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#46: Avoid the crazy, enjoy the good, and chill.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Ain't it grand? We've come a long way babee!
    • I love quirky Clay Aiken
    • Fascinating, outrageous Clay. Give me more. I want more.
    • The twisty tie confuses me EVERYtime
    • Still hotness after all these years!!
    • All that said - Orchestra, Band, Kazoo, Bongos, a capella - I'm there. Just sing for us, baby!!
    • If he's singing, I'm there, no matter what, no matter where!
    • As long as he wears his smile all is well
    • That's not just any man... That's OUR man! You're a GOOD MAN, Clay Aiken!

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Sorry you're feeling so bad, Couchie. It will get better with time, but I'm sure that's not much of a consolation right now! *HUGS*

Today is my last day off for a few days, so I have a list of things to do around the house. Have I done any of them? NOOOOOO!! Instead I've been playing with my phone/pocket pc. I recently installed a new navigation program on it. Today I decided that I should spice it up with some new voices, so I got Darth Vader, Yoda, Homer Simpson, Patrick Stewart and John Cleese. They're all very entertaining! Too bad 'Clay Aiken' wasn't one of the options. I woulda LOVED having him guide me around town.

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OMG, I'd love to have John Cleese (aka the voice of God) guiding me around. Hee.

I bought a sweatshirt while I was in Raleigh in October that is brown with blue writing. It says North Carolina on it and I think it is pretty cool. :P

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My mother would have said "Pretty is, as pretty does." Clay does! The others, not so much!

Claymatron... Yes, I totally agree!!!

Good Morning All,

Haven't been to the OFC, but I can imagine who was saying what; definately not from boredom, pot stirrers and a few who are just plain bitches...what is really ironic is that if some late night comedian made the same comments some are making; those people would be the first ones bitching and moaning about Clay being made fun of all the time. Bunch of hypocrites and yes, I have seen pictures of some of the worst offenders and they have no business criticizing someone else's hair or clothes. So, I guess I am judgemental too, but I am really sick of that crap.

Charter member of The Sisters of The Traveling Green Sweater...the look he had Sunday night...to me that was Clayton going to the show, not Clay Aiken. He was officially on his downtime; this wasn't about him...he had his moment the week before...he was just out on a date with his guy and having a good time and I don't think he gives a flying fig what people think of his clothes. Perhaps Reed likes the "Professor Aiken" look.

7 Days until The Celine Dion Concert!


13 Days until Golfing For Inclusion!:yahoo:

Everyone have a great day!


Kim... do you suppose they play professor and student... :hahaha::hahaha::hubbahubba:

SmartyPantsSuz from CV has posted her yearly "My Favorite Things" montage:

I think there's something in my eye now....

ldyj... :yeahthat: I love her "Favorite Things" series! What a lot of work and it comes out just sooo wonderfully well!!!

If I remember correctly, Clay said in LTS that what turned his life around in HS was when he decided to just be himself and people would either like him or not and he had no control over that. I'm so proud of him that he still lives by that creed. He's a strong man that I love more every day!!!

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..........he decided to just be himself and people would either like him or not and he had no control over that. I'm so proud of him that he still lives by that creed. Great line from a great book, Liney23 :clap:

I for one am glad he made that decision. One thing we don't need is a clone of all th other celebrities out there. Our guy is himself and is happy with that. He makes me laugh, thud,cry and wonder what he's going to do next. What more could I ask for. :hubbahubba:


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Hope you're feeling better, Couchie & gbmifan & anyone else with the crud!


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are any of my fellow plaguers doing better today. I think I feel even worse if that's possible.

Nope. :(

And my experience says yes, it's possible!

Can't do decongestant because I have unregulated HBP~it's SUCH fun to wake up with my eyes glued shut every morning.

My ear is starting to hurt from the congestion...may have to go get it blown out.

I've coughed all day/all night since Friday...falling asleep at my desk, it seems the only time I can sleep!


