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#55: My Eyes Adored You


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Lots to look forward to. Clay being Clay. It's all good.
    • His heart's big enough for the whole world
    • Big heart, big feet, big......Man
    • Clay's going to sing. Life is good.
    • It's going to be the Summer of Clay
    • If Clay's happy, I'm happy. I don't care shit whether he rocks, sways, or jiggles.
    • What more could a girl (or guy) want?
    • Clay will sing, he'll sound great, and I'll be a happy camper.

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27 Days until GFI!


75 Days until The First Day of Spring!


Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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Ruben is such a tease :cryingwlaughter:

I would imagine that Clay has said it's ok for Ruben to twitter about his excitement over the future, knowing that it would reach us almost immediately, communicating indirectly with his fans.

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jordanFREAKOUT: It's my parents aniversary ... this is what my mom said,"FWD: We are at the same restaurant as Ruben studdard and Clay Aiken"

merrieeee... thanks for bringing the twitters. I'm feeling that they really are going to do something together, just what will it be??? That is the question!

Everyone, please send good vibes my way tomorrow. I have lost sight in my left eye and am going to the eye dr tomorrow afternoon. I'm thinking it might be a detached retina. Even with having to undergo surgery if it is, I just want to see well enough to drive and work. My right eye is fine, but making a left turn or moving into a left lane is really scary right now. Thanks!!!

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Wow, scary stuff liney!! I know surgery isn't fun, but you're right--not seeing is worse! My niece and her father have had multiple surgeries for detached retinas; they have a genetic disorder that some decades ago before the surgery was perfected would probably have led to total blindness. Even after surgery, the retinas often detached again, and they had to repeat the surgery multiple times before it took. This was especially true for my niece. The surgery itself wasn't bad at all, according to them. Boring, said my niece, having to keep her head still for the allotted time period afterwards. That was apparently the worst of it.

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liney, hope everything turns out ok. It's scary when you don't know what's happening.

luckiest, congratulations on your job.

Really excited about this coming year. I can't wait to find out what Clay has in store for us.

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jordanFREAKOUT: It's my parents aniversary ... this is what my mom said,"FWD: We are at the same restaurant as Ruben studdard and Clay Aiken"

merrieeee... thanks for bringing the twitters. I'm feeling that they really are going to do something together, just what will it be??? That is the question!

Everyone, please send good vibes my way tomorrow. I have lost sight in my left eye and am going to the eye dr tomorrow afternoon. I'm thinking it might be a detached retina. Even with having to undergo surgery if it is, I just want to see well enough to drive and work. My right eye is fine, but making a left turn or moving into a left lane is really scary right now. Thanks!!!

Sending good vibes. Be careful driving though. It is scary. Have you had a detached retina before?

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liney, I had a detached retina and they tacked it back in place with a laser - yeah, hardest part is keeping still, but then I seemed to be able to concentrate on that perfectly once I understood what the doctor was doing. Plus a nurse kept her hand on my head, pushing me into the face thingy.

Did not hurt, just very odd.

Best wishes are beaming your way!

For everyone, if you experience "flashers and floaters" - seems like camera flashes going off just outside your field of vision, and little dotlets floating around in your eye, get thee to an eye clinic ASAP. They can do wonders these days!!!

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Luckiest, Congratulations! In today's economy, getting a job is really cause for ceebration.

Liney and Claycherie Good luck to both of you.

I've been holed up in a motel for 2 days with 2 cats and 2 dogs. My idea of hell. My house is being tented for termites. We all get to go home tomorrow. Thank God.

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{{{liney}}} Hopefully it's nothing more serious than a detached retina

{{{claycherie}}} Good luck with your surgery

{{{wandacleo}}} Hang in there, it's almost over!

Regarding Ruben, didn't Clay say in the OFC Q&A that he wanted a male back up singer. Ruben could be that as well as singing some solos.

Somehow, I just can't see Clay relegating Ruben to a back up singer position. If they do anything together, I would bet that Clay would make Ruben his equal on stage, at the very least.

For everyone, if you experience "flashers and floaters" - seems like camera flashes going off just outside your field of vision, and little dotlets floating around in your eye, get thee to an eye clinic ASAP. They can do wonders these days!!!

