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#39: "The little man is healthy, happy, and as loud as his daddy"


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60 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • New car...See Clay in Spamalot...New car...See Clay in Spamalot..
    • Clay makes spending money on him so enjoyably easy ... and irresistible.
    • I am still here and I still adore this man and have no idea why.
    • Clickables and lickables!!!!!!!!! Life is good again.
    • He's this wonderful mystery. With a great package.
    • With Clay Aiken we've already won the Lotto!
    • Never boring. Always expensive. And worth every cent!
    • He simply makes me smile when I see him.
    • Its not that I don't have a life, its just that these Clay things are so much damn fun!

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Good morning!

Wonder if the Happy Travelers got any sleep. I can never figure out the time difference! We're 12 hours behind China?

Another cute interview - I think it was Shaun Robinson interviewing Clay either right before or right after MAP. He mentioned how he and Ruben had been going over the pictures of the candidates and then said something about Miss Oklahoma and how embarased she'd be when she heard him. And then the patented Cliggle when he embarassed himself!!! It was so cute!!! He obviously was smitten. And then it came out she was engaged - dammit! I think Clay was finally starting to realize he was attractive to women....or at least that's the impression I got. I think there was an article in US Magazine or one of those that commented on his attraction to her and her engaged status (am I remembering this correctly? Anybody?) Guess they forget those stories when they're questioning his lifestyle.......

The original Primetime interview - I'll never forget that beautiful blue sweater and how they kept focussing on his face while he was talking. His eyes were breathtaking - you could read every emotion!!! Especially the tearing-up when talking about Vernon. I don't see Clay ever being that candid again...... But I was majorly disappointed that we didn't get to hear more of Moon River. Remember they teased us in the promo?

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So, is it Sept 19th yet? I can't wait!


Me either!! Still keeping fingers & toes crossed (who gives a crap about muscle spasms!) that I'll make it to NYC in January. killer_rabbit.gif

annabear, that second pic of your cat is an absolute HOOT! LOVE IT!

Thanks! She herself is a HOOT - as I type right this moment, she's spinning around on the chair next to me, chasing her own tail. Then she'll stop and go after her own whiskers, which she evidently sees with her peripheral vision... she's quite entertaining... although I doubt she'd be the kitty to convince Clay that his fear of cats is unfounded! :lol:

They are probably still kicking up their heels..... and thinking about Chicken Feet for breakfast.....


Hee! I'm loving all the lists of favorite interviews - fresh, old Clack to review! I started a folder a while back for interviews to add to my iPod, but I don't think I ever added them. Must do that so I can look like this at work -> 15.gif

My disclaimer. I don't know shit LOL.

Words to live by! :cryingwlaughter:

I'm off to Walgreens to pick up my inhaler (gotta love summer air quality... <_< ), to Kinko's to run some copies, and then to PetSmart for cat food. Everyone have a good Sunday, for tomorrow is Monday and

back to work.

Bad words, deserving of being hidden...

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Okay- the pin folks kinda messed up the first proof (with my help :blink: ) but I wanted people to get an idea of what the "doing Clay" one will be. It's not Spam-centric (hee, love making up new words) - more just a generic DOING Clay thing. I think the 'real thing' will be pretty close to this, based on the other proof they did. It is also a die-stamped pin. We're *hoping* for a real proof tomorrow so that we can get orders underway.


This is a sample of an actual pin from their website - hoping mine will look the same.

{{{{Iseeme & family}}}} Very sorry to read about your MIL. Sounds like she was well-loved, and that is something special.

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I thought of another interview clip that I adore from Clay, and that's the KTLA interview during the ATDW promo. This was the one that he had to reschedule a few days later because he had been sick the original day. The hosts, I think, were really happy that they got him to come back, even though he could have just canceled entirely. This is the interview where he gave his guesses on who would be the Democratic and Republican presidential nominees. Too bad he was wrong in both instances. *g*

Love the other "doing Clay" pin cindi!

Glad that muski checked in!

*waves at strummer*

I have radio interviews with Clay on a hard drive around my office...somewhere. I'll have to dig around for it. I need to get a few of these on my iPod. Since I have a new desktop computer, one of my jobs in the next few weeks is to get to my old desktop computer (which my husband did get working again) and pull off the clack that I NEED from it. Which is most of these interviews we're mentioning!

