook

Be sure to follow Keeke as she takes the Baby Face Challenge!


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canfly, one word.....SELFISHBIYOTCH!

is too one word :hysterical:

Thank you for posting the pictures up thread! It reminded me of many a fine thing, and helped me to understand why I stopped dead in my tracks at the grocery store today, and let a tear fall when I heard OMWH. For a while there, I feared I had grown some new hormones or something.

*sniff* :thbighug-1:

My absolute fav OMWH promo pic -

just cause

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He is such a pill. I *heart* him.

*listens for the distant sound of heads exploding*

And may I just say THANKYAJESUS! I have always loved the TITN video and I'm just giddy that he did too. Plllbbbbbbbbttttttttttttt.

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Am I imagining things or is he growing out of his allergies ? He was allergic to chocolate, I thought. the shrimp thingy was explained......but now we've added wasp stings...such a complicated , easy going , facinating man , this Clay aiken. :loveclaysbutt:

I'm learning oodles of stuff tonight........TITN video explaination was good to know. It's amazing how much misinformation we have aquired over the years. I wonder what else we got wrong!!!hmmmm :cocktail:

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I do think people's allergies change over the years - especially food allergies. I don't think you need to be allergic to wasp stings to swell up though - especially on the face. OUCHIE!!!!!!

I don't agree with him about the music video thing though - but he's gonna do what he's gonna do -or not! I'm along for the ride anyway. :flirtysmile3:

He's too funny - IYDKMBN is one of my top five favorite recordings of his evah, and he barely remembers recording it.

ETA: ITA aikim... like the song says ^ ^ ^ If you don't know me by now...

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Clay sounds like he is pretty definite about what he is going to sing and how he is going to promote himself...I figure people have a choice...they can support him and his musical stylings or they can move on...don't get the need for angsting.

On another note...chocolate cake and sweet pickles! Just no...the only thing that should go with chocolate cake is a cold glass of milk!


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I can see heads exploding tonight over the covers answer. Even though I would love new songs, if he does another cover CD I will survive. I love his voice and just want to hear him sing.

I liked his answer on the TITN video, who new it was RCA who did not like the video.

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Clay sounds like he is pretty definite about what he is going to sing and how he is going to promote himself...I figure people have a choice...they can support him and his musical stylings or they can move on...don't get the need for angsting.

On another note...chocolate cake and sweet pickles! Just no...the only thing that should go with chocolate cake is a cold glass of milk!


I believe I shall just WORD your whole post!!!

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Madam - there is a line, and you may go to the back of it!!!!!!!!

I is not a "Madam" and hell NO!


canfly, one word.....SELFISHBIYOTCH!

is too one word :hysterical:

That's MissSelfishBeeyotch to YOU! :tongue:

I love a man who answers questions :whistling-1:

Chocolate cake & pickles? He must be pregnant!

You go ask him if he is. I'll wait here. :popcorn:

He is such a pill. I *heart* him.

*listens for the distant sound of heads exploding*

:blowup: :explosion: :explode: :pullhair: :brickwall:

(or something like that...internet's slow. Emotes aren't loading. I'm guessing, lol)

The man is bloody walking contradiction. It's not the first time he's said how great 'classic songs' are but YET he managed to find some wonderful songs for OMWH and I tell ya what. I've listened to it a bajillion times more than to the "classics" on ATDW.

*scoops up gray matter from the floor*

And may I just say THANKYAJESUS! I have always loved the TITN video and I'm just giddy that he did too. Plllbbbbbbbbttttttttttttt.

Yeah, that was interesting to hear. Not sure how I feel about that cuz while I'm glad it wasn't Clay that put the kybosh on it (cuz I always worried that he'd done that and pissed people off), on the other hand, it gets me riled again about how his career has been mishandled)

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Clay sounds like he is pretty definite about what he is going to sing and how he is going to promote himself...I figure people have a choice...they can support him and his musical stylings or they can move on...don't get the need for angsting.

I'm not angsting. I'm tantruming. :tantrum: Totally different thing. :hissy:

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