Interesting. I have terrible floaters, and have had for years. I will be sure to mention it at my next appointment.

The new job feels more like a promotion than a new position. Not a whole lot is going to change, other than who I report to. I probably won't need to switch desks, and if I do it will just be a shuffle to a different corner of the quad we sit in. Honestly, I've been programming for quite a while now, I just haven't really been recognized for it. So I'm very happy to now call myself a 'programmer' and actually have the job title to back me up. :)

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26 Days until GFI!


74 Days until The First Day of Spring!


Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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Interesting. I have terrible floaters, and have had for years. I will be sure to mention it at my next appointment.

Luckiest, the floaters are droplets of blood, ordinarily they eventually get absorbed - but if you don't also have flashers (the retinal lining is torn or whatever, and light is striking parts of the eyeball that are not processing it, I think) then maybe the floaters are another problem. I know a woman with diabetes who has floaters because her capillaries are weakened.

My floaters were so dramatically bad that when I looked down at my swimming pool, I thought the entire water surface was covered with soot - it took a little bit for me to realise the soot was in my eyes!

Congrats on the job!

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Thanks guys for the well wishes? Did I mention that there are some new eyedrops from Russia (not approved in the USA yet) which are supposed to actually dissolve cataracts? am wondering whether to try them. They are supposed to help all kinds of eye problems including glaucoma. I had a floater since I was a teenager, most annoying when reading and even after decades I still kept trying to brush it off the page I was reading! Well I suddenly noticed a couple of months ago that it was gone!

luckiest1 Congratulations, I hope you got a nice raise with your promotion!

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Thanks guys for the well wishes? Did I mention that there are some new eyedrops from Russia (not approved in the USA yet) which are supposed to actually dissolve cataracts? am wondering whether to try them. They are supposed to help all kinds of eye problems including glaucoma. I had a floater since I was a teenager, most annoying when reading and even after decades I still kept trying to brush it off the page I was reading! Well I suddenly noticed a couple of months ago that it was gone!

luckiest1 Congratulations, I hope you got a nice raise with your promotion!

JMO But I wouldn't put anything in my eyes that I was not 100% sure that it would not hurt my eyes. Please be careful. My understanding is that Glaucoma is high blood pressure in the eye totally different than cataracts, so I would have to question how the same drops would take care of both problems.

I know several people that have had cataracts removed, and they were all surprised at how well the procedure went and how good the results were. Most of them also had a lens placed in their eyes and no longer need glasses for everything. My Dad who is 93 had the surgery 5 years ago, did not have any problems, and also is very happy with the result. He had one eye done at a time. He also had the lens put in.

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26 Days until GFI!


74 Days until The First Day of Spring!


Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


I'm glad you added the spring countdown as I'm so looking forward to spring, I don't do winter sports so I find winter so longggggggggggg!!!

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I don't know why I am angry now! I have no explaination but for some reason I am mad because I got rejected for another job! Maybe I need to go to sleep or something. :tantrum::angry2:

I hate the fact that my life is going nowhere. I wish something will come someday for me, I wanna get out of here and travel the world!

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desertrose thanks, the eyedrops are a pain anyway you have to use them 4 times a day for one brand and twice a day for the other brand for at least 6 months plus you would still have to go regularly to have your eyes checked. I am just going to opt for th surgery! Mostly I resisted it bcause I have so many animals it is going to be very difficult to take care of them as you aren't supposed to lift anything or bend over etc. for a week. My gd lives with me but she works and is going to college to be a Vet-Tech and isn't the most helful human being in the world! She is very good about taking me places but as for anything in the house forget it!

Surely we should be hearing something about the cd soon? Come on Decca! Don't some singers release a single months before their cd? I am a bit uneasy about Ruben's tweets! I like him but he wont sell any seats for concerts so I don't understand why Clay would tour with him. It should be all about Clay's new cd. However we really don't know anything so hopefully it will be a little reunion or an appearance on tv. That I would like as they sound very good together. I would love Ruben as a backup singer but I know Clay would not do that and although Ruben has had only moderate success he always seems supremely confident about his success and sales!

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