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I love that interview where Clay goes berserk laughing when the interviewer is describing his different moves (clutch, etc).

I have no clue what interview that since I can't remember shit.

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muski... BWAH!!! Not funny, but funny in the retelling. Sorry you forgot your laptop and very glad hubbie's will do in a pinch! LOL

Old Town is my favorite place to go in San Diego. There is a crystal shop on the second floor back in one of the corners that I love and always visit. Even the girls would like it as it has little stuff from around the world. I know you're probably long gone from there, but in case you make it back.

wanda... go back a few posts and find the Matt and Ramona interview reference. That's the one about the tug, etc. I remember a montage someone did to those descriptions that I treasured, but not sure where it is now. On a disc somewhere.

Okay- the pin folks kinda messed up the first proof (with my help :blink: ) but I wanted people to get an idea of what the "doing Clay" one will be. It's not Spam-centric (hee, love making up new words) - more just a generic DOING Clay thing. I think the 'real thing' will be pretty close to this, based on the other proof they did. It is also a die-stamped pin. We're *hoping* for a real proof tomorrow so that we can get orders underway.


This is a sample of an actual pin from their website - hoping mine will look the same.

{{{{Iseeme & family}}}} Very sorry to read about your MIL. Sounds like she was well-loved, and that is something special.

cindilu... I LOVE that "doing" pin. Every bit of it! I want 3 of them!!!

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Okay- the pin folks kinda messed up the first proof (with my help :blink: ) but I wanted people to get an idea of what the "doing Clay" one will be. It's not Spam-centric (hee, love making up new words) - more just a generic DOING Clay thing. I think the 'real thing' will be pretty close to this, based on the other proof they did. It is also a die-stamped pin. We're *hoping* for a real proof tomorrow so that we can get orders underway.


This is a sample of an actual pin from their website - hoping mine will look the same.

{{{{Iseeme & family}}}} Very sorry to read about your MIL. Sounds like she was well-loved, and that is something special.

Love the pin, cindilu2! And will want 2 or 3. Since I'm new here, how long do you take orders? (I'll be gone all day tomorrow.)

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Love the pin, cindilu2! And will want 2 or 3. Since I'm new here, how long do you take orders? (I'll be gone all day tomorrow.)

Oh don't worry... we will put up the order form probably Monday evening (if we get the proof) and place our order after a couple of days (once we get an idea of how many to order) and then from there keep up the order form until we sell what we buy. Usually there will be plenty of time and I'll keep you posted if we're running out. And I can always set aside pins for any FCA member if they need to pay later.

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Cindilu, I LOVE the pin!!

I have one small suggestion, which you are free to ignore. There are notes above the "A" in "FCA", as well as to the left of the "F". I'd prefer a treble clef to the left of the "F", like this:


There is usually a clef sign at the beginning of a staff, so the picky musician in me prefers a clef sign there rather than notes! :) A treble clef is more appropriate for Clay than an alto or bass clef because he's a tenor. Tenor melody lines are nearly always written in the treble clef.

But you're more than welcome to leave it as it is - that's just my preference!

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Strummer 6, thank you for bringing over all of those interview suggestions. I wish i were more organized. Somewhere on the harddrive of at least three computers now...

I also wanted to mention two other radio/tv interviews and a print one as well.

There was an interview within the last year on the Public Radio station in New York by a Leo somebody where he talked about his Unicef travels...he may have just gotten back from Afganistan...A long, well-conducted interview...loved it.

I think this was Leonard Lopat. Very good interview.

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Just got back from a very fun afternoon at the American Folk Festival in Bangor. It's a beautiful day here, a perfect day for music and fun in the sun. Ate the red, white and blue shortcake, listened to the music, and of course bought the T-shirt!

Anyone familiar with the Junkyard Band out of DC area? What fun they were! Their PA gave me a website address to get their CD (which they were sold out of at the show)...but there's nothing on it! :lol:...so I won't bother to post it.

I did get some (I think) fun video, audio and pictures which I'll bore y'all with later when I get home and can "render" them.