Just hope I'm semi over it before GFI...wouldn't that be great in the clack? cough...cough...cough/cough...cough...cough/cough....cough...cough....cough/cough....cough....

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My mother would have said "Pretty is, as pretty does." Clay does! The others, not so much!

Claymatron... Yes, I totally agree!!!

Good Morning All,

Haven't been to the OFC, but I can imagine who was saying what; definately not from boredom, pot stirrers and a few who are just plain bitches...what is really ironic is that if some late night comedian made the same comments some are making; those people would be the first ones bitching and moaning about Clay being made fun of all the time. Bunch of hypocrites and yes, I have seen pictures of some of the worst offenders and they have no business criticizing someone else's hair or clothes. So, I guess I am judgemental too, but I am really sick of that crap.

Charter member of The Sisters of The Traveling Green Sweater...the look he had Sunday night...to me that was Clayton going to the show, not Clay Aiken. He was officially on his downtime; this wasn't about him...he had his moment the week before...he was just out on a date with his guy and having a good time and I don't think he gives a flying fig what people think of his clothes. Perhaps Reed likes the "Professor Aiken" look.

7 Days until The Celine Dion Concert!


13 Days until Golfing For Inclusion!:yahoo:

Everyone have a great day!


Kim... do you suppose they play professor and student... :hahaha::hahaha::hubbahubba:

One could only hope!


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are any of my fellow plaguers doing better today. I think I feel even worse if that's possible.

Nope. :(

And my experience says yes, it's possible!

Can't do decongestant because I have unregulated HBP~it's SUCH fun to wake up with my eyes glued shut every morning.

My ear is starting to hurt from the congestion...may have to go get it blown out.

I've coughed all day/all night since Friday...falling asleep at my desk, it seems the only time I can sleep!


Just hope I'm semi over it before GFI...wouldn't that be great in the clack? cough...cough...cough/cough...cough...cough/cough....cough...cough....cough/cough....cough....

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO just noooooooo. Any prayers for FromClaygary's recovery before GFI are appreciated. :thankyou:

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*hands out Kleenex to the sickies*

*hands out surgical masks and hand sanitizer to the rest of FCA*

jmh, I totally agree with your post earlier. Yes, I admitted earlier that I watch "What Not to Wear" -- doesn't mean I believe everything they say though! Hee. As far as color combinations -- the thing is, they change every darn season. One year brown and blue don't go together at all; the next year they do. Who decides this anyway? Oh well....

Other than that...'nuthin'. It was a long day at work!

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Hello, FCA! :BlowKiss:

SmartyPantsSuz from CV has posted her yearly "My Favorite Things" montage:

I think there's something in my eye now....

My new blog, which features a player with Suz's "My Favorite Things 2008," also includes the 12 photo grids for the montage. They are clickable at Carolina On My Mind and 400-pixels in the OFC entry.

For some reason, Google hasn't picked up the blog. Hope y'all enjoy! :clay:

Have a great evening, all! :friends:

Caro listen.gif

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What is funny to me is that a lot of the fans who criticize Clay's wardrobe do not look all that great themselves. I am sure that is not lost on Clay. He said that sometimes he finds someone with a booger in their nose to laugh at during Spamalot. If the booger person is close enough for Clay to spot, it is probably one of his fans, just saying. :cryingwlaughter:

Changing the subject for a moment, is Clay going to release another single from OMWH or has he totally given up on this CD? Now that he is not on Spamalot what do you all think about the chances of another single. I hope that he does release another single! Which single do you think would do well?

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I've been working with some of my pictures from screendoor 010309 :) Thanks to whoever held that Playbill so he had to reach over heads to get it! :hahaha:


And a "13???!!" funny face...I at first thought he had made the face at me because he thought I had "flashed" him...then when I saw the actual pic I realized.