Luckiest1, as soon as the shuttle got into the downtown area I realized what your interest was~Stephen King, right? Wow, those are some of the Stephen King-iest houses I've ever seen! :lmaosmiley-1: Unfortunately, could NOT get pictures out of the shuttle windows as they have one of those advertising masks over top of them, which you can see through but which definitely does NOT facilitate pictures through it.

Someone in NB mentioned to me that I should just "ask anyone" here, and they would give you directions to his house, which is here and which apparently you can drive right by. I'd forgotten about it until I saw the houses but I may do that tomorrow (and will try and get some pictures).

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Just got back from a very fun afternoon at the American Folk Festival in Bangor. It's a beautiful day here, a perfect day for music and fun in the sun. Ate the red, white and blue shortcake, listened to the music, and of course bought the T-shirt!

Anyone familiar with the Junkyard Band out of DC area? What fun they were! Their PA gave me a website address to get their CD (which they were sold out of at the show)...but there's nothing on it! :lol:...so I won't bother to post it.

I did get some (I think) fun video, audio and pictures which I'll bore y'all with later when I get home and can "render" them.

Luckiest1, as soon as the shuttle got into the downtown area I realized what your interest was~Stephen King, right? Wow, those are some of the Stephen King-iest houses I've ever seen! :lmaosmiley-1: Unfortunately, could NOT get pictures out of the shuttle windows as they have one of those advertising masks over top of them, which you can see through but which definitely does NOT facilitate pictures through it.

Someone in NB mentioned to me that I should just "ask anyone" here, and they would give you directions to his house, which is here and which apparently you can drive right by. I'd forgotten about it until I saw the houses but I may do that tomorrow (and will try and get some pictures).

Glad you had a fun time in Bangor. Back to work for me tomorrow after 3 weeks off. One highlight of my vacation was meeting fans in London, Ont. I had a great time and hope to see some of them again in Jan at Spamalot.

Just got back from a very fun afternoon at the American Folk Festival in Bangor. It's a beautiful day here, a perfect day for music and fun in the sun. Ate the red, white and blue shortcake, listened to the music, and of course bought the T-shirt!

Anyone familiar with the Junkyard Band out of DC area? What fun they were! Their PA gave me a website address to get their CD (which they were sold out of at the show)...but there's nothing on it! :lol:...so I won't bother to post it.

I did get some (I think) fun video, audio and pictures which I'll bore y'all with later when I get home and can "render" them.

Luckiest1, as soon as the shuttle got into the downtown area I realized what your interest was~Stephen King, right? Wow, those are some of the Stephen King-iest houses I've ever seen! :lmaosmiley-1: Unfortunately, could NOT get pictures out of the shuttle windows as they have one of those advertising masks over top of them, which you can see through but which definitely does NOT facilitate pictures through it.

Someone in NB mentioned to me that I should just "ask anyone" here, and they would give you directions to his house, which is here and which apparently you can drive right by. I'd forgotten about it until I saw the houses but I may do that tomorrow (and will try and get some pictures).

Glad you had a fun time in Bangor. Back to work for me tomorrow after 3 weeks off. One highlight of my vacation was meeting fans in London, Ont. I had a great time and hope to see some of them again in Jan at Spamalot.

Also learned things about Clay while in London, it was a clay crash course, lol

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BTW, FromClaygary - I meant to comment after I read your note to me *g* re NB! Thanks for that. :)

I actually live in Brunswick County, NC !!


Hee....it makes me laugh and kind of schmoopie at the same time how many common names there are along the East coast. At home in Ontario, the next county to where I live is Durham county...which is more than a little ways from North Carolina! It's fun to see, though, and definitely always makes me think of our sweet singer-daddy.

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FromClaygary Sounds really fun and btw...huge Stephen King fan here too; would love to see pictures of his house.


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Luckiest1, as soon as the shuttle got into the downtown area I realized what your interest was~Stephen King, right? Wow, those are some of the Stephen King-iest houses I've ever seen! :lmaosmiley-1: Unfortunately, could NOT get pictures out of the shuttle windows as they have one of those advertising masks over top of them, which you can see through but which definitely does NOT facilitate pictures through it.

Someone in NB mentioned to me that I should just "ask anyone" here, and they would give you directions to his house, which is here and which apparently you can drive right by. I'd forgotten about it until I saw the houses but I may do that tomorrow (and will try and get some pictures).

Awwwwww, thanks for remembering. :wub: Stephen King is one of my little...obsessions interests. Would love to see pictures if you get them! But Maine in general, mainly because of reading so many SK stories set there, is somewhere I'd love to visit someday. Has Clay ever had a concert in Maine?

preden, loved meeting you. Sucks to have to go back to work!

Well, today I've been puttering around, cleaning, laundry, supervising a fence being built so that my grandpuppy will finally be able to run in the yard without needing to be tied up, and I even made myself some authentic, fresh Vietnamese spring rolls. It was my first attempt soaking rice paper wrappers, and they taste divine, but I think I need a little more experience wrapping them. Hee.

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Did not get on the clothes drying subject yesterday. When I was living a home we always dried sheet, towel, and a few odd things on the line. Jeans were always dried in the dryer. Of course this was only in mid spring to mid fall, the rest of the year was many days of possible snow.

I sitting here just vegging. We rode 82 miles today, and after getting home, grabbed a drink and went into the jacuzzi. My legs feel better now, had a little leg cramping going on for the last 20 miles. Thank goodness we took a few breaks and got some gatoraide.

Love both the pins, will let you know how many I want.

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It must be a day for experimenting; I made fresh pasta today; rolled it out; stuffed it with a mixture of spinach and ricotta cheese; rolled it up...boiled for twenty minutes...cooled than sliced and put it a pan with bechamel sauce and parmesan cheese to bake. Kind of time consuming but I hope it is worth it...should be done in a bit.


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It's 6:40 a.m. here in Hong Kong, and I'm looking over another gorgeous harbor scene...man, this is cool. As for the Olympics, didn't even cross our minds. Honestly, Couchie probably came closest with the dart throwing - I'm just hitting places I haven't been before - this year was Asia - next year I'm thinking South America. Scarlett just decided to tag along.

OK, we got on our plane Friday morning - Scarlett and I both in row 17 with windows - we like sitting together but gotta have the empty seat in middle. We both find 777s comfortable because short (in the case of me) and teensy (in the case of Scarlett) gives us all the leg room you giant people dream of...I had a delightful row mate from Halifax who now lives in HK and the pancake bitch from Newark in the row behind me. OMFG! Everytimetime her husband would sit down and buckle his seatbelt, from two rows behind him this high pitched voice in the whiniest way imaginable would ring out, "I need my water...you gave the wrong water...you didn't wash your hands enough-I SAW YOU TOUCH YOUR FACE, WASH YOUR HANDS SOME MORE (just like he was 6 instead of 60). Everyone within 3 rows was hoping he would just stuff her in the overhead bin. And he getting grouchier and more sarcastic. Then she started in on the stewardesses on the horribleness of her seat and how RUDE some other stewardess was after ignoring 3 times...finally some nice desperate young woman (who didn't have sound cancelling headphones) gave up her aisle bulkhead seat to the bitch, and the entire staff avoided her for the rest of the flight. I mostly slept except for a couple of times where I discovered the air sickness bags really do work - the first time I slept through a couple of beverage services, which was a MAJOR mistake - and the second time was whatever Continental put in that damn fish with brown sauce was completely rejected by my stomach within 15 minutes.

We land in HK around 10 in the morning and the weather was gorgeous. Of course there were NO toilets on this side of customs - NONE. But customs was quick and of all the people streaming by, the policeman/soldier/uniformed customs agent stops US to ask are we SURE we didn't have anything to declare? Positive? Reeally? OK. The HK tourist desk person spring out from her desk to press pamphlets upon us, and we then encounter our first goal - the transit authority and what some seem to think was understandable English. I'm still not sure what she sold me but it has worked great for the last couple of days. We took the Express into Central, got a cab that we showed the paper that had our hotel on it and he took us straight there, and we fell in luv with hotel room. doohThis is a Courtyard Marriott to end all Courtyards.