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What more could I ask for. :hubbahubba:

calurker, how much time ya' got? :sleezy: (and how smut-sensitive are you? :hahaha: )

Oy, what a mentally exhausting day! Hotel contract negotiations all freakin' day long....hotel sends me a draft, I go through it and then send them an email pointing out all the things that need to be different. Hotel sends a revision. I go over it again and send another email with all the things they tried to slip by me. :excuseme: Hotel sends....

You get the picture. :rolleyes:

I've messed with THREE hotels and event contracts today and I'm losing it! LOSING it, I tellya!



And tonight hubby and I get to go listen to somebody talk about how to get grants to get your kid to college. :praying: Oh joy.

I need Clay. I want Clay. Demmit! Move over, Reed!

ETA: Now THAT ass is a bit more like it....looks like there's actually something to grab on to in that pic....hmmmm, maybe he's been working out on his own time.... :sleezy: You know....doing those squats and thrusts and whatnot.....

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FromClaygary, that picture is so adorable. I love that man of many faces.

I really hope they do release another single because I love this cd and think its a shame that more people didn't hear it. Who do I have to kill to make sure Clay gets the same kind of promo as Kelly. Someone point me in their direction.

I read at CV that Clay isn't listed at another place on RCA's site. I don't go there and have no idea what it would mean anyway, but I do wonder what it means for Clay's future. I'm no fan of RCA. Think they have done a terrible job at promoting Clay for whatever reason, although I tend to think a lot has to do with incompetency. Seems to be a trend in all segments of the business sector for quite a few years. That and greed. However, if Clay is no longer with them, I hope it is because there is something better out there for him and not more of the same. Sure hope when Jaymes said the best is yet to come, she knew about definite prospects in the near future and not as just a way to uplift the fandom.

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I know nothing about fashion but I love color, particularly the cool & bright colors. Its rare that I am not wearing plums, fuchsias, blues or greens along with my blacks and browns. My home decoration is sage green and turquoise blue plus some whites and taupes and a little plum thrown in here and there in small accents cause I love purple. Its all light and airy, nothing dark but it suits me and I like it :)

I love your sense of color!!

Perhaps Reed likes the "Professor Aiken" look.

Kim... do you suppose they play professor and student... :hahaha::hahaha::hubbahubba:

One could only hope!


It would be funny if Reed gave him that bowtie. :hahaha:

If he was gone from the RCA site, he's back now. :whatever:

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Hugs to those who need them - hope you all feel better soon!!

Suz's Favorite Things is very nicely done!

Or maybe it's black and brown that's a no-no. Oh no, what shall I do? I cannot remember the "rules."

Well, clearly I was a fashion disaster today... dark brown V neck sweater w/ a lighter brown t-shirt under, blue jeans and black shoes. At least I covered all the bases! :cryingwlaughter:

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They showed Clay twice in the beginning of AI. The finale of AI2 and when he sang with Fake Clay. I missed the beginning. Hee kandre it's the only reason i had it on to see if they showed my man!

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They actually showed him a couple of more times. A shot from his audition and one with him in the background from when Ruben got picked as one of the two from his group to go on. Really hope this means we'll get to see or hear him on the show this season. Have a like/hate relationship with the show. It's kind of like a train wreck. You don't want to watch but you can't help yourself. However, I wouldn't miss it if it got cancelled because I'm really tired of it anymore. Haven't appreciated how they have treated Clay in the past and there has been no one that interested me since Clay. Not saying I haven't enjoyed some performances but the performers, meh.

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There was a whole bunch of Clay in the opening sequence. Clay walking in to audition, a shot of him singing on the show, his entrance to surprise Sandecki, the moment when Ruben was announced, and more.

Gawd, a new single and an appearance on the show (at least once) would so rock!!

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Just a reminder: Clay appearance mentions or Clay's relation to the show always fodder for main - but for general chat about the show - there's a thread for that somewhere if folks want to chat about it.

I haven't watched the show since year 4 but it always has been and will continue to be a good source of good pub for Clay.

ETA:hmm don't know what's wrong with that link..I created an AI thread..VIeW NEW POSTS hee

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