It's basically windows from the harbor to the door - the bathroom is behind the glass wall with the circle on it. And it took me more than 24 hours to find any sort of shades - I don't think Ms. Scarlett actually looked. But at least we're on the 32nd floor.

We dropped our stuff, hit the showers and were on the streets of HK by noon. I love this place. The temperature and humidity is just right, they don't over do the AC, the people are crazy friendly, and so far Frommer's is fairly accurate. We take the hotel shuttle back to Central and hop on the Star Ferry, which looks to be a 100 years old but a nice 5 minute ride and come in a plaza. The first thing we see is some sort of Olympic official shop so we buy doohickeys and are accosted as soon as we step out by a desperate HK tailor that looks Indian to me. We wanna go to this restaurant that the Olympic girl recommended and he says he'll showteas us as his shop is on the way. We see nothing of interest in his shop (too many things labeled "silky" instead of "silk" but he does show us the Jade Garden and the Palace Garden. The Jade Garden was closed so we went up one more flight to the Palace Garden, which had a gorgeous view and a very limited number of English speakers. I have discovered asking for sugar for your tea is a monumental exercise. The waitress brought a senior waitress who brought a manager who brought a senior manager who brought me a teaspoon of sugar in a dish. Scarlett seems to think that no one in the history of the restaurant has ever asked for sugar in their tea before. I like being history making. I think they also brought us a picture menu to choose because oddly enough the phrase "I love Clay's butt" didn't help a lot in this situation.

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KAndre, sounds like you're having a great time! What a fun adventure. How long will you be in HongKong?

I can only hope that our room at the Hilton in Albuquerque will half as nice as your room in HongKong! Hubby and I will be celebrating his birthday next weekend by taking a quick trip to Albuquerque for a wine-tasting festival. I enjoy wine, but don't drink a lot of it, so I may just pass out in our room! Although hubby may have some other ideas . . . heeee!

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Waves madly at Kandre and Scarlett....come home little Sheba!

Today I heard Clay Aiken in Sams! He was singing to me. It had to have been me as I was the only nutter trying to find the closest speaker in the ceiling and then staring gormlesly up at it!

Then I go to Krogers and there is The Real Me playing, only it is some woman! Didn't sound half as good.

I also had a Clay Dream. I was at a dog show watching Raleigh and Durham and Clay came up to talk to me. He was wearing a light blue jacket, khaki pants and a white shirt. The collar was caught and I straightened it out for him. As I was leaving (yep I was leaving him) he slipped some money into my hand. I asked him what it was for and he leaned over and said........I woke up. I'll never know! Waaaa!

All in all I'd say that was a good weekend.

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I also had a Clay Dream. I was at a dog show watching Raleigh and Durham and Clay came up to talk to me. He was wearing a light blue jacket, khaki pants and a white shirt. The collar was caught and I straightened it out for him. As I was leaving (yep I was leaving him) he slipped some money into my hand. I asked him what it was for and he leaned over and said........I woke up. I'll never know! Waaaa!

Ooooooh! We could all take turns guessing what Clay said to merrieeee.... :sleezy:

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I also had a Clay Dream. I was at a dog show watching Raleigh and Durham and Clay came up to talk to me. He was wearing a light blue jacket, khaki pants and a white shirt. The collar was caught and I straightened it out for him. As I was leaving (yep I was leaving him) he slipped some money into my hand. I asked him what it was for and he leaned over and said........I woke up. I'll never know! Waaaa!

Ooooooh! We could all take turns guessing what Clay said to merrieeee.... :sleezy:

Heeee - try this .... "Meet me in my room in 20 minutes for a good time, saweeetheart!" :naughtywag:

Add an eyeboink to that offer, and many of us wouldn't be able to resist!





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I have discovered asking for sugar for your tea is a monumental exercise. The waitress brought a senior waitress who brought a manager who brought a senior manager who brought me a teaspoon of sugar in a dish. Scarlett seems to think that no one in the history of the restaurant has ever asked for sugar in their tea before. I like being history making. I think they also brought us a picture menu to choose because oddly enough the phrase "I love Clay's butt" didn't help a lot in this situation.

What?!?! You mean this :Iluvclaysbutt: didn't get you what you were asking for??? :o


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